Learning to Live Life as a Lesbian


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"My friend, Evelyn, was supposed to spend the summer with me but she cancelled the last minute. She had a better offer from a man, I guess," she said with a sad laugh, while giving Janice a curious look. "Listen, do you have to be here for a class, a job, or something? I mean, do you have plans for the summer?"

"Plans? Me? No. I wish. The highlight of my summer last year was the Boston Pops concert and nearly being raped by two drunken sailors afterwards."

"Yeah, I remember hearing something about that. Listen, I have an extra room if you're interested."

"Extra room? What do you mean? Where?"

"My Dad rented me a place on the cape in Provincetown. We could spend the summer walking the beach, drinking wine, and eating clams," she said with hopeful eyes.

"Seriously? Cape Cod? Provincetown? I've never been but always wanted to go."

"Great. You'll be doing me a huge favor by being my guest," said Donna. "You'd save me from spending my entire summer alone."

"I don't think anyone who looks as good as you look would ever be alone," said Janice, suddenly wondering why Donna didn't have a boyfriend.

Only, as soon as she wondered that, she scolded herself. Here she was doing the same thing to Donna that everyone does to her.

"Touché," said Donna. "I could say the same thing about you. If I looked like a blonde, Texas beauty queen, the last place I'd be for the summer is here."

"You could pass as Jessica Alba's clone," she said with a laugh.

"A flat-chested Jessica Alba, maybe," said Donna pulling open the top of her dress and peering inside, while laughing.

"Well, you just sold me, Donna. I'd love to spend the summer with you. It sounds like a dream vacation."

"Great. Pack a bag and let's go."


"Yeah. It's a bit of a drive to the Cape and I want to beat the traffic."

"Okay, give me five minutes."

Janice grabbed her small carryon suitcase and dumped in everything she needed, clothes, bathing suit, makeup, shoes, hair care stuff. She was ready. It helped living in a dorm. It helped not having a full wardrobe of clothes and a complete compliment of shoes. It helped that she was a poor student and didn't have all that much of anything to pack anyway. She walked out into the hall to see Donna, her pocketbook thrown over her shoulder, pulling a large designer suitcase on wheels with another matching handbag perched on top, and dragging a smaller matching bag behind her.

"That's it? Where's the rest of your luggage?" Donna looked behind Janice with a laugh. "That's all you have?"

"I'm packed," said Janice laughing, while holding up her overnight bag. "I travel light." They both looked at Donna's luggage and laughed. "Let me give you a hand," said Janice.

The women walked out front to where Donna's car was parked.

"Are you serious? This is your car?"

"I know, I'm embarrassed, too, but Daddy doesn't allow me to drive the Rolls Royce."

"I was kidding about your car," she said turning to look at her new friend. "I've never been in a BMW convertible."

"I wasn't kidding about the Rolls Royce. That's Daddy's baby," she said with a laugh. "After discarding and divorcing wives, it's obvious that he manifests his marital frustration by buying automobiles. He also has a Bentley, an Aston Martin, a Porsche, a Lamborghini, and a Ferrari. He still needs to buy one more car to equal his collection of ex-wives."

"What does Daddy do?"

"Do? Nothing. He pretends to play the stock market, but his financial adviser does even that for him, too," she said rolling her eyes to Janice.

"Where are you from?"

"Greenwich," said Donna, as if everyone lived there.

"New York?"

"Connecticut. We're from old money," she said wiggling her head as if a bobble doll. "Just as his father did before him, my father inherited everything from his Dad. They made their money from the war.

"World War I or World War II?"

"The Revolutionary War," said Donna. "I wasn't kidding when I said I'm from old money." She looked at Janice. "My family has been here since the 17th century and I'm a Daughter of the American Revolution," she said with pride, before rolling her eyes, again and laughing. "They own a lot of real estate in New York, Boston, and Hartford."

"It still sounds impressive," said Janice showing the correct amount of interest.

"What about your Dad? What does he do?"


"Wow," said Donna.

"Oh, he doesn't own an oil well," she said with a laugh. "He works on one in Texas. It's hard, dirty, and dangerous work."

"My Daddy never worked a day in his life and I probably won't either."

The two women got in the car, put the top down, and headed south towards Cape Cod and Provincetown. It was the perfect summer day for a pleasant drive. Now with something to do for the summer and with someone to do it with, Janice didn't feel alone anymore.

During the ride there, the wind played with hem of Donna's short, summer dress and Janice had a difficult time removing her eyes from Donna's shapely thighs and exposed sheer panties. It took all the control she had not to reach over and touch her friend. It took all the control Janice had not to lift up her own skirt, reach inside her panty, and finger herself, while thinking of touching Donna there. Seeing her exposed panty in that way, if they weren't sitting in a car, if Donna wasn't driving, and if she was lesbian, too, Janice may have fallen between her legs and licked and fingered pussy her through her panty.

With the top of her sundress flopping open, Donna gave Janice a clear view of her small but shapely breasts and erect nipples. Janice fantasized nearly the entire drive to the Cape of touching them, feeling them, and sucking them. Almost wishing she wasn't in a convertible, wishing she was straight and not lesbian, seeing so much of Donna was as erotic as it was sexually frustrating. She tried concentrating on the scenery, while thinking of all the fun she'd have at the beach. For sure, she didn't want to spoil anything between her and her new friend and ruin her summer vacation by having Donna catch her staring at her panties and her braless tits. Especially someone like her, a woman so rich, so popular, and so connected, could never know that she was lesbian.

She dreaded and fretted about Donna finding out her secret. Alone with Donna for the summer, how could she possibly hide it? All it took was Donna introducing her to a man. She could always tell her that she had a boyfriend. She figured that anyone who looked as good as Donna would have plenty of men around her all summer long. She'd cross that bridge when she had to, for now, she was ready to have some summertime fun.

Once they got to their Cape Cod cabin, just like kids, they frolicked on the beach and splashed one another in the water. In the evening, they watched movies and ate popcorn, while drinking wine, laughing, and talking about some of the professors and characters at school. They had a wonderful time and quickly became close friends sharing all their private thoughts, except for Janice's one big secret.

Donna's cottage was so beautiful and stocked with everything they needed that there was no reason for them to venture in town. Located on a hill with a private beach just a few hundred feet away, it was a perfect paradise. Then, it happened. While they were sunning on the beach, four men happened along and tried to pick up the women. Who wouldn't? With one better looking than the other, they were both hot.

Donna was the more vocal one with her rejection of the men. After being rejected by both woman, the men finally got the hint and got up to leave.

"C'mon guys. Let's go," said one. "They're a couple of dykes."

Donna's face turned ashen and she looked as if she was going to cry.

"Does it show?"

Donna looked at her friend to see if any part of her body had been exposed, but what the men saw was something the women thought they had hidden from the rest of the world.

"Does what show?"

Suddenly Donna looked as unhappy and as lost as Janice had looked, before receiving this invitation to spend a summer of sun and fun with a new friend.

"That I'm a lesbian?"

As if her numbers had been picked in a lottery, as if she had been chosen to assist a professor in conducting his animal research, Janice was filled with an excitement she hasn't felt since she was leaving Texas for Massachusetts.

"You're a lesbian?"

Quickly, she looked at her friend to see if she could see what the four men saw. When she couldn't, she looked away. She never suspected Donna of being just like her, a lesbian.

"I'm sorry," said Donna. "Normally, I don't hide the fact that I prefer women to men. I should have told you that I'm lesbian and I've been meaning to tell you, really I was, but I thought if I did, you wouldn't accept my invitation. That's what happened to Evelyn, I'm afraid. I think I scared her off with the thoughts of spending the entire summer with me, after I told her that I was lesbian, which is why, frankly, I didn't tell you," she said biting her lip. "I feared you'd decline my invitation, too," she said with a sad smile. "Even though it has crossed my mind a few times, when you had one too many glasses of wine, I feared you'd think I'd want to rape you," she said with a laugh.

"It's okay," said Janice sitting on the beach and hugging her raised knees, while looking out at the water.

She was torn. Should she tell Donna her secret? Should she step out of the closet? Is this the right time to come clean? What if this summer fling turns out to be just that and a big mistake that ruins her chances at working for male professors and getting the grants and internship jobs she needs? It'd be great to spend an entire summer in an intimate relationship and she is, without a doubt, attracted to Donna, but is all that she'd lose worth it for this? Is stepping out of the closet now worth the loss of her professional career that she'd surely have a better chance at having, if she remained quiet and stayed hidden in the closet?

"I was attracted to you the first time I saw you," said Donna. "Only, figuring you were straight, I was afraid to approach you. I know it was a stretch, a fantasy, but I was hoping you liked women, too," she said looking at Janice and looking away, when Janice remained silent and didn't return her look. "Listen, Janice, I'll understand if you don't want to stay. I'll drive you to the bus station in the morning or there's a boat that leaves from Provincetown later this afternoon that will take you to Boston." With the same look that has saddened Janice so many times before, Donna looked at her new friend again. "I hope you'll at least stay the week. We can still have fun without our personal sexual preferences interfering with of all this beauty," she said looking out to the water.

"Is that why you haven't gone into town, into Provincetown?"

"Yeah, well, I'm not ready for that scene. It's overkill, a meat market. Northampton on steroids, once all the tourists go home, this is the one place in Massachusetts that gays and lesbians outnumber the straight people."

"We should go into town, then," said Janice with a defiant nod and a renewed resilience, while still looking straight ahead. "We should. I'd love to see it. It sounds like fun."

"Why? You'd have every women there hitting on you," said Donna with a nervous laugh and a sudden look of possessiveness and jealousy.

"Not if we went as a couple," she said turning her head and resting it on her knee, while looking at Donna and smiling.

"A couple of what? What do you mean?"

"I'm lesbian, too."

"No way!" Donna looked at Janice with her mouth open. "I never would have thought that about you."

Janice leaned into Donna and they hugged, before they kissed. They packed up their blankets and headed in the house. Covered in salt water and sand, they showered together, while touching one another and making out in the shower.

Still naked, instead of sleeping in separate bedrooms, they shared Donna's queen sized bed.

"I should tell you, Donna," said Janice. "I've never been with a woman."

Donna sat up in bed and looked at her new friend with concern.

"Seriously? Never? Then, how do you know you're a lesbian?"

Janice looked at Donna and they both started giggling, before they broke out laughing.

"Trust me, I know," she said laughing even harder.

"Have you been with a man?"

"A few," said Janice, "enough to realize that I'd rather die than have a man touch me, in that way ever again."

"What about you? Have you been with a man?"

"I had a serious boyfriend for two years. Last I heard, he's still in therapy thinking that it was his fault that he turned me into a lesbian," she said laughing and making Janice laugh, too.

"That's so funny," said Janice. "If it was that simple to turn women into lesbians, just by having bad experiences and/or relationships with men, most of the female population would be lesbian," she said laughing even more.

"Allow me to be your first experience, then," she said putting a hand to Janice's chest, pushing her down, and getting comfortable between her legs. "Since this is your first time, I'll take it easy on you. I won't scare you with my arsenal of toys," she said with a laugh.

"I was wondering what all you had in so much luggage," said Janice laughing.

"I do have a Sybian machine at home," she said with a laugh.

"You do? I'd love to try it," said Janice laughing, too.

Donna used her mouth, tongue, and fingers on Janice in the way that no man could. She had two quick orgasms, before she had a long, loud one.

"I love your pussy, Janice. I love your body. I love your big tits. You are so beautiful. You are my dream woman come true. Where have you been all my life?"

"In Texas," said Janice and they both laughed. She looked at her friend and kissed her, before leaning down to take her modest breasts in her mouth, first one and then the other.

"I can't wait for Daddy to meet you. Definitely, he'll want to fuck you, before I tell him that you're mine, all mine."

"Your father knows you like women?"

"Like father like daughter," she said laughing.

"My turn," she said lowering herself down where she could give Donna the most pleasure. "Tell me what you like. Tell me what to do," she said, while flicking out her tongue, teasing her clit, and exploring her deeper with her fingers.

"You're doing it, honey. Just don't stop," she said touching Janice's hair.

Never had Janice felt so excited, so sexually satisfied, and so fulfilled. Her senses were alive with the touch and the feel of Donna. The sweet bouquet of her expensive perfume and the smell and feel of her hair is all she had been missing for so long in her life. She couldn't wait to taste her friend in the way that Donna had experienced her and it wasn't long before Donna exploded in the way that Janice had. They spent their days kissing, touching, hugging, and holding. All through the summer they were intimate and every morning, one took her a turn awakening the other with sexual stimulation and pure pleasure.

They spent the summer as a couple and Donna bought her new lover what any man would buy his girlfriend, clothes, jewelry, baubles, and trinkets. When it was time to return from their summer vacation, on their way back to campus, Donna had a surprise waiting for Janice.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise," said Donna giving her lover a smile and a quick look. Donna parked her car in a lot and escorted Janice inside a two story condo.

"What is this place?"

"Daddy bought this for me. Now, with our own place, we don't have to live on campus, next year."

The beginning of a beautiful relationship, Janice was finally out of the closet and happy. Now in love and living together as friends and lovers, no longer dependent upon a man in a man's world, Donna gave Janice whatever financial support she needed to do her research and continue her studies.

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kbone1kbone18 months ago

This is a great story! I was wondering WHEN? Donna would come out lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Hi Freddie_andtheend, _ I liked this story, But?

It will be a little slow in the beginning for most of the straight readers. Being gay I can understand the fear Janice has about coming out, so I probably enjoyed reading this story a little more than some.

Much of page-1, read like a 13 year old girls sex fantasies. With a list of all the scary pitfalls. ((How do you approach another woman for sex without revealing that you're a lesbian?)) Yaw the first time, that's a hard one! ((She had much to lose and nothing to gain by declaring her sexual preference.)) Nothing to gain, Really?

Page-2, picked up quickly when Janice and Donna got to the beach. I was really getting into the story when, "Now comes the but." you ended the story so fast.

And they lived happily ever after. "Goodbye." Wow, I'm sure some of your readers like me got whiplash, with that ending.

I still enjoyed reading this story, I just wished it was longer..

Thank You, Ogla.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationabout 11 years ago
A budding friendship and...

perhaps a budding author? The story you told is a good one with two decent characters who secretly share the same problem. You should continue it with Chapter 02. Your dialog was easy to follow and your narration was good.

I encourage you to sit back and read your story aloud or have someone read it to you. Notice your reactions, how you feel, and then edit to remove feelings you don't want and sharpen feelings you'd rather have more of. Specifically, I encourage you to add more detail to your sex scenes. In this story you built us up with this practically virgin lesbian who had sex on her mind so much she was masturbating multiple times a day, and when she Finally finds a lover you describe her first lesbian sex as, "Donna used her mouth, tongue, and fingers on Janice in the way that no man could. She had two quick orgasms, before she had a long, loud one."

If you are unsure, go and write detailed descriptions of what your fingers feel like to you when you play with yourself. It's good. The story is good. You can do a chapter 02 and really knock us for a loop.

SexoSudoryCalorSexoSudoryCalorabout 11 years ago
Good but...

Could've been better. At the beginning it was boring always talking about the same thing, she wasn't into men and didn't have the courage to come out in a world ruled by men, etc etc. It felt redundant always trying to explain the same thing over and over again. Then at the end it felt like you got bored and or tired of writing it and just rushed it; it had good potential to be a very good story but you didn't expand it enough.

Keep on writing, practice makes perfect. :)

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