Leather and Lacy Ch. 06-07


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Walking around her while letting her hand caress her lightly, Lacy smiled with her eyes and her voice. "Your dress still does not excite me. We'll go shopping after our lunch. Take your sisters hand." Not waiting for a response, she turned crisply and walked out of the shop. Taking Ellen by the hand, Robin followed her to the small tea house.

The three women were escorted to a private room, and then served a small buffet of snacks and a bottle of wine. Lacy snacked, and drank wine, while she watched Robin and Ellen sitting across from her.

Amusement flavored her commands when she spoke. "Ellen, remove your dress. I do not want Robin to be the only one without a dress. Her dress must hit the floor. I must see how she has dressed for me. If it doesn't excite me, I'll spank her."

"Yes sister."

Flirting with Robin as she stood up, she seductively undressed, kneeling at Robin's feet when she had finished. Walking around the table, Lacy went to the low couch, kneeling up on it next to Robin, kissing her fully with passion. As she unbuttoned her dress she held her in a full embrace. Her voice was seductive. "You are so beautiful. I love the feel of you. I know I'll love the taste of you. Your sister will raise you passion. I'll drink it. Do you think your sister is pretty?"

"Yes sister. She's beautiful. I'm fat."

The slap to Robin's face came instantaneously, bringing both shock and arousal. Lacy glared at her as she spoke harshly. "You will never speak that way about yourself again. I forbid it. A fat woman does not excite me. You do. Show me your underwear. I'll spank you if I am not excited when I see them."

"Yes sister."

Confusion filled Robin's mind, bringing turmoil to her thoughts, wanting Lacy to be excited and also wanting Lacy to spank her, her fantasy world had always been filled with her submission and her spankings. Having no idea where the fantasies came from, she had never been spanked by anyone, not even her parents. The idea of being spanked had always raised her passion and her lust, having a lot of both. Glowing with arousal, she stood up shrugging off her unbuttoned dress as she posed. Lowering her eyes and bowing her head, her face was flushed, and her voice trembled. "You could spank me even if my underwear does excite you." Blushing deeply, being in full arousal, her words had fallen out of her mouth without thought.

The excitement in her mind flashed in her eyes, having nothing to do with Robin's underwear. The radiant sexual energy that surrounded Robin brought her both excitement and arousal; loving the sparkle in her eyes she commanded her back to her seat with just her eyes. Unable and unwilling to resist the call, she wanted Lacy to command her, finding comfort in being told what to do, her submissive nature had brought her to many beds she would not have gone to otherwise. Most of them a man's beds, although she was no stranger to a woman's touch, finding excitement in sex no matter which gender she was with. She had always had an abundance of sexual energy, but was usually frustrated and alone when the day was done. Masturbation was a necessity for her several times a day, her sexual escapades were always of short duration, having never found love in her life, all she had ever found was sex.

Only embarrassment keep her from masturbating when she sat close to Lacy with her head bowed, accepting her kisses and fondling with great pleasure. Having raised Robin's passion fully, she sat back away from her, her eyes twinkling with excitement when she spoke. "Your underwear does not excite me either. You excite me. Put the underwear on the floor with the dress."

"Yes sister."

The flush on Robin's face deepened as she removed her underwear without rising. Watching Robin's eyes closely she spoke softly. "I'll spank you when we get home. Does that excite you?"

"Yes sister. It does excite me."

"See your sister kneeling before you? She waits for your command. She'll serve you. I will not have you until your passion is as high as hers. Look into her eyes. Can you see her passion?"

"Yes sister. I can see her excitement. I have never commanded anyone. I am the one who is commanded. It's always been that way."

"You will command her if you want to come to my bed tonight. I command you. You will obey me completely if you want to come home with me tonight. First you must command your sister. You will do it because you want to please me."

Robin's soft trembling voice and her bright red face lacked power when she spoke. "Yes sister... Ellen, come to me."

There was humor in her eyes that was not reflected in her commanding voice. "She will not obey a request. You must command her. You want her. I can see it in your eyes. It's the only way you will have her. Your lust demands her. She will serve you any way you want her to... but only if you demand her obedience. Command her. Do it now. I'll slap you if you do not."

Surrendering to her lust, she let it fill her voice, giving power to her demands. "Ellen; come to me. Kiss me. I demand your lips." Feelings of pleasure she had never felt before filled her mind, raising her passion, gasping when Ellen's mouth took control of her vagina. As they both became lost in their passion, Robin's passion rose to blinding lust that took her mind away as her body convulsed in waves of erotic pleasure.

The constraints of her commands were removed from her, when she felt Robin rise to her orgasm; her hands went naturally to her vagina, raising her orgasm in an instant. Robin held her face tight against her while shuddering in spasms of pure delight. Submission and her talented hands had soothed Ellen's driving need, but she would need the kiss of leather to find her lust. Drinking the lust that flowed from Robin's mouth while muting her shrieks of pleasure, Lacy's arousal flared when she filled Ellen's mouth with her liquid lust.

Pushing Ellen away from her, she knelt between her legs, drinking deeply from her, while raising her own passion with her hand. A small satisfying orgasm was raised by herself, for herself, loving the taste of Robin's passion, knowing she would find even more pleasure commanding her in her mistress's bed.

Sitting back up on the couch, with her legs open wide, she commanded Robin without words. Needing no commands to kneel before Lacy, she wanted to serve her, wanting to bring her pleasure. Using her mouth and tongue with devotion, she found a light easy orgasm while serving Lacy. Happy in her service, she was excited about everything. Mostly she was excited by the idea Lacy would spank her and then take her to her bed.

Laying back in semi repose, Lacy twinkled with excitement when she spoke. "Sit back up next to me: Call Ellen to you."

"Yes sister... Ellen, kneel before me." The confidence in Robin's voice pleased her; excited pleasure flavored her stern commands. "Pull her head up. Slap her. Call her a bitch."

"I can't slap her. I can't call her a bitch."

Sitting up straight, she slapped her; her voice was as sharp as the slap. "Get it straight bitch. I command you. If I do not command you, you will never even see my bed. I gave you an order. Obey me now."

"Yes sister." With her head bowed and a flushed face she slapped Ellen then spoke with a trembling voice. "Serve me bitch. Serve me with your mouth."

Her voice was cold and demanding when Lacy slapped her. "Slap her right. Command her the same way I command you. Call her a bitch. Mean it when you do."

"Yes sister."

Muddled thoughts flew through her mind, while her vagina opened in full arousal. Slapping Ellen sharply, her voice now filled with lust. "Bitch. Serve me. Serve me, now."

Slapping Ellen again, brought waves of erotic pleasure that filled her mind. The pleasure of dominance was new to Robin, raising her lust higher, taking her mind and body. Pulling Ellen's face to her open wet vagina, she shook with erotic sensations brought on by Ellen's tongue, having never experienced an orgasm as intense. Taking the lust from her mouth as she raised it, Lacy brought herself to a full orgasm with her hands as she drank the heady elixir of Robin's passion.

They did not lie back in their afterglow long as they were all too excited to really relax, their afterglow being only a short pause in their arousal. As they relaxed Ellen served them, offering snacks and keeping their wine glasses full. Between kisses she explored Robin, loving the softness of her, basking in the radiant energy of Robin's lush body, her commands were sharp. "Robin, leave your underwear in the trash. We'll do the same with the dress as soon as we find a proper one, we're going shopping."

"Yes sister."

"Ellen, we must get Robin a corset first. I'm sure you know where to shop."

"Yes sister. The easiest way is to pick one up at the costume shop. We can have a private fitting. She'll be hard to fit. Someone will be there to alter it if necessary. If it pleases my sister I'll lead the way."

"It does please me. Kiss me then your sister before you do."

"Yes sister."

Ellen's kiss was deep and deeply erotic; putting the same energy into her kiss when she kissed Robin. When she released her, Lacy stepped into her place. Flushed with her arousal Robin trembled with her desire when she was released from the kiss, holding Robin close to her they followed Ellen.

When they entered the costume shop, a matron who looked about the same age as Marie was sitting at the sewing machine, sharply dressed, and almost as petite as Lacy. Rising from her chair, she smiled broadly, taking Ellen into an embrace, kissing her deeply. Holding the woman close, Ellen spoke to her. "Mistress Cathleen, this is Mistress Lacy. The beautiful woman with her is Robin. We have come for a corset for my sister Robin. Put it all on Mistress Marie's account."

The woman turned to Lacy, smiling with her eyes and her voice. "I am pleased, and not pleased, to meet you. I understand you had something to do with my presence here today. I am filling in for Alice today; it's been a long time since I sat behind a sewing machine."

Stepping up to Lacy, she captured her eyes then lowered her head to capture her lips. The kiss was full, without passion. She spoke crisply when she broke the kiss and the embrace. "I really am pleased to meet you. I had hoped to meet you in a more cordial setting." Her eyes came alive, sparkling with amusement. "Did you really bite Jim and draw blood?"

"It only happened last night. How did you know?"

Laughing aloud, the amusement in her eyes was matched by the amusement in her voice. "Mistress Marie has too many employees to keep anything secret. Secrets now move at the speed of light. Everyone has a cell. I'll bet there is a picture of the wound somewhere on the Internet by now. You Ms. Lacy are the talk of the town in some circles."

Kissing Robin brightly she led her to the fitting stage. After Ellen undressed her, Cathleen took her measurements. While Lacy watched her work, she was puzzled about her knowledge. Jim and Marie both went out in the morning, but she was sure they did not discuss it. That left only Alice. Lacy smiled deeply, knowing she would have Alice's ass with a belt, before she had it with her whip. Lacy's hands and her eyes caressed the naked woman before her, demanding Robin's bondage with her words. "Hold onto your hair. Pull your elbows back."

"Yes sister."

"Cathleen, she must be dressed all in red when her dress hits the floor. It will match her eyes. They glow when she's aroused." Embarrassment turned Robin's face red as she listened. Caressing Robin as she spoke, she found pleasure in her red face. "Her corset must show her beautiful cleavage and barely cover her nipples."

Rising up onto her tip toes to kiss Robin, she raised her passion with her hands as well as her kiss, while Cathleen laced her in a soft red leather corset, not cinching her waist, rather tightening the laces just enough to pull the leather snugly against her body, pushing her large breasts up and together, her impressive cleavage becoming even more prominent.

While Ellen dressed Robin, Lacy kissed Cathleen deeply, who accepted the kiss, but did not return it. When she kissed Robin, just as deeply as she had kissed Cathleen, she was pleased when she returned the kiss with passion. Holding her close, she continued her seduction with her intense eyes and her fluid hands as she spoke. "Ellen. I want to go to a book store. Lead the way."

"Yes sister."

Continuing her seduction of Robin with her hands as they walked through the mall Lacy fondled her without regard for the public nature of their location. When they entered the book store, Lacy stepped up to the clerk, speaking crisply. "I want a book of the paintings of Rubens."

"Right this way ma'am."

Finding the book she was looking for, she paid for it, and then handed it to Robin. "This is for you. Do not peek at it yet. We'll have coffee, while we look at the book together before we shop for your dress. Ellen, lead us to a coffee shop."

"Yes sister."

When they arrived at the coffee shop she sat with Robin, commanding Ellen without looking at her. "Serve us coffee then see to catered meals. I have no patience for a restaurant tonight."

"Yes sister," fell easily from Ellen's mouth. Her eyes sparkled with excitement when she spoke again. "I'll get Champagne and desert for late in the night. Chocolate, wine and passion are hard to beat."

Teasing Robin while she waited for her coffee, she flirted with her, kissing her as she nestled her face into her cleavage, bringing Robin and herself to full arousal. When the coffee arrived she separated herself from Robin and opened the book. The nudes in the book captivated Robin's mind, being enthralled at the beauty of the full figured women. The pictures raised her passion, with Lacy's help, as she fondled her as they cuddled.

"Do they look fat?"

"No sister, they're beautiful."

"And sexy?"

"Yes sister, they are sexy."

"Rubens would have loved to paint you. I'll have you painted in Rubens' style. Robin, you are beautiful and sexy. You will act like it. You will shop like a sexy woman wanting to look sexier. I'll slap you black and blue if I ever hear you speak poorly of yourself again."

Robin lowered her head, blushing as she replied. "Yes sister."

Leather and Lacy

Copyright 2011

Molly J



Drinking coffee while looking at the book with Robin, she had always admired Rubens' paintings, being a favorite of hers. Although she had always been attracted to his paintings, she had never had them raise her passion. For her, Robin was like a Rubens painting come alive. Becoming excited sitting close to Robin her excitement came from her seduction, lusting for Robin's ass; wanted it for her whip and her dildo.

They shopped with vibrant energy. Smiling as she watched, Lacy was pleased with the dress Robin picked out. The rose red dress displayed Robin's cleavage nicely. The dress fit tightly to the swell of her ass and hips then fell in full folds of cloth to just above her knees causing the dress to swish when she walked. The fullness of her ass and thighs were evident, although not accentuated, her cleavage being proudly displayed.

When Lacy led them to the shoe store, she was insistent. "You must have heels."

"Sister, I can't wear heels. My ankles are not strong enough."

"You do not need spikes. We'll get you wide heels. You must have heels. They must buckle around your ankles. I must buckle them on you." Kissing her with passion while fondling her ample charms, her voice was dripping with passion when she spoke. "I promise sister, you will not spend a lot of time on your feet tonight."

In full arousal, while her hips rocked in her need, Lacy buckled her low red heels to her ankles, finding a rush of pleasure spread through her body when she did. Posing Robin before the mirror, her voice trembled with the passion of her arousal. "Robin you look good enough to eat. I'm hungry. We have only one more store to shop in. You must have diamonds and gold. Never let anyone take you to their bed unless they give you diamonds and gold: That or cash. Your beauty demands it."

When she led her into the jewelry store, Robin was in a daze. Replacing the costume jewelry in her pierced ears with a set of diamond studs, she then bought a solitary diamond on a delicate gold chain for her neck and several gold bangle bracelets for her wrists. Unable to believe her good fortune, Robin was in a state of shock when they left the store.

Continuing her seduction on the way to Marie's house, she stroked Robin's thigh as she drove, twinkling with excitement as she spoke. "Raise your passion for me. I know you're hot. I want to hear you sing again. I'll lick your fingers when you're done."

"Yes sister."

Needing no command only permission, her hands went naturally to her vagina, pushing her panties aside she immersed herself in pleasure. Rising to her orgasm quickly, she radiated passion around her. Singing the song of lust for Lacy, she then offered her hand to her as she lay back in her afterglow. Seducing her with her eyes as she licked her fingers with relish, she spoke in a sultry voice. "Woman you taste as good as you look."

Finding pleasure in Robin's blushed face, she knew the blushes would not last any longer than hers had. Being pleased with her seduction, so far, she continued with intent as she led her into the den, and then sat her on the couch. Her attention never left Robin as she commanded Ellen. "Serve us drinks. Remove your dress before you do. Kneel before us when you are done."

"Yes sister."

With sparkling eyes she lowered the lights and raised the music, swaying to the music while removing her dress, dancing for Robin to raise her passion while her hands raised her own, she served drinks then knelt close to Robin, bowing her head as she sipped her drink, waiting attentively for her sister's next command.

Feeling tiny sitting next to Robin, she knelt up on the couch next to her while kissing her to raise her passion; her voice filled with excitement. "Your sister kneels before you. She will serve you. I know you want more than your hand. I know you're hot. Slap her. Make her do it. Call her a bitch... Slap her, or I'll slap you."

Filled with passion to match her arousal, and truly wanting Ellen between her legs, she let her passion free, lust flavoring her voice when she spoke her command. "Look at me bitch."

"Yes sister."

When Ellen raised her head following her orders, she slapped her. Her words became commands, raising her lust higher. "Get between my legs bitch. Serve me with your mouth."

"Yes sister."

Pushing her skirt up as she lowered her head to her vagina, she began kissing her vagina through the silk panties before removing them, then put her hands between her own legs, pulling back from Robin, her eyes sparkled as she plead. "Please sister. Please don't make me do this."

"Make her do it. Slap her. Take her. Demand your pleasure."

Following her orders powered by her lust, she pulled Ellen's head up and then slapped her. Lust colored her voice giving it real power. "You'll eat my cunt bitch. You'll serve me now."

Taking control of Ellen's head, she masturbated against her face, while Lacy knelt beside her, raising her passion with her mouth and hands. Being consumed by her lust, she shuddered and shook, screaming out her pleasure as her orgasm filled her whole body, taking her mind away.

Pushing Ellen away, Lacy took her place between Robin's open legs. Drinking her lust flavored with the pleasure of dominance and control that now filled her mind. While Robin relaxed into her afterglow, she sat back and sipped her drink contentedly, quite happy with the night; so far. Letting Robin relax for a while, she brought her back to life with her lust filled words. "I must spank your beautiful ass. Ellen will kiss it. I'll spank it. Dance to raise my passion as your remove your dress. I'll take great pleasure watching you dance... Then, I'll spank you hard in my lust."