Leave Me Alone! Pt. 02


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I wake up in the ER. I have a patch on one eye, I have a tube down my throat. 100 wires and tubes going in and around me. I hear dozens of beeps and alarms. I hurt like hell. They ask me questions. My right-hand works, I make like I want to write. I answer their questions about what hurts and 10 on the level of pain.


Later a policeman comes in. There are fewer sounds now, things have calmed down. He asks me if I can describe the people. I use my hand like I want to write something. He has a guy that wants to make a composite sketch. I shake my head no and again make like I want to write. They give me 30 minutes and I sketch out three people, profiles, names, height, weight, and exactly what they were wearing. They take the paper. I write down, Lizzy? Stacy? Mom?

The officer looks read sad, "Your sisters are in bad shape, 50/50 if they make it. Your mom was there?"

I write down her new name, her old name, and where she works. I write down my dad's name, three men killed him, sisters and mom hiding from them. The officer is in shock. I fall asleep.


I wake up later, no hose in my throat. I am in pain. Mom is there and is happy to see me, but she has been crying for hours. I still have pen and paper, I write, "Get word to Jane. They know her family name, they will find her. Pain!"

I fall asleep.


I wake up in the ICU now. Guys in suits, police officers, my mom, and JANE! She is tentative to touch me. I hear yelling, "I have the whole God damn city looking, nothing more I can do!"

Jane giggled, "Dad is giving the police chief shit. Poor guy, he starts his day off getting shit from his wife and now mom AND dad are beating him up. Word got to him about three brutal beatings. His wife sees the pictures of your sisters and starts crying. She tells him, I just bought a painting of that girl last night. He is questioning his wife, she bought a painting? His wife goes and gets the painting she purchased. She tells him, 'I bought this beautiful painting last night. She is adorable. Now I see that picture of her. You better not come home tonight unless the guys who did this are dead or behind bars.' Poor guy."

"He does a video-conference with the city police departments. Shows your cute sister, tits and all. Then shows the beat up and bloody girl. Then the Chief shows your sketch of the bad guys. Every cop in the city is looking for them and they are turning over every pebble. Every cop in this city fell in love with your sister when they saw your painting. When they saw her beat up and bloody, well, they are mad as hell. This will be a short search."

Jane is holding my hand. "You don't need to be here, but dad insisted because it was easier on your mom as both of your sisters are here. There is no better care than here for them." Her parents come by and they are both red with veins popping out from yelling. I start sketching them but fall asleep.


I wake up later to silence. Jane is in a big chair, holding my hand, and fast asleep. Her mom is along the back wall, also asleep. Her dad is pacing. With my twitch he notices me. He smiles.

Her dad says, "Your sisters have been upgraded to stable but serious. There are no guarantees, but they are responding well and making progress. They should survive. There was a shootout with the bad guys tonight. Two of the three of them are dead and the third is talking his head off. There will be more arrests in Oakland soon. I will make sure they don't get off."

I write "Thank you", then "Go home, nothing more you can do here. Take your wife and Jane. Make sure she eats. She can spend the day here but not 24x7."

He chuckles at me, "Son, I like you a lot. However, there is no way I am telling the little woman what to do. I like breathing. I will meet you half way. I will make sure she eats three square meals a day. I pity anyone that tries to move her from your side though."

I smile for the first time in a while.


Life gets into a routine. My sisters have rooms next to me and as I get better I spend more time with them. They are happier when I am around, it's obvious to everyone. Jane got me a sketch pad and I draw everyone. The nurses love the pictures I do of them, especially when I catch them with just the right look. Jane's parents stop coming, mom went back to work after the first week. I will be going home soon. I get homework at the hospital, allowing me to keep up.

The police chief stops by daily to check up on my sisters. He usually has a small group of male officers with him and they say hi ... to my sisters. While they are there Ginger shows up to say hi. I haven't talked to her in years. She isn't there to see me. She is there to see my sisters and the police chief. She is turning herself in. She is the one that gave my address to the three guys. When I demand to know why she gave me some bullshit answer that she can't say no to bad boys. They take her away in handcuffs.

Her family has enough money she will never see a day in jail. I can see the fire of hate in Jane's eyes.

After Ginger leaves Jane says to me, "Her family may have a lot of money, but daddy will ensure she sees the inside of a jail for a while. It will do her some good. Daddy is not a man you want to cross, especially if it involves his little girl."

I look her dead in the eyes, "I will make sure I remember that."

Jane playfully slaps my arm, "Ha, you are one of very few people he respects. Your dinner speech and the painting you created of me made him a big fan of yours. I forgot to tell you. Mom took me home one day and came inside to see your painting. I was expecting her to go apeshit due to the nakedness. She marveled at the painting and then said, 'He really loves you.' I was like duh, no kidding."

I laughed, "Not the reaction I would have expected either. Better your mom than your dad."

Jane covers her mouth, "I would be too embarrassed. I would die on the spot."

I ask inquisitively, "Why does the Police Chief show up every day with ten policemen?"

Jane blushes, "Sorry, I can't say. Trust me though, he IS up to no good. You will see soon enough. The art gallery you showed your work at, they would like to sell more of your paintings. They are eager for any painting you want to sell. It's a great offer, you should go for it."

I laugh at her, "Tell her thanks but I can't sell my art to her, I have a better offer."

Jane looks at me with pain in her eyes, she wants to ask several questions, I stop her.

I explain smugly, "I have heard there is a new gallery coming to New York, I will only sell my work through the new place. It's an exclusive offer to that owner." Jane gives me a questioning look. "Your father told me he was feeling pressure to buy a building for a new art gallery. I don't know who might run it, but I suspect I might know and trust that gallery owner and want to reward her with this year's hottest new artist."

Jane sat speechless before hugging me.

She finally says, "Daddy didn't tell me this. I have been begging for a year now and he won't even listen to my business plan."

I knowingly explain, "Jane, he doesn't need one from you. You owned him the day you were born."

Her parents pick that moment to show up. There is a whole procession of people with him. My mom and sisters among the group.

I ask, "Mom, aren't you supposed to be at work."

Jane's dad, Bob, answers, "She is. She is now my personal assistant. I needed access to your apartment. It's a shame they ruined all that artwork. We needed to get you some clothes. You are going home ... kind of. Your sisters still need help and your place is too small. I won't separate you three, so I am bringing you to our home. I think you will heal better in a home with real food. And since you let the cat out of the bag, I need to discuss the new art gallery location with my daughter.

"We will set you up with painting supplies. Before you start complaining, I am doing this, so I can see my daughter more. I want to help nice people like you, and frankly, we are lonely now that everyone has moved out. It will be wonderful to have a house filled with family again. I will have a nurse there 24 x 7 and anything else you need."

Her mother shyly says, "There will be a price to pay though."

Jane yells, "MOTHER!"

Her mother bravely continues, "I want a painting for the bedroom of me and my husband. I saw the painting of Jane in her apartment. I want to have a great painting of us that shows the love we have for each other before we both turn into dried up prunes."

Jane continues to complain, "I am his exclusive distributor, you can't make him do this. I forbid this."

I smile, "I agree on a few conditions. I have an unusual way to prepare myself and my subjects."

Jane shouts, "Oh no you don't. They are my fucking parents!"

I smile at her wording and it's double meaning, "Yes they are, and you will assist. In fact, my mom and sisters will as well."

They all raise an eyebrow at me.


Thirty minutes later we are all dressed and in a stretch limo going ... home.

I know the house some. It's a huge grand old house. They have more than enough bedrooms for us and about another two-dozen people. The staff seems happy to have us all there. We start with a wicked prime rib dinner that any restaurant would be proud to serve.

Stacy admits, "I hope I never get better. That was a fantastic meal."

We are led to the basement where they have a home theatre, surround sound, reclining chairs, love seats, and a popcorn machine.

I curl up with Jane and she whispers in my ear, "I haven't seen this in close to ten years. This is special, just watch."

For the next two hours short movie after short movie plays. These are very old movies: Charlie Chaplin, W. C. Fields, Laurel and Hardy, and Buster Keaton are the silent stars. It was some very funny stuff. Exactly what everyone needed.


The next morning, I am up early. I sit in a parlor looking out the large windows at the flowers outside. It is raining, or I would be outside. I am dreaming in my mind, thinking about my family and our future. Someone nudges my shoulder, breaking me out of my reverie.

I look up and a smiling older woman says to me, "Orders are you need to eat a full breakfast. I can't leave until I see you finish."

I ask her, "Please sit down, I am slow."

She smiles as she sits down. I pull out my drawing pad. I sketch her as I eat my breakfast. I finish the drawing before breakfast.

I rip the page out and give it to her, "Thank you for a nice breakfast."

I fall asleep in the chair thinking.

Jane, her parents and mom are next to come down to breakfast. I sketch them as they eat. I sketch the old gentleman that is serving them, but I put him on a tricycle. I found it amusing to see such a distinguished and proper man riding a child's bike. He got a great laugh out of it and I get a hug."

Jane smiles at me, "I take it you are feeling better?"

I reply with a smile, "Yes, it is much nicer here. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking us on and being so generous with us."

Jane's mom, Sally, laughs at me, "Generous? Oh no, Bob is being selfish. You were the bait to get Jane back for a while. In his eyes, he got the best of this deal."

Bob has had enough, "The Police Chief brings in the officers to meet your sisters then shakes them down for donations. He is trying to get enough to put them through nursing school."

I smile, "Funny, I had been thinking the same thing. I want to use my money to put them through school. I will cut off the funding from Oakland, I don't need their money anymore."

Jane's dad is gruff, "I am only putting you up for a while."

Jane laughs at her dad, "Mark sold all of his paintings the other night."

Her mom scoffs, "Do you know what school costs?"

Jane fires back, "Do you know what his paintings sold for?"

Her mom retorts, "$1,250 each. That gets you books."

Jane smiles big, "I added a zero to each painting."

Her mom looks shocked, "Still, that's not enough for 4 years of school."

Jane scolds her mother, "You never let me finish. Ava, the owner of the gallery, added an additional zero to each painting herself after seeing me do it. He has a check for about $350,000 waiting for him."

Both her parents fall back into their chairs.

Mom yells, "What? You sold those painting for over $600,000?"

Jane proudly says, "Your son is now a professional artist. We will limit his production to one a month to keep the demand up. Maybe a few more at Christmas. We will be ok. I like Mark's sisters going back to school. It will be good for them. We may have to paint a few more pictures so we can buy a house and live comfortably. It will never be like living here but as long as I have Mark, I can do with driving myself, cooking, and cleaning. I will do anything for Mark."

Jane looks at her dad, "I am ready to open a Gallery. I take it you have already found the right location?"

Her dad looks at her hard as if he is making a tough decision.

Her mom says, "Don't tease her dear. I know you have been looking for six months and have consultants offering suggestions."

Her dad relents, "We happen to already own a building in a certain area of town that several people say is a prime high-end area. Two spaces are open as are a bunch of condos in the same building. The build-out has already begun. The condos come in two, three, and four bedrooms. How about we spend the day looking at your showroom and offices. Then we will look at the Condos and see which one you want. Since it is Saturday, most of the staff is gone, so let's go out to dinner later. Finally, tonight, we can get Mark to do our painting."

The showroom is huge. His consultants know exactly what to do, Jane will end up with a world-class gallery. We only look at four-bedroom condos. Some are terrible, a few are ok, and one is awesome, but it had a terrible view. Her father assures us that the one on the top floor with the awesome view will be ready when we need it. If not, we can stay with them until it is.

Chapter 11 - Pay Up, Boy

It's Saturday night. Outside there is a chill in the air and it's lightly raining. Dinner is awesome, and everyone got along like we are old friends. Lizzy and Stacy aren't as shy anymore. They feel comfortable around family and Jane's family is like family. After the assault they were very withdrawn and timid. Now they are laughing at all the jokes and telling stories. Jane's parents seem the happiest. They love spending time with Jane, this is a real treat.

Yet there is more to this. They have accepted me and my family as friends. I know mom is working out great and they are thrilled to have her. She double checks everything important, especially contracts. They seem to like having her around the house as well. I wonder if something is going on there. They seem to get along very well. In a few months, my sisters will start school, I won't see them much. They may even use my old apartment because it is close to the school.

The ride home is quiet. Obviously, everyone knows about my ... unique warm up. How will it go with Jane's dad there? Do I still fuck Jane's mother? Is that what she wants? What does Jane want?

I start the conversation in the limo while drinking bubbly, "This is the first time tonight nobody is talking and laughing. I gather everyone is wondering how I will handle this. Will I change my warm-up routine? Who will be there, who will watch, who will participate, and who will participate with who? I can see the questions in your eyes."

I am very uneasy about this, but I continue, "When one of my models have great sex, she is energized, and the emotions spill out easily. They don't hide who they are. It's easy to paint their emotions. When I have sex, it heightens my senses and opens me up emotionally, I can see the feelings and emotions of my models. In my typical routine, I fuck the model. Then we are both ready to go."

I look up, "Obviously, this situation is a bit different. I want to give you the full experience and paint an awesome painting. My thought is Bob and Sally will make love on their bed with all of us there. With us watching, it will add a whole new element and will drive you both wild. I don't know how mom fits in with you two yet, but I suspect if you want, she is up for fun.

My rule: Sally decides. You decide if, when, and what happens. Man on woman, woman on woman, man on woman on woman, my mom is down with it all. You get to run wild or stay comfortable with Bob. Tonight, he doesn't get to decide, it's all you. He will love you no matter what, you are safe. I don't know if you have ever experimented with a woman but tonight is the perfect time if you do. Mom and Bob will do anything you ask of them. Bob nor my mom can say no to you."

Feeling more confident now I add, "At the same time, Jane and I will be making love right next to you. My sisters get the same rules with Jane making the decisions. I don't know how this will end up tonight. It's all up to Jane and Sally. I am up for anything. When we finish, Bob and Sally in each other's arms naked on the bed, no sheets so I can paint. Does anyone object?"

Mom asks curiously, "What makes you think they even want me?"

I smile, "I have no idea one way or the other. I just thought that if Sally wants to do something different tonight, this is her chance. My guess is she has not had the opportunity to use a woman or share her husband. I am not pushing, either way, just leaving the door open. I sense that you three are closer than you have let us believe or want to be and don't know how to start. I could be dead wrong, we shall see what happens. I have set the buffet up, now we shall see what Jane and Sally select to eat."

Jane gives me a steamy, lusty, kiss that melts me into her arms. She has a very satisfied look on her face. After that, the conversation is back to normal. Bob makes eye contact with me, smiles, and winks at me. I hope that is a good thing.

We go back to the mansion. My painting supplies are already set up. The canvas is a bit larger than I normally use but with my plan, this will be perfect. They have a classic bedroom. Huge king size bed and huge old furniture stained dark and weathered over the years. Lots of lace on the bed. It has four tall posts but no canopy on top, that will make watching easier. I will draw the bed without the two posts at the bottom of the bed. There is an old humpback trunk at the foot of the bed.

In the corner are double doors to the washroom that has double marble sinks, marble shower, and two claw-footed antique tubs. The staff has stacked twenty towels on a chair. I have no idea what they think we will be doing but they planned for us to do it about four times I guess. Jane and Sally get a good laugh at the number of towels.

Jane takes charge, "Mark has made enough rules, time for us women to start. Like Mark suggested and we agree, my mom and I run this show from now on. You are free to leave at any time. However, if you stay, you will do what mom and I tell you to do. We are the choreographers of this party. Just because you're naked does not mean you will participate. It just guarantees we can watch you masturbate while we are screwing." She smiles hugely with that last statement.

Still grinning big Jane says, "Mom, Valorie, and dad, strip."

Sally looks defiant, "You don't tell me what to do. You two, don't move."

Sally stands in front of the group and slowly strips naked. She makes a show of taking her bra and panties off by teasing us. Start, stop, start, stop, put back on, pull down some. It is a nice show. Her large breasts sag but they are very big. Being older, her body is more mature, curvier, and healthy looking. She shaved, and Bob's eyes go big with surprise. She didn't miss his smile as she giggles.