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A good use for leftovers.
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For the hell of it I went on line and typed in the word leftover. What I came up with was both funny and disturbing. There were over 7,000,000 hits. Now, I like to surf the web, but I was not going to waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon going to every link. So I copied down some interesting facts, and thought I would pass them along.

The word leftover can be used as an adjective or a noun, either way it means the same thing. "A remnant or an unused portion" It has also been used as the name for a rock band, a music album and a movie. Personally, I don't know if the three are true or not, I have never heard of any of them. What I do know is the fact that there could be one more description. "Leftover, what a fat chick or fat guy usually have to settle for."

Now, I hate the word chick. I was not born to a chicken. I don't have feathers and I sure don't go around clucking all the time. Well, I have been known to cluck at certain times in my life, but not on a regular basis. Usually when I am being filled with a nicely shaped cock and feeling a smooth pair of balls slapping against my fat ass, and at the ripe old age of twenty one, I have had more then my share of both happen.

I have been stuck with leftovers all my life. From the day I was born almost. When mom found out she was unexpectedly expecting her fifth and last child, she was still nursing my sister Jasmine to her ample breast and having my five year old brother Shane hanging on her hip. Jasmine was two at the time, and mom nursed her until the day I was born. Personally, I think she should have weaned her a lot sooner because for the next years of our lives, my sister and I lived a in a world of constant competition.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love my sisters and I love my brothers. I have two of each. Mike is the oldest, then Lana. They are the ruling class. Older of each sex and bound for greatness, if only in their own minds. Shane was the middle child which is probably why he went to Frisco, changed his name to Shana and moved in with a leather clad man named Killer. But Jasmine and I were the two youngest, and that set the stage for my life of dealing with leftovers.

Just so you know, I ain't no beauty queen, I have the kind of looks and body that automatically make people say, "you could be so beautiful, if only..." Sound familiar? I heard it every year when I got dragged off to family reunions. Jasmine is the family beauty, she has the dark sultry looks and perfect bone structure. I used to make a mint from her boyfriends, being paid off to leave them alone or give them inside information as what she wanted for a birthday present or who her favorite singer or actor was at the time. Men have always given Jasmine just what she wants, when she wants it and I am sorry to say it hasn't changed, even now that she is only pushing twenty five and has been fucked so much I am sure her pussy is as loose as the Holland tunnel.

I admit it, my sister is a slut, she attracts men like a flower attracts bees. Some good looking,some so bad they make me look good. I got to admit though, that there have been some that I would have sold my soul to know beyond the thriving business I was running being her answering machine and full time spy.

The best of the bunch was Lucas McCain. Yeah I know, sounds like the name of some out of work actor right. I even wondered if it was real when he came into our lives at the tender age of sixteen, and was one of Jasmine's many admirers in high school. I made a lot of money off Lucas my freshman year. He was constantly paying me to put a good word in for him every chance I got and making sure I let him know where she was going and who she was going with on the weekends.

Now, you would think a man would know better but he never gave up hope that she would stop, look at him and one day realize that he was the man of her dreams and would fall into his arms. Yeah, right, my sister is still looking for Mr. Right.

Anyway, Lucas and I got to be good friends in high school and there were times I really felt sorry for him. I mean Jasmine was smart enough to go out with him now and then, and I know they spent most of the dates at the most expensive places in town. She would never let him fuck her, but she would give him a hand or blow job to keep him hoping. And in the mean time I was making money.

When they graduated from high school Jasmine took a job working for a company that offered inside promotions regardless of your aim. Hers was to become the main bosses whore. She started out in the secretarial pool and by the time I graduated from high school she was up to the executive secretary to the General Manager. She still dated other men, guys who were going to college and were working hard to get degrees in being doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs. Me, I went to work in my dad's hardware store and got to meet a lot of the men who had been interested in my sister in a less formal atmosphere. I knew these guys were all Jasmines leftovers, but I didn't mind. I had fun and by the time I was three months into the job had discovered the joys of a full blown cock in my mouth, ass, and especially my pussy. Not all at the same time, I may like sex, but I prefer my sex one on one, and I always leave my partners satisfied enough to come back for more.

When Lucas came back to town over summer break the first year after my graduation he came to see me in the hardware store. I admit I soiled my panties the minute I saw him. He had gotten more muscular, and tanned and I complimented him on how good he looked. He was still no Hollywood hunk, but with that lopsided grin and those sparkling green eyes, I was sure he was making a lot of coeds happy as hell. A fact he verified as he took me to lunch and we talked about how our lives were going. He asked about Jasmine of course, and I told him all the latest news on her bid for the boss of the company.

He looked disappointed, but then he did something I totally did not expect. He asked me out. I looked at him in shock and reached across the table to check to see if he was running a fever. When I sat back down, he grinned at me. "What was that all about?"

I smiled. "Just checking to see if you were running a fever. Have you had your eyes checked lately, maybe all that studying is affecting your eyes, this isn't Jasmine sitting across from you."

He shook his head. "My eyes are fine Katie, I know exactly who I am having lunch with. I been hearing good things about you. I keep in close contact with a lot of the old crowd."

That explained it, he needed a summer piece of ass. The word had gotten around and even Jasmine was giving me shit about it. How all the men I was dating were nothing more then her leftovers and I should be glad she had such a popular sister.

Hell, she wasn't beyond throwing me to a few of the guys she had fucked at work to get where she was and where she wanted to go. I had dated a couple of them, nice older men who turned out to be much more experience in bed then some of the others. They also tended to be more generous. I had some really nice clothes that weren't hand me downs or made me look like some old lady long before my time. One, a sweet guy named Alfred, didn't even want to have sex with me, he just wanted me to help him fulfill his cross dressing fetish and since we were about the same size, we went shopping together often. He had filled my closet with a lot of stuff and as I considered Lucas' offer I thought how some of them had never been worn.

Finally I told him yes and he grinned again. "Great, Friday night, say dinner and a movie?"

"Sure, pick me up at seven. Uh do I do casual or dressy?"

He looked surprised at that since all through school I had never worn a dress or done much as far as make up or hair stuff. "Do you even own a dress?"

"Yeah, several in fact. So which is it?"

He considered the question. "How about we meet in the middle. Dressy for dinner and casual for the movie. A dress is fine."

I knew what he was thinking, a dress is a lot easier to get a hand under and I knew just the one to make him happy.

Friday was a mad house. Jasmine was going out with some guy who was a rank or two above the GM and she was bound and determined to look her absolute best. It seemed the GM was wearing on her and she wanted out of his office. So while she showered, I got my wardrobe ready. The red silk thong and a matching red silk bra with places cut out for my nipples. That had been Alfred's idea, he said I had great breasts and a man liked to see nice erect nipples. Since I had worn a 44DD bra since I hit puberty, and had nice large nipples, it worked for me. The nice thing was, my tits are all me, the ones that Jasmine stuff in her bra are more silicon then flesh. Two boob jobs had made her huge, but too phony looking.

My dress was well made and cut to highlight my best features, mainly my boobs. Low cut, it went in a V and you couldn't miss the fact that I had a nice rack. The skirt was a fluffy sort of thing that moved when I walked and hit me just an inch above my knee. Since I had learned to walk in the loose hipped manner men liked it tended to flip around and I added two inch high heels that Alfred had specially made for me. They had long silk ribbons that I tied around my ankles and sparkled with amber stones that matched my eyes.

I didn't mind that Jasmine used most of the hot water, sometimes a cold shower is good for the body and the soul. And when I was finished I locked my bedroom door and there I stayed until I heard mom call to me that Lucas had arrived. I was ready for my entrance when I heard her call to Jasmine that her date had arrived also. I waited until I heard her go down the stairs and decided to make it good.

She was just getting her jacket on when I came into view, and it was clear that both her date and mine were stunned by what they saw. I saw her look at me and the fire in her eyes turned to red hot daggers. Her date was looking at me like he was some little kid in a candy store trying to decide what he wanted to buy and Lucas was standing off to the side, looking absolutely stunned. Even my mom and dad could hardly believe their eyes.

Lucas opened his mouth, started to speak then shut it quickly. Jasmine's date looked at her as she was tugging on his arm to leave. "Jasmine, aren't you going to introduce me to this gorgeous creature, I never knew that such stunning looks ran in your family."

I could see my sister grinding her teeth and wanting to just get the hell out of there, but she introduced us and he smiled at me as he took my hand to shake it. "It's a pleasure Katherine, I hope to see you again sometime." With that he took Jasmine by the arm and they left.

Looking at Lucas I smiled. "We better go. I don't want to be late for the movie."

My mom sent me off with a kiss to my perfectly made up cheek, and there was no reminder to be in by a certain time. Lucas seemed to be in a haze but he was every bit the gentleman as he took my arm and led me out to his dad's prized Buick. He kept acting as if he wanted to say something the whole time we drove to the restaurant but could never get the words out.

Instead he talked about college and the difference in the weather between the rainy northwest and bright sunny Florida. I asked him about spring break and if it was true about some of the things I'd heard. He confirmed that spring break in Florida was a real party time and that he loved every minute of it.

At the restaurant we were shown to a booth toward the back and I noticed that it was made more for privacy then for being seen, or seeing the world outside. Which was fine. Since we were both under twenty one, we had to settle for soda but I didn't mind. He ordered for both of us, then we settled back to relax and talk more about old times. Finally he looked at me and licked his lips.

"You...you look gorgeous to night, I love that dress."

"Thank you, I was hoping you'd like it. A friend takes me shopping all the time. He's a cross dresser and we have fun together. So you mentioned you been in contact with the old crowd you and Jasmine hung with, what is the latest gossip?" I wanted to see if he would tell me what I expected to hear."

He had the grace to blush then. "That you've turned into one hot piece of ass and that when I came to town I'd be a fool not to get my hand in your pants. I didn't believe them at first, then Roger sent me a picture of the two of you together and I had to see for myself."

Since Roger was into erotic photography, I could guess what kind of picture he had sent Lucas. "So which picture did he send you, the one of me on the ladder or the one of me straddling his Harley?" "Both actually, he said you wouldn't get off the Harley until you had cum twice."

That made me smile. "It was three times actually. Nothing better then the feel of raw power between a woman's thighs." Without hesitation I moved my hand to the front of his pants. He was hard as a rock and I licked my lips as I felt his length. "You feel like you got some raw power your self Lucas. Do you know how to use it?"

"I haven't had any complaints yet." He moved closer and put his hand on my knee, with a steady motion, he moved it up under my skirt. "From what I hear neither have you. Most of the guys do nothing but brag how hot you are and how tight and wet you are. Is it true?"

Bending my head to his ear, I nipped at his earlobe. "Why don't you use your fingers and find out, I hear the service here is slow."

He did just that, pushing aside the crotch of my panties he fingered my slit and rubbed my now throbbing clit then shoved one long finger into my dripping hole. "Oh my god, you are tight and wet. How do you keep it so tight?"

To show him I clenched my pussy muscles. "Just like that, try to move your finger in and out of me."

He did and I heard his moan, even though it was barely above a whisper. "My god Katie, it feels like my finger is in a vise. I can barely move it. I can hardly wait to get my cock in you and feel you do that." He found my mouth with his and kissed me long and hard. When he drew back, he smiled. "I never expected this of you. You never seemed the type."

"Hmm, there's a lot of things I am that I don't seem Lucas. But one thing I learned this last year, was how to please a man, and I can't wait to please you. You always were my favorite of Jasmine's..." I started to say leftovers, but instead, I lied. "Boyfriends."

He gave me a wry smile. "Tell the truth Katie, I was one of her leftovers. One of the guys she kept dangling for when she couldn't date the captain of the football team or some rich older guy who could bury her in furs and expensive jewelry. Well, I've learned a few things since I been away, and I'm no woman's leftovers anymore. I get my share of pussy and I get a few gals on the string myself these days. I always treat them the same though, I give them what they want and they keep me happy."

"So do you have a favorite yet or still playing the field?"

"The field. They all know about each other, and we all get along fairly well. To be frank, I haven't found one I could talk to or be as open with as you and I can be, that's why I came home this summer, I've missed you my friend, and after tonight, I am hoping my lover."

"I've missed you too Lucas. You were always so nice to me, and I never will be able to thank you enough for you setting me up with that date for my senior prom. He was such a nice guy, he popped my cherry, did he tell you that?"

Lucas shook his head. "No, was he good to you?" He looked concerned that his friend might have hurt me in any way.

"No, he was great. He showed me how great sex was. I was sorry when he had to leave, but he went back with some good memories."

Lucas laughed at that. "Hmm, wait till I go back in September, him and I need to have a long talk. I asked him as soon as he got back how it had gone and what he thought of you. All he did was smile and lick his lips, now I understand why."

He still had his finger in me and was softly sawing it in and out when our food came. If the waiter wondered why we each had only one visible hand, he was too discrete to ask, since mine was busy stroking Lucas' hard cock under the table. Not enough to make him cum, but just enough to give him a sample of what he had to look forward to.

Dinner was great, and after we went to one of the porn movie houses where he got a taste of my lips. No one around us cared and I was hungry for the taste of his cock. He sent a load down my throat that would have gushed out of my pussy, but I swallowed it and he actually kissed me long and hard after it was over.

"I like the taste of my sperm on a gal's tongue."

He slid his hand back under my skirt and pushed it up to where he could see just the crotch of my panties. Pushing it aside he bent down to run his tongue my bush and shoved a finger in me at the same time. Soon I was squirming in my seat, and he had his other hand spreading my pussy lips to flick his tongue at the little clit I had stashed away.

When I heard a moan, I thought it was his, but I happened to glance over to my left and saw this well dressed man sitting just a few seats away, his pants open and he was jerking himself off, his eyes on me and Lucas instead of the two women sucking each other's pussies. He smiled at me and I smiled back then turned my full attention to what Lucas was doing.

I didn't expect the man to move next to us, but he did and I could hear him softly egging Lucas on as he jerked off. When I came he shot his load as well.

As he did his pants back up he bent his head close to ours. "I hope you don't mind. I like to watch and you two seem exceptionally hot, could I talk you into coming back to my hotel with me and letting me watch you the rest of the night? I'd be willing to pay quite well."

We went but turned down the money. After all, we were birds of a feather and we had to stick together. His hotel was one of the finest in town and he introduced himself as Robert Marks. He was from England and came to Portland often on business. Since he spent so much time traveling he seldom had time to meet people who would let him watch them have sex.

"Oh, I know there are places on the Internet that offer such things, but I tend to be leery of them. So many people out in the world that are dishonest, or down right insane. I prefer to meet some nice young couple who need the money or just like showing off." They were sitting in his hotel suite then, sipping a very nice champagne and snacking on a selection of cracker and cheese. "Have you known each other long?"

Lucas told him about how he had been crazy over my sister, and how I had been his spy for years in high school. Robert nodded.

"And look at you now, such a lovely young woman and well build young man. And you're friends. I feel being friends is an important thing in any kind of relationship. My wife and I have been friends since we met in school. I feel lucky to have found her early and now we have two wonderful children and a good life together. And she is more then willing to indulge my little fetish. I have observed her with some of the finest men in England, and I never get tired of watching a hard cock slip in and out of her plump little pussy. I am sure Katherine that you would be interesting in see what she looks like."

I didn't see why, but then he showed me her photo and I understood. The woman made me seem small, and the most beautiful woman in the world. Robert was a tall, well build attractive man, but she was even taller and even heavier then the two of us put together.

"Fat and ugly, I know, but the first time she let me between her huge thighs I was hooked. She had the finest pussy I had ever known. Still does. I like to remind her now and then that I do adore her fucking skills."