Legally Nude Ch. 18


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We all laughed at that.

Wendy came over to warn Melina and Darcy that there match was about to start. As they stood, Darcy pointed and said "Our chaperones are here."

Following Darcy's arm, I saw her and Melina's parents sitting at a picnic table behind our court. I also saw the girls' teammates gathering behind us.

As Melina and Darcy took the court, Wendy said to me, "I guess that I ought to do some parental relations. Come with me, you're respectable looking."

I glanced down my bare body.

Wendy laughed. "Respectable for a naked guy," she added.

We walked back to the Rupperts and the Beckers. We made our greetings and then fell quiet while they watched their daughters play. The first time they stopped to switch courts, Wendy said, "It looks like they're having a lot of fun out there."

"Yes, it certainly does," Tia Becker replied.

Ever the proselytizer, Wendy added, "We have an odd number of teams now. One or both of you couples could join us next week and share the fun with your daughters."

Kent Ruppert immediately said "No!"

Patricia Ruppert nervously said, "I'm too old to run around naked."

I noticed that the Beckers didn't say anything.

Melina and Darcy beat Mark and Joanne pretty convincingly. I was impressed because it wasn't that long ago that both Mark and Joanne had been major college athletes. They hadn't been volleyball players, but both were very athletic. Melina and Darcy had no trouble with them.

As Melina and Darcy came outside the netting, one of their teammates asked, "How was it?"

"Great!" Darcy responded.

"You have to try it," Melina said. "You'll never want to play wearing anything again."

One of the two African-American girls in the group said, "Melina, you better get your head into clothes on the court before the season starts. We need your ass on the court and you know that the school is gonna want that ass covered up."

The Asian-American girl (who looked really young), said, "I'm surprised that my parents are ok with me being here. They'd lose it completely if they thought that I was taking my clothes off."

Darcy replied, "Kim, I'm not too sure that my parents would have let me do this when I was a sophomore either. A couple of years at our ages make a huge difference. If you want to do it, ask your parents in a couple of years. Then, if it would help, Melina or I can talk to them or maybe Coach Swale can."

The oldest looking girl, other than Melina and Darcy, stood up. "We've got to go. I'm glad you guys had fun. You looked great."

The rest of the volleyball team headed towards the parking lot. Melina said, "We should go talk to our parents."

Darcy said, "Yes. Let me put something on."

Rather sharply, Melina said, "No. We go as we are. They've seen everything already anyway."

Darcy let out a sign and followed Melina towards the picnic tables. The parents were sitting out of earshot. I could see that, as they girls walked up, Tia Becker got up and hugged her daughter. Stefan started to then stopped himself. I watched them talk for a short while. The conversation ended with nodding of heads. The parents stood up and walked out. Melina and Darcy headed back towards us.

When the girls sat back down on our bench, Darcy asked "Is it ok if we stay here with you guys?"

Wendy, our leader, replied, "Of course."

Melina asked, "We don't have to get dressed, do we?"

Wendy answered, "Of course not." Darcy and Melina both smiled.

Several matches later, Erin and I went on court to play Stew and Melinda. I had never played much volleyball and was our weak link. I don't think Erin ever played much either. However, Erin just naturally does everything well.

While Stew and Melinda are really good people, I wasn't too worried about them on the volleyball court, even with my limited skills. A few years of hard work at two large firms had left both Stew and Melinda carrying more pounds than their bodies were meant too. The extra pounds did not detract from the worth as people, but the weight did impair their mobility on the sand.

Stew served first. While he wasn't blasting them in, Stew and Melinda won the first four points largely because I flubbed beautiful sets from Erin. We won the fifth point and took over serve. Erin always let me serve first to get it out of the way. Service was not the strongest part of my weak game.

I managed to get my serve in and made a decent set for Erin of the return. Naturally, Erin found a corner of the opposite court which neither Stew nor Melinda could reach. Point to us.

As I walked back to make my next serve, I heard Melina call "Harry!" She had pushed an opening in the netting and stood waving me over. I walked over to Melina, trying to keep my eyes on hers.

Very quietly, Melina said, "Harry, it is ok if you stare at my tits or my cunt. Just listen to me." In a couple of sentences, she told me exactly what I should do when I served.

I made my second serve doing exactly what Melina had said. I was shocked. I got most of my strength into the serve and it went were I had aimed it. I had aimed it at Melinda. She could do nothing but bat the ball away as she fell on her ass in the sand. On the next serve, I did the same thing to Stew. My confidence was growing exponentially. When Melinda or Stew was able to make a return, Erin blocked them at the net.

We ran off fifteen straight points on my serve before Stew asked, "What's up with you, you're kicking our ass tonight."

Melinda shouted, "I want urine testing immediately after this match."

Erin shot me a look meant to remind me that these were friendly games. I put my next serve in the net on purpose, hoping that it wasn't too obvious. Nonetheless, we won in two straight games 21-7 and 21-9. I was hoping that no feelings were hurt.

As we came off of the court victorious, Melina came up and hugged me. That was really nice. "I can coach!" she said.

When Melina let me go, I could see Erin grinning at me. I just shrugged. It wasn't too late after Wendy and Carla won their match, but Melina and Darcy put their clothes on.

"We promised our parents we'd come straight home right after the last match," Melina explained.

Darcy added, "This is too much fun to risk my parents taking it away."

The girls took off.

The next Tuesday, Wendy called me at the office just before noon. "Coming to volleyball tonight?" Wendy asked and then answered herself, "of course you are. We've had an interesting development."

"Yes?" I asked.

Tia Becker called me yesterday. She and Stefan are playing. Tia told me not to tell Melina. I think that they intend to surprise her. I don't think that they've told the Rupperts either. It could be interesting. I've scheduled them for the first match against Stew and Melinda."

Melina and Darcy were waiting for us at the club that night, clothed. Darcy explained, "We love going naked, but we didn't want to be the only ones here. Strength in numbers you know."

Melina and Darcy stripped down with us. I could see Kent and Patricia Ruppert sitting back at a picnic table. I waved.

Turning to the west, I saw Tia and Stefan walking fast from the parking lot towards us. When they got up to us, Melina asked, "Mom, Dad, why aren't you sitting back with the Rupperts?"

"You will see, dear," Tia replied.

As he laid a bag on a bench, Stefan said to Wendy, "I apologize. I hope that we are not late. I was held up at work."

Wendy replied, "You're fine, but we should get started."

"Let's do it," Tia replied.

Both of the Beckers sat down and took their sandals off. Tia put her hair into a pony tail. Then she pulled her polo shirt off, revealing breasts as perfectly formed, but larger, than her daughter's. Like her daughter, Tia had tan lines. Tia was wearing a tennis skirt. She reached behind her back, undid a fastener, and let the skirt drop. She wore nothing underneath.

Tia giggled, "Not wearing panties feel so good."

While Tia was stripping, so was Stefan. His physique strongly suggested that he was a lifter. However, as they confessed later, what caught the attention of Carla and Erin first was Stefan's penis. It was long and it was thick.

Melina looked was dumbfounded. She started to say something, but stopped. Tia turned to wave to the Rupperts. Looking that way myself, I could see both Kent and Patricia's eyes were like saucers. Patricia had a hand over her mouth.

Wendy announced "First match is Tia and Stefan versus Melinda and Stewart. Let's get on the court now."

While her parents were nude on the sand warming up, Melina sat down next to me. After staring at me for a moment, Melina said "What the fuck?" She slapped her hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry. Is that really my parents with no clothes on?"

"I'm pretty sure that it is," I said.

Melina sat their quietly for several more minutes. Then, as her parents' match moved into its fifth or sixth point, she visibly relaxed. Slowly, a small smile appeared. "This could be really good," she said softly.

Erin, who had sat down with us, said, "I think that you may really enjoy where things are going."

Tia and Stefan obviously had not played volleyball in a long time, if ever. However, they were both athletic and in good shape and were tenacious competitors. It took all three games, but they beat poor Melinda and Stew.

Melina was standing there nude as her nude parents came off of the court as victors. Melina hugged her mother. Then, she turned to her father. This time Stefan did not back away. Father and daughter hugged with not a stitch on.

Wendy had told the club manager that our featured, and last match, that night was Melina and Darcy against Wendy and Carla. Not only did that offer the best volleyball our little league was capable of, it also featured four very good-looking ladies nude. Of course, the club manager spread the word.

Even when we played, the crowd at the club was usually thin by 9:00-9:30 p.m. Because we had some tie-breaks, it was nearly 10:00 by the time the Melina and Darcy v. Wendy and Carla match started. The second floor balcony was absolutely jammed. People were walking onto the adjoining sand court to watch.

As they stood to go on court, Carla said to Wendy, "We have a huge audience. We need to give a show."

Wendy giggled, "Ok. Great!"

I thought I knew what Carla meant. My understanding was quickly confirmed as Carla and Wendy made dives for balls unnecessarily with legs spread. They were trying to expose themselves totally to the spectators. It took several points, but Melina and Darcy figured out what Wendy and Carla were up to. Melina and Darcy began exposing themselves more than was strictly necessary too.

Stefan and Tia had stayed and stayed nude. They were sitting with Erin and me. Melina and Darcy were in the court nearer to us, meaning that their backs were to the packed clubhouse lawn and balcony. On one play, Melina dove to make a set, which she did, but she went on her front into the sand. She spread her knees wide and then got up on her hands and knees. Her rosebud and pussy were fully exposed, and looked wonderful. Once she was standing, she kept her legs spread and bent forward from the waist to brush sand off of her thighs.

Tia laughed. "Our daughter is showing herself off!" she cried. Tia and Stefan both seemed proud of Melina rather than annoyed or embarrassed.

Carla, Erin, and I had spent some time talking to Tia and Stefan during the matches. They seemed like very pleasant and interesting people. When we got home from volleyball that night, Carla said "Hey, we're not doing anything Saturday. Let's cook out and invite Tia and Stefan over."

Erin said, "I like that idea."

It was left to me to make the invitation. It was too late that night, so I called the following evening. Tia answered their phone. I extended the invitation.

Tia responded, "Thank you. That is very nice. I know that Melina has an event Saturday night, but Stefan and I are free. What should we wear?"

I replied, "That is up to you. Whatever makes each of you comfortable."

"What are you and your two lovely friends wearing?" Tia asked.

I laughed. "At home and, well, some other places too, we usually don't wear anything."

Tia laughed. "Nothing fits the two of us well also. I think that it is my best-looking outfit. Do you agree?"

I laughed. "I certainly do," I said. I wasn't just being polite.

I was already in an apron working at the grill when I heard Tia and Stefan's car come up our hill that Saturday night. Nude and especially beautiful, Erin led then around to the back patio. Stefan was in a light shirt and khaki slacks. Tia wore very tight beige dress.

I had turned to greet them. Tia took one look at my apron and said, "Harry. I am so disappointed. You have clothes on."

Without a word, I turned around so that Tia could see my bare ass. When I turned back, Tia was smiling. "I see that the spirit is there. Still, you have the best part of a man covered. Don't leave that on too long."

Carla walked out onto the patio nude. Perhaps it was my mood, but Carla also looked even more beautiful than usual, which is a very high threshold.

As Carla approached, Stefan asked, "Where would you like us to put our clothing?"

Carla said, "I'll take it and put it inside." With no apparent hesitation, Stefan and Tia stripped nude in front of us.

After dinner, Stefan and Tia let us dig out some of their background. Tia was from Athens, Greece. Her parents moved her and her brother here when Tia was five. Greece had been in one of its periodic economic crises. Two of her father's cousins had come here many years earlier and started a chain of very successful and unique casual restaurants. The cousins had offered her father a job.

Tia had gone to our local university intending to be a doctor. "But," she explained, "organic chemistry was something which I just could not master."

Stefan was from Germany's Ruhr Valley. He had stayed in Germany until partway through university, studying engineering. "I came here to spend some time at the engineering school at your university. It has a fine reputation and had the cooperative program where you could alternate between school and real work. I meant to take what I learned home to Germany. Instead, I met this beautiful Greek girl."

Stefan and Tia got married a couple of years after college. They had Melina about four years later.

"Melina is our only child," Tia said, "but I think we got it right the first time."

Erin asked the question that had all three of us curious. "Why did you decide to let Melina played nude volleyball with us?"

Stefan answered, "We are Americans, but we both come from Europe. In Europe not wearing clothes is no big deal. Europeans understand and admire the beauty of the bare human body. We have that in us. So many people in America appear to think that a naked body is the worst thing in the world. We don't agree with that, but we want Melina to be truly American. It did not make sense to us to give her values that no one in this country seemed to share."

Tia picked up the thread. When I was a teenager, I would go back to Greece to visit my relatives. We would go to the beach. We would take all of our clothes off and stay that way all day. We swam. We ran. We napped in the sun. We did everything naked. I was sixteen to twenty-two. Of course people looked my naked body. Why not? I think my body looks very good. Why should I cover it up all of the time? Is it not a compliment to me when people derive joy from seeing this body? I derive joy from seeing other naked bodies. Why should I not share mine to view?

"Anyway," Stefan continued, "when Tia and I would go back to Europe by ourselves we would go nude. We went naked on the beaches in Greece, in the spa in Germany, in the park in Munchen. Many places with many, many people. But never here, and we never did when Melina was with us."

Tia added, "We didn't want Melina to have un-American ideas. But, Coach Swale told us about you playing volleyball in the nude where people wearing clothes would see you. She said that it was a good thing and it could be good for Melina. We thought, 'those people must be nutcases or old hippies.' But we checked into you. What we saw found mainstream successful Americans and you like to go naked. We thought this was wonderful. We could let Melina have the joy of being naked and the joy of people seeing her naked and she could still be a normal American."

I smiled and said, "I'm not sure how many people would call us 'normal Americans.'"

Stefan replied, "Bah! The naked body is good. That is what God made, not what some clothing store sold. You know this. You are the normal people. It is those who hate or are afraid of the naked body who are abnormal."

Tia broke our serious conversation by saying, "your pool looks so nice. May I use it?"

"Of course," Erin responded.

Tia rose from her chair and walked to the edge of the deep end of the pool. I have to say that Tia's bare ass was every bit as nice as her daughter's and almost as nice as Carla's and Erin's. Of course, no one else is on par with Carla or Erin in any category.

Tia dove into the pool very gracefully. Stefan smiled at me. "She is a beautiful lady is she not?"

"Yes, she is." I answered.

"And Melina has grown into a beautiful young woman."

"She is definitely that."

Then Stefan threw me. "Melina likes you very much. She likes all three of you, but particularly you Harry."

I didn't know what that was about and did not respond. Fortunately, Carla got me out of the immediate spot by saying, "Let's all go in the pool." Carla dove in more gracefully than Tia.

After swimming for a time, we all moved into the small Jacuzzi. Five was way too few to use the big one. That was for parties. However, five was a squeeze into the small one. I was between Erin and Carla. Stefan was between Carla and Tia.

As we talked, Erin began mischievously fondling me under the water. I'm sure that she thought no one could see, but Tia figured out what she was doing. I had no problem looking at Tia's lovely face above the water and I noticed movement in her right shoulder.

After many minutes, Tia looked at me and grinned. Then she glanced at the clock over the door into the house. Suddenly, she jumped out of the Jacuzzi. Standing on the deck in all her bare beauty, she said "Stefan, we must go, now. Melina will be home soon."

Stefan obviously did not want to get out of the water just yet. "But why is it so urgent?"

"Do not argue with me Stefan. Just move."

Carla, a bit surprised by Tia's vehemence, started to get out, saying "I'll get your clothes."

"In a minute," Tia said. "First, I need my husband out of that water!"

It appeared that Stefan had no choice short of an actual fight. His face reddened some, but he climbed out of the tub. Tia and given her husband a massive hard-on. I don't look much at other men's dicks, but Stefan's was almost a freak of nature.

"My god!" Carla exclaimed.

Erin said, "Wow!"

Tia, grinning from ear to ear, said, "You have been such good hostesses, I thought that I should share what I am pleased to see every day. But, I have forgotten poor Harry."

Tia turned her back to me, spread her legs, and bent way over. She was fully exposed to me. Between her legs, I could see her face, upside down, smiling. It was my turn to say "Wow!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story

... but the name of the sport is "beach volleyball", not "sand volleyball". I wonder if they will ever have a nude version in the Olympic Games?

JRavenJRavenalmost 8 years ago
One of the best chapters

I've waited a while for this to come out, it was worth the wait!

Rapier875Rapier875almost 8 years ago
A nice departure from previous chapters.

Please don't leave it so long before you publish the next episode !

This is a really great story.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 8 years ago
Been too long...nice to see you back!

You always have ways to keep this story sexy, interesting and compelling. Thanks! Don't make us wait so long for Ch. 19!

anudist1957anudist1957almost 8 years ago
missing you

sure glad to see your work again. missed reading the adventures. hope you will continue

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