Lending Victoria's Body

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He lends his wife a marine biologist.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 09/15/2022
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All characters are over eighteen. This series contains mind control and impregnation.

This is the third entry in the Lending Her Body series. It will make more sense if you've read Lending Elizabeth's Body and Lending Amanda's Body first, but it can still be enjoyed standalone.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable for every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Finally, I would like to thank Sylvidoll, kenjisato, and 2soon2no for their time and help.


RECAP: Ezere has the power to transfer souls into another person's body. His wife, Mara, enjoys using that to possess other women so he can impregnate her. While he remains more restrained, he agrees as long as they only choose women who are okay with it.

Waiting for what felt like an eternity at the stoplight, Ezere mentally added to the list of things he would do if he was a billionaire: build better airports. Really, what person in their right mind enjoyed picking someone up after their flight?

"Oh, come on," Mara chirped as they finally found a parking spot. "That wasn't so bad."

Ezere glared. "I don't suppose you'll drive home then?"

His wife laughed at what they both knew was an empty threat.

"Can we at least grab some food then?" he asked. "I'm starving."

"Sure, sweetie," she said soothingly.

Twenty minutes later, a pair of sandwiches were bought and paid for. Ezere thought nothing of it, but when he turned around, Mara's face had morphed from friendly and outgoing into tranquil fury.

He almost spilled their drinks as he fought not to laugh. He recognized that look: his wife's patented 'I will allow no one to make googly eyes at my husband, especially not a cute fast-food worker' scowl.

"Did you see that girl?" Mara grumbled as she took her sandwich. "She was openly flirting with you! On the job, no less!"

Ezere shook his head as her tirade continued. Despite being incredibly shy, he had a habit of attracting almost any woman who laid eyes on him. His wife never believed looks were her strongest department; combined with her redhead temper, she could get very jealous.

"Mara," Ezere said, placing his hand over hers when he had an opening. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course, sweetie."

"Do you think I'd ever even be tempted by anyone other than you?"

Mara took a deep breath. "You're right. I'm sorry. I love you."

"I love you, too," Ezere said warmly.

Just like that, Mara was back to her normal self. Fifteen minutes later, they got a text that Victoria had landed.

"I'm looking forward to seeing her again," Mara said as they began the walk to baggage claim. "We lost touch after she graduated. I hear she's been doing pretty well for herself."

"What is she anyway?" Ezere asked as a buzz signaled the carousel was about to start.

"Victoria's a marine biologist," she explained. "She says she just wrapped up a study of deep-sea organisms. She's here to present her findings before she heads out on her next trip."

"Wow, sounds like she's pretty active."

"I know, right? When we were roommates, Victoria was always someone who liked to be out in the field. She hated doing theoretical stuff in the lab."

Ezere kept half an eye on the conveyor during their conversation. Victoria had texted that her suitcase would be medium-sized red with multiple compartments. After several checks, he finally found one labeled 'Victoria' and pulled the surprisingly heavy case.


"Victoria!" Ezere's wife cried as she embraced her old friend with a hug.

Ezere's first thought was that Victoria looked more like a blonde fitness model than a scientist with her khaki shorts and thin tank top. She had a strong jaw, prominent nose, and stunningly flawless skin. With so much of her body exposed, it was impossible to miss that she had the athletic build of a swimmer. Everything from the shape of her head down to her shoulders and calves was streamlined.

"It's great to see you again."

"You too," Victoria grinned. "Is this your husband?"

Ezere nodded, shifting her case so he could shake her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for picking up my bag."

"No problem. Did you have a nice flight?"

"Actually, I'm freezing, not to mention starving."

"Let's head home and make dinner then," Mara suggested. "My husband will make anything you want, right honey?"

"Master Chef Ezere Gray, at your service," he said in his best Italian accent.

Victoria laughed. "Sounds good to me."


Mara and her college roommate caught up over some crappy Plex streaming while Ezere cooked dinner. Victoria seemed more at ease every time he came to check on them, and it wasn't long before she was opening up about her personal life. He and Mara had learned to read each other without words, so he nodded when she gave him a look to give them some privacy.

"You guys seem happy," he heard Victoria say.

"We are," Mara said. "Trust me, we're very, very happy."

The truth of that remark brought a heartfelt smile to his lips. He and Mara had a bond that could never be described with words. The more he used his powers, the closer they became. While he'd expressed his concerns about the side effects that might have, Mara said she welcomed it. She loved feeling that 'Ezere place' in the back of her mind, letting her know he was safe and making her feel like she was never alone.

Victoria seemed touched. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Have you guys ever... thought about having kids?"

"Yeah. It's still a ways off, but we're both looking forward to it." Mara paused for a moment. "You want one." It wasn't a question.

Victoria nodded solemnly. "Something about seeing you guys and how happy you are. It... made me think about being a mother for some reason, and I... I realized I want it. My career is stable. So are my finances."

"That's great," Mara said encouragingly. "The hardest part is realizing you want it and accepting that you're ready."

"But I'm not married. I don't even have a boyfriend."

"Since when is there a law that says you have to have a boyfriend to get pregnant?" Mara asked. "You don't need to wait until you find true love. If motherhood is more important than finding a partner, just try to find a guy you like. In fact, he might be closer than you think."

Mara found him moments later, smirking like she'd already won. The conspicuous delectation she felt made him struggle not to smile.

"You heard her," she said in a sing-song tone.

Ezere shook his head but had to tighten his facial muscles.

"You know you want it."

He tried and failed to keep his face passive. "Okay," he sighed, but only to hide his grin. "As long as she's okay with it."


They decided to wait until after dinner before transferring her to Victoria's body. Mara said she wanted him to be more dominant than he'd been with Amanda or Liz. Her roommate was deceptively strong, and she'd always been disappointed when none of her boyfriends could match her.

Ezere wasn't sure how well he could play that role. Being forceful did not come naturally to him, but he promised to give it his best. He knew how much his wife loved pretending to be someone she was not in the body of someone who was. She loved that feeling of power and control that came with roleplaying, and he didn't want to take that away from her.

Speaking of power, his wife was eager to put Victoria's knowledge to use. She spent hours showing off her scientific know-how while he listened rapturously.

"Mmmm... I'm tired," she said, standing up to stretch herself. "Thanks for dinner."

"Thanks for being a great guest," he responded. "Anything else I can do for you?"

"I'm glad you asked," she said, moving in until their faces were inches away. Were Victoria in control, he would've said she was invading his personal space. Even in another woman's body, he and Mara fit together perfectly. "What I really need is a man."

"Well, you're in luck," he said. "There's a moving company nearby. They should have all the muscle you need."

"That's not what I meant, 'ya doofus," she laughed. "I need help with something related to my research, something only a man can do."

Ezere smirked and moved his hands to squeeze her tight, round ass. "I'm happily married. I'm not sure my wife would approve of me randomly helping slutty blondes I just met."

His wife flashed him a broad, genuine smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. He always enjoyed seeing Mara's eyes sparkle with happiness, and Victoria's deep-blue irises added an incredible thrill to that familiar pleasure.

"Woah, don't get any ideas there, buster," she said. "I just need your help reenacting something. My team and I just completed a landmark study of several newly discovered species that inhabit the abyssal zone. On one occasion, I actually saw two fish fighting! In the eternal darkness of the ocean floor, where there's practically never food, it makes no sense to waste energy like that. I'm hoping that by recreating what I saw, I can gain a better understanding."

Ezere guessed that keeping Victoria's face appear neutral and scientific-like was hard for Mara. He could feel the uncontrollable lust radiating off of her. She was probably fighting not to jump him right then and there.

"You want me to fight you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Like, wrestle you to the floor and pin you down?"

"Yes. I think that should be a good equivalent. You and I will do our best to subdue each other. Using our hands and knees should be an adequate substitute for teeth. I also noticed that one specimen had multiple scars along its body. To simulate that, I want you to do your best to rip my clothes off."

"Are you sure this is for science?" he shrugged, doing his best to sound hesitant. "It seems... I don't know, kinda whorish."

To emphasize his words, he slipped one hand into her shorts so he could grope her shapely rear. He was surprised by how firm it was, and he had to admit he was looking forward to exploring the rest of her body once she was naked.

His wife bit her lip as her control became as stretched as her patience. "Of course it's for science. I'd proudly whore myself in the name of advancing scientific knowledge."

"Wow! Sounds like you'd be willing to do almost anything for science," he said.

"Absolutely," she nodded in agreement. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for science. Besides, I am your guest, as you yourself have pointed out."

"That's true," he sighed theatrically. "You are my guest. Plus, I was always a bit of a science nerd, so I guess I'd be proud to help if it benefits science."

"Alright then," Ezere's wife grinned as she stepped back. "That settles it. Let's get to it."

She didn't make it easy. His wife was using her strength to her full advantage, grabbing him and bringing them both crashing to the floor with a loud bang. She let loose a fury of knees, elbows, and curses that would've made the armed forces blush. She managed to get several good hits in, leaving several sore spots as they fought for dominance. She became angrier as he started to gain the upper hand, but at no point did she ask him to stop or try to get away.

It ended after he managed to roll her face-down. With a cross between a roar and a grunt, he ripped her tank top off and used it to tie her arms behind her back. Victoria was strong, but in the end, he was much stronger. Panting, flushed, and more than a little mad, he looked down at his defeated opponent.

"I won," he panted.

"Yeah," she said, not sounding upset. "Thanks for your help. I definitely got the data I needed. Would you please untie me?"

"No, I don't think I will," he said matter-of-factly. "You gave me quite a few bruises back there. I worked hard for this victory, and I intend to enjoy my prize."

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice shaking with false apprehension as he scooped her up.

"I'm doing what nature intended," he said. "I'm taking ownership of your pussy."

His wife shrieked, either from eagerness or because she was pretending to be horrified, as he threw her over his shoulder and walked toward the bedroom. With her arms bound, all she could do was cutely wriggle her legs until he slapped her ass warningly. He dropped her unceremoniously on the bed and locked the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" she cried, squirming as she struggled to pull her arms loose.

"I told you," he said, leaning over her exposed body. "I'm taking ownership of your pussy."

Whatever half-hearted protest she was about to make became irrelevant as he grabbed her shorts and pulled until the button and zipper were ruined. She gave a soft, sharp gasp as he pulled them down her powerful hips before ripping off her bra and panties, leaving her well-and-truly naked.

"I love this hair," he whispered huskily into her ear. With them pressed so close together, he could feel the tiniest shiver that ran down her body. "Let's see if it's your real color."

"Nooo..." she moaned sensuously as he kissed his way down her back. With his wife still lying on her stomach, he reached her bush and discovered that she was indeed a natural blonde.

"You're gorgeous," he said softly. Her exposed pussy was just as wet as he'd expected from her soaked panties. With her immobilized and her legs spread wide while he buried his face in her crotch, it looked as irresistible as any unguarded treasure, and he was soon working her with his tongue. Her legs flailed wildly, but he simply wrapped his arms around her to get a good grip and dug in.

She never stopped resisting, but it took several attempts before she could voice her protests again. "What are you doing? Stop this at once! I didn't ask for this! What would your wife say!?! I—Oh fuck!"

Her legs spasmed and she arched her back as she had her first orgasm. He slowed but did not halt his ministrations, prolonging the mini-tremors that sent bliss throughout her body. Only when she went limp did he pull out and move back up, listening intently to her breathing. When she was ready, he flipped her over and kissed her ferociously.

She kissed him back, just as drunk on the taste of her juices as he was. Without breaking their lips, his free hand began exploring her body. He groaned with desire as he felt how her stomach and tits were just as toned as her arms or legs. That made her more attractive as a mate, but her strength was useless when she needed it most. Victoria's muscles were designed for swimming, not fighting off an attacker.

He flippered his wife back onto her stomach and guided his fully indurated cock to her entrance but withheld from penetrating. Instead, he poked and teased her, drawing circles around her short, thin lips but never actually entering her. It wasn't long before Victoria's pussy was drenched and begging for him.

He was aching himself, but he knew it had to be much worse for his wife. Even without her pride, she couldn't beg. Not only would it break character, it also went against Victoria's nature as a fighter. It was a part of her so deeply ingrained that it became part of her body. That indomitable spirit was ripping his wife apart as it forbade surrender even while her pussy was being fiendishly tortured.

"Get ready," he breathed raggedly as he nestled his cock between her pouting lips.

"No!" she cried. "What are you doing? I'm not on any birth control!"

Ezere grinned. "That's the whole point. I'm claiming your pussy in the name of science."

He pushed and began to slowly part her lips. His wife's hole squeezed him as he carefully sheathed himself, making sure Victoria had time to adjust to his presence and his wife had time to enjoy the sensation of being stretched around his girth.

"What do you mean you're claiming my pussy for science?" she gasped as he ventured deeper into her folds.

He chuckled, doing his best to avoid breaking stride. "Oh, Victoria. We already made one valuable contribution to science together. I think we could make another, this time in your womb."

His wife whimpered pitifully as she struggled not to scream in delight. Gripping her hips for support, he began sawing into her pussy, savoring the sensation of her lubricated walls rubbing his shaft as he began to speed his thrusts into the hot blonde's hospitable tightness.

"No," she gasped, her cunt betraying her by willingly aiding in his conquest of her womb. She moaned heartedly when he reached around to cup her generous tits. Without her tank top squeezing them together, he realized they were much fuller and rounder than he'd given her credit for.

After giving them a gentle squeeze that made his wife flex around him, he returned to thrusting into her fertile depths. His hips slammed into her muscular ass as he pounded her hard and deep, his hard cock filling the athletic marine biologist perfectly.

"Why do you keep saying that?" he asked breathlessly. "You specifically said you'd be willing to do anything for science. Aren't you willing to give up your pussy?"

Ezere knew perfectly well the problem with that was that it wasn't Victoria giving up her pussy; it was Mara. Whether the real Victoria would've welcomed or objected to her ravishment, it would never be her choice to give up her womb. He and his wife would fill it, plant his child in it, and she would be the one left to raise it.

That would've been unthinkable under normal conditions, but with the revelation that Victoria would welcome her impregnation, he could permit himself to enjoy it. He could indulge in the forbidden temptation of filling Victoria's blonde pussy and creating a new life with her.

"But... how does giving up my pussy help science?" she squeaked. Her voice sounded distant, likely because she was distracted by the sight of her lips parting to take him while she was bent over.

"Don't sell yourself short, Victoria," he replied. "You have beautiful tits, a beautiful ass, and all these fucking gorgeous muscles. Not only would you make a very healthy baby, I bet a body like this would make you an excellent momma bear."

His wife groaned but did not deny the truth. He looked down, enthralled by the sight of their bodies joining as one. He was surprised he was capable of being so dominant, but he couldn't spare the time to ponder it. Watching Victoria's wet pussy accept his throbbing manhood increased his desire to fill it, to claim his rightful prize and leave his mark upon her forever.

"More importantly, you're a brilliant scientist," he said, running his finger down her back, tracing each vertebra. "You know there aren't enough scientists as it is. That's why science needs your pussy. By donating it, you can make a precocious mini-scientist. Are you really so selfish that you'd deny the world a young mind just as intelligent and dedicated as you are?"

She struggled to find an answer for several seconds.

"I don't know," she moaned.

"Yes, you do," he pointed out. "Your pussy definitely knows. It knows the right thing to do is to welcome me into your bare, fertile cunt."

He was right and they both knew it. Victoria's pussy didn't care what its owner thought. By declining to take birth control, Victoria had ensured it was fully aware of its mission: entice a man to fill her and produce his offspring.

"I don't know you," she gasped.

"You know enough," he teased. "You know I'm Mara's husband, so I must be a good man. You know I'm strong and muscular since I beat you in our wrestling contest. Most importantly, you know I'm a science geek like you. I'd make the perfect father for your baby."

His wife's lustful moan told him she agreed. She angled herself to let him drive deeper into her cunt, eager to enjoin the union of her soulmate with her old roommate.