Les Hommes Ch. 15


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"Not at all, once you're in I mean."

"Thanks Roger. It would..."

"Whoever it is will treat her right, like they treat my wife now, all the wives."

"I want to believe you!"

"It's their code."

"Les Hommes? Is that it?"

"Of course she'll get Franco at some point, even if he's not the one who pops her cherry."

"Oh-my-God, like she's a virgin."

"Well, an 18 month virgin I guess." Haha!

"Like all the guys would get to be with her? Over time, right?"

"Right. And every time her man will make that pretty pussy sing. Think Anna would like that?"

"Roger, we both know she would, she needs it."

"She wouldn't have to lie about it, right?"

"Right, because..."

"Because you'd be part of it, you'd be there for her, for them."

"Yes, like her coach or her ballboy maybe."

"You think you'd enjoy it too?"

"I don't...I don't know...I think..."

"You'd be grateful to the guys? You'd respect and appreciate them?"

"I guess, maybe. I mean if they really are nice to Anna like you're saying, if they respect her and make her happy."

"Good. And you'd be happy to do the little chores for them too, right?"

"I...but why? Why the chores? What's the point?"

"It's mostly just symbolic. Let's all three of you know the hieroglyphics when it comes to fucking."

"Ummm...the hierarchy?...like it's those two above me?"

"I see you have been following me. Good boy! The chores are mostly for the wife..."

"The wife, I thought..."

"Billy, the chores let her see that you understand, that you know your place, you're not going to be a pain about it. The chores show her you love her the way she really is."

"...for the wife?"

"Not like these guys actually need an extra gardener or dog-walker."

"Oh God! It's for her! For my Anna."

"For Anna and for Claire and for all the wives."

"I guess it wouldn't be so bad, a little silly, but if Anna really wanted it..."

"And for you, no more jerking off in her panties. Or at least not hiding it."

"Oh God, that would be a relief." So the tears start again. This time they're not stopping.

"Yes, you deserve that Bill. You both deserve some relief."

"We do! We need it, we both need it, and I just love her so much!"

"OK, then. Good boy. You know that Anna is waiting at home to hear that from you."

"Yes, I do."

"Then I need you Bill, right here and right now, to promise me that you'll do the right thing when you get home to her."

Roger stops there and looks away. He takes a sip of his drink. I put my arms on the table and my head down, my face a mass of tears. I think the pitch is over. He lets me breathe, lets me cry it out. I am close to hyperventilating and he knows to give me time.

When I raise my head he stares at me till I nod up and down twice. A promise. Roger reaches across the table to pat my hand and says, "Good for you, Billy-boy, You finally get it."

"I know, I know...I think I do, I know now but..."

"What the 'but' this time?"

"It's still so complicated, Roger."

"Not really. Let her be with her equals. Doesn't mean your a loser. You know Anna wants it, like you said, she just plain needs more cock. But not running away from you with some Farrell guy in a hotel, lying and cheating. And not getting used by some jerk like Josh. She needs good men in her life. She already has a good and loving husband. You're it."

"Thank you, Roger."

"You're welcome, Bill. And Anna loves you to death, you know that, right?"

"I do. I really think I do."

"Good! She must have told us a million times."

"Oh how I love that girl!"

"But face it, Billy, she has her own needs too. She needs to have who she is out in the open. Honest, a good, honest girl, no lying. You there with her, you supporting her, helping her, letting her know how much you love her."

"I would definitely get to go in the room? Like after?"

"You mean when Anna's with her man? One of our weekends?"

"Like you did with Claire and Franco."

"Yup, once you two are in, one of the nice bennies of the club. All out in the open. We want, I mean the guys want, but us husbands too, want you to see how happy it can make your wife."


"Want her to see how happy it can make you too. You'd see something nice."

"I...I don't know what to say to you."

"I'll tell you what you can say. First go home and forgive her for the Farrell thing."

"That I totally agree with, figured that one out two hours ago."

"Second, talk to her about the club, about why she wants that date."


"About honesty."


"Honesty from both of you. Not just her, you too."


"And about Les Hommes."


"About her needing more cock, better cock."


"Go home and talk to your wife about it. Sooner the better."

"I will, I promise you I will. But I'm still afraid."

"I know you are Bill."

"It's all going so fast, Roger!"

"I know buddy, I feel for you. It's not easy, at least not at first. Takes some time to accept, to get the hang of it, and then to really enjoy it."

"It's too fast for me...the date in three weeks..."

"What about it?"

"It's there hanging over our heads. I never got any say in that."


"Anna off with some guy I don't even know, making love to him?"

"Yes, I know, that provi-date night has been tough on some of our husbands. Alone with the picture of his Mrs. getting fucked like that, maybe two, three, or who knows? four or five times, haha!, wondering minute by minute, Is she cumming right now? Is he sucking on her tits? Is he cumming in her pussy? Is she sucking his dick? Is he eating her pussy?"

"Oh God. There's no way I'm ready for that. How did you handle it? That first time?"

"Me? Didn't you follow my story at all? Claire never had the provi-date. We sailed right into the club without that, went right to that first weekend with Franco."

"Oh, yeah."

"And he gave me his lawn so I couldn't get too crazy wondering about things. Was a blessing."

"But it's not fair, Roger. Claire didn't even have to do the provi-date but you still think Anna should."


"I know you do."

"Ummm, Bill, don't you get it yet? I really don't think that at all."

"No? For real? I thought..." Was he changing his mind?


"You mean it, Roger? You agree with me about the date...?"

"I do Bill."

"So we can put the date on hold or something while Anna and I work through this?"

"Well, I told you. Anna committed. You could talk to her but from the sound of things..."

"You know Anna. I've never been able to talk her out of things once she decides. She's so strong willed."

"Kinda the point I've been making to you Bill. Can't you see that she's in charge now?"

"Yes, but Roger, there must be some way out of it, there has to be."

"Out of the date?"

"Yeah, you know these people. You must have some idea of what..."

Roger hesitates then looks me in the eye. "I'll tell you, because I know you're ready now."

"Please Roger!" I needed him so much right then. A good friend. A good man. My only hope.

"Billy, unless Anna changes her mind, there is one and only one way to stop the date."

"Please! Just tell me what to do."

He pauses, his head nodding up and down again so slowly, "Les Hommes has its monthly meeting four weeks from yesterday. Julian sent out the email last night."

"Yes, but..."

"Claire and I will be there."


"Perfect fit for the girls' cycles. Anna's ends four days before and Claire's begins five days after. Pretty lucky on that one."

"God, she even told you about her periods?"

Roger ignores that, says, "Nine of the guys are lined up. Only seven couples so far so there are still two spots open."

"Yes, but I..."

"You free that weekend? Anna thought you were."

"Yes, but..."

"Claire says they'll reserve a spot for you two if you call by tomorrow."


"You know it's what Anna needs. It's what you need too."


"Join us. You and Anna together, you there supporting her, showing your love. Make it your first."

"Jesus. To stop the date?"

"It's the only way, Bill. Once you commit to Anna and commit to the guys, I mean really commit, her date goes poof."

"It does?"

"Those dates are just for provisional girls."

"Jesus. What do I do, Roger? Help me!"

"Talk to Anna. She's waiting for you. Show her how much you love her. Commit to her tonight. Man up, Billy, and make it happen. You'll feel a whole lot better once you do."


"Tomorrow you call the club. I'll get you the number. Reserve that spot."

"Jesus. I wouldn't know what to say."

"Just tell them who you are, that it's Bill and Anna and you'd like to sign up for the next meeting, the one in four weeks. They'll be expecting you. Anna should be beside you when you call, will keep her from worrying. They'll want to hear her say it too. Make sure you two are on the same page. But you start the call, OK? Shows the right spirit."


"I'll call Franco. Set you up with an appointment for this week. He already told me he thinks he can fit you in Tuesday afternoon."

"You mean you already told him about me? About all this?"

"Yeah, couple of days ago. Not to brag. I thought it would be difficult and it was. But I was always pretty confident."

"And then what happens?"

"Let Franco and some of the other guys check you out. You'll be fine. Commit to the guys, be sincere, convince them you're really ready to make this work. Work for both you and Anna. Show them how much you love your wife. Show that them you're thankful for the opportunity, that you both are. You'll see that you like them."


"Once you're accepted, the four of us, me, you, Claire and Anna will go out and celebrate. Some place nice. On me. Gives Claire and I plenty of time to fill you two in. How things go, some of the fine points. Couple of weeks from now you and I take the girls shopping. Get them some nice things, pretty things they'll love and that the guys will appreciate. Get us some nice things too. You'll want to look sharp."


"Agreed, mon ami. You need Him now more than ever."

The End

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