Lessons from Days Gone By Ch. 04


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"I bet," I smiled. "She can really pitch."

"Yes, she can," Lisa smiled proudly. "So, what brings you by?"

"I thought I might see if Mom wants to have lunch," I said.

"Oh," Lisa grinned, as she picked up the phone and pressed the number. "I would think she would. Let me ring her."

"Joan, there's a handsome young man here to take you to lunch," she said into the phone. She smiled at me after she finished. I couldn't hear Mom's reply, but Lisa shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"It's Michael. Come up here," she replied. She hung up the phone and turned to me. "Sorry, she's been a little cranky with me lately."

"I understand," I nodded. "Ever since dad..." I saw Lisa nodding, so I stopped. We shared a mutual look and I was sure Lisa knew that as well as me, if not better. We were standing there when Mom walked around the corner. She stopped for a second when she saw me.

"Hi, Mom," I said.

"Hello, Michael. This is a bit of a surprise," she said.

"Well, I meant for it to be," I said. Mom glanced at Lisa and then waved for me to follow her. I did and we were soon in her office. She waited by the door until I was in before she closed it. She walked around her desk and sat in her chair.

"So, what can I do for you," she asked.

"Nothing. I just thought we could go to lunch, Mom," I said.

"Honey, I'm very busy today. I was planning to just eat here at my desk," she replied.

"Mom, you're always busy now. You were never busy like this before," I said.

"We've talked about this, Michael," she said.

"No, Mom, we haven't. You've gave me that same excuse over and over," I said. "I think we need to really have a talk because since Dad died, I feel like I've lost both of you."

"Michael," she said softly. She reached for a tissue and I saw her wilt in front of me. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I don't want it to be this way, but I want to help you," I said. She leaned forward in her chair and she began crying pitifully. She hadn't done that when Dad passed. I instinctively walked around the desk and put my hand on her shoulder. When I did it was like a surge came through her and she stood allowing me to hug her. I thought she'd been crying before, but she really let loose as I held her. I patted her back and hoped she was finally starting to let it all out. She finally pulled away from me and dapped her eyes with a tissue from her desk.

"Michael, I can't apologize enough. I've been terrible, but when your father died, a lot of me died too," she said, and she began forcefully crying again. I took her back in my arms and hugged her tightly.

"Mom, I can understand, believe me. I just want to help you get through this," I replied.

"I know," she wept. "I know. And all along I thought being tough was what I needed to do. Since you left for school, it's been so much harder. I realized that I was really, finally alone. I just didn't know how to reach out to you. I thought your decision to finally play football was somehow a sign that you'd given up on me."

"No, Mom. It wasn't, I promise," I said.

"I should have just talked to you. I tried to bottle my own feelings up, but you were able to face your own. You've always been mature for you age Michael," Mom sobbed.

"I've tried," I said.

"You didn't need to, you're your father all over again," she said. She pulled slightly away from me and I could see the faint glimmer of a smile on her face.

"I'd like to think so," I said.

"You are," she said. "Okay, give me a few minutes to collect myself. Then we can go have lunch."

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," she replied.

"Okay," I said as I walked to the door. I went to the reception area and saw Lisa look up from her word processor.

"Everything, okay," she asked.

"Yes, I think so," I smiled.

"Good," she grinned. I sat in a chair and we talked about football until Mom walked out looking refreshed and beautiful. She honestly looked more confident and happier than I'd seen her in a year.

"Enjoy your lunch," Lisa said as we walked out.


Mom and I went to a Mexican place that Dad loved. She had a few moments during lunch when she was reminded of him, but she was able to keep herself under control. She admitted to listening to our first two games on the radio and at Lisa's insistence, watching the previous night's game.

"You played really well," she said. "The way you shrugged blocks was impressive."

"Thanks Mom, I don't think most guys would get that sort of compliment from their mom," I laughed.

"Well, your Dad made sure I understood the game," she smiled. "Rest his tender soul."

"I'll agree with that," I replied.

We finished lunch and Mom said she would go back to the office, but insisted she'd be home by 5.

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Very sure," she said. "I know I wasn't doing what I needed to before. I'll be there."

"Okay," I smiled. "Can I make dinner?"

"You certainly can," she smiled.

"I will then," I grinned.


I was so satisfied with the progress I'd made, the minute I was home, I phoned Laura.

"Michael, that's wonderful," she said.

"Yes, it really was," I agreed.

"This is going to still be a long-term commitment," Laura reminded me.

"I know," I said. "Do you think I'll be able to see you sometime this weekend?"

"I'm afraid not," she said. My heart sank.

"Okay," I replied glumly.

"Michael, remember what we talked about last night," she said.

"I will," I replied.

"I'm actually going to be out of town until Monday," she said.

"Where are you going," I asked.

"Los Angeles," she replied. "I'm speaking at conference tomorrow night and then I'm going to spend Sunday with my sister."

"Oh, that sounds fun," I said.

"It will be, I haven't seen her in several months," Laura replied. I could pick up the happiness in her voice.

"I hope you have a great time," I said.

"I'm sure I will. And I want you to have a great time reconnecting with your mother," she said.

"I will," I insisted.

"I understand there will be another home game next weekend," Laura asked in a slightly sultry voice. I could imagine the sexy smile that was probably accompanying it in the other end of the line.

"Yes, we play Missouri," I said.

"My dear friend has extended an open offer to her suite anytime I want to attend," Laura purred.

"You should definitely attend then," I said. I was smiling practically ear to ear.

"I will," she said. "I better be going. I need to finish packing. We're taking off at 4," she said. "I love you and I'll see you next weekend, Michael."

"I love you, too, Laura. I can't wait," I replied.

"Goodbye for now," she said softly.

"Goodbye," I said.


The rest of the weekend was great as Mom and I spent practically every waking moment together. We talked constantly and she was particularly interested in my schoolwork. We were sitting in the living area Saturday afternoon talking.

"So, do you feel overwhelmed," she asked. "With class, practice and everything else?"

"It's actually been going pretty well," I explained.

"That's good to hear," Mom smiled. I smiled back at her.

"I missed seeing you do that," I said.

"I know Michael," she said. "It was just tough for me. Your father was always so wonderful, kind and caring. You don't know how I miss that man."

"I can understand, Mom," I replied. She nodded thoughtfully and then patted me on the knee.

"So, tell me. Are the co-eds chasing my baby boy the football star," she laughed.

"No, they're not," I said with a laugh of my own.

"I can't believe that," Mom smiled. "That hair is a little unruly, but you're certainly very handsome."

"Thanks Mom," I laughed.

"Have you seen Clarice Jennings," Mom asked.

"I didn't know she was going to school there," I said.

"Yes, she is. Apparently, she had a change of heart about going back east like she'd planned," Mom explained. "I ran into her mother, Angie, a few weeks ago at a Businesswoman's Club breakfast."

"Oh, okay," I replied.

"You'll never believe this," Mom laughed. "But Angie introduced me to Laura Parker."

"Who's that," I asked feigning innocence.

"You haven't heard of her? You know the Pettyjohn Building downtown? That was her grandfather. She's a philanthropist and an advocate for women in business," Mom said.

"Oh, I see," I replied.

"She's probably not on your radar really," Mom smiled. "I was flattered to meet her though. She's done so much for underprivileged families and the community. She was really down-to-earth."

"Yeah, she is," I said. Mom looked at me oddly. "I meant, that's really cool she is."

"Anyway, have you thought about dinner," Mom asked.

"I'm always thinking about dinner," I smiled.

"Then think about putting on some slacks and a nice shirt. I got us reservations at The Ranch for dinner," she smiled.

"You're actually gonna make me eat steak for dinner," I laughed.

"Think you can survive," Mom asked with a smile.

"I'm sure I can," I nodded.


We enjoyed a wonderful dinner and Mom relaxed with some wine as I told her I'd drive. She'd worn a lovely red dress along with tan nylons and black heels. It made me think of something Laura would wear. I noticed several of the men in the restaurant look at her with obvious appreciation. There were several women that looked at Mom with envy, as she looked amazing and she was gradually returning to her usual bubbly self.

"This is fun," Mom said. "We haven't been here since your 16th birthday."

"No, we haven't." I agreed. She reached across the table and took my hands in hers.

"Thank you, Michael. I know I've been difficult since your father passed," she said.

"Mom, you don't need to thank me. I'm just happy to be able to have time with you again," I replied.

"You always will," she smiled. The waiter brought our entrees and I couldn't help but notice a table of older guys behind Mom that kept looking our direction. One of them even gave me a thumbs up gesture. I inwardly winced because I was with my own mother, but they didn't know that. Laura suddenly rushed in my mind. I saw things more clearly that night from her point of view. We could never be more than what we were. Society would see us in the wrong light. I resolved myself that I wouldn't let it bother me, and I would spend what I time I could with her, no matter what restrictions there would be.

"Honey, are you okay," Mom asked. I realized I'd stopped mid-slice on my filet.

"Yes, sorry Mom. I was just thinking about a chemistry assignment I needed to finish," I replied.

"You always get lost in thought, just like your father," she smiled.

"Sorry," I grinned before taking a bite of my filet.

After dinner, we were driving home. Mom was very relaxed from the wine and we continued to talk.

"So, you've not dated anyone since you've been away at school," she asked.

"No, not really. I've been pretty busy," I explained. It was mostly true, but there was only one woman I wanted. Thankfully, she'd came back into my life.

"That's probably true, but don't forget to relax a little in college, Michael," Mom said.

"I won't," I agreed.


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Smm1Smm110 months ago

Why would you not want to finish this story, especially considering the high praise from your readers. I’m quite sure that if you submitted a slightly longer final posting (5+ pages) you would receive rave reviews and a rating over 4.85. Just leave out the unbelievable incidences and focus on the love story. IMO, anyone wanting more sexy shouldn’t be reading this story. You’ve got the blend spot on.

LABaseball3LABaseball3over 1 year ago

Nosebone.... please finish this story with some more chapters. I want to continue to hear more about their romance. Don't make it something stupid like a threesome. It will kill the story. Absolutely love it and I'm sure you're busy with life, but hopefully you're able to find some time and get some writing in? Looking forward to reading more from you.

redbaron172redbaron172almost 2 years ago

Great story all parts, but don't leave it hanging.... it started off with a middle age guy reminising about his first love when he found that she had died. Love the way you put it together but please finish. Would love to see if he and Clarice get together, maybe he a Laura become best friends too? Dunno, but several avenues are available....

RamazaRamazaalmost 2 years ago

Nosebone, it’s a real shame that you stopped the story before it came to its conclusion, you made some hints in the early chapters, but we are all waiting for a proper ending. It’s a great story, but it’s only half done…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Premise continues to be good.

Story continues to be too much story and not enough sex. And when there's sex it's almost an afterthought to the story.

As I've said for each chapter, sex needs much more in the way of details. Each time he eats her pussy there's a couple of sentences about how wet she it, and then it's almost completely clit centered: licking and sucking. And then an orgasm. There's much more to pussy than clit. There are lips that can be licked and sucked. There's a vagina that can be fingered and/or be tongue fucked. There's a raft of teasing that can take place. There's a load of dialog possible with him telling her what he's about to do. With her telling him not to tease her so much. Squeezing his head between her thighs. Throwing her legs over his back. Reaching sown with her fingers to manipulate her clit when he isn't directly kissing/licking/sucking it.

And still nothing with her ass.

And nothing really with his balls. Cock in mouth. Suck. Orgasm. That's all?

Four stars, for consistancy.

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