Lessons in Love

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Anne learns how to make love.
7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 12/09/2004
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The drive from the railway station back to the old country house was like a memory trip for Anne. This was where she had grown up from infancy and through childhood until education took her away to the city. And now she was returning once again to start on a new life from the very place she started off.

Anne was coming home to get married in less than a week at the home where she had so many memories and fun. It was true that her mother passed away during her adolescence in this very home but had been cushioned from the pain by her father's unmarried sister who had moved in to look after her. It was Aunty Dee who was making all the arrangements for the wedding and Anne had to just come home and till the big day. She should have been exhilarated just thinking about it. After all she was getting married Derek Houghton, who was considered a very hot property in the marriage market. He had the career, wealth and good looks to sweep any woman off her feet and it was what he had done with Anne too.

But there was this niggling feeling of discontent in the depths of her mind as she drew closer home. She could not quite place what it was but it may have been the fact that Derek had not joined her to come home to spend the last few days before the wedding citing work commitments. Though she was 28 years old, Anne was still a hopeless romantic at heart. She was always looking for romance in her relationship with Derek and he was not a born romantic as she was. It was true that he had taken a months' holiday for the honeymoon but Anne needed his love and affection right now. It was not his nature to express love and affection when they were in public though Anne secretly wished he would do so. Even when they were alone together it was only a rather formal kiss on her cheek. To Anne who was still a virgin this was very distressing as she was not sure whether she knew what she had to do when it came to love. Still she was glad to be back with her loving aunty Dee.

She came out of her reverie to find the car door being opened by her aunt to a warm welcome. After several hours of talking and a splendid lunch made by Mrs Tomms the cook she thought of taking a breather in the garden. Aunty Dee had been going on and on about the new landscaping that had been done especially for the wedding, which was going to be a big garden party. It was indeed lovely to be on the rolling lawns around the house bordered by brightly coloured summer flowers. Her spirits were lifted with the late afternoon summer sun on her back in the beautiful garden.

'Welcome home Miss Anne.' The deep heavily accented voice quite startled her, as she was least expecting to meet anybody in the garden.

'Er, I … do I know you?' The man who had appeared from behind her was obviously a gardener.

'I am Igor. I am the gardener here now.'

'You must be new here. I haven't met you before.'

'Ah, no I start only 3 months ago. I want to wish you for your wedding. I try to make the garden very beautiful for your wedding party.'

'Oh thank you. It is very beautiful indeed.'

'Miss Anne don't burn in the sun. You must look best for your wedding. Everybody tell me you are very beautiful. But you are more than I even dream.'

Anne moved to the shade of a tree heeding his advice while he stood in the sun. It was only then that she saw him well. Even though he was dressed in a dirty singlet and jeans Anne was quite shocked to find that even though he was a labourer on her father's property he was very sexy. He wore his dark hair very short and there was a 5 o'clock shadow that darkened his jaw line. His shoulders and arms were well muscled and curly dark hair matted his chest. His singlet and jeans hugged his body revealing a narrow waist and hips and big thighs. Even though he was not very tall there was an aura of strength and vitality, which Anne found to be vaguely disturbing. Looking at the dark hairs on his chest Anne realised that she did not know what Derek was like under his beautifully made Savile Row suits. Did he also have a body that had the animal magnetism that this man exuded from every pore of his compact body? She also realised that her heart was pounding very loud almost well enough to be heard by him too. She was struggling to keep up a conversation with him.

Igor sensed the effect he was having on her senses. As soon as he had seen her walking in the garden, her perfectly shaped body topped off by her silken blonde hair shining in the afternoon sunlight, he had felt the urge to go and talk to her. She was a very beautiful woman and was giving him some very erotic thoughts. After all he was a hot-blooded young, fit man and it was only natural that he should feel attracted to her beauty.

'Are you trying to flatter me Ivan?'

'Flatter? What is that? I do not understand very well. Is it like push you?'

'No, it's that you lie to just please me.'

'Ah no Miss Anne, I mean it real true. You are like the most beautiful girl I ever see. Even more than my wife.'

'Ooh you are married? You look too young to be married.'

'I'm 24. I marry when I am 20. She is home in Hungary. I come over because your father give me a good job.'

'Oh, that's too bad. Do you miss her?'

'Yes. But everybody here very good to me. Your father, he promise to help me get her to England soon.'

'That's good, I will remind him about it Igor.'

'Ah, you are very kind Miss Anne. So why are you alone here when you get married in few days. Where is your boyfriend?'

'He's very busy with his work. He will come closer to the wedding.' Anne said almost ruefully. Igor sensed that she was not very happy with her boy friend for not being with her.

'Ah, that is too bad. This is the happiest time in the life. He should be here with you. When we get married, I was with her 2 weeks before the day. It was a very happy time. Very exciting and sexy also.'

'Well I suppose I am that not lucky Igor, Derek cannot seem to get any time off to be here. So I am left alone till he gets here.'

'Miss Anne, I get an idea. You been very kind to me so I like to help you also.'

'That's very kind of you Igor, but what can you do to help me?'

'I have the motorbike. I can take you to the disco or a dinner or somewhere you like to go when I finish work. You must enjoy these days. It is not good to be sad Miss Anne.'

Anne was quite taken aback by his suggestion of going on a date with him. But she was also very touched by his concern for her.

'Oh, Igor that is one of the kindest things anybody has offered to do for me. But I am not sure whether it is correct for me to accept. Thank you very much. I will never forget your kindness.'

'That's alright. I was trying to be of some help.'

'Thanks Igor, I will see you sometime.'

'Yes I live on the grounds. You know how to find me Miss Anne.'

Anne walked away her head in turmoil. She took a long walk through the countryside and took nearly 3 hours to get back to the house. Aunt Dee was waiting in the sitting room for her.

'Oh there you are my dear. I was starting to wonder where you had disappeared to. Good walk?'

'Not bad Aunty Dee.'

'You are still down at the mouth dear. What's wrong?'

'Nothing…. Well I guess I would have like to have Derek here with me.'

'He's a very busy man isn't he? Anyway he's taking you on a months' honeymoon.'

'I know, but wished I had more time with him right now. You know I haven't ever had a proper boyfriend before.'

'Yes I think I can understand what you mean my dear. Don't you know some one who can take you on a date? Doesn't matter who it is as long as you get to have a good time to get your mind off things. Cant one of your friends set you up with somebody suitable? You should be very happy during this period dear.'

'I don't know, I must call up someone and see.' Anne did not have any friends close around her home and did not know whom to call. But she did not want to tell her aunt that, knowing that she was trying to help her.

'Yes you do that. Tell me if you will be in for dinner before you go out dear.'

It was nearly an hour later, which saw Anne leave the house to try to set up her date. She was of 2 minds about what she was doing. On one hand she felt she should not be trying to go on a date with another guy while she was to be married in a few days. On the other hand she was feeling neglected by Derek in the these few days before their wedding and felt Aunty Dee's advice was correct. She did not tell her aunt that she was going out as she stole out of the house. She crossed over the garden down towards the garages. She remembered that the rooms over the garages were given as accommodation to the head gardener.

As she tapped on the door she suddenly felt the urge to turn back and run away but there was no chance of doing so as the door opened almost immediately.

Igor stood framed in the doorway, naked except for a towel clutched at his waist. He appeared to have been just out the shower his hair tousled and beads of water on his body. He had the most perfectly proportioned body, which seemed not to have even an ounce of spare fat. The curly dark hair on the broad expanse of his chest tapered down as it ran down the front of his stomach to widen out again as it went below his belly button. His legs were

Well muscled and well furred with golden hair rather than the dark brown hair on his upper body. As Anne's eyes flicked over his body she felt quite weak at the knees and found herself stammering.

'I er….I'

'Ah Miss Anne sorry I do not know it is you knocking on my door.' Said Igor promptly wrapping the towel around his waist.

'I thought it must be one of the boys coming to tell me before he goes after work.'

'You are not very busy now are you?'

'No, no I just finished showering after work. Will you come inside miss Anne?'

'Yes, thank you. I was wondering whether your offer was still on. I am sorry if I sounded a little rude before when you were trying to be very kind to me.'

'I don't get angry with you. You are a very nice girl. Now come inside.'

The room was very plainly furnished with a bed, a table and a cupboard. But she noticed that it was kept very clean and tidy.

'Sorry I don't have the chair. You will have to sit on my bed Miss.'

'Igor, will you stop calling me miss. You can call me Anne.'

'Alright. So, now you like to go out with me?'

'Er, yes… unless ofcourse you got something else planned.'

Igor knew he had to get into some clothes very quickly or risk being seen by Anne to be getting aroused. In a way he felt that might not be a bad idea either. He knew she was excited as well by the way her eyes kept flitting all over his body.

Anne was feeling overcome by the animal magnetism of Igor as he stood directly in front of her while they talked. She felt that he was standing uncomfortably close to her. She could almost touch his body if she put her handout. The ridges of muscle on his chest and on his stomach were clearly visible as were the muscles on his thighs. She almost felt like running her fingers over the ridges of muscles on his stomach, which was lightly sprinkled with a hairy trail down the centre. What excited her most was the fact that the knot on the towel across his waist was very carelessly done just off the centre of his waist. The two edges of the towel did not quite meet together, affording her a peek of what was underneath. He was considerably more hairy at the groin and there was hair with glints of gold curling over the edges of the towel. She also felt that she could make out the inside of his right thigh and a darker shadow resting against it covered by the curly hair. She almost shivered in excitement when she noticed that his towel was starting to get tented up in front, which meant only one thing.

'Well I was going down to the pub with the boys a little later. But that is not important as you.'

'Er what….Oh thank you Igor. I was not sure whether I was going to make a fool of myself.'

'No, never with Igor. I am your friend. Tell me, what do you want to do?'

'You decide. I don't know what we can do here.'

'What about going to a beach. We got sunshine for 3 hours more.'

'I don't want to be recognised in this area. Do you understand Igor? Everybody knows me here because of dad.'

'Sure, we go a little far. We go on my bike.'

'Ooh I have never gone on one before. Is it safe?'

'Trust me ok? Now I quickly put on some clothes and come.'

Within 5 minutes he was back from the toilet where he disappeared into to dress.

'OK, ready to go. Is this alright?'

He stood in front of her arms opened out for her appraisal. He was in a figure hugging black T-shirt with very short sleeves and a pair of white shorts with wide slits on the sides. Anne felt quite sure that he was not wearing anything else underneath because she could nearly make out the outlines his manhood straining against the thin fabric.

'Oh, you look very handsome in that Igor'

'My wife, she like me like this also. Make me look sexy she say.

'Mmmh yes I agree with her.'

'OK let's go'

Anne held on to Igor for dear life as they thundered down the roads on his big bike. She felt very close to him as she felt the muscles on his torso flexing beneath her fingers as he controlled the bike at high speed. Almost too soon they were bumping down sand and gravel on to a beach, which she had never been to. For miles on end there were wide expanses of sand but totally desolate. It was as if they were the only people on the planet.

'This is wonderful Igor.'

'See, nobody around. We are 40 miles from home. No one see you now.'

'Ooh did we come that far? Its only about 20 minutes isn't it.'

'Yes we come at 80 miles an hour. Did you like it'

'Oh my god yes. I think it is the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life. Really.'

'Ah what do you say Anne. What about sex? That is the most exciting thing no?'

'Er I have not had much experience with that.'

'What? Ah but you joke with me no?'

'No it is true Igor.'

'But you marry in few days. What about your fiancé?'

'We haven't done it.'

'That is very surprising no? But you are so beautiful. You have the boyfriends before?'

'No not really.'

'Ah, but you are so very beautiful. See now with your hair blowing away on the bike you are more beautiful. Just like after having sex.'

Ivan stood squarely in front of her gazing at her. His hands on her shoulders. His eyes were warm and intense almost hypnotising her to do his bidding.

'So beautiful Anne.'

One arm slid down to her waist pulling her towards him while the other ran through her hair holding her head cradled towards his. Anne was so overcome by emotion that she offered no resistance, even encouraging it by putting her arms around his back pressing her body to his. She felt seared by the warmth of his body while he cradled her against himself. Anne knew he was going to kiss he when he lowered his head towards her.

'So beautiful Anne. You are so beautiful.'

'Oh Igor.' She moaned softly.

As he touched his lips lightly against hers it was almost as if she was getting scorched. She was whimpering in pleasure asking for more. He sensed her need and started kissing her deeper, his tongue prying open her lips. As his tongue explored the insides of her mouth Anne was almost melting in desire. She was feeling the strangest sensations in her body, her nipples felt as if on fire as they pressed against his firm muscled chest. She was also feeling a warmth in her belly, which seemed to come from the core of her being. Igor's hands were exploring her body his fingers inflaming her skin wherever he stroked or fondled. He had pulled up her frock right up to her waist had pulled her right leg around his waist. The short golden hairs on his hard thighs tickled her in a strangely erotic way and now she could feel the steely hard length of him pressing on to her soft flesh at the base of her tummy. It seemed like eternity before he took his lips away from hers bringing her back to reality.

'Oh Igor no ones ever kissed me like that before.'

'Is that your first time?'

'Yes I thought I was in heaven.'

'I want to go on kissing you, making love to you. Your lips are so sweet and beautiful.'


'Don't be scared Anne. We go to the sea now and have the swim and enjoy. Igor will not hurt you.'

'Wont you join me to swim?' Igor asked pulling off his T-shirt. He so wanted to see this beautiful woman without her clothes. He could see her nipples outlined against the cloth of her frock and that meant she was sexually aroused by what they had been doing. He was close to bursting with need. He also wanted her to savour his body, which he knew she was very attracted to. Even though she said she had never done it before Igor had found her fingers exploring his body in the most erotic fashion while they were kissing.

Anne hardly heard what he was saying as she gazed again at his body which was now more familiar to her and even more desirable. Her eyes were inexorably drawn to his close fitting shorts. The bulge which she had found to be so attractive when she saw it before they left home seemed almost angry and she could make out his erect penis jutting out straining against the thin cotton.

'I didn't bring a costume you go ahead.' She managed to mumble.

'But its only you and me here. You don't need a costume.'

'Ooh no, I cant Igor. You go ahead I will stay here and enjoy this beach. It is so lovely.'

'Are you sure? If you want I go in naked also.'

'No Igor, I am fine. You go ahead. Really.'

'OK I come back quickly.'

He was gone splashing in to the waves as Anne watched on. She was wondering whether she had had made the wrong decision in not joining him. He made her feel so good about herself in a way that Derek had never done in the whole time they had been together. This man in a few hours had done things to her body and her heart that she had never experienced in her life.

Good as his word in 15 minutes he was splashing out of the water towards her. Anne was lying back on the warm golden sand as she watched him come towards her. She felt a quickening of her pulse as he drew close and the exciting sexual feeling was back. Even as she admired his perfect physique she was once again drawn to the shorts, which covered his manhood. She was slightly shocked to see that he seemed to be still fully aroused while the water seemed to have made the thin cotton nearly transparent.

'Ah, you would enjoy the water Anne. It is nice and warm.'

'I was enjoying the beach and the sun. I'm OK.'

Igor could see that she was clearly aroused by what she was seeing and decided to take matters in hand.

'Now I need to dry my hair and my shorts.'

'Oh we didn't bring any towels. What can we do?'

'Dry it with my shorts and squeeze the shorts.'

'Oh my god. Right here?'

'Yes, you are not shy again are you? You get married soon no? You see the naked man before don't you?'

'I suppose yes. A couple of times'

'Good, then you what do you say, …..compare Igor with Derek.'

'Oh I have not seen him.'

Then who do you see? You say you have no boyfriends.'

'My sister has got 2 sons.'

'They are adults or teenage?'

'No, one is 4, the other is 2.'

'Ah, Anne they are little boys. Igor is a big man. So you are the virgin?'

'Well yes, if you put it that way.'

'How old you are? 18, 20?

'Oh no, I'm 28 Igor.'

'Wow, you still not make love. Don't worry Anne. Igor is your friend. Do you like to see my penis?

'Er….I. yes Igor. I'd like that.'

Igor was feeling at the top of the world. This stunningly beautiful woman was a virgin and was asking to see his erect penis. He felt a yard long. As he peeled off his shorts Anne could only watch open mouthed. Within the confines of the shorts it had looked large and manly. But now released and fully erect it seemed a thing of wonder. Slightly darker than the rest of him, it stood slap up against the lighter skin of his stomach. Anne was drawn to its length and girth, how it was thicker at the end, the skin which seemed to be criss-crossed with veins and how it seemed to move on its own accord as Igor calmly proceeded to dry his hair with the shorts.