Let Me Help You, Good Doctor Ch. 04


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"Dominique, you are on vacation, which means you relax and stay in bed for a little bit longer."

"And do what?"

He shrugged, settling back against the pillow, "Well you could always go back to sleep or just lie here."

Lay in bed? Dominique gazed back at him as if he grew an extra head. She was supposed to lie in bed and not do anything. She never has done that before. She would normally get out of bed as soon as she woke up. She laid down on her back staring up at the ceiling feeling her body tense. Nik opened one eye looking at her, "You know, you can relax a little."

She sighed out loud trying to get comfortable. Nik pulled her closer to him and that's when she realized that heat she felt was coming from him. The contact lulled her body to slump against his and she turned on her side to face him.

"See, you didn't turn into a pillar of salt or nothing." Nik commented with a small smile.

"You think you are so funny."

"I know I am. I would give you a good morning kiss, but I know you didn't brush your teeth." Her mouth flew open in shock as his smile spread wider, "Oh really, that's what stopping you." She smiled.

She leaned over and kissed him. His nose wrinkled so she kissed him again and again. Soon the little pecks turned a little lengthier. He pulled her over to him and pressed his lips firmly drinking in her lips. She ran her hand softly up his arm, massaging the back of his neck. He maneuvered her on top of her not breaking the connection. He ran his fingers through her hair as he pushed his tongue deeper in her mouth. She moaned lightly, nibbling on his bottom lip. She was going to drive him up the wall, he thought. He had to have her. He let one hand linger at her waist, slowly pushing the top up. Just like a magnet, her body pulled towards his hand relaxing her completely on top of his.

"I have to get this off." He whispered in between kisses and all she could was nod.

Just before he could lift the shirt up, they both heard someone clearing their throat in the room. Dominique quickly got off of Nik and pulled the covers over her head. Nik looked over and saw Gianni standing there with a smug smile on his face.

"Mamma, told me to come get you two for breakfast. She started a little early." He said.

"Yea, thanks Gianni." Nik said sighing.

"Friends, huh Nikky?" he said shaking his head as he left out the room.

"Are you kidding me? Now they are going to think something is going on." Dominique said not even coming out from the covers.

"Baby, this is my family, they already think something is going on between us."

"Well this is confirming it." She said trying to pull the covers around her.

"Well if you want, we can always just finish what we started and let them know for sure something is going on?" her head peeked out from under the covers with a scowling look, "Or not." He shrugged.

"I'm going to take a shower." She whined pulling all the covers with her as she treaded to the bathroom and Nik could do nothing but smile watching leave.

After they both showered and dressed, they went and joined everyone for breakfast. Gianni must have kept his mouth shut because there weren't any strange glances or anything at the two of them while they were at eating. Good, Dominique thought to herself, she didn't want his mom to think something that wasn't. Well, she wasn't exactly sure what wasn't anymore. Every time she thinks about just feeling his lips, something escalates and then a little something turns into something big. She thought if they would just kiss a little that she would get it out of her system, but her body was always soon begging for more and to take it a bit further. She knew that but she always tried to hide it and deny it. Nik couldn't be that charming, it had to be something else.

She thought long and hard over what it could possibly be even went through most of the day with the ladies scrutinizing about it. She didn't snap out of it until she heard her name a couple of times.

"Huh? I'm sorry." She quickly said noticing Fiorenza was right in front of her.

"Are you alright?" she asked looking generally concerned.

"I'm sorry, yea I'm alright just thinking about some work stuff." She quickly said.

"Are you sure you are not thinking about our hunky brother?" Ama hinted.

"No, why? What do you know?" Dominique panicked and they both laughed.

"Nothing dear, we were just teasing. Are you sure you are alright?" Ama said walking over to her.

"Yea, I'm fine. I'm sorry I kind of space out sometimes when I'm really thinking about something."

"Well, don't let your mind get too cloudy. We still need you for tonight." Mika said.

"I know. Now where is this dress that is so me?" she smiled and Ama disappeared with a sly smile on her face.

"So, can I ask you something about my brother?" Fiorenza asked.

"Go ahead."

"How do you feel about him? I mean, do you see yourself being with him?"

"Oh wow, wasn't expecting that. Well, I like Nik, he is really sweet and charming."

"I mean a little more than that. Don't give me the normal answers." She laughed and Dominique couldn't help but laugh too.

"Oh, I mean he can be a little arrogant and cocky."

"Well, that is a trait for the men in our family." Fiorenza added.

"Yes it is." Mika agreed.

"But there are times I feel like there is something extra there that no one really see but me. The part beyond the smooth talker and suave guy; I get to see the real Nik. The only part I don't know is how do I tell the difference between Nik and the bullshit?"

"It's not that hard. I've seen my brother in action. Most of the women he talks to and pursue, he doesn't really tell them anything about him or the family. He would much rather hear about them. It makes it easy for them not to leave a mark on him."

"But in the end, it's up to you to decide which is which." Mika said, "I know with Rafaela, I had to distinguish that myself. Mind you he wasn't as smooth as Nik or demanding as Gianni, but he was very sweet under that. You just sometimes have to look past it and see the real guy."

"And with my brother you can find that out if you search hard enough. Just like my dad said, he found out that mom was the right one after one dance, it was pretty much the same for all of us." Ama said coming back with something red in her hand, "You will meet mine tonight. His name is Alfred, he's an artist and very brilliant."

She smiled, "This is for you."

She held it out for Dominique, "You don't even know what size I wear."

"Well, let's just say I have an eye for it." She smiled and Dominique took the dress heading to the dressing room, "And how about we stop by my beauty salon and if you want I can do something to your hair?"

"Oh sure, if you want to try and tame it, I'll let you." Dominique shrugged.

As she took off her clothes, Dominique heard Ada's voice joining them. She went to a little jewelry store to get something for Alfonso and from the excitement in her voice, he was going to love it. Dominique smiled to herself as she shimmed into the dress letting it flow down to her knees. The dress zipped up the side and Dominique took a long look in the mirror. It took her awhile to know that it was actually her in the dress. It hugged her perfectly showing a hint of cleavage with the scoop neck.

"Come on Dominique, let's see it." She heard Ama on the other side.

Dominique took a deep breath and opened the door. She looked between the women and saw smiles spread over their faces. Okay, so she didn't look hideous, she thought from the look on their faces.

"So, you like it?" she finally said a little uneasy about their prolong silence.

"Good job Amadora; that is completely her." Ada said nodding, "Cara, you look so beautiful."

"Thank you, so I don't look completely huge in it."

"Of course not. I think you should get it and wear it tonight."

Dominique had the feeling that arguing with these four women would be a lost cause. She went ahead and bought the dress without any argument and went to Ama's salon. As Ama started working on Dominique's hair, the women started talking more. Normally, she would be nervous and worried about being left alone with people she didn't really know, but she felt completely at ease and like herself with them.

They finished out the whole day together and got everything together for tonight. She didn't bother Nik at all, thinking that he was with his father and brothers. That night she got ready at Ama's house with Fiorenza and Mika. Ada was going to make an entrance with Alfonso. As she put on the dress again, she looked over at how the whole outfit was coming together. She had picked up a pair of black stilettos that had little rhinestones that wrapped around her ankle. Ama had straightened her hair and cut enough to leave it just at the bottom of her shoulder blade. She pulled it up in a bun with a couple of tendrils hanging around her face. Yea, she definitely had to get a picture of this for her friends, she thought with a smile.

"Well, I should say you look exceptionally sexy tonight. I think my brother would love it when he sees it." Fiorenza said as Dominique carefully sat down the cake.

"Oh well, I do like the dress. I probably won't have another occasion to wear this."

"Oh sure you will. Tell Nik to take you out one night." She smiled.

Dominique just laughed, "Maybe."

"Well, you can tell him that now, because here they come with the food." She said glancing towards the front.

Even thought he was surrounded by his brothers her eyes zeroed in on him swaggering in. He was in an all black suit with a red button down shirt. His eyes were covered by dark red tinted sunglasses. All the women's heads were turning once they saw them, but Nik came to a screeching halt once he saw Dominique. She took a deep breath and hated those glasses. She couldn't gauge his reaction and that made her stomach cringe. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt her palm sweating. Do something, she sighed. He finally moved his feet closing the gap between them two.

"I was thinking something was wrong with you." She smiled as he sat down some of the bags.

"I'm sorry; I got blinded by you for a second." He said standing to full height staring down at Dominique.

"Whatever Nik, you are so full of it." She said shaking her head, but Nik really couldn't take his eyes off her.

The way the dress formed against her body almost like it was second skin and it made his imagination run wild with what she had on under her tight dress. He was ready to skip out on this party and go back to the pool house to finish what started this morning, but he knew he couldn't successfully do that and not have his family question their relationship again. He went through that earlier with his father and his brothers. How could he give them an answer when there were times that he wasn't sure himself? He knew they were friends, but something else was brewing between them and in a way it scared him. For now, he was pushing those thoughts out of head to focus on her bending over again and again to help out his sister. His body shivered as he went to divert his attention to other matters.

"Your girl is looking mighty nice tonight, Nikky." Gianni said standing next to him.

"I haven't really notice." He said trying to play it cool.

"Don't try to fool me; you forget who saw you two this morning? I can't say that I blame you. I figured you would have hit that already."

"Do you have to be so crude all the time?" Nik said shaking his head.

Gianni's head snapped to Nik, "Oh you really like her?"

Nik slowly turned his head to see his brother's smiling face, "I told you she is a friend and that's it."

Nik didn't expect Gianni laughter, "Yea little Nikky, tell that to someone that didn't teach you the techniques." Gianni said turning towards the entrance as some of their parent's friends came in.

The party was going really well so far and it made Nik smile to see his parents having so much fun and being so loving. Every now and then he glanced over at Dominique who was doing her thing socializing with some of the people and family members. He was actually getting sick of people coming up to him and saying that she was a good girl. He already knew that, but he didn't need to hear that from everyone.

He watched some of the older men dance with her and he couldn't help but stare at the smile on her face. This was the most he ever seen her smile like that and feel at ease. It made him also wonder, what happened in her life that made her try to be such a hard ass.

"My bambino, you should dance with your girl." His mother said coming around him.

"Mom, she is having fun dancing with Uncle Frederico." Nik countered.

"I know but you know how your uncle is around young women. Go take her away." She smiled, nudging him lightly.

"Don't try to recreate the moment you and dad had. We are just friends." Nik reiterated.

"Well as a friend go and dance with the girl." His dad said slapping his shoulder.

Nik brushed himself off and headed to her. Uncle Frederico was probably telling Dominique one of those lame jokes that he always tells everyone and she was honestly laughing at him.

"Excuse me Uncle, you mind if I take lovely lady off your hands." Nik said taking off his sunglasses.

"Aw, always had to be a spoiled sport, just like your daddy." He grimaced, "Save another dance for me sweetheart." He directed to her.

"Okay." She laughed as he left them alone, "Well you have a very charming family." She finally said.

"Yea, I think I will keep them too. So, you want to dance with me?"

"I guess since you took away my dancing partner."

As he wrapped his arms around her waist, a familiar song started blasting through the speakers. Overjoyed, that's the same song his dad use to play every Saturday when he helped him in the garage as a kid. Nik held Dominique tight as she wrapped her arms around his neck, staring deep into him. He noticed that he eyes slightly sparkle looking at him. Her tongue slowly traveled across her lips as she tightens her hold. God, she felt so good pressed against him. He could feel his cock stirring as he held on to her waist. Dominique's hand slowly traveled down his neck to his shoulder. She rubbed his shoulder with her lips parted. She tuned out the entire outside noise and the words to the song and just moved against him. What she wouldn't give to kiss him right now? She didn't care who was around just feel that connect one more time. She quickly blinked the feeling away when she heard the applause of others. They both came crashing down as everyone smiled at the DJ. Nik adjusted his jackets trying to straighten his head out. He looked over at Dominique as she looked everywhere but him. He was about to open her mouth when Ama stepped in between them, "Dominique, you mind if I steal my brother away for picture?"

"Um, sure. I think I am going outside for a breather." She said without waiting for a confirmation.

Nik watched her intently as they all poised around and took a picture. She walked over to the door, ready to leave. She didn't need to be outside by herself. He quickly took the picture and excuse himself to follow her outside. He pushed past everyone determined to check on her and see what was going through her mind.

He finally made it outside and found her leaning against the building, the phone attached to her ear. She didn't even look his way as she continued talking to someone. When he heard her say, 'I don't know, I'm just confused' that's when he made his way to her. When her eyes flicked open, she saw him standing there with his half cocky smile.

"You know you shouldn't be out here alone." He said in a husky whisper and took the phone away from her ear.

He closed the phone, not taking his eyes off her. He closed the gap between them and leaned down towards her. Dominique closed her eyes, hoping to feel his lips against hers. Yes, she needed it. She could feel his breath against her full lips, knowing that he was close.

"How about we leave?" he whispered and her eyes flickered open again staring at him so close.

His green eyes were darken as his eyes diverted from hers every once in awhile to settle on the top of her breast. All she could do while looking at those sultry eyes was nod her head in response. He grabbed her hand and led her to his truck her breath stuck in her throat the entire walk there. He quickly helped her in the truck and got in on his side driving away. Dominique felt like she was forgetting how to breathe at this point. She knew what was coming if they would be left alone and it scared her but at the same time excited her greatly. Yea she attempted at one point to seduce him with her thinking that sex was just sex, but now it's different. When they were dancing she realized she was starting to feel things she shouldn't towards him and she didn't know what to do about these feelings. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts; she didn't realize that the truck stopped. She looked up and saw that they were at the house. She was about to open her mouth and say something but she felt him grab the back of her neck and pulled her towards him pushing his lips against hers. She sighed against his lips, feeling warmth spread quickly through her body almost scorching Nik. He angled her head to probe deeper in her mouth so she could feel every inch of his long tongue. He tasted so good, she thought to herself as she laid her hand on his chest and she swore she could feel his heart pounding against his chest.

Nik never had a woman effect him the way Dominique has. He wanted her like he wanted his next breath and he was intent on not stopping until he had her writhing under him. He kissed her again before laying his forehead against hers trying to catch his breath.

After a brief moment, he broke away from her and got out of the truck. She took a breather but followed him to the pool house. She stood by the door as he talked on the phone to Gianni telling him something about Dominique wasn't feeling too well and that they left.

Dominique stood behind him, running his hands softly up his arms feeling his biceps flex under her touch. She reached around in front of him and started unbuttoning his jacket.

After unbuttoning his jacket, she went for his shirt and he felt the tips of her finger tips licking his burning flesh. He was still on the phone with Gianni half paying attention to what he was saying and focusing on Dominique. She felt bold as his body slightly tremble under her touch and licked her lips. Her hands slowly traveled down to the top of his pants and his breath quickened. She pulled the zipper to his pants down and unbuttoned them. She had one hand linger around his crotch, feeling the tent forming. Oh my, she thought with a smile.

"Yea, I know what they are going to say, but you know she wasn't feeling well." Nik breathed and Dominique smiled to herself.

She backed away from him, taking the pins out of her hair and walked around him, unzipping her dress as she headed to the bedroom. She looked back at him with a coy smile holding the dress up to her before she disappeared in the room.

"Gianni, I'll call you back." Nik quickly said, closing his phone, and throwing it on the couch.

She waited until he walked into the bedroom and peeled the dress down her body. He watched her curvy frame slowly appearing in front of him inch by inch. He took the jacket and shirt off as he closed the space between them, pressing his lips firmly to hers. He was officially done with the teasing. She moaned into his mouth, nibbling on his bottom lip as he maneuvered over to the bed. She lightly pushed him down and stood between his legs. She took a deep breath feeling that nagging voice in the back of her head wondering if he liked what she was doing. She silenced the voice by reaching behind her to unsnap her bra. He reached up to pull the infernal contraption away from her body revealing her gorgeous caramel globes to him. His mouth watered at the site of her puckered nipples, begging for his attention. He pulled her closer to him and his tongue raked across her nipple, tasting her. She grabbed on to his shoulders as he did it again, this time letting his free hand pinch the other nipple. She arched her back to his touch craving more. She pressed her thighs together, feeling the moisture in her thong and he could smell her. It was a sweet smell like a chocolate cake fresh out the oven.