Let Me Help You, Good Doctor Ch. 07


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"Ha, very funny." He said pinching her side.

She started laughing and was going to lean in to kiss him, but heard her door, "Is that your brother?" she asked.

"I don't know. I would think he would call if he needed something." He said as she got out of his lap.

Dominique went to open the door and gasped at seeing her Aunt Crystal standing there, "Aunt Crystal, what are you doing here?" she swallowed.

"I told you that you don't visit me enough so I take it upon myself to pop up. And here is Nik again?" She said as she saw him sitting in front of the computer, "Am I interrupting something?" she smiled and Nik cleared his throat.

"No, we were just looking up some schools."

"Schools? Nik, are you going to school?"

"Um, no auntie, I am." Aunt Crystal looked at her.


"I'm thinking about going back to school to change my career. I'm thinking about doing party and wedding planning, something I'm happy doing." Crystal stared at Dominique and she felt as if Crystal was going to let her have it and tell her how stupid this decision was. She knew it, she shouldn't have sprung it on her like this; she should have gradually let her know it. How would she do this if she didn't have the support of her aunt?

Suddenly a huge smile spread across her face, "That's so great." She finally said wrapping her arms around Dominique.

"You're not mad or anything?"

"Of course not, I'm happy to hear about you finally doing something that you love. I know how you liked to do it when you were younger and how much you enjoy doing it now for your friends."

"Wow, I didn't think you would be so happy."

"Dominique, like I told you before, your happiness is what's important to me. Now speaking of which, I got an interesting call from my brother after years of hearing nothing from him."

"Um," Nik started bringing both women's attention to him, "should I leave you two alone?"

"No Nik, it's okay. You know about the situation." Dominique said.

"Yea, it's fine Nik, in fact from what my brother told me what happened, I'm liking you a little more." Nik cocked the corner of his lip, "He told me that you came there and confronted him about being your father and you and some guy caused a scene there."

"I had to auntie, I feel like I should say something and not let him keep thinking that I don't exist."

"He also told me that you have some way convinced his wife that you are his child and that she wants you to know more about your brothers and sister."

"What did you tell him?" Dominique asked as her aunt walked into her kitchen.

"I told him that it was about time. I mean you don't want anything from him. You are a grown woman and able to get what you want. It's time that he does acknowledge you and give you the respect you deserve. It's the same with your mother."

"She acknowledges me."

"Not like you deserve sweetheart. I have seen you work and strive to be the best. I've seen you attempt to find out who you are and I believe it's something you are still working on." She grabbed her chin, "I miss the happy go lucky little girl that wanted to make things fun and I want you to experience life. I don't want you to live someone else's, but yours and get what Dominique wants." Nik nodded and smiled to himself as he saw tears begin to form in the corner of Dominique's eyes, "If I'm able to get my nursing degree and work in a hospital while raising you, then you can finish school and create another business. You are my baby and I want the best for you."

"I know you do Aunt Crystal." Dominique sniffled.

"Now, are you ready for this new change?" she smiled and Dominique nodded, "Good girl, now when are you going to change and invite me to come over more." Nike and Dominique started laughing.

"I guess I can definitely make some time for you to come by." Dominique said moving into the kitchen.

"I know you will, now, what do you say I invite you all out to eat. It's my first night off in awhile and I want to enjoy it."

"Well Auntie, why don't we eat here? I can put something together."

"Oh, now that will be very nice of you." Crystal smiled.

"Nik, you might as well see if Giovanni want to come over and get something to eat too." Dominique said, looking into the refrigerator.

"Who is Giovanni?"

"That's Nik's older brother, he came by to check on some houses."

"Oh and I bet he is just as charming as Nik too." Crystal said walking into the kitchen.

"He maybe, but I'm definitely better looking." Nik smiled.

As soon as Nik closed the door, Aunt Crystal looked over at Dominique as she maneuvered into the kitchen, "So, I see that Nik is here."

"Aunt Crystal, don't start."

"What? I'm just saying he has been here a lot."

"He is just a good friend and helping me with a lot of stuff." Dominique explained.

"Well a lot of couples start off as friends in the beginning."

"I know but that's not me and Nik."

"What's his favorite color?"

"He likes the color gray."

"What did he want to be when he was little?"

"He always wanted to be a cop or be like his big brother."

"What does he dream of doing?"

"Just being a police officer and possibly being a detective, what are you trying to say Auntie?"

"Well things like that are things that men tell women that have some sort of emotional ties to."

"Yea, that's why I said we are friends."

"Okay then, when was his last relationship?"

"He hasn't really been in any relationship. According to him, he has never been in love."

"Oh really, very interesting." She smiled.

"Auntie, I know you are trying to say something."

"I can tell some things when a man looks at a woman. There is a glimmer in his eyes when he looks at you."

"What do you mean a glimmer?"

"You will see pretty soon, now start on that meal."

Dominique looked at her with uncertainty, but just continued cooking. What was she talking about a glimmer? That is the normal glimmer that's always in Nik's eyes. There is nothing there but two good friends hanging out.

Dominique smiled at her Auntie as she watched her look in the cabinet for something else to fix. She knew some of the struggles Crystal had to face being a single parent, but she never really appreciated her as much as she does now. Her aunt has been her rock and support system. Dominique reached over and wrapped her arms around Crystal's neck which caught her off guard. Crystal started laughing as she hugged her back.

"What was that for?"

"Just because, I love you so much." Dominique said.

"I love you too; now don't think that's going to get you out of cooking. Men like Nik love a home cooked meal," Crystal said as Dominique finally released her.

After dinner, Crystal and Giovanni stuck around from a little bit, just talking and playing cards. Nik kept his eyes on Dominique, feeling real comfortable with her as if he belonged there. She looked so sexy laughing and relaxing with his brother and her aunt. It just kept making him think that he couldn't wait till they got alone. When no one was paying attention, he would reach under the table and squeeze her thigh and she would run her hand up and down his thigh.

He kept that promise as soon as Giovanni left and he carried Dominique into her bedroom. She was laughing and giggling the entire time as he set her on the bed. She pulled him towards her as they both struggled to get their clothes off.

Tonight is was different, the passion and fire was there, but it was something else too. Nik took his time with her, kissing every part of her body softly. Dominique returned the kisses, holding on to him tight. He let her ride him and watched as the moonlight from the window bathed against her nude body as she took him in. She looked down at him with her eyes filled with promise as her nails dug into his chest. She was a goddess to him. He clasped their fingers together and moved her hands till they were above his head which made her press her body close to his. He kissed her with a renew passion as his hips thrust up to meet hers. She softly whispered his names against his lips as she felt her body start to build. He leaned his head back as his body start to tighten. He didn't know what he was feeling, but he didn't want to let it go. He didn't want to let her go. His sensual, sexual goddess. His Dominique. They crashed together with him spilling himself deep inside her. Her body was trembling against his which made him hold her tighter.

"Wow, that was..." she breathed.

"I know." He said trying to catch his breath.

After they calm their body down, Dominique moved off him and settled right next to him. Nik held on to her and Dominique had her head on his chest, her fingers lightly running up and down his chest. Dominique's body still felt like it was tingling all over, but also so worn out. Nik was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open. She had to admit, she was starting to have a great appreciation of having him in her bed. She almost wished that they could stay like this.

She looked up into his half closed eyes, "You think your brother heard us?"

"Does it matter if he did?" he breathed.

"Yes, I don't want him to think that I'm some sort of freak."

"Baby, I hate to break it to you, but you are a freak." Her mouth instantly dropped and he started laughing.

"You think you are so funny?" she said and he just shrugged.

"I just tell the truth."

"Whatever. I guess it doesn't really matter." She said laying her head back on his chest, "I guess I have to get through this rehearsal dinner now."

"Yep, that's why we need to go to sleep so we can be fresh as a daisy."

"Nik, do you think..." she started.

"Dominique, baby, I have an early day tomorrow and you have one too. We need to get some rest."

He mumbled and Dominique pouted lightly. Oh well he was right, they did have a big day ahead of them and she needed to get some sort of rest, "Good night Nik."

"Night." He mumbled.

"Sweet dreams." She said jokingly.

"Mmm hmm, love you." He breathed and Dominique's head immediately went up.

Did she hear what she thought she heard? No, it couldn't be, but what if it was? She shook him a little to wake him, but he didn't move. She shook her head and smiled. No, she didn't hear that, maybe she was more tired than she thought she was. She laid her head back down and let the rise and fall of his chest slowly lull her to sleep.

The next day, Nik rushed over to James' shop before he went in for work. He was a man on a mission, moving past everyone, not paying attention to anything around him. As soon as he got to James' office, he pushed open the door. James looked up, his face riddled in confusion thinking that something must have happened.

"I think I'm sick." Nik suddenly said.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with you?" James said with actual concern.

"I think I'm sick. I did something that I have never done before last night with Dominique."

"Man, if you enjoyed it, just say you did. It's nothing wrong with that."

Nik scrunched his face up in confusion, "What the hell you talking about?"

James opened his mouth and quickly closed it, "Whatever you talking about. What did you do?" James said clearing his throat.

"I think I told Dominique I loved her, while I was sleep."

James chuckled lightly and quickly cleared his throat, "Are you serious?"

"I have never been more serious before in my life. She was messing with me and kept talking about sweet dreams and all that stuff. Then I just busted out and said it."

"You said I love you to her in your sleep?"

"I think I did."

"Well, what did she say?"

"I don't know. I think she tried to wake me to see if I really did say that and I pretended like I was knocked out sleep."

"Damn, are you telling me that Nik is ready to be taken off the market?"

"I'm not saying anything like that; I'm just saying that I said it and I think I'm sick now."

James put his file down, "Alright, let's see." He walked up to Nik and felt his forehead, "Do you feel kind of dizzy sometimes when you around her?"

"Sometimes." Nik nodded.

"You feel a little like you have a one track mind and your heart beats rapidly around her."

"Exactly. I'm sick right?"

"Yep, you sure are. You are love sick." James laughed going back to his chair.

"This is not a laughing matter. I could be dying."

"Man, there isn't anything wrong with you. You just got bit by the bug, enjoy it." James said kicking his feet on his desk.

"I thought it would be something that I would notice right away."

"Nik, I don't know what your conceived notion of love is, but it has been there for awhile. You are just finally admitting it. No warning or anything. Now I told you that you have been spending a lot of time with Dominique, it was bound to happen."

Nik sat down slowly in the chair opposite James, "Are you serious? Am I in love for real?"

"I can't really tell you man. I just know the symptoms; only you can tell if you really are."

"It just can't be. I'm the Italian Stallion; I just don't 'oops I fell in love'."

"Well, how do you really feel about Dominique?"

"Okay, I can answer that. She is exciting and mysterious."

James immediately cut him off, "I didn't say what she is, I said how do you feel about her."

Nik didn't know there was a difference, "Well, I feel warm inside around her. She makes me feel like I'm important and the only man in the room. She can stand toe to toe with me when it comes to us arguing and it excites me that she is not one to back down. She makes me feel warm and loved... Oh shit, I am in love." Nik said hitting his head against his hand.

"It happens to the best of us."

"Easy for you to say, the girl I'm in love with is convinced that she is in love with her best friend."

"I'm pretty sure that's something that you can fix. Just tell her how you feel and everything will be okay."

Easier said than done, Nik thought to himself as he set back in his seat. How was he going to break this to her? James was right though, he needed to tell her. At least to let her know how he feels and then let her make the right decision.

That night, Dominique had everything setup at the party and watched as everyone was mingling and enjoying themselves. Dominique missed most of the rehearsal dinner trying to get everything together for tonight. Even though it was a lot of hard work, she was so proud of herself.

Everyone was enjoying themselves and the food, but Dominique kept having a nagging feeling eating away at her. Where was Nik? He hasn't returned any of her calls or showed up yet. That was so unlike him. She hoped nothing happened to him, she didn't know what she would do if...

"Dominique," she was zapped out of her worried trance as Jason appeared behind her, "hey, you have been kind of spaced out."

"I know. I'm looking for Nik, he hasn't showed up yet."

"Is he still mad after everything that happened the other day?"

"No, we talked about it and he is okay. He hasn't answered my calls or anything and it's unlike him."

"I'm sure he is okay." He paused and licked his lips in uncertainty, "I want to make sure everything is okay with us too."

"Jason, I don't really want to talk about that."

"Well, we need to. I need to explain what happened." Dominique sighed and turned her full attention to Jason, "I'm sorry about what happened. I don't know what came over me."

"Jason, it's forgotten."

"No seriously..."he paused, "Oh, it's forgotten?"

"I'm just wondering why. Jason, you are about to get married and here you are kissing me."

"I can't explain it. I think I just enjoyed talking to you and everything felt so right between us." Dominique bit down on her bottom lip.

"Jason, I know that everything was moving so fast for you. Are you sure that you are ready for this next step?"

"I am, I went and did some soul searching and I am absolutely ready to marry Candi." Dominique sighed, "Good, I'm glad." Strangely, she was glad and at that same time she felt guilty.

"Jason, I have something to tell you." She was going to open her mouth but she felt a pair of arms around her waist.

"Hey, baby." She instantly recognized Nik's voice, "What's going on?" Nik narrowed his eyes at Jason.

"Nothing. There isn't anything going on here. We are just talking." Jason smiled.

"Nik, it's okay." Dominique said turning in his embrace and planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Well, you missing your party, aren't you man?" Nik warned, giving Jason an icy stare.

"Yea, well I guess I should get back." Jason said going inside.

Dominique stared up at Nik, "What was that?" she said.

"What, just doing that whole possessive man thing." He smiled, "Is there something going on?"

"No, but why are you late?" she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I had some things that I had to figure out and pick out a very fly suit." He pulled away from her and did a couple of GQ poses, "You like?" Dominique couldn't help but start laughing.

"I definitely do like. You look like you belong on Italian Vogue. Now, let's go into the party and have fun."

"Wait, I have to talk to you about something and I'm sorry about breaking it to you here, but I can't really wait any longer."

Dominique gasped, backing away slight, "Is everything okay? Is something wrong with you? You know I will help you whatever it may be."

"No, no, I'm fine and you saying that only makes me more sure of what I already know."

"What's the matter Nik?"

Dominique has never really seen Nik so serious, besides the fight that him and Jason had, he has always been kind of cool and carefree. Nik took a deep breath and realized that his palms were sweating, damn was it really going to be this hard? He rehearsed it plenty of times in his head and finally came across the right thing to say, but with her finally staring back at him, he was getting speechless. There was only one phrase that came to his mind.

"Dominique, I l-lo-lo-lo-lo." He stammered and cleared his throat.

"You what?"

"Okay, give me a moment." He let out a long sigh, "I lo-lo you."

"You low me?"

"No, damn it, why can't I say it?" he whispered.

"Okay Nik, I know all about this, you are feeling pressured and you want to release something. I want you to take a deep breath, think about you saying it in your head and it will come naturally. Just let it flow and you will feel this whole weight off your shoulders and..."

"I love you, Dominique." He suddenly said. Dominique's mouth hung open as she stared back at him expecting him to say ha ha, I was just joking. Nik waited and just listened to the crickets outside. Okay, what the hell? This isn't what he expected. His body was so tense that he felt like he could shatter. She closed her mouth and opened it to say something but closed it again. What the hell could she say?

"What did you say?" it was now her turn to stammered.

"I need to repeat myself? Okay then." He cleared his throat, "I love you Dominique."

"Oh, wow, that's quite a shock. Are you sure about that?" she said before stopping herself. He chuckled lightly, "I'm very sure." Dominique's throat was dry and she couldn't do anything but walk past him. Wait a minute; she wasn't supposed to walk away.

"Dominique, where the hell are you going?" Nik said catching up with her and grabbing her arm.

"You weren't suppose to fall in love with me."

"Well damn sorry." He said sarcastically and Dominique just sighed loudly ready to walk off, "Dominique, hold on damn it. I'm laying everything on the line. I love you and I want to be with you."

"But why? Why me?"

He chuckled, "Why not you? Baby, you have made me feel more of a man than I ever felt before. You have done so much for me and I love the fact that with me, I know how sexual and mysterious you are with me. I feel like I want to help you and see you through your journey of being in a new career. I want to be there for you. Tu sei il sole del mio giorno. I really love you."