Let Me Help You, Good Doctor


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"Yea, we wanted something to grab something quick. How are you doing Dominique?" James asked as Nik stood there quietly watching her.

"I'm good, how is the shop going?" she asked avoiding Nik's glare.

"Very well, business is really picking up and I'm thinking about promoting Ramon. I want the kid to go to school, but he's so damn stubborn." James shrugged.

"Well, he will get there soon. Nicole said that she has been trying to influence him to go, but he hasn't said anything about it." Jade said.

"There's some other stuff that's stopping him. He won't let me know the full details." James shrugged, "Um, baby do you have that paperwork that I gave you?"

"Yea, let me go ahead and give that to you. I know we need to hurry up and turn that in. And look at you in your uniform. You are looking real nice there Nik." Jade said getting up and turning her attention to Nik.

"I look nice in whatever I do." He said wiggling his eyebrows and Jade just shook her head, "So, how are you doing neighbor?" Nik said purposely leaning close to Dominique.

She blinked briefly and lifted one eyebrow in confusion, "Fine, I know your lunch shouldn't last that long." She quickly said.

"Hey, I'm still somewhat on duty. What's wrong sweetheart? You look a little, flushed." He said turning a corner of his mouth into a devious smile.

She sighed in frustration, looking straight ahead, "Don't you have food to order." She huffed and he started laughing.

He leaned close to her ear and she could feel his hot breath tickling her neck, "See you later, neighbor." Nik walked over to the front counter and Dominique felt her body slightly tremble.

Jade looked between her friend and Nik with a small smile slowly appearing on her face. As if she could read what that smile said, Dominique shook her head, "No, you will not suggest that little Rico Sauvé over there."

"It makes sense though. You need someone for Jason to see you with and it will intrigue him. T's only for one night."

"Jason knows that I don't date outside my race. I never have."

"I thought you were mixed?"James asked.

"Please, that's not anywhere we want to go right now." Jade said shaking her head and James just shrugged and went to join Nik.

Dominique sighed, "I hate having this discussion with you."

"Because it's a pointless argument. I can somewhat understand why you feel the way you do given your background but come on sweetheart, not everything happens the way it did for your mom. Look at your friends."

"I know but can we please drop this part of the conversation and go back to how I am not going to ask him to pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Nik is a good looking guy. He can dress and he is charming, which will make Jason jealous to see how happy you are with him."

"This is completely unethical. Doesn't sound like anything I would do."

"Never hurts to try. Let me go ahead and give this stuff to James." Jade said and walked over to James, leading him to the back.

Was she serious about this? Strangely enough one side of Dominique's mind liked the idea. That would definitely show Jason what he is missing out on. Besides what kind of girl is this Candi, he's going to realize that he made a mistake in no time. Dominique got up and smoothed the skirt down before making her way over to where Nik was standing.

He could sense she was behind him; he could smell her caramel scent, "Yes?" He said before she even open her mouth.

"Can I speak to you in the back?"

"Is this about the stuff I borrowed?" he said turning to face her.

"No, it's about a proposition."

His eyebrow shot up, "Oh, sounds promising, let's go." She shook her head as she led the way back to Katrina's office.

She knew that Katrina would have no problem with her using her office, unlike her friends; they would be nothing but talk. While he walked behind her, Nik's eyes glanced down to her plump rear. He had to admit, watching her intrigued him, especially with her tight schedule she keeps. She didn't go out on dates much; she was mostly at the office and then home from what he saw.

She showed Nik to the back and closed the door as soon as he walked in, "Look, I need a favor from you and this is killing me to ask you this, but not because it's you. It's just I don't do things like this ever, but I am desperate.

"Thank you so much for that." He said sarcastically raising his eyebrow.

"Well again sorry, I just come right out sometimes, plus I'm stressed."

"Well what's on your pretty little mind?"

"I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend." She said quickly hoping that he wouldn't ask her to repeat it.

But he had to, just to make sure he heard her correctly, "You want me to what?" he said more clearly and she groaned in frustration.

"I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Why?" he said sitting at the edge of the desk.

"I have this friend that's in town and he's getting married. I don't want to look like a complete loser by him seeing that I'm alone so I need someone to step in and pretend."

He paused briefly looking as if he was in deep thought, "Why does it matter? Is he an ex-boyfriend?"

"No, he is just an old friend." She said quickly fidgeting with her fingers.

He looked at her as if he was ready for her to snap and just admit who this guy was, but he decided he would play along, "What's in it for me?"

"See I knew you were going to say that." She smiled, "You can have free access to my refrigerator without having to leave me money for the stuff you borrow, by the way thanks for doing that."

"Hey, I have always learned to replace whatever I have taken in some shape or form."

"Yes, that sounds very noble of you." She said sarcastically, "But I need an answer like now because I am very busy. I need to go back to the office and find something to wear and then you will need to appear at dinner with me tonight."

"I didn't agree to this yet." He said shaking his head.

"What's so hard about agreeing to this? You get access to the fridge." She said stunned and he just stared at her, "Fine, what do you want?"

Nik took a long look at the flustered doctor, staring at her from head to toe. A girl like her usually wasn't his type but something about her intrigued him so, every since they spent the Valentine's Day together. Then when it came to that kiss, it was the first time he really let himself go with a woman while he was kissing her. Given the opportunity, he would have ripped her clothes off right at her front step, but wasn't his style. She was so prim and proper; he wanted to see what she was like when she loosened up; when she loses her control. That's when an idea popped into his mind.

"Alright, you asked me what do I want?" he said with a leering smile and Dominique nervously nodded, "I want you, anyway I see fit at anytime."

Dominique's mouth instantly dropped and her eyes widen as silence filled the room, "Okay, I wasn't expecting that." She finally said, "Run that by me again."

"I want you anyway I see fit at anytime. No questions asked for as long as it takes for me to keep pretending to be your man."

Yep, she heard him right. Dominique was at a loss for words and she was hardly ever at a loss for words. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and the heat from her body soar. She reached over and slapped him across the face, standing in front of him. Whoa, she had bite, Nik thought smiling to himself.

"Do you realize you just assaulted a police officer in uniform?"

"Do you realize you just solicited me for sex in your police uniform?"

"You solicited me first sweetheart." He said pushing off the desk.

"What in your right mind would make you think that I would be okay with that? This is not some freaky sex story where I gullibly say okay and let you do what you want to me." She ranted.

"I mean we have to get past this somehow. I don't know if you know this but boyfriends touch and kiss on their girlfriends all the time, don't you think your little friend will notice something is wrong when it looks like you are uncomfortable when I touch you?"

She opened her mouth to argue and quickly closed. He had a point, but she didn't care, "Look I am not about to argue with you about why I choose to not to give you myself to use anytime you want. This is just insane."

"What's so insane about it? You want something from me and I want something from you."

"I am not going to be another notch on your bedpost." She said crossing her arms.

"It's not even like that. If you want I will not actually have sex with you unless you want me to other than that, I'm going to show you a part of why they call me the Italian Stallion." He leered and Dominique stared at him.

She didn't want his words affecting her but they were. How long has it been since she had sex or had a man touch her? He stood so close that his musky smell hit her nose making her head spin. She had to get her head together. He just oozed confidence and could tell that she knew she was going to say yes. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

"No way." She said ready to walk away but felt her being dragged back against his body and the sudden closeness drew all the air out of her body.

He stared down at her with those intense emerald eyes. Her mouth parted open as the sheer heat from his body made her melt.

"Come on now Dominique." He said running his hand slowly down her arm and felt her body jerks in response, "You know there is a part of you that's a little bit curious." His other hand grabbed on to her waist and her arms dropped to her side, "Ever since that kiss we shared, I could feel that passion behind it that you were trying to hold in. I think you need what I'm offering, just a little release." He whispered as his hands went around to her lower back.

Her breath started to come in short pants as she allowed the heat of his body and his smell cloud her head and make her heart beat faster, "You said no sex." She whispered as his hands slowly moved over her butt and she made the mistake of looking into his darkened eyes, "What do you get out of this?"

"I get to let out Dominique." He said swiping his tongue across his lips, her mouth dropped further as his hands came up to his biceps.

"I am Dominique."

"No, the real Dominique. The woman behind the schedules, the logic, and the pinstripe suits. I want the passionate woman that you are to be let out and let you feel something you haven't felt before." He said his lips hovering over hers.

"You sound pretty cocky of yourself." She said tilting her chin towards his lips and he still kept it his lips just inches away from hers.

"Not cocky, I just know what I'm capable of and plus with that whole no sex thing, I bet that would only last for so long." He smiled and Dominique's brain finally kicked in.

She pushed him away and he still wore that cocky smile that she wished she could slap off his face again. She let out a loud frustrated breath.

"You are an asshole Nik." She said crossing her arms.

"Only sometimes, but I bet you like it. Look, how about I give you my number and you call me when you need me?" he said taking a piece of paper from Katrina's desk and started jotting down his number.

"And why exactly do you think I will need you?"

"I'm guessing this person you wanted me to pretend for is very important and you need to make him jealous. So, you are going to be caught in a bind and I know you are going to need me." He said handing her the paper.

She looked between him and the paper and snatched it from him, "I'm taking this not because of what you said but because I may need a policeman after tonight." She huffed.

"Oh wow, is this guy an ex-boyfriend?" he asked and she narrowed her eyes.

"How are you so sure it's a guy?"

"I can read body language sweet heart." He smiled and she just shook her head.

"Thanks for nothing, Nik." She said quickly walking away from him.

"I do have a somewhat free evening." He shouted after and she gritted her teeth not to start some stupid argument with him.

She would just have to grin and deal with it. There was no way she was going to let that cocky bastard do who knows what to her. She was going have to take the other part of Jade's plan and just be amazingly gorgeous, whatever that might be. She ran a mental list of what she had in her closet when she thought about the way his hands felt when he touched her. She slapped her hand on her forehead. She cannot lose focus right now, besides he's an asshole. She should have picked it up from the way he is.

"Get a grip Dominique. Let's just get this over with." She said to herself. She would just have to ride this solo.

Later that night after countless times searching her closet, Dominique finally voted on this black pinstripe dress that was strapless but came with a matching small jacket. This was the only thing she allowed herself to be seen in. She put her long hair in a bun and wore a little makeup. Jason always did like a natural face, she thought with a smile. She handed her keys to the valet as she walked into the exclusive hotel restaurant. She never knew Jason liked places like this.

She had the hostess escort her to the table and saw Jason sitting alone in his button down blue shirt and dark pants. She bit down on her bottom lip hoping this outfit would work. It was the first time he had ever seen her in something like this. She saw a wide smile spread across his face as she came closer to the table.

"Nice to see you on time as usual." He said hugging her again.

"Well you know me, always punctual." She said sitting down smoothing her hair in place and that's when she noticed that they were alone, "Where is Candi?" Dominique asked trying to keep a smile on her face secretly hoping she got stranded somewhere.

"Oh she is upstairs getting ready. She loves looking her best." He smiled.

"I see, tell me about her."

"Well, she is from New York and she is half Japanese and half black, just like you." You have got to be kidding; Dominique thought but kept the smile on her face, "Like I told you earlier, she us getting ready to graduate with her PhD in Pediatrician and Masters in Mythology to where she can teach at any university." Oh great.

"She sounds like a real peach." Dominique said with a smile on her face.

"She is and you will love her. I mean she traveled the world and has done so many things for someone so young. Oh, here she comes." Jason said looking up past Dominique.

Dominique sighed and turned around to face her competition with a gasp. There heading towards them was this women with long straight black hair flowing behind her. She was tall and had the perfect shape. She was gorgeous, everything that Dominique wished she could be. Hell, Dominique would date her if she could. This freaking Amazon model has a PhD and a Masters, any confidence that Dominique had instantly vanished. Maybe Dominique would get lucky and she would walk right past her, but there was no such luck as she walked directly to Jason's waiting arms.

"My darling, I'm sorry it took me so long. I couldn't find my favorite shoes you love." She said kissing his cheek.

"It's okay baby, I love what you have on anyway." He smiled, kissing her again and Dominique instantly saw something she didn't want to see in his eyes; his love for her, "Baby this is my friend I told you about Dominique." He said finally acknowledging her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry my dear, how are you? I feel like I know you already from everything that Jason here have told me." she said extending her hand towards her.

"I'm good and nice to meet you. I hope everything has been good." Dominique tried to smile.

She sat down and watched Jason's eyes watch her the whole time, "Of course. He told me how much he feels like you are his sister." And there's the first slap, "He told me you were cute, but you are very pretty."

"Thank you, you are very pretty as well. So, Jason told me that you are getting your PhD and you have your Masters."

"Oh yes, I'm so close to graduating and I am so excited. I had taken a year off from school to go volunteer Africa and help children with AIDS. Then I went to backpack in Europe just to look explore, it was so beautiful. That's where I met Jason." She said looking back at him lovingly and she had thoughts of vomiting.

Dominique sat there for half an hour and watched them gush and coo over each other. This was insane. This Candi was smart, adventurous, an advocate, and gorgeous. She was supposed to fight this girl for Jason's attention. She had him wrapped around her fingers and made her feel like crap. There was no way that Dominique could get Jason's attention away just on her looks alone.

"That was so interesting." Dominique said as she heard another story about how Jason spoiled Candi so.

"So, tell me do you have someone special. I know a pretty girl like you should be fighting them off with a stick." Candi asked and Dominique just smiled meekly.

"Um, I do." Dominique suddenly said before she could stop herself.

"Oh." She smiled.

"You do?" Jason said suddenly snapping his attention to her.

"Of course I do. Um, he should be here I know he is working late. In fact, let me call him just to make sure, just excuse me for a moment." Dominique pushed away from the table and hurried to the bathroom.

This goes against everything she believed in, but she had to do something. She was dying over there and knew that her showing off a boyfriend to Jason may turn his attention to him. She bit her bottom lip as she waited till the last woman left the rest room. She leaned against the bathroom door and reached into her purse for his number. A million thoughts ran through her mind, she wanted to hang up the phone but she knew there was no turning back as his phone rung.

"Hello Dominique." He said and she sighed.

"Don't say that like you knew it was me."

"I did, what can I do for you?"

"Look, I need you. Okay, what we talked about earlier; I need you to come to the Sherick Hotel restaurant and pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Really? Now, what does that entail?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I had my stipulation." Dominique took a deep sigh, closing her eyes tight.

"Alright, done." She said and there was a pause.

She waited for him to say something, but heard the click of the phone. He hung up? How could he hang up on her like that without an answer? Don't lose your cool Dominique, just keep on going. Just get through this date no matter how cute they look together or how her hair glistens in a way Dominique always wished her curly hair would do. She let out a frustrated growl. Why couldn't she be a stripper that was dumb and living off of Jason? Then she wouldn't feel as bad. That's when she thought that if she just made up this wonderful guy then everything would be okay because Jason would go back home with his perfect woman and Dominique wouldn't have to see them again till the wedding day. Yea, forget him, she didn't need him.

She walked past the bar and leaned over, "Can I get a shot of tequila and a long island ice tea delivered to that table?" she said pointing towards Jason and walked back over to them cuddling to one another.

"Sorry about that. I had to call him to make sure that everything was okay." She smiled nervously.

"Oh it's okay. Jason was just telling me how close you two use to be and that you have his best interest at heart." She said and Dominique nodded as she tried to countdown in her head that she was going to go away shortly, "And he also told me how creative you were and how you are very good at coordinating events."

"Use to be a passion of mine." Dominique smiled proudly.

"Yes and we thought it was be perfect for you to help us plan and coordinate our wedding." She smiled and the whole world just stopped as the waiter sat the two glasses down.