Let the Good Times Roll!

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Young man visits his auntie in Santa Cruz.
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"Let the good times roll" sang the Cars on my car tape deck as I made my way up highway 101 that spring day back in 1978. I was on my way to Santa Cruz to visit the campus of UCSC where, miraculously, I'd been accepted to attend college.

It was supposed to be just a visit to check out the school but, hell, nobody else was gonna take me! I barely made it out of high school and I guess, back then, they were kind of hard up for students. So of course I was excited about moving out of my parents house and the adventure that lay ahead.

My Mom's younger sister, June, lived in Santa Cruz and I was going to be staying with her for the weekend while I toured the campus. It would be a little awkward staying with her since I assumed she thought of me as just a little kid, but, whatever!

I was finally rounding into shape as a young man and, hopefully, my college experience would include sex with a woman which, to that point, had eluded me. Oh, I'd had dates, girlfriends, "Serious" relationships...but no sex. Not yet anyway.

So, there was my Aunt coming out to greet me as I pulled into the driveway of her modest little bungalow. My mom's little sister, June. Much more voluptuous figure than Mom, but the same pretty face and smile. My Mom is a red head but Auntie June has that long brunette hair, a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and, yeah, those big tits.

Auntie June hugged me as I got out of the car and I got to feel those big tits right away but, hey, she's my aunt for God's sake!

"Jeremy!" She gasped, "It's so good to see you! My, you've grown up!"

I would hope so. Honestly, the things adults say to you sometimes. I was 18 now and ready for whatever life had planned for me. I think she pictured me as an awkward little 13 year old which I was, maybe, the last time we saw each other.

Auntie June showed me to my little room off the kitchen and I tossed my stuff onto the bed and headed over to campus, eager to get a late afternoon look at my home for the next four years.

The campus is unique. You drive up this long road which seems like it's heading up into the clouds. And Deer! Everywhere! You never see that in Southern California. Here, they were everywhere. The kids seemed friendly and I loved the campus at first sight. This was gonna be fun!

When i got back to Auntie June's house she had the barbeque going and announced that we were going to have some chicken for dinner. She'd already opened a bottle of Chardonnay and casually mused "Jeremy, I assume you know your way around a glass of wine. Kids get into that very early these days."

Well, I was glad to have a drink but didn't much like being referred to as a "Kid." Besides, we smoked weed in those days. Alcohol was seen as kind of degenerate.

But Auntie June and I enjoyed our chicken and wine and, as we finished the bottle, my aunt started to look..."Different" somehow. She was kind of pretty for an older woman. Those sparkling eyes, her easy smile. Even though she'd called me a "Kid" she didn't treat me like one, filling my glass to finish the wine.

Auntie June had one more surprise for me that night. She had a hot tub! Kind of new for back then and she had the thing all heated up and ready to go. I hadn't brought a swim suit but Auntie June insisted it would be fine for me to go in dressed in my briefs. "We're family, you know." She chuckled.

So I eased into the hot water in my underpants and, man! It was nice! It got even nicer when June came out of the house wearing a little black bikini! Those tits I'd admired earlier? Wow! She was all spilling out of the black top and there were actually dark brown hairs sneaking out the crotch of her bottoms. My Mom's little sister was really pretty fine for a 38 year old woman.

We relaxed and talked and she looked right into my eyes while I gabbed on and on about my upcoming adventure. She promised to take me down to Pacific ave. where the nightlife was which was pretty cool of her.

"Would you like another glass of wine?" My auntie asked. Truth be told, I didn't drink all that much and the bubbles there in the spa seemed to be accelerating the effects of what I'd had already but...but I said "Sure."

Auntie June turned to climb out of the tub and there was her ass, like, right in my face! Hooh! Her shapely legs were finely toned and I found myself starting to get hard! Now, getting hard was something that happened every day but, after all, she was my aunt!

Auntie June returned with the wine and climbed in the water and then sat right next to me! If I didn't know better I would have suspected she was actually coming on to me! I couldn't help but steal a glance or two down her bikini bra and her cleavage was erotically stimulating to say the least! Now I was rock hard and had all sorts of "Impure" thoughts going through my head. I figured it must be the alcohol. She was my Mom's little sister!

That night, in my little bedroom, I found the mental image of Auntie June roaming through my mind. Her big sexy tits! Her gorgeous ass! Her pretty face with those dark eyes she kept flashing at me in the hot tub. Next thing I knew I was hard and teasing my cock. I like to masturbate with pictures from a magazine but tonight it was just the inside of my head, and Auntie June. The next thing I knew I was coming! Coming all over my belly! I was embarrassed and quickly used my discarded briefs to wipe up the mess.

Well the next day they held an organized tour of the UCSC campus so I went along. We were introduced to more of the student life on campus and even ate in the cafeteria. I was sold on the idea of college in Santa Cruz and eagerly awaited the chance to tell Auntie June all about my day.

When I got back, she was cleaning out the garage.

"I've decided I need to park my car in here instead of just storing all of this junk." She declared. Well, it was junk no doubt about that. Boxes of stuff, old clothes, just junk. I helped her reorganize the stuff she was keeping and schleped the trash out to the street.

There was one box that caught my eye. "Old magazines" it said. Well, I like old magazines so I casually looked through the box. Mostly old issues of Life and Look which are pretty interesting picture magazines. Oh, but then I spotted an even more interesting picture magazine: Playboy!

By 1978 Men's magazines were becoming increasingly more explicit. Mags like Hustler and Club were leading the way with "Open pussy" photography and some of the girls were even pretty! "Let the photos be bold...Let them show what they want!" The Cars sang. So Playboy was not all that great for the late seventies. But, back in the fifties I guess it was all you could see. My dad even had a secret issue of Playboy he kept stashed out in the garage in his tool box.

I began to leaf through the Playboy while Auntie June wasn't looking and, to my shock, I discovered this was the same issue my dad had hidden! What was up with that? Oh, the girls were really pretty but it was basically a Tit mag...no pubic hair, and the girls were always fresh and clean. Like the "Girl next door" I guess. I kept looking...page after page...

Then suddenly there she was. Miss January 1959. Gorgeous redhead, big tits, spectacular ass with tan lines...and it was Auntie June! I'd never made the connection as many times as I'd looked at the issue at home and, of course, Auntie June had brunette hair but there was no denying it. it was her!

Oops! Auntie June reentered the garage and, to my chagrin, caught me looking at the Playboy. I quickly tossed it back into the box but it was too late. She'd seen me.

"Boys will be boys I guess." Was June's only comment. I nervously chatted away trying to distract her, but all the while I was unable to jar the pictures from my mind. My Aunt had actually posed naked! In 1959! I came to understand why my Dad had that particular issue too. He and Auntie June were kind of sweet on each other. And he had nude photos of her!

I tried to compare the lurid shots in the magazine with the image she now presented while cleaning the garage. Loose fitting blouse and cut off levis. Not exactly dressed provocatively. But 19 years really hadn't diminished her appeal all that much. She was still a damn sexy woman! I wondered what It must have been like...posing nude way back then.


When Patty told me that Jeremy would be coming to visit Santa Cruz I couldn't help but be thrilled. Jeremy was the spittin' image of his Dad Jeff, whom I'd secretly had a crush on like, forever. When I saw him getting out of the car it was like a time warp or something he looked so much like his dad.

I didn't mean to play the seductress that night in the hot tub, but it had been so long since I'd found myself so attracted to a man. And Jeremy was a man that's for sure. I could tell he was a little embarrassed to get in the spa with only his underwear on. That was so sweet! Then, after he got a load of me in my bikini his cock got hard and I couldn't help but sit down as close as possible to him...so he could feel my warm body next to him.

I carefully planned to leave the box with the Playboy out where he was sure to see it. I assume Jeff still has the issue I gave him back then when it came out so, hopefully, Jeremy would make the connection. Yes, they made me do my hair as a redhead which I thought was kind of an insult but I went along with it. I was proud of my body and wasn't shy about showing it off.

Back in the fifties, they never showed pubic hair or anything that could be construed as "Pornographic" unlike now. So I wondered why the photographer wanted to shoot pictures of me with my legs open and my pussy showing.

"Honey...Jane is it? We're going to shoot hundreds of pictures today and about 6 of them will make it into the magazine." He told me. "So we take lots and lots of photos and they can all be air brushed...'doctored' I guess you could call it, so nothing will show in the magazine that your mother would object to."

He chuckled when he said it, and the lighting guy rolled his eyes. OK, I was just a silly little schoolgirl to them, but I wondered how they were going to "Doctor" the shots they took of me on my hands and knees with my asshole and pussy showing from behind. My rather large, they've been called "splendid", breasts hanging down with my stiff pink nipples barely touching the carpet as I smiled salaciously back at the camera. How do you "fix" that?

I've loved my sister's husband for so long, and now to have his son a guest in my house...it was almost too much for me! He would be here until Sunday afternoon and I found my thoughts turning to...to sucking his teenaged cock! Yes, I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to accomplish the task but I just had to get his boyish cock into my mouth and please him. I'd tickle his balls and tightly slide my lips up and down his penis until he released all of his sperm...right into my throat! Lord help me, I just had to suck his cock!


It was awkward for a while. Auntie June had obviously seen me looking at her naked pictures in playboy. I assumed she would be embarrassed...you know, that I saw her tits and everything, but she just kept on with the task at hand: cleaning out the garage. At one point she said, "Jeremy you can have that Playboy if you want. I have no further use for it."

"Oh, gee, well, sure Auntie June!" I managed to spurt out at last. "I...I like to read the interviews!" I was smiling when I said it and it kind of broke the ice. She shot me an "Eyes towards heaven" look and repeated her earlier comment: "Boys will be boys."

Seeing an opportunity and hoping to keep the topic open, I moved quickly. "That must have been quite an honor back then Aunti June. How much did it pay?"

"Well, I don't rightly recall the amount but it wasn't really the money but the chance to be seen and, hopefully, get more modeling work. It didn't work out that way but I don't regret the experience."

"They're...they're really nice pictures Aunti June..."

"June, if you don't mind Jeremy." She admonished me, "You make me sound like an old school teacher."

"Sorry...June, but you look really good. Why did they change your hair color?"

"Well, I didn't think I needed that but they were calling the shots and after all, Playboy is Playboy. If they say it'll look better that way it's hard to argue with them."

"I see." I replied. "Gee, nowadays the magazines are..."

"They're really raunchy, most of them." June commented. I wondered how she knew. Did my Aunt go to adult bookstores to check out dirty magazines? She continued: "When I was a girl you just didn't show your pussy like they do today. It wasn't considered a 'nice' thing to do."

Oh gee. Now my cock was getting hard from hearing her say "Pussy!" I'm sure she was the first woman I'd ever heard say that word when not referring to a cat!

"Would you...would you..." I couldn't get the words out.

"Would I do it now? Oh, I guess so. Times change you know? Bob Dylan sang about that a few years after I'd posed and I remember thinking he might have started those changes himself." She looked right at me when she said it. Almost as if to say "Wouldn't you like to see my pussy naked Jeremy?"

We finished the garage project and Auntie...I mean June went to the market to get some fish for dinner. I'm embarrassed to admit this but I snuck into her bedroom and went through her underwear drawer. She had quite a few pairs of sexy panties and I tried to imagine her wearing them for me. Also, stashed towards the back of the drawer...was a dildo! It took me a minute to realize what exactly it was. I just couldn't imagine my Aunt using such a device! My cock hardened again as I imagined her on her back, completely nude, the dildo poised at the center of her little wet pussy. Then...then she would push! Push the dildo into her waiting sex and give out a low moan as it slid all the way in. And then...and then...

And then I heard her VW pulling up and I had to run out of there as fast as I could! I must have looked pretty silly when she came into the kitchen carrying bags of groceries. "Studying" a schedule of fall classes with my heart beating a mile a minute!

We both helped out cooking dinner and the conversation flowed easily. June was determined not to treat me as a child and I was determined not to treat her as...as an adult. And so when she asked if I wanted wine with dinner, I was honest with her.

"Auntie...I mean June, when I'm going to have a nice meal with my friends, we usually fire up a doobie first." I got a quizzical expression back. "You know...pot."

"Oh...oh of course!" June answered. I got the impression she didn't have any idea what I'd meant at first but now was going along with it no matter what. accordingly, I went for my stash and brought back a joint. Not the killer pot you get today but pretty good for back then.

We went in the back yard and I lit the joint, taking a deep hit before handing it to my Aunt. "It's kind of hot so not too much at first," I advised.

I watched as June smoked what I assumed was the first hit of her life and smiled as she quickly coughed it up. "Easy, now easy." I told her. But her second try produced the same result.

"Tell you what...let's try this." I took a big hit and then, moving closer to my Aunt, I placed my lips upon hers and gently released the smoke into her mouth. She got my drift and accepted it and held it in as long as she could. I did this a couple more times and each time I had to resist the temptation to stick my tongue into her mouth as well as the smoke!

Auntie June released her final hit and I could see her eyes beginning to glass over. She was so beautiful there in the moonlight. We were sitting next to each other and I put my arm around her...just in a friendly way and she let her head lay upon my shoulder.

Then we heard the timer for the fish go off and the spell was broken. We got the food on the table and I watched with amusement as Auntie June devoured her dinner.

"Oh...this halibut is just scrumptious! She declared, and the potatoes...they're just perfectly done! Are you going to finish your artichoke?" I cracked up and she realized why.

"Well Jeremy I must admit, your suggestion of a before dinner appetite stimulant seems to have worked for me! She smiled. Now, we need dessert!" Auntie June was going to whip up some chocolate chip cookies but realized we didn't have enough butter. Before a trip to the store, I suggested we hit the hot tub. "It'll mellow us out!" I insisted.


My nephew was so cute when i caught him looking at my nude photos in the magazine. He really was. I saw him looking at me a little differently from that point on. I kept up the conversation about my nude modeling experience just to tease him along a bit. I could imagine what he was thinking: My auntie...posing for naked pictures! I bet his cock got hard at the idea.

When he suggested marijuana before dinner I was a bit taken aback. I'd never tried it and was unsure what to expect. I never even smoked cigarettes! It was harsh and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to...to keep up with Jeremy but then, then he pressed his lips onto mine and helped me out. Oooo, he pressed his lips onto mine and it felt so sexy good! I wanted to put my hand behind his neck and french him like crazy! I was now pretty sure that Jeremy was a virgin and the idea of being his first was just so appealing to me!

Afterwards, my mind went somewhere that it had never been. And my pussy got all wet and I experienced furious desire for my sister's boy. He was sitting there quietly with his arm around me and I couldn't stop picturing him with his big hard cock all stuffed into my pussy! I'd let him have me any way he wanted. I hoped we could start out with my legs wide open so he could see what they didn't show in Playboy. My horny little pussy! I would reach down and open it for him...so he could really see all I had. Then I'd gently guide him into me. His first woman! Oh then the goddam timer went off and we had to go inside but I knew I couldn't let the night go to waste.


We moved out to the Hot tub and I doffed my jeans and shirt and climbed in in my briefs. I assumed Auntie June would retire to her bedroom to get her bathing suit but instead she followed me outside and watched as I undressed. Then, she quietly unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her gorgeous big tits! I was speechless.

"Jeremy, there's no need to worry out here." June told me, "It's very private. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to just go in in my panties." And, with that, she lowered her cutoffs and revealed a brief pair of white bikini panties. I only had a few moments to appreciate her lovely form before she entered the water. My Auntie moved right next to me and placed her hand upon my thigh beneath the water.

So we soaked there. A little bit of chit chat but not much. I think we both knew what was coming. The pot had me fixated on my sexy aunt's body and I pictured myself pulling off her little panties and getting to see her pussy! No, I'd seen thousands in magazines but never a real live pussy in person. I hoped I wasn't misreading the situation. I hoped she wanted me too.


When we walked out to the hot tub I knew what I was going to do. I well understood the power I had in my body and I was going to use it. I took my blouse off and let Jeremy see my tits knowing good and well what a message I was sending. I also knew my little white panties would become transparent when they got wet. Then I sat right next to Jeff's young son and, in a way, wished it was Jeff there next to me right now. But the memory of Jeremy's lips upon mine earlier was so tantalizing!

We were touching there in the water, my hand upon his thigh. We made small talk and then I couldn't stand it any longer. I slid my fingers onto his hardened cock. Jeremy gasped when he felt my touch. Then he turned his face towards mine. Now there was no pretext of pot smoking. He placed his lips on mine and we kissed. Oh, we kissed! His tongue entered my mouth with furious passion and I sucked upon it sensuously. I felt his hands on my breasts and thrilled to the sensation of my nipples hardening beneath his touch.