Lex and Petra


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The man nodded, pleased, even if he didn't smile. He left the room.


Agitated, Lex went to the window. While she'd slept, he'd returned to take care of everything. It would be like Petra had never existed in the Common Plane.

The downpour continued, watering the green outside. His visitor's stallion, a fine, white war horse, waited begrudgingly in shelter.

"Well?" Caxton asked from the dining table, one booted leg crossed over the other. "I don't hear from you in three decades, then you summon me on the rainiest day in four seasons. What do you want me to do?"

While Lex was darkly striking, desirable in an intense, brooding way, Caxton was wholesome by contrast. He had tidy blonde hair, light-blue eyes, and was known to be dangerously charming.

Lex turned from the window. "I don't want you to do anything. I need a spell to restore original memories of a first life."

"That's quite a hex," Caxton smiled, linking his fingers. "Shall we negotiate, old friend?"

Lex tiredly exhaled. "Your terms?"

"'Terms' sounds so official," Caxton scoffed, flicking a blade of grass from the sleeve of his red coat. "Unpleasant as you are, others appreciate your abilities. I am due to attend five separate royal audiences-"



"I am not a party trick. I won't be paraded, Caxton."

"I'm a dishonoured Royal, and you are a mysterious novelty," Caxton said simply. "Do you want the spell, or not?"

Lex narrowed his eyes. He'd make a hundred appearances if Caxton demanded, but Caxton didn't know how important it was. "Two."

"Done," Caxton beamed, drawing a small vial from his coat. "This will do it."

Expecting at least a week's delay, Lex straightened with astonishment. "How...?"

"Oh, this," Caxton twirled the glass between his fingers, the blue liquid shimmered inside. "I always have these on hand. It bends to your will, depending on your desire. You're one of the few powerful enough to wield it."

Lex accepted the vial, eyeing the glimmering contents. "Dragon scales?"

"Just to make it pretty," Caxton grinned. "Naturally shed scales, of course."

"Did you know I was married?" Lex said, abruptly changing topic. Aware of Petra's mortality, he was going to need a lot more from Caxton in future. Few were better connected than the rogue Prince.

Caxton sat up with genuine surprise. "You never mentioned being trapped."

"I wasn't." Lex sat down. "On my last trip, I remembered my history."

Caxton leaned forward with great interest. "Your beginning? Does it explain why you journey to that forsaken hellhole every year?"

"Yes," Lex said, his face darkening. "A woman. My wife."

"Well, I don't want to be rude, but the people from there are...well..." Caxton's eyes darted side to side. "Very ordinary."

"She never belonged." Lex frowned, pondering it. "She must have been placed, again and again. Waiting for me to find her."

"How did you lose her?"

"I was mortal, and so was she. A harvesting army invaded our village."

Caxton shuddered. "I'm glad to have never seen one of those, and I'm almost as old as you." He reached for his wine. "So, she was harvested, her soul cast off to the Common Plane. What will you do now?"

Lex held up the vial. "First, she must remember me. Then I need her to... love me. I've been in her presence less than a day and I already feel more whole."

"That could be difficult," Caxton remarked. "Did she love you before?"


"Let's hope that hasn't changed," Caxton said, ruffling his blonde hair, which fell magically back into place. "Reviving her memory will not erase the memory of her current life."

"I don't care," Lex said bluntly.

Caxton chuckled. "Delicate with the ladies, as always."

"I love her," Lex said, his face resolute. His fingers curled into fists, remembering Petra with that other man. Her flushed cheeks, that sexy laugh. "She is exactly as she was, lifetimes ago. It has taken all my restraint not to proceed further."

"You struggled with restraint?" Caxton said with raised brows. "She must be remarkably lovely."

"Her beauty is unmatched."

Caxton cocked his head, his blue eyes teasing. "Is beauty everything, Lex?"

"Says the man renowned for being impeccably handsome." Lex looked at the vial in his hands, knowing he was stalling, despite his impatience. "We'll discuss Royal appearances another time."

"Of course." Caxton took the hint, finishing his wine. He stood to clasp Lex's hand. "I'm happy you sent for me. Don't wait another decade. I've missed our ventures."

"You'll hear from me soon." Lex hesitated. "I would be grateful if you avoid speaking of this to others."

"I assumed as much," Caxton replied, a slight smile on his lips. "You can always trust me, old friend."

The door closed behind Caxton, and Lex heard the other man good-naturedly swearing at the rain as he ran to his horse. Lex held the vial in his palm, concentrating, infusing it with his intent. The blue liquid quivered then went still.


Petra scrambled back to the bed when heavy footsteps approached. As much as she strained, she couldn't hear what the men were saying.

Lex slowly walked in, staring at her, holding something in his hand.

"What are you going to do?" Petra asked, shrinking into the bed.

His dark eyes were gentler, though his brooding face didn't change. He drew up a chair. Still watching her intently, he held up the vial. "I need you to drink this."

Blood rushed to Petra's cheeks. She'd heard 'I need you' and assumed the sentence would end very differently. His deep voice sent immediate shivers up her arms, her heartbeat accelerated, pounding through her chest.

Lex was thrilled by her visible response but didn't show it. "Drink."

Petra shook her head.

Lex leaned forward. "I'm not asking."

Petra looked down, intimidated by the size of him, thinking she was about to be drugged and sold into a sex market. "I don't belong here."

"Petra," Lex said, waiting until he held her full attention. The look in her eyes went straight to his gut, a stab of desire. He was getting impatient. "If you refuse, then I will make you, and I don't want to do that. Do you understand?"

She swallowed and nodded but didn't take the vial.

Lex sighed. "It's not poison or a sedative. I promise it won't hurt you. That's the last thing I want."

"Then why do I have to drink it?"

Lex paused. He could just force her; it would be so easy for him. Looking into her deep, green eyes, something touched his heart, softening him like it always did.

"It's to protect you from infection," he lied. "You're vulnerable in this world." He reached to stroke her hand. "Please."

Petra bit her lip, ignoring the tingling up her arm from his touch. She knew he wasn't lying about forcing that fluid down her throat. Hopefully it'd be the only fluid forced down her throat. She wasn't strong enough to resist him. Then there was the disconcerting reality that she was in her recurring dream.

"Okay," she said, not looking at him. She accepted the little glass bottle. She thought about breaking it. But she didn't want to anger him. The idea of enraging this man was much scarier than drinking an unknown substance.

Lex couldn't help himself, moving from the chair onto the bed next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders, smelling her hair.

Petra was overwhelmed, her eyes fluttered from so much skin contact with her abductor, worst of all it didn't feel bad, not one bit. It was more arousing than anything she had done with Eugene, and she was only sitting next to the guy.

Lex uncorked the top, guiding her hand to her mouth. "Drink."

Petra took a deep breath and tossed back the entire contents like a shot. The fluid was sweet and silky, the taste vanishing from her mouth the moment she swallowed.

Petra froze, looking at Lex, panicking. Something was wrong. Lex seemed to expect it, his gaze fixed and understanding, but not remorseful. His black eyes were bottomless.

The glass slipped from Petra's fingers, and she gripped her head. A terrible pressure was building in her skull. She groaned, shaking, and Lex wrapped his arms tightly around her.

The barrier in her mind suddenly cracked, and images, feelings, thoughts burst through.

She was a girl in a field, admiring Lex. The lazy, afternoon sun warming their little group. She liked him best, so did her friends. He was the tallest of the boys, strong, and so darkly handsome. He rudely stared at her. It was unnerving and thrilling.

She couldn't believe her father approved. Years passed in a blink, and she was twenty-one. They lived in a small home, a gift from their fathers. There was a little room, Lex dutifully painted it, always whistling in there. He carved a cot, the most beautiful design, and she had almost finished a soft blanket. Clarita helped her sew the flowers because Clarita was more skilled. They would giggle together about their doting husbands.

There was so much love and laughter in that room, warm sunlight, the best place for a child.

Then the hurt exploded through, sudden and brutal. Petra cried out, twisting in Lex's embrace, experiencing everything at once.

Lex, she knew him very well. He hated the rain but watched her twirl under it. He was hers, and she was his, she loved him so much. He was ferociously screaming, and she was under a soldier, the brute pawing at her swollen breasts, trying to get under her skirts. People hanging. Her best friend, Clarita, felled by an arrow. Clarita's gentle husband murdered; they mounted his head on a spike.

Lex's screams were cut short, she never knew why. An awful, chilling touch encased her temples, immediately killing the child inside her. Everything went dark.

She was back with Lex, shuddering uncontrollably, breathing ragged and fast. Lex holding her. His deep, familiar voice brought her back.


Trembling, she curled up into him, until his hand sneaked down to cup her face.

"Petra, do you know me?"

She was shaking so much, her teeth rattling. Lex's eyes were scorching, fierce. As they had always been. The familiarity made her breathless.

"What do you remember?" he demanded.

"No," she whimpered, trying to curl up but forced back to face him.

"What do you remember?" he repeated.

Sorrow rippled across Petra's face. "They killed our friends," she whispered, tears poured down her cheeks. "They killed our child."

Lex's wide chest swelled. She remembered him. "I love you," he said solemnly, stroking her face. "I love you, Petra. I'll never let anything hurt you again."

"I know," Petra mumbled, leaning closer, feeling his protective aura.

Lex kissed her tears, then her lush mouth, gently guiding it open for his tongue. It was too early, he should wait, but he couldn't. It had been too long. Her pain was his own. He needed to find comfort in her.

Feeling strangely consoled, Petra began to calm down, her breath still hitching. She tentatively kissed him back, wanting to forget what she'd remembered, even for a little while. She wanted him.

Thoughts began to seep through her mind, floating around. One more persistent than the others.

You have a husband. He's your husband.

Blushing, she remembered other things. Their wedding night, being afraid at first and ending with a rapture she'd never imagined possible. His fingers inside her, making her mewl with pleasure. His mouth between her legs. Chasing her through the fields, fucking her under the stars, her skirts up around her waist, kneading her exposed breasts.

Things about him. His fierce demeanour that was mere show where she was concerned. How tender his eyes turned when they were on her. His muscular chest and arms, how easily he carried her, like she was nothing. He liked to chase, making her run so he could catch and spank her. The scar on his back from the wagon accident, stupidly racing his friends. His cock in her mouth, how much she loved doing that.

She thought she loved Eugene, they had fun together, but being in Lex's arms was something else. He was her first, and it should have ended with him. She would always choose Lex.

Lex finally released her from his kisses, looking into her eyes. "I've missed you. There was always something lacking, but I couldn't know what it was until I saw you."

Lightly panting, Petra didn't know what to say. She hadn't had any awareness of missing a husband. "What happened to us?"

"I was killed and became immortal. I woke up alone, with no memory of who I was. Time passed and I stopped searching for the truth." He kissed her jawline, the side of her mouth. His cock was hard and ready. "Something from the forest took pity on me."

"A-And what happened to me?"

"You were taken by a harvesting army."

"What is that?"

"A villainous troupe. They were disbanded long ago, but in our time, they killed entire towns and villages, taking young women to be used for dark magic. I can only assume you were hexed repeatedly, used as practice by occult members, and discarded once you were no longer useful." He buried his face in her hair, willing the soft tresses to ease his tension. It worked. "Your soul survived. You must have been one of the lucky ones."

Petra swallowed nervously. He was the same but different. Hardened. "You're really immortal?"

"Yes, with a few more scars," he said, looking into her eyes, stroking her face. "And you are deliciously new. But part of you must be immortal, to have continued an ongoing birth cycle in the Common Plane." He raised his head to stare into her eyes. "If you're not, I'll do what I can to ensure we're never separated again."

Petra squirmed, hot memories flashing up again. Knowing her body and desires, Lex grinned.

"I know what you want from me," he smiled, his hands moving slowly on her body. In one brisk move, he ripped away her flimsy mesh skirt.

Petra didn't resist at all. She was breathless, eager for him.

Lex's smile turned teasing. Sexy. He brushed his fingertips over her pink lips. "Do you remember what I liked to do with this pretty, little mouth?"

Petra flushed, nodding.


Petra squeaked when Lex seized her hips and flipped her. She was facing the ornate wall, Lex under her, his fingers curling under her damp bikini gusset, shifting it aside.

Lex froze, staring. All her hair was gone. Just smooth, soft flesh. He had been with women who removed their hair, but not his Petra. It strangely excited him.

Petra softly moaned when Lex pulled her hips down to his mouth. Being exposed with the bikini bundled her pussy was more arousing than being fully nude.

Lex's hips bucked and she noticed his cock stretching his pant fabric, straining toward her. Hurriedly, she untied his pants, her breath catching with excitement when her hand wrapped around him, thick and warm. His boots were still on. It was hot.

Lex grunted against her softness, arching into the bed, licking her slow and sensually. She was wonderful.

Petra whimpered, the pleasure building. She lowered, grinding onto his face, at the same time opening her mouth wide, sliding her lips over his thick shaft, lathering the head with her tongue.

Lex groaned, gently fucking her sweet mouth. He ate her out, loving the taste of her, not remembering enjoying anything as erotic for centuries. He'd been ready to explode when he'd sat next to her. His little wife. The things he was going to do to her.

Lex pushed her hips up before she could cum, spreading her cheeks to see how soaked she was, admiring her flushed, juicy sex. The bikini bottom had twisted into a thin bundle up her crack, and he ripped it away. She was all his, now.

Petra gasped and blushed at his silence, feeling the heat of his stare on her pussy, her ass. She remembered he like to lick, finger and fuck her there, she remembered enjoying it immensely, but she hadn't done any of that in this lifetime and hoped he wouldn't try so early.

Lex turned her in his lap, lifting her slightly to lower her onto his cock, watching her face, her eyelids flutter, her mouth part breathlessly. He lifted her shirt up and over, untied the strings of her bra so her breasts were free.

His breath caught at the sight of them, the creamy curves, silky rose nipples. They filled his hands perfectly, gently brushing her nipples until they poked his thumbs. He shuddered with arousal. She was so sexy. She was flawless.

Petra moaned when he began to enter her, her hands on his chest to steady herself, slow things down. He was big, she knew that.

"Petra," Lex uttered, his voice raw. "Look at me."

She did, the way he liked, slowly licking her lips and beginning to thrust, his cock slickening with her juices. It felt so wonderfully wicked, fucking him. He was fully dressed, she was nude, making it much more erotic.

Lex grunted, bucking a little, loving how wet his cock was, how it seeped down to coat his balls. He bucked more, picking up the pace, watching her breasts rhythmically bounce. He couldn't wait much longer.

"Ride me," he ordered, groaning when she did. "Harder. Ride it, Petra, make yourself cum. Fuck me!"

Petra worked harder, thrusting on him, his chest so hard, his warm skin under her palms. It felt amazing, so hot, so natural. The fire in her belly began to expand, pleasure pulsing through her, all stemming from his cock pumping into her.

With a lazy smile, Lex watched her gasp and arch on him, bouncing harder, moaning. She sheathed herself and stilled, lightly jerking her hips.

Lex groaned and strained back into the bed, flexing his hips up to get deeper, as deep as possible. His orgasm hit as hers was beginning to dwindle.

Petra gasped at the heat flooding her tight channel, slowly withdrawing to make room, she felt so full. Lex's cum gushed out of her, all over him, her thighs. He reached for her, his hand sliding up her breast to her neck, drawing her down to his chest. He kissed her forehead.

Petra sighed, comfortable. But there was a lingering sadness. "Lex?"

"Yes?" he responded, his mouth on her temple.

"Do you think our child..." she trailed off. "Do you think they are waiting, like I was?"

Pain filled his dark eyes. "No, Petra. But we will endure."

Lex cupped her face, smoothing tears with his thumb, sensing her exhaustion. He was tired, so much of his usual tension dissipated. There was grief in his happiness, everything they'd lost. He didn't want to think about Petra's other lives with other men, though he'd had his share of experiences. None compared to her.

Petra wriggled up to draw the blanket over them, smiling when Lex's hands tightened on her waist, warning her not to leave. She slipped down beside him, curling up under his arm to rest her cheek on his chest. The delicious scent of his skin was like a lullaby to her senses.

Intimately entwined, they fell asleep together, warm in the bed as rain lashed the windows, both at peace for the first time since they were separated.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Thank you!! So much to love with this short story. Have missed your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay but like poor Eugene he's probably worried sick and when she never comes back he's gonna feel soooo guilty 😔 still glad you're back

EGRIEGRIover 1 year ago

Nicely done


semiosis50semiosis50over 1 year ago

I enjoyed your take on immortality, pretty. Well done. I missed your voice and was very happy to see this. -Harp

GoldenGod48GoldenGod48over 1 year ago

Ok I need more. A lot more. So good!

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