Life after the Lottery Ch. 07

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The Halloween Party
14.4k words

Part 8 of the 90 part series

Updated 11/08/2023
Created 05/14/2011
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Halloween was on Sunday so the party was set for Saturday night. Amy and Dawn came in late after work Friday carrying several garment bags and a box. Dawn still wouldn't tell me what my costume was, all I knew was she was going as a Vitoria's Secret angel and Amy was going as a devil.

Saturday arrived and we all slept in late knowing it would be a long night. I made arrangements for a limo to pick us up at the house and take us to the party, with all the drinking that would be going on I knew none of us should be driving. I also made arrangements for us to stay at a nice hotel in the city after the party. The limo was to pick us back up at the hotel late Sunday afternoon.

The party was to start at 6:00; the limo would pick us up about 5:30. Dawn and Amy had disappeared upstairs to start getting ready about 2:00, I had heard them get in the shower to get ready. I went upstairs about 4:00 to take a shower and get ready, I tried to go in our bedroom but Dawn wouldn't let me in and told me all my stuff was in the other bedroom. As I walked off I heard the two of them giggling like a couple of school girls.

After I got out of the shower and dried off I went to the bed where there was a box, I had been told my outfit was in the box and to put it on. I opened the box and found a black leather motorcycle hat, a pair of black leather chaps, a black leather pair of skimpy shorts and a leather studded vest, Dawn couldn't be serious. I walked back down the hall to our bedroom door and knocked.

"Dawn, you can't be serious about this outfit!" I yelled through the door.

"Yes I am! Put it on and we'll be downstairs soon," was the reply I got back.

I went back to the other bedroom and pulled the skimpy shorts on. I hoped I didn't get an erection tonight it would poke right out of these shorts if I did. I slipped the chaps on each leg and put the hat on and the leather studded vest. I walked over to the mirror and decided I looked like one of the guys from the Village People. I grabbed a pair of black boots from my closet then I adjusted everything the best I could and went downstairs to wait on the girls.

It was about 5:00 before I heard the bedroom door open and then I saw the two of them coming down the stairs. Wow, was all I could think, Dawn had all her long black hair curled and it was hanging beautifully around her face and shoulders. She had on lacy white lingerie I was sure really was from Victoria's Secret, she looked just like one of their models. She had on a white lacy pushup bra that I could nearly see through and white lacy thong panties just like they wore on the runway show on TV each year. She also had on this large pair of white and pale blue lace wings just like in the show. She looked incredibly hot and just like an angel. As she came down the stairs I could tell she had put on her makeup for a dramatic affect and she had sprayed silver glitter all over her face and body, to top it off she had on a pair of white stilettos.

Amy had on the same lingerie but it was fire red, she was dressed up as a devil. Her hair was curled and hanging down beautifully also and she had a pair of small red horns glued to the top of her forehead. Her huge tits were bulging out of the red lacy bra. She also had put on her makeup to give her eyes a very dramatic dark red look and had sprayed herself with gold and red glitter. She was also carrying a little red pitch fork to go with her matching red stilettos. These were two of the hottest women I had ever seen. As they got to the bottom of the stairs all I could do was stare.

"An angel and a devil, you two definitely fit the part!"

"Do you approve master?" Dawn asked.


"Yes, master," Dawn answered. "I have the rest of our costumes in that bag."

Dawn walked over and picked up a bag from the coffee table. She opened it and produced two silver studded leather collars, one white and one red. They helped each other put them on then Dawn produced two long silver dog chains from the bag.

"Hook us up master," Dawn said as she handed me the chains.

Each of their collars had a metal ring on the back, I hooked a chain to each. Each chain was about 6 feet long and had a black leather loop on the end for me to hold each by. Dawn's chain came out between the angel wings she had on and really looked hot.

"Now we are yours master," Amy said then we all cracked up.

This was going to be the hottest thing I had seen in a long time, my angel and my devil.

"Dawn, you are crazy!"

"Well Carol said wear something skimpy."

"I think you two meet the criteria. I know it is still warm this time of year but you two are going to need something to cover up with between here and the party.

"To the closet master," Dawn said as they walked toward the closet.

The site of the two chains leading up to each of them was intense and seeing both of their asses with the thin strip of material running up their crack was having an effect on me I knew was going to be trouble.

Amy and Dawn reached in the closet and each took out at a cape. Dawn had a white satin cape that she slipped under her wings and chain and then wrapped around her shoulders and tied it at the neck. Amy produced a red satin cape and slipped it under the chain in the back and tied hers around her neck. The capes were large and went all the way to their feet and they could each wrap them completely around themselves covering everything up.

"Will this do master?" Dawn asked.

"If you think it will."

"I think he approves," Amy said looking down at the growing bulge in my skimpy shorts.

"I think he does," Dawn said as she approached me reaching out to grab my crotch.

"Dawn if you do that you know what will happen, I will be poking out of this thing."

"I know, that is why I got it," she said as she grabbed me.

We laughed then I grabbed the camera and we spent the next few minutes taking pictures. Before we knew it there was a knock at the door. It was the limo driver, I hoped. Dawn had me pick up the chains as the two of them walked over to the door while I walked behind holding their leashes. Dawn opened the door. The limo driver didn't say a word he just stood there looking at Dawn and Amy.

"Are you all ready to go," he finally asked after taking in the view.

"Yes," I said. "Would you get these bags for us?"

The limo driver slipped around my two girls and grabbed the bags and headed back out the door to the limo. He placed the bags in the trunk and opened the door for us. I removed Dawn's wings so she could get in. She got in first and Amy followed, I got in and sat across from them holding their chains. The limo driver looked in and then closed the door.

The drive to John and Carol's house on the other side of the city would take about 45 minutes. Dawn wanted to get there late so we could make and entrance. During the trip I told the limo driver which hotel we would be staying at and asked if he would take the bags to it and have them put in our room.

"What time is the party going to be over," the driver asked.

"There is no telling," I said. "It could be 3 or 4 in the morning."

""How are you going to get over to the hotel?"

"I guess we will call a cab."

"You won't be able to get one at that time of night. I will be running people all over town all night until the sun comes up. Just call me when you are ready to leave and I will come and get you," he said giving me his card, the only place I had to put the card was in the hat.

"Thanks, I will make it worth your trouble."

The rest of the ride Amy, Dawn and I talked and laughed and discussed plans for the night. I was thinking I didn't know what everyone's reaction was going to be when I showed up with Dawn and Amy. As far as we knew only John and Carol knew Amy was living with us because John saw Dawn at the hospital all the time. I said something about it to Dawn and she said that she guessed we would see.

We pulled into John and Carol's big circular driveway about 6:15. There were several cars but usually everyone planned on alternate transportation after one of the parties. The limo pulled up to the front walk, we saw John and Carol standing at the door talking to another couple. John was dressed as a vampire wearing a black cape and a skimpy pair of shorts like mine. Carol was wearing black panties and a black bustier and looked very good. The other couple was dressed great, the wife had on a very skimpy French maid outfit and her husband had on a pair of skin tight black shorts and a white front from a tux and bow tie.

We stopped and the driver got out and came around to open the door. I gave Dawn's wings to Amy then I got out of the car first holding the chains. Amy handed me the wings then got out and then Dawn got out and stood while I put her wings on. Neither of them was making any effort to hold their capes closed. We heard the conversation at the front door stop. Amy and Dawn headed up the walk and I followed holding their chains, everyone looked at us stunned.

"Good evening John," I said as we walked up.

"Goo...good evening you guys," John said while staring.

I snapped the chains and Dawn and Amy said 'Good evening' in unison.

We had worked this out in the car. They were not to speak unless I directed them, Dawn thought the bit would be hilarious.

"Good evening," Carol said.

"You guys look great!" John said while eyeballing Dawn and Amy.

I snapped the chains again.

"Thank you," the two of them said together.

"Come on in," John said as they parted clearing the doorway for us.

We all went inside, I was holding tight to the leashes. Once inside Dawn and Amy turned to face each other and then reached up and untied each other's cape. They removed the capes and turned and handed them to me. There they stood in little to leave to the imagination. John was really looking at them now, I knew he had a hard-on for Dawn.

Carol looked at me stunned and said, "Here let me take those," as she took the two capes from me and hung them in a closet.

"Well come on in," John said as he bravely took Dawn's arm and led her toward the living room where everyone else was. John and Carol had the house all decked out in Halloween decorations and spooky music.

Amy and Dawn were hamming it up; they walked slowly into the room no expressions on their faces while I trailed behind with the chains. The room got quite as we walked in. There were some other skimpy outfits but not like Dawn and Amy's.

After a minute, "Hi you guys," came from Karen. "You look hot!"

They really did look hot, all the guys were checking them out and a few of the ladies looked on slack jawed.

Karen and Jack scooted over on the couch they were sitting on and said, "Come sit here."

Dawn and Amy turned and looked at me, "Sit!"

They turned and walked toward the couch. When they got to the front of the couch they stopped and turned away from the couch and stood there expressionless.

"Sit!" I said and they both sat down at the same time.

This was going great, I could hear whispers around us, people didn't know what to think. I walked over holding the chains and sat between Amy and Dawn. I didn't know how long they would be able to keep this up but it was having its desired effect for now. As I looked around I saw many of the ladies had on skimpy dresses and tops, several were even wearing feather mask. Most of the guys had dressed like underwear models or Chippendale dancers. I saw Katrina and Joe, Katrina had on a beautiful long black silk Elvira dress. It was split all the way down the front to her stomach and the sides were split all the way up to her thighs plus she had on the dark eye makeup. I guess Katrina had come out of her shell, I was sure that some of the others were very surprised.

Keith, the nurse practitioner that worked with John tried to break the ice by saying, "Amy, how are things working out since you moved?"

Keith may have been the only other person that knew Amy was living with us since he worked with John. Amy turned her head and looked at me like she was looking for permission to speak.

"You may speak."

"I know live with my master and his wife," Amy replied looking down.

I thought 'Oh shit', she is really hamming it up.

There was still silence in the room, I guess the cat was out of the bag, not that I cared.

Karen looked over and said, "Are you living with Dawn and James?"

Amy looked back at me for permission to speak, I nodded.

"Yes," was all she said.

Karen and several others looked at me with startled expressions, I just looked back at them. There were murmuring conversations going on around the room.

Jack turned toward me and whispered, "How long?"

"About a month," I whispered back.

"Uh, can I get the three of you some drinks?" Carol asked hesitantly.

"Sure, I would like a beer and the ladies will have water," I said.

"Okay," Carol replied still with hesitation.

"Thank you master," Dawn said without turning to look at me.

I thought I was going to bust. These two were going to play this out as long as they could. Slowly there were light conversations beginning to come back in the room though from listening they were about us. I continued to look around the room at all the skimpy outfits the ladies had on. Carol returned with the drinks, she handed me a beer and handed Dawn and Amy their glasses of water. Almost at the same time they said 'Thank you' to Carol.

"May I get you girls something to eat?" Carol asked.

"No thank you, they are watching their weight," I replied.

Carol seemed stunned, our actions were so out of character from the other parties. Usually Dawn and I were most of the action at the parties along with John and Carol and now this. We were still getting looks from everyone, some couples had walked away but I could see them standing at a distance talking and looking at us. Things went on this way for a while.

The doorbell rang; John and Carol broke away and went to the door. When they opened it I saw Sam. I had noticed he wasn't there but I had decided he wasn't coming.

"Hey James, it's Sam why don't you introduce him to everyone," John said.

I handed Dawn Amy's leash and Amy Dawn's leash. They each raised a hand to accept them and held that position. I got up and walked over to the door, Sam had brought his fiancée. I had never met her but she looked very nice. She was a short beautiful Hispanic woman; she had long jet black hair and was about 5' 1" with a slim body but very nice large C breasts that filled out her small frame excellently.

"Hey Sam, glad you could make it."

"Thanks for inviting us," James replied.

James was a little over dressed compared to the other men but his fiancée had on a very skin tigh and revealing low cut short green dress. Sam introduced her as Olivia.

"Come on in," Carol told them.

James and Olivia followed me over to the crowd.

"Everybody, this is Sam and Olivia. Sam is the guy that owns the company that wired our house for all the electronic controls and AV equipment. I know some of you were asking about the equipment for your houses so here he is if he wants to talk business."

A few 'Hi Sam, hi Olivias were heard.

"Let me show you two the kitchen so you can make yourselves at home," Carol told them while escorting them to the kitchen.

I walked back over to the sofa and retrieved each of the leashes and sat back down between Dawn and Amy. The two of them didn't move except to put their hands back down. Since Karen and Jack were sitting on the other end of the sofa beside Amy they each looked at me with some disdain.

Sam and Olivia returned with Carol from the kitchen each with a drink in their hand.

"So Sam you are the magician that wired all the fancy lights and TV equipment in James' house?" John said.

"Yes, my company put all the remotes, lights, stereos, televisions and security system in the house when it was being built."

"Can you install that kind of stuff in a house that is already built?" John asked.


"Sam has a real specialty for what he does," I told John.

Sam looked over and saw Dawn and Amy in their outfits and looked at me puzzled. Several others had walked over and started talking to Sam and Olivia. Everyone understood that if there was a new couple there they had basically been approved by John and me. I could see that several of the men were eyeing Olivia along with the women eyeing Sam. Liz and Steve were sitting nearby.

"So, Amy, how are things working out with you now," Steve asked with a smile.

"They are working out fine thank you," Amy replied.

Just for effect I tugged on Amy's chain with a jerk. Amy was pulled slightly toward me.

"Sorry master," Amy said while looking down at her glass.

I wanted to give the impression that she could not talk without my permission.

"Amy is settling in just fine," I told Steve while looking at him.

The smile on Steve's face subsided a bit and the room got quite again.

Amy turned her head and looked at me.

"What?" I said with some shortness.

"Master, I need to go to the restroom," Amy said sheepishly.

"Already!" I replied.

"Sorry master," Amy responded.

"Get up!" I said to Dawn and Amy as I stood up and pulled on each of their leashes bringing them to a standing position.

"Go!" I said to them.

Everyone had been to John and Carol's house before so we knew where the bathroom was. I waited for Dawn and Amy to walk around me and lead the way to the bathroom. I followed behind as they walked across the room. I noticed the men looking at their perfect asses hanging out from the thongs that weren't really there anymore. The bathroom was at the end of the big room in the house. I walked up to the door and opened it, Dawn and Amy entered and I followed. Once we were inside the bathroom Dawn and Amy couldn't suppress the laughter any more, but they kept it quite.

"Did you see everyone's faces," Dawn blurted out.

"How much longer are you two going to keep this up?" I asked them.

Once they stopped giggling Amy said, "as long as we can."

"I don't know if I can keep it up girls, I am about to bust every time one of you does something."

Dawn leaned into me and grabbed my cock through the leather shorts.

"I think you can keep it up if we can, besides it is making me really horny," Dawn said.

"Me too," Amy said.

"Well, if you don't stop rubbing my crotch everyone is going to see more than your asses hanging out."

"So?" Dawn said with a smile.

"So, later maybe," I told them.

"I have an idea guys!" Amy blurted out with excitement.

"What?" Dawn asked.

"James acted like he was pissed at me for asking to go to the restroom...," Amy said.

"So do you have to go?" Dawn asked.

"Yes, but in a second. I have an idea that should really get everyone's attention."

Amy pulled the tiny thong down and set down on the toilet and peed while she explained the idea.

"James I want you to smack me on the ass real hard, hard enough it makes a noise and leaves a big hand print."

"Amy that may be a little much," I replied.

"No really. Everyone will think you spanked my ass because I had to go to the restroom and for not asking permission to talk to Steve," Amy replied.

"I think that would be cool!" Dawn replied.

"Amy are you sure, I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't worry about it James, I love having my ass spanked while having sex so I won't mind it now, in fact, it will turn me on."

"You never told me that," I said.

"I have to keep some secrets."

"Okay, if you insist," I told her. "Dawn are you okay with this?"

"I think it will really shut everyone up. We just need to make sure everyone hears it," Dawn said.

"Smack my ass hard, let me bend over first so you can get a good shot," Amy told me.

"Okay," I said to Amy as she turned and leaned over and put her hands on the counter top.