Life after the Lottery Ch. 16 Pt. 2


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I left Amy to cook and sat back with Sam. The three of us enjoyed an evening breakfast.

"Guys, I am tired would you two clean up so I can go to bed?" Amy asked.

"Sure, go on to bed sweetie," I told her.

Sam and I cleaned up the kitchen then went to the sofa and found a good movie to watch on cable.

"James, there are going to be a few surprises the rest of the week before the party," Sam said.

"Like what?"

"I'm not saying, but don't be surprised with anything Dawn or Amy do, okay?"

"Sure, I guess."

We lay on the sofa watching the TV, I was running my hands over Sam's body and eventually over her cleanly shaved mound.

The movie ended about 10:30, Sam and I were lying on the sofa holding each other when we heard Dawn come in.

"It is about time," I said.

"Oh don't worry, we have been out shopping and then we stopped and had a late dinner."

"All of you?"

"All of us. What have you two been doing all day?"

"Fucking," Sam said casually.

"Good for you. I am wiped out from the shopping, I am going to bed," Dawn said. "Are you two ready for bed?"

"We may watch another movie," I said.

"Okay, I'm going to bed, I have to get up early to get things ready. Sam don't forget to clean your room in the morning and move anything you need to Amy's room."

"Okay," Sam replied.

Dawn went upstairs.

"James, can I suck your cock?" Sam asked.

"If you want to."

We sat up and Sam got in the floor and began working on my cock to get it hard. She kissed and licked and sucked on me until I was good and hard. Sam spent 30 minutes sucking my cock and deep throating me. She had me worked up and she knew it. She placed her mouth over the head of my cock and began pumping me like crazy while she looked up into my eyes. I few minutes later I filled her mouth with cum. Sam pulled her mouth off my cock and opened it up so I could see all the cum then she closed it and swallowed.

"I really like the taste of your cum."

"I can see that."

Sam sucked on my cock some more and cleaned me up. She stood and kissed me.

"I think I will go to bed, see you in the morning."

I followed Sam upstairs and I followed her to her bedroom and went in. She lay back on the bed.

"Good night," I said.

"Aren't you going to kiss me good night?"

I leaned over and kissed Sam for a minute while I ran my fingers over her pussy.

"Good night my lover," Sam said as we parted.

"Good night my beautiful little teenager."

I went out her door and was walking to the bedroom, Sam had me thinking about the last time Dawn had shaved her pussy a few years ago, then it hit me. I turned and went back to Sam's room.

"Forget something?" Sam asked.

"You said you didn't go to the salon because you didn't need to, because you were different. They all got waxed didn't they?"

"Good night James," Sam said as she turned off her light.

All I could think about now was seeing if Dawn really did get waxed, and Amy.

Dawn was under the sheets sound asleep.

I pulled the sheet back and she had on pajamas.


I felt Dawn wake early and climb out of bed, I opened one eye and saw she was still wearing her pajamas then I went back to sleep.

When I woke up again it was about 9:00, I had been tired. I showered and put on my robe and headed downstairs. I saw the girls running around changing some of the decorations and moving some things around. They were all dressed in sweats.

"Good morning sleepy head," Dawn said. "You will have to fix your own breakfast, we have to clean things up and then we are going to the store soon, I don't want to wait until Friday to go shopping. You need to check the liquor and go to the liquor store."

"Okay, okay."

I went down to the kitchen and got some cereal so I didn't make a mess.

"Are you two ready to go to the store?" Dawn asked the girls.

"Can I go with James?" Sam asked.

"I guess, Amy are you ready?"

"Let's go," Amy said.

Amy and Dawn grabbed their coats and headed out the door. I heard her take the Escalade.

"I hope we don't need much liquor, she took the SUV," I said to Sam.

I was cleaning my cereal bowl out in the sink when Sam walked behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"It is getting crazy around here, Dawn is going nuts," Sam said.

"Sam, did Amy and Dawn get waxed?"

"You will have to see, but you will get the idea soon. James, get Dawn a wet shaver just for women, maybe she will get the idea."

"Will you show me what to get?"

"Yes, we can stop while we are out, take me to Dawn's lingerie store, they have them."

I checked all the liquor and made a list, I knew we needed plenty of Champagne. When I was finished I went upstairs and put on a nice pair of pants and a nice shirt and shoes.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Why did you dress up, I just have sweats on."

"That's okay, you ready?"

"Sure, can I drive?" Sam asked.

"Come on."

I gave Sam the keys to my Vette and she drove us to the liquor store. The store was busy, I found the young guy I knew and gave him the list. I walked Sam around the liquor store showing her the best wines and Champagne, she was surprised and the cost of some of the bottles.

"I'm in my Vette can you drop all this off later?" I told the guy when he came back to us.

"Sure, it may be around dinner time or early tomorrow," he said.

"That's okay, just make sure it is before noon tomorrow, I have a lot of Champagne to chill."

I paid and we left.

"Let's go to the lingerie shop," I told Sam.

She drove across town to Dawn's lingerie shop. We went inside, the store was almost empty.

"Hi James, and it was Samantha right?"

"Yes, hi Brenda," I said.

"Need something for New Year's?"

"Brenda, James needs one of those wet shaver kits," Sam said.

"Let me get it."

Brenda went to the back.

"Sam, let's look around."

I walked around the store and looked trough some nice things.

"Sam, come here."

I had found a rack of very sexy looking bustiers, I picked up a sexy red one.

"This would look good on you, do you like it?"

"Yes I do."

"Find one that fits and the panties, I will find the stockings."

I left Sam going through the rack of bustiers. Brenda came back out.

"Here James, is this for Dawn?"

"I hope so."

"She will like it, it works well for me."

Brenda was a very pretty blonde about 40 and she always looked perfect.

"I'll take your word for it Brenda."

"Would you like to see?"

I looked at Brenda and she lifted up the front of her mini-skirt. She had stockings and a garter on and no underwear and her mound was perfectly clean.

"Looks like it works perfectly."

Brenda leaned forward and grabbed my hand and placed it on her mound.

"I think you will enjoy how smooth it will keep Dawn."

I ran my hand over Brenda's mound then slipped my fingers over the top of her lips.

"You are nice and smooth."

I took my hand away and Brenda put her skirt down and smiled seductively at me.

"Do you think it will work on Dawn's thick black hair?"

"It works on mine," Brenda said with a wink.

"Brenda, you know Sam don't you?"

"She has come in with Dawn and Amy."

"She is Amy's sister."

"James, how old is she?"

"Eighteen, going on thirty."

Brenda laughed.

I want her to get one of those expensive bustier over there, I want you to show me some very expensive embroidered silk stockings to go with it.

"Very good, what color?"

"What would look best, red or black?" I asked.

"With all that red hair, red."

Brenda pulled out several packages of beautiful sculpted silk stockings.

"Did you like mine?"

Brenda lifted her skirt up again and let me see a very nice pair of stockings and her pussy again.

"Those are nice, and I like the stockings too."

"They are in with these, I will go check on Sam."

I looked through the stockings and found a very beautiful pair, I walked over to give them to Sam.

"I think we found one that will fit my big tits," Sam said.

"Find some matching lace panties, something high cut."

Brenda walked her over to some panties and they found some nice ones.

"Now go put it all on," I told Sam.

"Right now!"

"Yes, and come back out and let me see it."

Sam looked at me and smiled and went to the dressing room.

"James, she is so pretty, just like Amy."

"Yes she is and I want her to learn about nice things. Don't you have some sexy short dresses that might fit her with that bustier and some matching stilettos and a hand bag?"

Brenda's shop carried a lot of nice and expensive lingerie but she also had some nice clothes that were a little on the trashy side.

"I have a nice strapless red silk dress that I think would fit her."

"Is it long enough to cover the top of her stockings?"


"Get it please."

Sam came out a minute later looking outstanding in the red bustier and stockings.

"Do you like?"

"Yes I do. Brenda."

Brenda handed her the red silk dress.

"I don't think I can get into this."


Sam didn't go back to the dressing room, she unzipped the dress and stepped into it and pulled it up over her tits. Brenda helped her zip it up.

"The shoes."

Sam slipped the red stilettos on over her silk covered feet.

"You look fantastic," I told her. "Let's go."

"What?" Sam said.

"I think you will look good in that at the party."

"James, I have an outfit for the party."

"Okay, take it off."

"No...I do look good in it!"

"You look gorgeous in it," Brenda said.

"Brenda, do you have some kind of wrap for here since it is a little cold?"

"Be right back," Brenda said as she went into the backroom.

"Thanks James," Sam said a she gave me a kiss.

"Try this," Brenda said when she reappeared.

Brenda had very nice looking black wrap that was about waist length on Sam. Sam slipped it over her shoulders and it made her look very pretty.

"Brenda, ring it up. Sam go get your sweats."

Sam's little outfit was a bit expensive but I didn't care. Sam came back out with her sweats and Brenda gave her a bag.

"Too bad it is cold or I would put the top down on the Vette," I told Sam. "You ready to go?"

We got back in the car, Sam looked fantastic.

"It is getting late, where to?" Sam asked.

"It is only about 3:30, let's go to Dawn's salon."


"Just drive."

Sam drove into town and to the salon, I took her inside.

"Hi, can I help you?" A young lady asked.

"My wife booked the place yesterday but her niece didn't get to come to get ready for the party."

"Oh we had fun yesterday, my name is Carol, what can I do for you."

"Carol, can you make her look twenty one?"

"Sure, come with me. That outfit is great!"

Carol took Sam back and sat her down, I sat in an nearby empty chair and watched. An hour later Sam's hair was beautifully curled and Carol had done a great job on her make-up, Sam looked 21 or 22, she looked mature and hot.

"Thanks Carol," I said and paid the bill and gave her a nice tip

"Why?" Sam asked.

"You want to have some fun?" I asked.

"I guess."

"I'm driving," I told Sam.

I drove through town and pulled up about 100 feet from the entrance to the very nice hotel Dawn and I stayed at a lot.

"Can you walk to the hotel in those shoes?"

"Of course."

"Do you have your ID?"


"Walk into the hotel and go to the bar, order a coke or tea, don't try ordering any alcohol. I will be in a few minutes and will act like I am picking you up. You make a nice looking $5000 call girl. Here is some money."

Sam put the cash I gave her in her new purse and started laughing hard.

"You are crazy!!"

"Make it believable," I told her.

Sam got out of the car still laughing and started toward the door. I took off down the street and killed some time, I wanted Sam to have to wait awhile, much longer than I thought she would be comfortable waiting. It was about 5:00 and the bar would be filling up with the business men from around town. They went there because there were $5000 a night professionals in the bar.

I drove back to the hotel and had the valet park my car. I walked in and went to the manager's office.

"Hey Bob," I said as I walked in.

"Hi Mr. Smith, what can I do for you?"

"I have a favor to ask, you remember the young lady that was here with my wife at Halloween?"

"I wasn't up that night but I heard about it."

"The younger lady that was with us is here, we are going to have some fun in the bar," I told him hoping he would think it was Amy.

"Mr. Smith, is she a gorgeous redhead?"


"She is incredible, she is in the bar waiting."


"What are you two up too?"

"You know how my wife likes to come in and play expensive call girl and tease the guys and then I pick her up and we go to the penthouse."

"Yes, she drives the men crazy and of course I appreciate you renting the penthouse for the weekends."

"Well, my friend wants to do that. We won't be staying tonight, but I do want to make a reservation for the penthouse in a few weeks."


"Thanks, I am going to see how much trouble she is into."

"Have fun."

"We will. Oh Bob, I need some cash, can you get me $3000 on my Amex."

"Sure, be right back."

"Bob, you don't have any cops here tonight running the call girls off do you?"

"No, our clientele enjoy our lady friends."

Bob left his office while I waited.

By the time I got to the bar it was full of men meeting girlfriends, mistresses, wives, professionals and both. I saw Sam sitting sideways on a stool at the bar, there was a nice young executive standing next to her talking and another one sitting next to her taking peaks up her skirt since she had her legs crossed. I could just see the tops of her silk stockings and so could he. I found a booth I could see Sam from but she could not see me.

I ordered a beer and watched Sam, she looked fabulous and was handling herself well. She would look around occasionally. She had a glass of tea and was sipping on it. I could hear the men offering to buy her a drink, she told them her tea was fine she was watching her weight. The young guy standing beside her was doing it so he could look at Sam's tits.

He leaned over and whispered in Sam's ear, she looked at him and smiled then motioned with her finger for him to lean over. She said something to him, he stood and looked and walked off. A gorgeous blonde sat down on the stool on the other side of Sam, Sam turned toward her and they started a conversation. Sam was ignoring the guy next to her. I waited for him to move on, when he got up I went to the bar with my drink and sat next to Sam.

"Well hello," Sam said playing it up.

"Hi, my name is James."

"Hi, my name is Samantha."

"Who is your friend?"

"This is Shelly."

"Hi Shelly. You two look gorgeous."

"Thank you," Sam said.

Shelly looked over at me and smiled, she really was gorgeous. Nice body, big tits and lots of blonde hair.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I asked Sam.

"I could use another ice tea."

"Shelly, can I get you something?"

"How about a glass of Crystal," Shelly asked to test the water.


I called the bartender over.

The beautiful redhead would like a fresh ice tea, her friend would like a glass of Crystal, please get her what she wants. The bartender returned with the drinks, I pushed a hundred dollar bill to the bartender.

"Thanks," Shelly said, I guess I passed her test.

The man that was sitting on my other side got up, Shelly got up and moved next to me.

"Thanks for the Champagne," she said. "Are you staying in the hotel?"

"I'm in town for the night for business."

"So am I," Shelly said with a very seductive smile as she sipped her Champagne.

I looked over at Sam.

"Are you in town for business?" I asked her.

"If that is what you want?" Sam said seductively so the blonde could hear.

"I could be interested in a business transaction, both you ladies are quite beautiful," I said to Sam and Shelly.

"For the right price I am open to Shelly joining us," Sam said. "What do you say Shelly?"

"That sounds like a fun night," Shelly said.

"Yes it does but the two of you may break my budget."

"You don't look like a man that would be a problem for," Sam said.

Shelly looked over at Sam and smiled, she really was a hot looking woman. I felt a hand grab my cock through my pants, it was Shelly.

"Emmm, feels like a fun night too," she said as she gave my growing erecting a squeeze. "Samantha, can we come to a price for James?"

"I think we could, if he can afford us. James do you think you could handle both of us?" Sam said.

I looked over at Sam as she smiled at me; she really looked incredible in her red dress.

"To fuck you senseless and let you watch me and Shelly...$5,000 for the night."

"Shelly?" I asked.

"I would just like a nice three way, I don't really do other women."

"I could live with that," I told the two of them.

"For just a three way, $4,000 for the night," Shelly said.

"That would take all the fun out of it," Sam said.

"Well Samantha would $4,000 each for the night be okay?"

Sam looked at me and sipped her tea.

"You two have fun, I have my price," Sam said and turned to slide off the stool.

"Well wait a minute," I said as I reached for Sam's arm.

"Shelly, my wife is with me and we were looking for a fun time for the evening. I will be back in town in a week, give me your number, my wife won't be with me then. Ms. Samantha, you don't mind joining me and my wife for the night do you?"

"You're the one paying," Sam said.

I wanted to laugh, I don't know where Sam got her attitude from but she was incredible.

"Here is my number, call me when you will be in town alone," Shelly said as she handed me a card.

"Well Samantha, would you like to join me and my wife upstairs for an early dinner?"

"I think I have plenty the two of you can eat."

"Shelly, next time. Have another glass of Champagne," I told her as I laid a hundred dollar bill on the bar.

"Thanks, see you later," Shelly said as she leaned forward and kissed me.

"Next time Shelly."

"May we go then Samantha?"


Sam wrapped her arm around my arm and we walked slowly out through the bar and the restaurant. Sam looked 21 with the hair and makeup but she also looked gorgeous. All the men in the bar looked at her as she walked by them. We took the long way around the lobby and then stopped to pick up her wrap from the coat check then I took her out front so I could get the car. The valet looked closely at Sam before he decided to go get my car.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Sam.

"That was fun. Do you and Dawn do that?"


"James, I am very wet, I thought for a minute you were going to take me and Shelly up to a room."

"Maybe next time."

"You don't mean that?"

"We will see."

The valet drove up in my car and came around and opened the door for Sam as he stared.

"Before we go anyplace, I need to see my money," Sam said as the valet looked on.

I wanted to laugh so bad. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the roll of $100 bills.

"Here is $2500, you get the other half in the morning." I told her.

"That will do, let's go, I can't wait to meet your wife."

The valet was listening to all this as he held the door open for Sam. She grabbed the money and put it in her purse. She turned and slid into the Vette making sure she spread her legs for the valet to see. I tipped him and got in the car and we drove off.

"Oh god that was fun James!"

"You are a little tramp, you know that?"

"Would you really have paid the blonde $4,000 for a night?"

"Sure, she was hot."

"Would you really pay me $5,000 if you picked me up and didn't know me?"

"Oh god yes."

"Okay, then I will keep the money!"

"You will have to earn it then!"