Life Ashore


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It was just after lunch when I knocked on his door. Jim shook my hand enthusiastically with both of his, pulling me inside as part of the movement. "It's so nice to have you round here again," he said with a big grin on his face. "I like to think that both Carol and you are my friends but you seem to have been avoiding me a bit of late. I used to really enjoy the long chats we had last year."

I mumbled something but wondered to myself how he could expect us to remain bosom buddies when he was regularly seducing my wife and making her available for other men to fuck.

"Life treating you OK," he asked when we were seated and he had fixed me up with a drink.

"Fine I guess."

"I mean in the bedroom department, Carol still looking after you?"

"That's nice," I said truthfully.

"Look, I hope you don't think that I am taking advantage or that things are going too far," he said. "Say if you do or else I won't know. Just believe I would never deliberately do anything to hurt you, I'm very fond of you as a couple."

If I had not been there seeking a favour I might have voiced my reservations but instead I answered, "I'm cool with everything."

"But you think it's a bit unbalanced and you'd like my help even the score a bit?"

"Please, if you can."

"Oh I certainly can but it's not quite straightforward. For instance, I don't want to extol your virtues to some willing woman and then having her coming back to me complaining that you were a duff fuck. Quite apart from your endowment, from inadvertent hints dropped by Carol, I get the impression that you're a bit sexually inexperienced. It's not your fault because you married young, before you had chance to find out what makes women tick."

I was offended. "I don't see how she can say that. We've done every sex thing we could think of at least once -- one time we even pissed all over each other in the bath."

Jim shook his head. "You're talking sexual activities but I'm referring to erogenous zones, G spots and sexual psychology."

"So you're refusing to help?"

"Not at all. It's just that I can't recommend you to any female until you have better sexual skills but I can teach you all you need to know. If you want to bring Carol round one evening I'm willing to give you a kind of master-class."

"I don't want to spend an evening watching you on top of Carol showing me how you can fuck her far better than I can," I said proudly. Actually I would have loved the opportunity to spy on them doing it but watching by invitation seemed a bit humiliating.

"It won't be like that," he reassured me. "I can't say that there won't be need for some demonstration by me but this is all about you and you will be hands on from the start. Anyway, it will be mainly theory with you then trying out what you just learned."

I returned home in a cheerful mood and decided with Carol that we would go round on the Friday (which would have been a non Jim Friday). When the day came he ushered us in, wearing a knee length brightly coloured silk Japanese style Kimono. I was expecting to chat first but he took us straight up to his bedroom where he ordered my wife and me to remove our clothes. Looking at the bed I couldn't help picturing Carol and Jim upon it on the evenings I had waited at home alone. I finished up completely naked but Carol retained a pair of silk French knickers I had never seen before. This made me realise there had been collusion between the pair that I was unaware of. My wife perched a little nervously on the bottom of the bed and Jim had arranged himself a small armchair set at a good viewing angle.

"It's your show," Jim said to me, starting the tutorial. "I want you to spend the next half hour getting your wife aroused and in the mood for sex." I moved forward, eager to prove to him that my seductive abilities were not half as dire as he believed. "There's just one rule," he continued, "You are not allowed to kiss her lips or touch either her breasts or any part of her body covered by a garment."

I came to a sudden halt. Jim had effectively ruled out my only three lines of attack. I tried desperately to remember anything else that had given Carol pleasure over the years but my mind remained blank. I had to do something, so while awaiting inspiration I began kissing my wife's shoulder and ineffectually stroking her back. Jim let me struggle for a few minutes before saying, "Erogenous zones, you've got no idea, have you?"

Grateful for the interruption but rather ashamed, I admitted that I hadn't. "All of her feet, back of knees, fingers, wrist, inside of elbows, all round the neck, ear and navel," Jim enumerated ticking them off of his fingers, "All very sensitive and all available to you right now. I can get a woman more than ready just by massaging her feet, especially if I suck her toes. Sucking fingers is also good." He took a breath and went on, "Touch is also important, different types for different places. The best is moving one finger in small irregular circles but very very softly, rather like the brush of a butterfly's wing, this works almost everywhere. Your tongue is very useful. Use it lightly in little short flicks, again like a butterfly's wing. Try that now on the palm of your hand. A wet tongue in her ear or naval often works magic and a full bodied lick can be very effective anywhere but best to wait until she's already warmed up.

At this point I moved forward to begin trying this out but Jim had one more gem of wisdom to impart. "I also like blowing with a thin cold jet of air, especially on nipples when they are already wet with my saliva but my favourite I call the 'hot flush'. To do this open your mouth wide, position your lips not quite touching and breath out a sudden hot gush of air from deep in your lungs. Try this on the crotch of her pants just before you slide them off."

Having received permission to try again I tried to tentatively gain access to one of the mentioned zones but Jim interrupted impatiently, "You're in charge, just grab her and position her how you want. It's even OK to be a bit rough. From the beginning of time females have been taken, in early ages probably more often than not and women have been programmed by this. If a dry vagina is penetrated it can be painful even damaging so natures answer is for women to get wet quickly when faced with possible threat. That's why today, even in a perfectly safe situation women still get damp between their legs when they know a male predator is near."

Over the next thirty minutes I put my new knowledge into operation and was left alone by Jim, apart from occasional advice on the sequence of different caresses. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, Carol seemed to as well and by the end was possibly as aroused as I certainly was. My coup de grace was the hot flush, the execution of which provoked a gasp of pleasure and I picked that moment to slide the knickers clear. Then it was my turn to gasp. Carol had secretly emulated Leanne and I was gazing at the beautiful sight of her naked cunt, like a peach with unmistakable signs of moisture down the slit.

I took a deep breath and was about to plunge my head eagerly forward when Jim called firmly, "You can hold it there. So far you only needed imagination but now I need to demonstrate specific techniques."

As he spoke Jim stood, shrugging off his kimono. At last my curiosity as satisfied as his famous cock was revealed. It was very stiff and certainly substantial with the circumference more impressive than the length. His foreskin was fully retracted revealing a large helmet that was dark red almost purple in colour and with the skin stretched so tight that had a kind of sheen. For the first time I understood the powerful attraction that drew Carol to him time after time.

It was the hardest thing I've ever done and I still don't know why I yielded so readily to Jim's authority but I slowly stood up and stepped back, effectively handing my wife over to him. He placed her with her bum near the edge of the bed and her legs hanging over the edge then knelt down between them. Glancing towards me he explained, "You are going to be eating her like a melon. This will probably be for quite a time so you need to set it up to minimise fatigue. Her shoulders should be flat on the bed or resting on a pillow, put her legs over your shoulder with a thigh on each side of your head then raise her buttocks with your hands, gaining support through your elbows from the bed."

As he spoke, I watched him follow his words with actions. I thought at that time that, having shown the method, he would give her back but he carried straight on with instruction on oral technique, illustrating every point.

"Having finally reached this point you will want to plunge straight in to the main meal but that's the last thing to do," Jim continued. "Instead you should attend to the very tops of her thighs with the little tongue flicks and occasional big lick. After a while you switch to the skin down the sides of her vulva. Keep pretending you are about to do what she expects but then move away again until she is desperate to feel your lips on her clit and your tongue tasting her inner depths. At this point she will start involuntarily trying to jerk her pussy towards your mouth and you know she's ready. You may try to tease for a bit longer but it can be counter productive." Carol had started twitching on cue and Jim moved his head forward, tongue extended, to savour the supreme pleasure that was so nearly mine.

After providing the oral orgasm, Jim extended his ministrations for some minutes of undoubted enjoyment for himself but little educational value for me. Eventually he got up until he was on his knees, still between her spread thighs. I realised that he intended to carry on and fuck her and this caused me a big thrill of anticipation because, despite my earlier protestations to the contrary, I badly wanted to watch them 'doing it', if only to see how near the mark my many imaginings had been.

Glancing at me again, Jim said, "At this point, if you've done your job right so far, she should be very eager for penetration but there is no need to hurry. Tease her some more. Tap her clit with your shaft, rub your helmet down her crack but don't put it in. Let the hunger build. Make her suffer, treat her mean, keep her keen. This is the only brief moment in life when men are truly in charge, when she wants you more than you want her, so make the most of it."

He was demonstrating as he spoke and I'm convinced that my wife's reactions were genuine and not faked to illustrate the truth of his words. When the moment arrives I am able to just stick my cock in without a thought but, despite Carol's state of arousal, I noted how slowly Jim pushed in, allowing her to adjust to his girth. He kept thrusting for five minutes until it was going in easily and she had enjoyed an orgasm then Jim paused, looked over at me and said, "The missionary. Despite its vanilla reputation this is the position that most people like to start and many prefer to end this way as well. It has many advantages but you may like Doggie better. On this and subsequent positions, Jim only had to say the name for Carol to scramble into the required posture, almost as if this were a well practiced routine.

After providing another five minute example, Jim said, "'Doggie style' everybody's favourite. Good for penetration and fast fucking. It is the best fun fuck position, having potential for rough sex with arse slapping and those gorgeous hanging tits are perfect for keeping your hands occupied." After the next one which had my wife's ankles behind his ears, Jim's comment was "Maximum penetration and good for power fucking but can be very tiring." His concluding position 'side by side, (face to face or spooned)', was described as 'the exact opposite, poor penetration and difficult for speed but very relaxed. The only snag being that shorter guys may find they keep slipping out."

I hoped the demonstration was over but he got back into missionary again and with a big grin told me, "The hard work is over so it's time to claim the reward, she will still get a lot of enjoyment but from now on you are allowed to be selfish, with your pleasure the only priority."

Now here is a confession, I had been so looking forward to taking my turn that I reacted badly when I realised that it was to be further delayed. Ever since Carol had started to go across to Jim's house my dearest wish was to see them together but now that I had my first opportunity, feeling that I had been cheated, I petulantly stared fixedly away from where they lay. It was only when a particularly loud moan from my wife attracted my attention that I realised that they were completely unaware of me and that my display of pique was sheer foolishness.

Those demonstrated positions were purely artificial and meant nothing but this was real. I knew that I was seeing exactly how they fucked when I wasn't there and suddenly I everything fell into perspective. Jim gave her a series of orgasms but I was most impressed when they lay apparently unmoving for two minutes but with Carol making a constant whimpering sound. My first thought was that she was in pain, the second that she was suffering some emotional distress but then I realised that she was simply reacting to the pleasure of having his huge cock embedded deeply inside her.

It was shortly after that when Jim sprang back into action and rapidly built up to a crescendo of thrusts before flopping down upon my wife's body to lie immobile for a full minute. Then rolling to her side he lay with his head cocked and supported by his bent arm. "It's all yours Squire," he said, "I want you to repeat everything that I did and in the same sequence."

I had not realised quite how worked up I had become until that moment so with my cock feeling ready to burst I rushed forward, quickly got Carol's legs over my shoulders urgently raised her loins as instructed. Then I froze in horror and revulsion because before my eyes, what before had been a pristine, perfect, oyster of delight nestling between her thighs was now a gaping red rimmed hole filled with silver grey mucus that seemed on the point of oozing out.

"Don't say you're going to go all squeamish on me," Jim said contemptuously. "Yes it's dirty, its raw but dirty raw sex is the best kind and you'll never reach that higher sexual mental plateau if you don't realise that. If you only want to politely hump then stop now but if you want to rut, copulate, fornicate, fuck, I mean fuck in the true meaning of the word then you know what you have to do. You say that you love your Carol, well give her the highest sign of devotion that it's possible for a man to give his wife and I promise that she will have the biggest orgasm of her life."

Goaded by his words I thrust my mouth forward. The taste was far less unpleasant than expected but I only realised that in retrospect because the moment my lips made contact I seemed afflicted by a fever of the brain and was gripped in a feeding frenzy in the midst of which I was aware that I could hear a continuous high pitched moan and that Carol's body was violently trembling all over. I don't know how long it went on but at one point I realised that my head was locked in place by her ankles locked round the back of my neck. Eventually her tremors subsided and I rejoined reality, to the devastating realisation that at some point I must have ejaculated. I just sagged in despair and think was close to tears.

Jim must have quickly guessed what was wrong because the next moment his mouth was at my ear speaking quickly but firmly, "It happens, it's even happened to me but you can get though it, whatever you do just keep on licking. Realise that it's all in the mind. You need to create a powerful mental image. Think of Carol's cunt as a temple. You are the chief worshipper; the high priest and every day are required to make your devotions. But over time, when at devotion, on many occasions you will come across the offerings donated by other male worshippers and a new duty will fall upon you, that of keeping the temple pure."

It was as if he had uttered a magic incantation because instantly I had a raging erection. I urgently got up and thrust home in case my amazing return to potency proved only transitory but my freedom of movement was immediately restricted by Carol pulling my head down to hers, smothering my face in kisses and whispering, "I love you, I love you, I love you so very much."

Next moment I heard Jim's face in my ear saying, "You can skip the different positions because you have already passed with flying colours. I'm going to leave you two alone to enjoy this special moment. Stay as long as you like, all night if you want to."

The sex which followed was beyond wonderful, at times having an almost surreal quality. Eventually we fell asleep satiated and contented. We woke just after 2 a.m., quietly let ourselves out of the house and returned to our own bed where we spent the rest of the night clasped tightly in each others arms.

When Carol returned from her next official date with Jim, I was waiting anxiously and was pleased when she went straight up to bed without using the shower. On joining her, I immediately plunged my head between her legs, hoping to relive that previous weeks high but it was a big disappointment. I could smell him on her and there were traces of semen but the time delay and walk between the houses had made a vast difference.

Now I seem to jump the narrative from encounter to encounter involving Jim but life went on between. In many ways most things remained the same but there was greater incidence of lovemaking and we talked about sex a lot more. One day Carol suddenly announced, "I do love to fuck. I wish now that I had gone with some of those rich guys while we were at sea. I reckon I missed out on a whole lot of fun and I could have had a jewellery box crammed with expensive stuff."

I had long believed that she and Jim found opportunity for secret shags during the day while I was at school and suspect that that was one of those days. A few times I tried to catch her out by ringing home on some pretext when my spare periods coincided with some of her pupil free time. Three times she picked up but two remained unanswered. I didn't query her absences because I didn't want Carol to think I was checking up on her.

On party night, for the first time I watched Carol leave for a night away from me with my excitement and anticipation greatly outweighing adverse feelings and I believe that the angst that did remain was due to frustration that I could not watch rather than jealousy. It came as a bit of a shock to realise that it had taken only fourteen short weeks since my wife first tentatively shared our neighbour's bed to reach where we were now. I spent the early evening viewing internet porn then later lay in bed mentally projecting my wife into the situations I had viewed. The combination allowed me to spend the night pleasantly in dream filled slumber.

Carol walked in just before ten Saturday morning. She gave me a very loving kiss and said, "I've had such a fantastically wonderful time you'll hardly believe it. Jim took me to a completely different place; it looked like some kind of stately home. Once inside I had to completely undress and put on some sparkly very high heeled sandals. There was also a gold ankle bracelet for me to wear and a filmy cloak in several layers made of a completely transparent very fine net like material so that when I walked I seemed surrounded by a floating gossamer cloud. Jim kept his clothes on."

"Who else was there?" I asked unable to contain my curiosity.

"Lots of people but they were all men with no females at all except me. We walked through a series of interconnecting rooms. They all had a big screen on the wall but no furniture and in each there were several naked men standing about watching the film. By the end I saw loads of cocks of all sizes and shapes. Most were fairly limp when we walked in and it was flattering how many stiffened up when they saw me."