Life of Mick Ch. 03


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I tended to paperwork for the morning before I could work on things I liked to do. I broke for lunch and went to the in-house cafeteria. Nearly five hundred people worked at this location and another five hundred worked at the other locations. Many of the jobs at one location were low-level assembly-type jobs manned mostly by women just looking for a job to supplement their husband's income or they were single or single-mothers. I knew their plight well and even those jobs paid well. The other off-site location was involved in training and training the trainers that traveled the country. The central computer facility was in the same building as my office and I liked to spend as much time as possible there.

The cafeteria was busy and humming with conversations at dining tables. I scanned the expanse looking for either Misty or Gloria to see how Misty's first day was going. I saw the both of them sitting along the back wall along with another young woman, whom I didn't know. I pushed my tray along the rails and paid for a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda.

I didn't wear a suit unless potential customers were expected. I had an expensive suit in my office in case an unexpected customer showed up. I didn't stand out in the crowd and most of the employees didn't even know who I was. I liked it that way. I took my tray to Gloria and Misty's table and asked if I could join them. Gloria quickly motioned me to the open seat beside her and I sat down. I looked across the table at Misty and said, "How is your first day." She smiled and glanced at Gloria.

"Fine. I'm meeting a lot of people," she said. Gloria introduced me to the unknown young woman sitting beside Misty as just 'Mick'. She did not indicate who I was or that I was Misty's stepfather. The woman's name was Clarice. She promptly shortened it to Claire. She offered me her right hand and I shook it. It was her first day with the company too and all the excitement and vibrance of youth, along with the fear were evident. We all chatted and when I finished eating, I got up with my tray and wished them all a 'good-day'. Misty smiled as I looked at her. Then I went back to my office.

I entered my office through what normally would be a secretary's office. It was unoccupied because I used a secretarial pool several offices down the hall. I had never liked the traditional trappings of authority. There were pros and cons to my approach and they were forcing me to rethink things. For now, though this was the way things were. The head of the Secretarial Pool, Kay, considers herself to be my private secretary and no one, not even me, disputes it.

Kay is a classy woman, about my age. She is always dressed to the nines and always wears the same string of pearls to go along with her ever-changing array of other jewelry. Her shoulder-length curly dark brown hair is always just so and the way it frames her face makes me think she's wearing a helmet. Every hair is in place. She wears a lot of makeup and in my opinion, is attractive enough to not wear any. She is of average height, with a smoking body and she knows it.

By mid-afternoon, Samantha's offer to provide 'help' was grinding away at my resistance, which was clinging tenuously to that old cliché about sex in the workplace. I didn't really want to be a cliché, but I had already broken through that barrier a few days ago. I liked the looks of Sam and I liked her military bearing. I doubted that she'd ever lose that. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Actually, I wasn't sure what branch of the military she had been in. I picked up the phone and pressed a button. Kay came on the line, "Yes Sir?" I asked her to talk to Gloria to get a copy of the Chief Security Officer, Samantha's employment file. Kay said, "Right away. I'll call when it is available to you in your file on my computer." She offered no good-bye and just hung up. I did the same.

Fifteen minutes later, Kay called to tell me that Samantha's personnel file was available for review. I type a few commands into my computer and Sam's file appeared on my computer screen. A photo of her in her dress Marine uniform was in the top left corner. I quickly scanned the file and there were a lot of 'CLASSIFIED' stamps and redactions. I learned almost nothing more than I already knew, which wasn't much. I was intrigued. Her headshot in her uniform made me think of the rest of her gorgeous body sprawled across my desk. She was vigorous in her love-making. She gave as good as she got. My cock was growing in my pants and I didn't try to push it back. I only adjusted for comfort as I picked up the phone. Kay answered before I could key in a number. "Yes Sir."

I didn't want Kay to be in the loop. My asking for Sam's file and then calling her would be too much of a coincidence and Kay would go snooping around. "Never mind Kay. I have what I was looking for." I hung up before Kay could respond. I retrieved my cell phone from my back pocket and keyed in the number for the security station in the lobby. It rang several times before it was answered.

A tentative voice said, "Yes. Who is this?" I knew her screen would display just the number I dialed from.

I answered her question, "I could use your help on the top floor."

"Yes Sir. Umm... Mick. I was hoping you'd call. I'll be right up as soon as I can get Jason to man the lobby." She hung up and my phone went dead. I chuckled to myself. She had offered no 'Goodbye' either.

I sat back in my chair and looked down at the tent in my pants. My cock was hard and pulsing against my pants. Until now, I had taken things as they were offered to me. Now I was the instigator and it felt a little exciting. Blood pounded in my ears. I wanted to pull my cock out and start jerking myself off. That was how Samantha had walked in on me before. For some reason, my big head wanted this to be different. My little head obviously wanted to get to where we started before as quickly as possible.

It was fifteen minutes later that a firm knock came on my office door. I waited a moment to see if she would just walk in like before. She didn't and knocked again. I loudly said, "Come." The doorknob turned and a flush-faced Samantha appeared through the opening. She was already breathing erratically as she closed the door behind her. She glanced around the room as if to be sure that we were alone. There was a possibility that I had called her up here on business and she would join others in a meeting. Wouldn't that be embarrassing if that was the case and she crossed the room into a romantic embrace? She remained in a military 'at-ease' stance with her hands behind her back and chest pressed forward against the material of her knit shirt until she was certain of the 'help' I had called her up here for. Regardless of the situation, she had a sultry look in her eyes. My cock jumped harder in my pants as I watched her nipples harden.

Sam glanced down where I was looking and her face flushed into a deeper red. I motioned toward a seat in front of my desk. She smiled and sat down in the offered chair. The computer screen still displayed her picture and the sparse information below it. She could see it from her position. My hard-on was hidden from her by the edge of the desk as I had pulled my chair toward her. Jesus, I wanted her right then and I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted what we had had two days ago.

I forced my eyes from her long hard nipples and looked into her eyes. My heart was hammering in my chest and I was certain that hers was too. I said, "I want to know more about you than your file here provides." The air went out of her lungs in response.

"Oh my God, Mick. Now? The first thing that went through my mind when I knocked and you said 'come' was that I was about to 'cum' right there. Jesus Mick. I'm so horny. All-day. It's very disconcerting. I'm not like this." She gripped her boobs through her shirt and pinched her long nipples as she groaned from her own attack.

I was taken aback by her statement. There was no question about why she was here. I said, "No. Not now. Would you go out with me on a date when we are in Washington?" I knew immediately that it was an ill-timed question. I wasn't used to this situation. I had dated many women and had sex with most of them but the sex came after a date or two. Now my face was as red as hers but mine was from embarrassment at how badly I had fumbled this on the pretense that I wanted to get to know her better, which I did. I had no idea of how urgently she wanted to have sex.

Her eyes crinkled into a smile and she said, "Jesus Mick, I'd love to go out with you in Washington, but right now, get that hard cock, I know you're hiding over there, out. I need it right now." She didn't wait for me to move. She stood up and reached across to the front of my desk and grabbed my cock through my pants. She groaned when she saw how hard I was. She stood back up and came around the side of my desk with the hemline of her knit shirt in her hands. She yanked the shirt over her head and tossed it on the credenza behind me and then pulled off her bra and dropped it on my desk before pulling my chair back. Her hands went immediately to her tight mid-thigh length skirt and hiked it up to her waist revealing that she wore nothing beneath it. Her neatly trimmed pubic hair was soaking wet and her juices rolled down the inside of her thighs. Other than the band of material around her waist and her high heels, she was naked.

My cock was aching to be released from the confinements of my pants and I unbuckled them as Sam grabbed at my zipper. She was in such a fever that she quickly became frustrated with her inability to get it down. I took over for her as she grabbed her tits again and then pushed one hand to her sex and began fingering herself.

The fever was growing in me as I stood and pushed my pants down my thighs. My hardness caused my cock to slap upward upon release. It felt so good to be free and it felt even better when Sam grabbed my cock and squatted on her heels as she struggled her lips onto my big, bulbous knob. Her eyes were wild with lust as she looked up at me. She pushed half of my cock into her mouth and then inch-wormed her way down the rest of the way. I groaned hard and tossed my head back in reaction. The sensation was amazing. She didn't stay there long before pulling up to take a huge breath. She locked her lips at the ridge and started a furious double hand job.

I didn't want to cum in her mouth. I wanted to fuck her senseless and I knew that was what she was here for. I pulled my cock back from her lips. She followed me as I pulled away so she could keep her lips locked on my knob. It came free with a 'pop'. Her eyes were pleading with me not to take my cock away from her. I pulled her up to her feet and lifted her bunched-up skirt over her head. She raised her hands above her head to accommodate me. I wanted to see all of her beautiful body. I love her tits. They aren't huge or completely firm. They are perfect for her body and there is a slight sag that would allow her to hold a pencil under them. Her nipples are longer than usual when she is aroused and she sure was aroused now.

As soon as her skirt was dealt with, her hands went right back to my throbbing cock as I maneuvered her around to lie back on my desk. She was in heat as she lifted her legs and spread them wide before I took her ankles and placed them together on my right shoulder. I moved in closer, forcing her legs straight up in the air. Her pussy practically grabbed my cock as I guided myself to her sex. She groaned hard as I pushed inside her. I groan out, "Oh fuck," to no one in particular.

Sam was correct in the urgency of her sexual needs. She surged into an orgasm before I even hit her depth. She was bouncing around on my desk with her mouth open in a silent scream. Every tendon in her neck was pulled tight. When she finally took a deep breath, the scream wasn't silent anymore. She heaved in a breath and returned to the scream. I groaned as I guessed that her scream was too loud to be missed by the secretarial pool, two doors down the hall. The Cherry wood paneling would provide some sound dampening but I was sure that it wasn't enough. There was nothing to be done about it now.

Sam suddenly realized how loud she had screamed and she clamped her left hand across her open mouth. I kept sawing my cock in and out and her breathing rate ramped up again. She was building to another orgasm and she kept her hand in place to stifle another scream. Her eyes were ablaze with passion as she mumbled, "Oh God, Mick. You'll spit me in half. She was pulling herself forward and back with her legs with her ankles still on my shoulder. Her right-hand dove into her sex and strummed her clitoris with open fingers from side to side as fast as she could go.

Another orgasm erupted and her scream was adequately squelched by her left hand. I increased my pace as I could feel my climax swirling. When she recovered, she muttered, "Oh my gawwdd, Mick. You are so hard." She pulled her ankles off my shoulder and let her long straight legs fall out to either side as in a split. She grabbed my cock on the outstroke and pulled me out of her pussy. Her inner labia were still pulsing. I tried to push in to finish myself off but she held my cock and pushed herself up to a sitting position with her other elbow. She reached up and curled her fingers around my neck and pulled me down for a passionate kiss. We were both gasping air into the other's mouth.

When she pulled back from the embrace, she said, "Doggy. In your chair." It wasn't a question. I stepped back to let her scooch her wet ass off my desk leaving a trail of pussy juices. She giggled when she turned around and saw the mess. She went directly to my chair and put both knees in the seat and then both hands on the back of the chair. She didn't account for the fact that the chair tilted back and she almost went over. I grabbed her hips as I saw what was happening. She screeched as she was sure she was going face-first into the credenza.

Very quickly, we discovered that my desk chair was not the place to be doing this. I guided my cock to her wet pussy and pushed forward. The chair rolled forward as fast as I pushed in. Sam started laughing and said, "Let's move to a different chair." I chuckled and pulled back. She stepped down out of my chair and pulled me by my hard cock to the first chair she came to at the front of my desk. She took the same position and looked back at me as I guided my cock to her sex. I pushed in and had no sooner began fucking her 'doggy-style' when she exploded into a massive orgasm. Her body writhed in place. She didn't scream but I thought she might hurt herself by holding it in her throat. I gripped her hips to hold her in place as I jackhammered my cock in and out. I could feel my orgasm. It was right there and Samantha's pussy was milking it out of me.

There was a soft knock at my office door and my climax disappeared. I stopped and tried to hold my gasping breathing. Samantha heard the knock too and she went quiet and stopped her fucking motion a couple of seconds after me. She looked back at me with a mixture of passion and fear. It was my move and I yelled out, "Hold on. I just got out of the shower." Sam grimaced at my response. I did too. It was the first thing that came into my mind.

I pulled out of Sam and she groaned as I came free. Her juices poured down her thighs onto the cushioned seat. I helped her up and she grabbed her clothes and headed for the adjoining bathroom. I pulled on my pants and zipped them up as I pushed my hard cock to my stomach. I pulled on my shirt so I could tuck the tails in to cover the couple inches that protruded above the beltline.

The soft knock repeated and I yelled, "Hold on." I opened the door and Kay; my self-proclaimed secretary was standing there with hand raised ready to knock again. She tried to look past me into the office, but the half-opened door with my body blocking the opening, she couldn't see much.

"Sorry Kay. I had just stepped out of my shower when you knocked. She had given up trying to see into my office and now she was staring at the huge bulge in my pants. I hadn't had time to deal with my hard-on. I followed her gaze and a soft groan escaped my lungs when I saw what she was gawking at. I hadn't buttoned my shirt and the two tails were stuffed into my pants with a three-inch gap between them and the end of my cock was pulsing hard between them. I shoved my hand down to cover myself. Kay chuckled and said, "Do you need any help with that? Showers always give my husband a boner."

Before I could respond, her left hand grabbed the few inches above the belt and her right hand unzipped my pants. I quickly tried to fend her hands away but she was pushing me back as she came through the doorway and closed it behind her. I had been moments away from my orgasm and she was already jerking me off. It felt incredible and it got better when Kay dropped her knees and slurped her tongue from my balls to the knob and then rocked her head from side to side to force her lips over the crown. I looked down into her sultry eyes and let out a groan as she started a blow job, hand job combination.

I noticed movement from the bathroom. Samantha was dressed and she was trying to silently communicate with me. She was mouthing a word that I wasn't getting. I finally realized that she was mouthing, 'BRA'. She pointed toward my desk. Kay's eyes were closed as she drove her lips up and down my shaft. I reached down to Kay's pretty face and placed my palms on each side of her head and began fucking her face.

Samantha knew that was her chance and she hurried the ten feet to the desk and grabbed up her bra and just as quickly retreated to the bathroom. I couldn't contain my orgasm any longer and warned Kay that I was going to cum. Kay nodded and pushed her lips further onto my cock. She was good.

I felt the tension build in my body and Kay grinned up at me around my shaft. She pulled back to the ridge and tongued my 'spot' as her hands flashed up and down. She may have thought that she was ready to take my load but she should have been swallowing on the first shot. She was quickly overwhelmed and her eyes went wide as cum sprayed from the sides of her mouth. She gave in to it and pulled her mouth off the knob and gagged on whatever cum was in her mouth. She looked up at me. Tears had formed in her eyes and they broke containment and flowed down her face to mix with the cum hanging from her chin. She groaned as the next shot blasted her in the face. She opened her mouth wide and aimed the cum inside. She began swallowing as fast as she could to minimize the damage.

When she was sure that I was done, she dipped her tongue into the 'eye' and pulled it into her mouth. She offered her hand and I helped her to her feet. She took the opportunity of the moment and pressed her body to mine and stretched up for a kiss. I kissed her back. When our embrace ended, she ran her hand across her face and chin and groaned before she said, "Oh my God. What a mess I am. I can't go back like this." She was already on her way to the bathroom when she said, "May I use the bathroom to clean up."

At the moment, that was the right thing to do, but I immediately realized that Sam was in there. Kay was stepping through the bathroom door before I could say anything. 'Oh fuck. This isn't going to end well,' I thought. I zipped up my pants and hurried to the bathroom.

The confrontation that I was expecting didn't turn out that way. I stopped at the door and remained out of sight and just listened: Sam said, "Good afternoon Kay. I see that you've discovered that he cums a huge load."

Just as casually, Kay said, "I guess you are the screamer? I can only imagine what his huge cock would feel like. I'd probably scream too. It was fortunate that the other secretaries were out of the room and didn't hear you."