Life on the Ranch Ch. 03


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"Well it's nice to meet ya Amanda. Can I get you both something to drink?"

"I'll just take whatever ya got on tap, preferably Dos Equis." Amanda, says as she eyes the waitress up and down.

"I'll take a water, thanks Debby."

She gives me a smile. "Anything for you gorgeous. I'll be right back with those drinks while you go over the menu."

Amanda stares at her backside as she walks away. "Damn she's got a fine ass. Don't think I don't see the way she stares at you."

"She's just close friends with Steph. That's all." I quickly flip up the menu to hide the obvious blush appearing on my face.

Her voice went down to a whisper. "Hmmm whatever, all that matters is I'm going to be the one with my cock so far up your ass, you'll be able to brush your teeth with my cum."

If my face wasn't red before it certainly was now. "I can't wait to see you all dolled up like a slut. You're going to look so damn hot in those thigh highs and panties I bought you. My dicks hard just thinking about it."

Why does she have to do this in public? It's bad enough I have to endure all her abuse behind closed doors, but saying all this in public is just... too much. I set down the menu and look her in the eyes. "Please Amanda, I'm begging you. Not here. I'll do anything you want, just don't say anything while we're in public."

A smirk spreads across her face, one that I'm sure has malicious intent behind it. "Anything?"

"Yes anything you want. I promise."

"Good, before you go to bed, you're going to wear that outfit and leave that door of yours unlocked." Her smirk grew even wider as she leans a little closer. "You're going to give me a little show before I fuck you like the girl you are."

"Okay! I'll do it! Just please don't talk about it anymore!" I nervously look over at the table with the farm hands, hoping they didn't hear any of it.

Amanda leans back with a victorious grin on her face. "If you don't, you'll severely regret it."

Debby came back with our drinks. "Kyle I take it you'll have your usual? The junior rodeo burger with potato wedges?"

"Yes please."

"Some things never change," she says giggling. "And for you?"

"I'll do the same, only I'll take the adult version." She gives me a smirk. I figured she meant that as another way to degrade me.

"I'll put that order in for ya right away."

"Thanks, Debby."

"You're always welcome Kyle."

As we sit there waiting for our food the news caught my attention. "We have some breaking news. We have a video that went viral from Gennecho University, the new private university in Detroit." The news reporter looked down at his hands before glancing up with a concern look. "Ladies and gentlemen the video may be too sensitive for children because it contains some disturbing violence. We ask you watch at your own discretion."

"Holy shit, this is the video I watched the other day on the Shadow Leaks. This guy named Luke Houghton was with his Transgender girlfriend and they were jumped by these kids while walking back to their dorms. He sacrificed his body to protect her! I can't believe their showing this!" It actually worked! I can't believe it.

We both watch in silence as Luke used his body as a shield to protect his girlfriend while being beaten by the group of guys. "Holy shit that kid can take a beating."

I quickly look at Amanda's expression as he exploded with rage and started fighting back. She's impressed that's for sure. Especially after watching him take a bat to the face and continue fighting.

"He's a fucking evolve. What a freak," says one of the guys at the other table. "No one can take have a bat smashed over their head like that and continue fighting."

Amanda's impression quickly turns to rage after hearing what those farm hands had to say.

"As you can see the boy in the photo who's name is Luke Houghton was attacked while walking back to his dorm room with his transgender girlfriend." They flash a photo of Luke on the tv.

Amanda gasps as she saw got a good look at Luke's face. "The girl he was protecting is in critical condition at John Farrell's new hospital. Unfortunately, Luke was arrested the next day after returning to the fraternity house of the students who were in the video and was filmed assaulting them as well as causing severe property damage. He is being held at the local county jail and bond has yet to be determined. We do have the second video which we are going to play right now."

As they played the second video, I couldn't help notice Amanda's reaction when they showed Luke's photo. Her expression was unmistakable, she recognized him! They showed Luke beating the shit out of the guys in the fraternity house. Debby delivers our food as the video continues to play. We both start to eat while still watching without missing a beat.

"What freak! Not only is he an evolve but he's one of those tranny fuckers," the outspoken farmhand blurted out.

I could see the rage in Amanda's eyes. I reach over and grab her hand just as she is about to do something. "Please Amanda! Just ignore those assholes."

"Remember that fucking tranny we used to work for?" the one farthest away asks. "What was that freaks name?"

Oh my god they're talking about my mom! Those fucking assholes.

"Wasn't it Steph?" Asks the one that does most of the rambling.

"Yeah that's it! What a fucking freak show. I'm glad we don't work there anymore." Oh my god, what is their problem!?

"I can't believe they let that fucking tranny have a kid. It's just so wrong." I can't take this anymore.

"Stop talking about her like that!" Oh fuck! I quickly grasp my mouth. Why did I have to open my mouth.

"Oh shit, isn't that the tranny's kid? Looks like the apple didn't fall far from the tree. He looks more like a girl than the one he's with."

"I've had enough of you fucks spoiling the good time I'm trying to have." Amanda's furious, I don't think I've ever seen her this mad before. "Either you get the fuck out or I'm going to put you out."

The four of them burst out laughing. "Fuck... I haven't laughed so hard in my life!" the one closest to us blurts out.

"It's obvious she wears the pants in that relationship." They all continue to choke up.

I pull Amanda's arm. "Let's just go. Screw them."

Amanda wasn't having it. She stood up causing them to do the same.

"You honestly think you can take the four of us?' Asks one of them.

I quickly got up and grab Amanda's arm trying to stop her. "Amanda please, it's not worth it. Let's just eat our food and go."

"You should listen to the little bitch, she's right."

"Don't fucking talk to him." They all took a step closer to us.

"I fucking say whatever I want to whoever I want. Got that ya fucking bitch?"

It was clear Amanda wasn't backing down. I turn to the assholes harassing us. "Just leave us alone and we'll leave."


I fell against a table as one of them back handed me on the side of the head. The room was spinning as all hell broke loose.


One of the farmhands smacks into the wall. I look over at Amanda as one of his friends threw a punch at her. She caught his fist and immediately bent his wrist down causing him to cry out in pain, but before anything could leave his mouth, Amanda's hand slammed into his throat. One of them grab her from behind as the other guy still standing slams his fist against her jaw. "Stop it!" I scream as I watch helplessly on the floor.

They both look over at me just as Amanda pushes off the guy in front of her with her boot, sending her and the guy holding her falling backwards. She broke his grip once they hit the floor and knocks him out with an elbow to his face. Debby was screaming in the background as Amanda took a knee to the face from the guy she kicked. It didn't seem to phase her as she punches him in the groin, bringing him down to his knees in front of her. She grabs his head with both of her hands and smashes him with her own head, sending him to the ground.

She easily got back up to her feet and made her way over to me. She pulls me off the ground, then grabs my chin and forces my head sideways as she looked over where the guy hit me. "Too early to tell if that's going to leave a mark," she says as she runs her hand over it causing me to wince. She let me go as she turns to Debby who was still freaking out. "We're going to need to get that to go please and thank you. And while you're at it, could ya get him some ice?"

Debby calms down and nods. She grabs our plates and went to the kitchen. It didn't take long for Debby to return with two to-go-boxes and a bag of ice. Amanda pulls out a couple of twenties slips them into Debby's hand. "That's for all the trouble."

I follow Amanda out to the truck. "Are you okay?" I ask as we climb in.

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

"How can you be fine? You took two blows to the head!! You probably have a concussion!" I scoot closer to look at Amanda's face. She didn't look at all like someone who took a punch to the jaw and a knee to the nose. Her face looked rather untouched... How can that be?

"What are you looking at? I told ya I was fine didn't I?" She shoves the bag of ice at my stomach causing me to grunt. "Put this on your face before it starts to bruise. I'm going to be pissed if those fuckers messed up that pretty face of yours."

I sit back in my seat and buckle up as I bring the ice up to the side of my head. Fortunately, they didn't hit me in the face.

We pull out and make our way back home. Amanda digs into her leftover food as we drive in silence. As we near home, Amanda reaches down and grabs the pink bag and hands it to me.

"Don't forget to put this on tonight. I want to see you all dolled up for me. I'm always in desperate need of a nice fuck after a good fight like that."

I almost forgot about the stupid outfit Amanda's going to force me to wear. "After all that just happened, you're still going to make me wear that?"

"Of course! Fighting makes me horny and I didn't just buy all those clothes so I could stare at them. I want you in them. I bet you gonna look real sexy with that outfit." She glances over and eyes me with that stare of hers. That possessive dominating stare. "You belong in a skirt. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can enjoy it."

Why does everyone think that? Am I really that much like a girl? I don't feel like a girl. I don't really feel like a boy either if I'm being honest. I don't know what I am... But I know I don't want to wear a skirt. I can only imagine what people will say about me if anyone finds me in a skirt.

As we pull up to the drive and park the truck, I reach over and grab Amanda's arm. "Please don't say anything to Steph. She doesn't need to know about the bar or about Fred."

"As long as you put on that outfit my lips are sealed." How did I know she was going to say that?

I have no choice but to agree to her terms. It will only make things worse if Steph finds out what happened. "Okay, I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't tell Steph."

A smile takes over Amanda's face. "Deal!"

I dump the ice out before we entered the house. As we walk in I try to hide the pink bag full of girl clothes under the bag with the new Aratheon book. I place the part Steph needed on the counter and put my leftovers in the fridge as Amanda throws her empty to-go-box in the garbage. We find Steph sitting in her chair with the tv on sipping a beer. She looks up as we walk in. "How was town?"

"Oh it was real nice! Kyle and I had a lot of fun, didn't we?"

"Oh yeah, loads of fun."

"Where did you guys eat?"

"The bar that Debby works at. The one with the rodeo burgers!"

"Oh, I'm surprised you didn't eat at that mexican place." Steph looks up at my head, she knows something is up. "How's Deb? I've been meaning to pay her a visit."

"She's fine... I'm kind of tired. I think I'm going to hit the hay." I need to leave before Steph spots the pink bag.

"Okay hun, good night. I love you."

"Good night love you too." I go over and give Steph a kiss goodnight and make my way over to the stairs.

"Good night Kyle, I'll see ya later." I glance back at Amanda as she gives me a wink.

"Good night... Amanda" I sputter out. Tonight is going to be a long night.

Once in my room, I set the book on the desk and set the pink bag on my bed. I can't believe I'm doing this. I open up the bag and pull out it's contents laying the clothes out across my freshly cleaned sheets. This is going to be humiliating. I slowly undress all the way to the nude and walk over to the outfit. Fuck... Why is she making me do this?

I pick up the thin pair of white, cotton panties with a pink lace trim on the edges. They're tiny! Especially in the front! Best to just get on with it. I slide them on, barely large enough to cover my privates. Although, they're actually kind of nice. Really snug. They fit perfectly over my ass. It surprising how comfortable they are.

I better get the rest of the outfit on before Amanda sneaks in. I pull out my computer chair and take a seat as I grab the white thigh highs. Getting them on definitely isn't easy. They're tight and came up to the middle of my thighs. But wow, they actually aren't that bad either. They kind of feel good. I pull the shirt over my head and it's rather tight. All that's left is the skirt.

After I get it on, the outfit is finally complete. I walk into the bathroom and look at the mirror. Taking it all in, I can't believe how much of a girl I look like. A girl with short black hair. I don't look bad either, but still... This is embarrassing. If someone saw me like this, I would forever be labeled a freak. Not that I'm not already. I feel so vulnerable and... confused I guess. Seeing myself in the mirror, it looks so perfect, but I feel so...

I hear the door open up to my bedroom and shut. I walk out to find Amanda sitting on my bed. The minute she laid eyes on me, her jaw drops. "Wow..."

"I knew you would look good, but damn." Feeling more exposed than ever before, I grab the bottom of my skirt and give it a tug. The embarrassment plain as day on my face. "Go on, don't be shy, do a twirl for me."

Hesitating, I slowly turn around for her. "Hmmmm, you are one sexy slut!"

Blushing, I felt an influx of mixed emotions as Amanda's eyes look me up and down. I was very insecure about the whole thing and still very embarrassed. But I also felt a tinge of exhilaration.

"I knew you would look good." Amanda licks her lips, making me feel so objectified. I nervously tug once more at the bottom of my skirt feeling a chill go up my leg.

"Don't be shy, you might as well get used to it. You're going to be wearing these clothes and other slutty outfits quite often." She stands up and grabs me, turning me around facing the bed, so my back was towards her. She lifts my skirt up and rubs her hand on my bottom before giving it a slap. I gasp and feel strangely turned on by it. "Fuck! I'm going to have such a good time with ya. Kylie, you're in for a long night."

I look back at her with anxiety gripping me. "Please Amanda. Be gentle, my ass is still sore from last time."

"Oh hush slut. Don't forget ya belong to me and after today, ya owe me for saving your ass." Amanda gives me a shove, bending me over the bed. I grab a pillow and hugged it for support as Amanda pulls my panties completely off and gives my ass another spank. I look back and notice she already has her python freed. I bite down on the pillow as she rubs the head of her snake against my rosebud. "Ha, my little pillow biter."

Holy shit! I finally understand the meaning of a pillow biter. "AAAAOOUuuuhhh!!" Her rod just pushed past my sphincter causing me to grunt.

"Be quiet you little cock tease, you better not wake up Steph! Or better yet, the more the marrier" She slowly stuffs my arse full with her thick veiny dick. I look up at her sniffing my panties before giving me a deviant grin. She then bends down and stuffs them in my mouth. I tighten my grip around the pillow as she slams forward driving me harder into the bed.

"This ass looks soo good in that skirt! You such a good girl" She whispers in my ear before she stands back up, pulling completely out. I felt her meat stick across my crack. She grabs my thighs and pushed me forward onto the bed. She grabs my pillow as she lays me all the way on the bed, facing me to the head of the bed. She then picks up my waist and slides the pillow under me, propping up my tush, giving her easy access. "That's more like it."

I could feel the weight of her as she straddles my thighs. I was completely at her mercy like always. "Ready my little mattress muncher?"

Before I could give any response she slams her shaft deep into my back door causing me to howl, but my grunts are muted by the panties stuffed in my mouth. She puts her hands on my back as she leans into me and starts moving her hips in a steady motion, gyrating her schlong deep inside of me.

"Uhhmmmmmmmm!" I moan.

"You're such a little girl slut. My little gir," she moans softly. Lodging her meat shaft deep into my rear, rubbing my prostate, I squirm as the mixture of pain and pleasure wreaks havoc on me. I can feel the weight of her breast as she leans down and bites my ear. "You know, eventually I'm going to make you into a permanent girl. And you're going to love it. You're going to love being my pretty little girlfriend."

She gives me a few more hard thrusts before once more pulling all the way out. She gets up off the bed, then grabs my arms and pulls me to the edge of the bed, my face winds up under her genitals. Before I know it, my ass is in the air, my back is against the side of the bed, being supported by my shoulders and neck. I didn't even know I could bend this way. My one-eyed snake is starring me in the face. Amanda sits on the edge of the bed admiring her handywork. "I want you to cum all over that pretty face of yours as I bound that precious heinie."

She leans down and pushes that monster of a hog down my anus once more, making me groin a muffled noise through the panties in my mouth. After cramming her yardstick as far as it can go she leans down planting her hands on the bed, as my legs rest on her shoulders. She starts thrusting hard, her balls slapping against my rear. The sound of our bodies clapping together fills the room. Drops of precum splash on my face as my tinker starts leaking.

Pleasure courses through me like a flood of water. I grab onto her arms as her rod slams down on me. I can barely breathe as I look up into those twisted, animalistic eyes. She has a crazed look on her face as her meat beats my ass making me grunt and groin with every thrust. More precum drips down onto my face. I can barely contain myself. I feel it coming. My cock is just yearning to explode. I do all I can to hold back, but nothing I do is enough. She pulls out the panties from my mouth. "I want you to taste that precious seed of yours, but you better keep quiet!"

I feel my balls tense, my cock is starts to pulse spewing stick cum all over my face. A lot of it gets in my mouth. "That's it you cum guzzler, paint that pretty face white."

It feels soo good, as more ropes of thick creamy seed shoot out of my dick, covering my face. I open my mouth as I spray another load all over. "Fuck that face looks so god damn sexy covered in cum. OH Shit! I'm about to cum."

I can feel her cock go steely hard and then drop a load deep down into my bowels. "Fuck!" She moans in a deep husky growl.

She pulls out and sprays more cum all over me. "Oh fuck... That was amazing!"

She smears the cum all over my face with her hand. "Good girl, now get yourself cleaned up, tomorrow I want that outfit nice and clean. I want you in girls clothes from now on whenever we are alone together. Understood Kylie?"