Lifelong Learning in Perversion


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Now I'm able to describe these sensations from a personal and active stand-point. Not by imagination and hearsay.

Asha's rectal play has been under her control until recently and I did as she asked and directed. She's been lying on her right side and I usually have my right arm under her waist, next to the mattress; so I can curl it round and grip her and hold her hips as well, if need be. She draws up her knees in front of her, and holds them with her left hand, thereby exposing her buttocks and forcing her anus apart slightly. I reach down with my left and take hold of the plug. In the early days it was her first husband's home-made plug but now I have a collection of high-tech plugs in different materials; and bigger than she ever accepted with her previous husbands. My favourite is made of heavy and smooth toughened glass but hers is the Doc Johnsons rubber type. I take hold of the flange or the base plate, and slowly rotate it. Just a part-circle to release it from any adhesion inside her rectum. Then I start to pull on it, just a little force outwards and it begins to move. But, let's be honest, this thing is really plugged into her and it's been there for over 12 hours. It's not going to just pop out of her. So slowly and gradually, with increasing force, I urge the plug to move outwards. At some point, it is stretching her to her absolute limit and she straightens her legs down the bed, so that I must pull somewhat sideways, away from her, rather than downwards towards my own feet. As the widest part begins to stretch her anal sphincter to its limit, she'll start to make sounds. Rather like a kitten or a new puppy: "Ow, ow, ow, mew, mew."

At some stage we reach the point of no return: she could not accept it back in even if the outward movement was exhausting her; or causing her agonies; or even destroying her anus. Simply, there is no way but out and so it comes with a great pop and her cries.

"Aaargh, Ooooh, Eeehh, Aaarrrh," and with her collapsed relaxation it is out of her. All 8 inches of it, with its 11 inches circumference. You work it out: it is about 3½ inches diameter. A full one-inch bigger than anything Ratan had for her. But I forgot to say; with the exit and the relaxation comes Asha's orgasm. Shaking her body and closing her eyes and trembling her lips, and twitching her hands.

Then quickly, before her sphincter can contract and while her orgasm is still thrilling her, I gather my fingers into a duck-bill shape and place my hand in her instead of the plug. Fortunately for Asha, my hand is not 3½ inches across so my entry is easy. But then I do things the plug can't. I reach up into her and twist my hand around, and go beyond my wrist. And so I discover what her previous husband found: Asha can take a fisting right up to my elbow. At that stage she is rigid and unmoving. Even her eyes are fixed on some distant invisible object. Her head is pushed back a little as if to be in line with her rectum. Her hands are clasped hard shut. Her lips are open and she breaths slowly, making her magnificent breasts rise and fall on her side of the bed. With my right arm underneath her, I take a grip on her hip bones and thrust her down onto my arm, to gain as much depth and height as possible. From my position behind her but also above her because of my right arm, I can see my own hand in her body as it causes her abdomen to move and bulge with my movements. She is amazing.

One of the new sensations for me has been to get Asha's rectum on my left arm and then penetrate her with my erection, up her vagina. I can feel my hand with my erection and my erection with my hand; through the membrane separating her two passages. In fact, if I turn my hand carefully inside her, I can masturbate myself as I move in and out of her vagina. I can make a tunnel with my fingers and shag into that tunnel while it's in her rectum. The sensation is astounding. I've been doing that a lot recently and it's new to her as well.

I needed to learn a lot about human anatomy but soon discovered the shapes and sizes of the bends and tubes in the lower intestinal tract; and now she is mine right up into her descending colon. I wish I could go further but daren't. I've seen pictures and videos of fisting to the armpit but I'm sure they're faked. Nice thought though.

It took some years for Asha to accept my hand and the bigger plugs in the way I enjoy now. And she takes her orgasm every time we go through this erotic routine; which will be most days or nights. For the rest of the time, day and night, she is hard-plugged. In addition, I insist she wears a tight little panty girdle brief to keep the plug in place and to flatten her tummy; underneath the firm zippered girdle during the day and by itself all through the night in our earlier days. I enjoy taking it off her when I want pleasure during the night and then return it with suitable pads or towels afterwards. You see what a nice routine we have developed.

From the firm girdles, it was a small step to buy Asha the proper boned and laced corsets that are so dear to my erotic desires. I measured her carefully on the advice of a specialist corset-maker and sent off for two to be made. One in white satin and the other in black brocade. Asha's figure 7 years ago was bust 36C, waist 30 and hips 38 inches. That's 90C, 75 and 95 in centimetres. I determined to train her figure to an extreme of femininity so the first corsets were underbust and tightlaced, with top edge 32, waist 25 and hips 38 inches. They would both just touch on her skin at top and bottom edges but would press nicely on her waist and abdomen; to create the beginnings of an hourglass figure. Both reached up to her bra-line at the top edge and down to the widest part of her hips at the bottom. Later corsets would go much further down, over her bottom and lower at the front until her pubic hairs were hidden; but that would be much later.

These corsets are marvels of construction. More like engineering than tailoring. The inner fabric is a soft cotton, next to her skin to be comfortable and gentle. Then there are two layers of a strong and closely-woven fabric such as coutil or denim. Between these two layers are fitted the bones each in its own cotton pocket. The firmer and more tightened the corset, the more bones are required. Asha has 20 bones on each half of her corset; so much pressure is required from the fabric. This has nothing to do with the bones pressing on the wearer. They are there to keep the corset fabric in shape as the tightened lace creates higher and higher tension in the fabrics. The bones exist to support the corset, and it is a common misconception that the bones create the figure. The strong fabric creates the figure. Finally, on the outside of the corset, is the decorative fabric; brocade or satin or velvet or even fine leather. Down the front is a busk fastener with pins and loops; seven of them in Asha's designs. And down the back are two matched rows of eyelets with the lace threaded through them. In Asha's corsets, there are 36 pairs of these eyelets. Such corsets are a wonder to view and an erotic adventure to place on a woman; especially if you get to make love to her after they are tightened.

The first time I put Asha into one of those corsets, her eyes nearly popped out with surprise and wonder. She'd never even heard of such things in the modern world, and they were not so tight as to cause her discomfort. The first fitting was loosely done into her waist and she kept one of them on for every hour of the day; taking it off for our night-time pleasures. She didn't realise at that time she would be wearing a tight corset for the rest of her life for about 23 hours a day, and that her figure would become extreme and very much to my liking.

She had stood in front of the long mirror and felt at her figure inside the corset, with the hard boning and the shaping over her waist and hips. She liked what she saw although she knew the corset was closed on her waist by only a couple of inches. By reaching round, she could feel the gap in the lacing and knew that more was to come. Even so, she pranced about and bent her figure as much as the corset would allow; revelling in the new shape she'd acquired. I laid her down on the bed and played with her body; touching and manipulating her clitoris and kissing her labia and sucking on her vagina; until she came a lovely orgasm inside the corset. Then she knew that corsets wee another part of her lifelong learning in unusual sexual pleasures.

The white satin corset was the first to close completely on Asha's figure. I closed it slowly during one evening after she'd been wearing it daily for about a week. It made her a little breathless, but breathlessness was a common experience for Asha and she marvelled at her figure as her waist reduced to 25 inches. She placed both her hands on her waist and hips and pressed downwards, as if to shift her breasts and breathing upwards. Of course, such gestures were a waste of effort; corsets don't give way to that sort of movement; they are designed to stay put and control the body within. This one did. Magnificently.

I just had to get my erection inside her, inside the corset. So I took her to the bed and had her kneeling on all fours while I filled her from behind and clung onto her waist. The sensation was amazing for many reasons. First, Asha could not move very much. Second, the pressure of the corset seemed to transmit to her entire abdominal region, to her vagina and to the muscles of her bottom. She felt tighter than I'd ever felt her. I tugged at her waist and plunged as much of my body as I could into her waiting vagina; my erection right up to my balls banging against her buttocks. I threw her about like a rag doll in my pleasure at the sensations through my hands and the pressure of my sperms in my organs.

And so I filled her. When I let go of her waist, she slumped forward exhausted from my rough treatment. But not so exhausted that she couldn't reach down under own body and please herself for two minutes, until her own orgasm arrived also.

After then, the corset-training moved on relentlessly and predictably towards my goal. The next set of corsets was made with 22-inch waists, and the ones after that with waists of 20 inches. And so on; changing her waist measurement every 4 months. After 3 years from the first corsets, her waist was approaching my target of 16 inches. Not comfortably, it must be said, but I managed to close those corsets on a few occasions at the end of the day, after gradual tighter lacing during the day. For a few minutes, her waist was small enough for me to place my hands around it and to feel my fingers and thumbs touching. And shagging Asha while trussed up like that added to my pleasure.

Within a further few months, perhaps 18 months, she was laced to her minimum and the corsets all fully tightened on her. During the day, she has always been plugged up in her rectum and a nicely-fitted dildo in her vagina; both held in place by a tight little panty girdle. Over this is her corset Sometimes over the corset is the zippered girdle and the nylon stockings. Of course, the outer girdle is loose over her waist but it holds her nicely up to her bra and down over her bottom, and onto her thighs. She looks incredible dressed and trussed up like this. Shaped; held; controlled; plugged back and front; walking like a mannequin; available to me whenever I want her body; marvellous to touch and hold; like a walking statue or carved figure.

Between times, when Asha is not super-tightly-laced, we continue our sex regime of deep rectal exploration and vaginal stretching. I get my hand in her vagina and shag her rectum, and vice versa. She took pleasure in both procedures, and her orgasms became easier and more volcanic as the months and years went by.

Now comes the final part of Asha's training. She's always been good at the mouth job, and can sometimes make a good attempt at the deep throat. But it took me some time to get her used to deep penetration into her gullet. I got a colon tube to start the process; soft and pliable but still firm enough to navigate its way into her throat and beyond.

Anyone who's tried this will know the anxiety that comes with throat penetration with a long tube. She did vomit at the start but learned to control the retching and soon was swallowing my erection to its full length while her head was bent over the edge of the bed. Within a few weeks, she was swallowing the colon tube until it was in her stomach. We played at filling her up with milk through the tube and a little funnel. And a few times with warm coffee. Until she was totally full and then we made her vomit to show her that she had control. I guess within three months, she was totally in control of her swallowing and it was time to go for the real intrusion I was seeking. I got the double-ended dildo about 10 days ago and she's been practising with it ever since. It's about ¾ inch diameter, rather bigger than the colon tube which seemed about three-eighths or one centimetre. She's handled it very well and now it slips down after a mouthful of yogurt. She lies down with her head bent back and makes a little sound when she's ready and I start to press it down between her back teeth and into the top of her throat. At that stage, she adjusts the angle of her head and holds her chest as the dildo progresses down into her stomach. Not too quickly but also not so slowly that the movement was prolonged unnecessarily. When it is in place, with about 2 inches protruding from her lips, she relaxes and takes slow breaths past it in her gullet. Her windpipe is not affected by the tracheal valve is pressed a little and she's had to learn how to breathe in this way.

I tell you what: this woman is equal to the privations and discomforts of any perversion I've tried on her. She came to me with a long history of perverted sex and she's accepted without demur the few additions I've made to her experience. She's my perfect woman, 5000 miles from her family home, laced and plugged and impaled, and available to me for any pleasure I wish, permanently encased and shaped, and permanently wet from my fluids and her own. But do you know, she's not the sex slave. I am; I'm her slave. If she asked me to do anything or to refrain from doing anything, I would do as she asked. It's not so much that she's my woman; I'm her man and her slave. I know it and I'm happy with the situation. She takes more orgasms that I've ever been able to manage. We travel the world and we enjoy being together. She's my bright star and my reason to stay fit and healthy for a long time into the future. I hope I'll be able to please and satisfy her as she wishes, for as long as she wishes.

So now here we have the present predicament in which Asha finds herself. Rather to her liking, it has to be said. After all, she's become addicted to sexual perversion and to usage for pleasure. Tonight, she is laced to the maximum attenuation of her figure. I don't think I'll be able to get my hand inside her rectum while she's tightened like this -- but I'll try. You watch me. Certainly, I'll get my erection into her soon now. Aren't I a lucky guy?

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PostwarJamiePostwarJamieabout 11 years ago
Could not be better

Fabulous. On of the best perversion stories on the Net. More please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Not exactly to my taste, but an interesting read

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I don't know

how anyone could write a better story of the delights of utter depravity, perversion and debauchery but I wish you would try to outdo even this classic. Love the way you describe all the pleasures of unihibited perversion.

babsieUKbabsieUKover 11 years ago
I only do part of these but thought about them all

I often wonder how perverted women get started and "trained." This story has such understanding - it must be based on some reality. The author has a real flair for description and for erotic sensations. Look forward to the next one.

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