Life's Adventures

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A look at the consequences of flirting.
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I think we were a fairly typical couple. By 'we' I mean me Rob and my wife Helen. We had two children Mark and Christine who were both at University leaving us as empty nesters. Except for vacations and the prospect that the kids might return after Uni or at any time they were short of cash.

Both 45 years old we had known each other for 37 years, neighbours and close friends at primary school, we sat next to each in lessons. When the usual male female groups formed at senior school we still sat next to each other in Maths despite the endless ribbing we both received from our peers. We had a good laugh and usually raced through the work. Pretty much on a par we seemed to work better together, one of us finding the answer if the other was struggling. The subject was a breeze; our teacher was delighted often leaving us to our own devices. Once the work was done we discussed our ambitions and plans. Many of these involved travel and a growing list of the places we needed to see and the adventures we'd have when doing so.

On my side the ribbing ceased as Helen became one of the first girls to mature in our year and the guys suddenly got jealous. I suffered an endless stream of boys asking about Helen or asking me to put in a good word. Her sudden developed certainly attracted a lot of attention, as a result we drifted and for the first time didn't sit next to each other in our final year. We saw less of each other around town and school although she was still friendly when we did meet. I always felt pretty average and knew Helen was in a different league even attracting attention from older boys which she seemed to enjoy.

It was in that final year that all of the girls seemed to develop. Previously plain girls discovering makeup, hair styling, fashion, push up bras and fitness regimes. To me they all seemed to look good, many catching up with or surpassing Helen.

I was a pretty average guy, average height, average looks and average coc... anyway I'd carried extra weight through school which didn't help my self-esteem but somehow I got myself fitter. I was surprised at the end of school when Helen asked why I had never asked her out. I explained that she was out my league and that it was hard to compete with the number of guys chasing her, there was always someone chatting her up. Her reply left me slightly bemused.

"You should have done Rob. I always liked you, you're funny, listen properly and are really good company. We always got on so well and we have adventures still to plan."

I was shocked, but eventually build up the courage to ask if she really meant it and if so whether she would go out with me. I was even more surprised when she said yes. We never looked back after that. Over the next few years I gained more confidence and ended up happy in no small part to Helen. She was engaging, positive and for some inexplicable reason in love with me.

We got married at 21 and our family followed shortly afterwards. We both struggled to keep the weight off over the following years. Thankfully my keen if unskilled interest in sports helped. Helen struggled more after the kids but I wasn't complaining especially as most of it had gone on her breasts and bum and to me she just looked more voluptuous. That was not her view however; she hated how it made her look and feel.

With the kids away at University that all changed when she joined a gym and swim club. She dropped a lot of weight, leaving a still curvy but trim 38c 28 36 figure and was down to her 140lb goal weight. She was 5ft 7 with long curly red hair that hung down her back and green eyes. She loved classic films from the 1950's and favoured vintage fitted pencil skirts, flared dresses and matching jackets of that era.

She was an elderly care nurse, calm in a crisis and gave the impression of always being in control. I thought the best thing about her weight loss was an obvious regaining of self-confidence, she was more positive and back to the bubbly enthusiastic personality I had dated all those years ago. There was an additional benefit that our sex lives also picked up, I was really getting to like the empty nest syndrome.

One drawback of her recent changes was more interest from guys. She had always attracted male attention during our marriage but she seemed to be enjoying that attention more than before. To me she was flirting, but whenever I mentioned it she casually palmed it off saying she was just being friendly.

It came to a bit of a head at her Christmas party where she spent a lot of time dancing with the doctors from her hospital ward. In between dances she chatted to the same group of 5 or 6 guys. I was pleased for her at first but it got pretty old pretty quickly, especially when the alcohol flowed at one of them got a bit 'handsy'.

I was just starting to go over when an elegant lady I vaguely recognised grabbed my arm and led me out for a dance, as we danced she introduced herself as Vanessa and explained that she worked with Helen which explained my recollection. She mentioned seeing me and not wanting me standing alone without company. I wondered if she was running interference for Helen. After the dance she led me back to a group of attractive and professional looking women and made introductions. They were all very chatty and friendly, sometimes resting a hand on my shoulder or touching my hand. I wasn't sure what was going on. Shortly afterward a guy came over suggesting I was getting too friendly with his wife I replied that I had no idea who his wife was when Vanessa turned toward him, with a furious look in her eyes.

"You have got a fucking nerve Bill after fawning over Helen for the past hour. I'd suggest you warn your friends about that too or you won't be the only one sleeping on the couch tonight."

The rest of the women in the group looked on as a very twitchy Bill backed away to his group. A few brief conversations later and the guys around Helen seemed to disperse. Vanessa apologised for the mini scene but that it needed saying and asked if I was ok?

The truth was that I wasn't! I approached Helen about it she dismissed it as harmless flirting. When I told her about Vanessa and Bill she lost some of her bravado. I also suggested she might have some fences to mend with the other woman.

I went on, "To be honest Helen I don't blame the guys, that was full on flirting and it was obvious to everyone you were enjoying the attention. Did you ever stop to think about how that made me feel?"

I managed to get a half-hearted apology, irritated at that response I insisted we leave the party early.

We endured a moody and quiet drive home in the taxi. Back sitting in our kitchen I broached the subject again. She changed tact completely admitting that the party had been a thrill. She had enjoyed all of the male attention and it made her feel desirable again providing a massive ego boost.

She went on, "I'm sorry if that embarrassed you but you are going to get the benefit now, I want you to fuck me."

Helen had never been so direct or spoken like that and I wasn't going to turn down the offer. We literally ravished each other and continued long into the night experiencing some of the hottest sex of our 24 year marriage.

We talked about it again the next day, with me feeling slightly uneasy but certainly enjoying the end result. Helen explained again that she thought the flirting harmless to others, but it was turn on for her and a bit of a fantasy. She loved the cut and thrust of the edgy conversations and innuendos and was proud she could hold her own in the conversations with the bright young doctors. It was flattering to see guys check her out and she felt naughty but safe because I was there.

She asked if I had been turned on by her flirting. I wasn't sure how to answer. I had watched her proud that she looked so attractive and liking the fact other men desired her, but it was mixed with feelings of jealousy. What I really liked was how hot and attractive she looked especially in her retro flared skirt which accentuated her femininity.

She suggested that if seeing her was turn on, the next time we went out for a date she would wear the vintage underwear I loved and in return she could play out her fantasy and flirt a bit if the opportunity arose. I hesitated unsure until she grabbed my crotch promising that again I would be the one to benefit from any arousal. I hardened deciding I should benefit immediately. I unzipped my fly and pushed her down toward my now raging cock which she readily accepted. Again this was a novel; Helen wouldn't normally have gone along with an unplanned blow job and certainly not without a shower in advance.

It was a week later that we got ready for a night out. Helen had taken her shower and put on her makeup, going all out with false eye lashes, red lipstick, newly polished nails. Was she getting ready for me or to show off to other men? Either way it felt exciting. I chose her red satin French knickers with matching bra and suspender belt with seamed black stockings and sling back high heels. These were covered by a fitted pencil skirt with a split to the thigh, and a cream silk blouse which hinted at the red bra underneath when the two fabrics made contact.

We sat on the high stools in the corner of the bar. I was content to be chatting to and unashamedly ogling my beautiful wife. I loved the idea of what she had on just underneath and thought she looked absolutely stunning. We enjoyed a few drinks and I thanked her numerous times for getting all glammed up, reminding her how good she looked. She reassured me that she liked doing it for me and it actually felt really sexy especially the stockings.

It was then I noticed a young guy checking Helen out in a rather obvious manner. She noticed him as well and began looking both excited and nervous, turning slowly to see him staring at her. I saw Helen's eyes meet his and a faint smile appearing on his face.

I spoke quietly to Helen, "He wants you to know that he likes you and me being with you doesn't put him off"

Helen blushed, "Oh My God, he's fit and handsome but can't be more than in his mid 20s."

A little while later, I noticed the split in Helen's skirt fall open a little as she crossed her legs flashing quite an expanse of thigh. I wonder how much the guy could see from his angle.

"Having fun?" I remarked.

"I do feel quite naughty, what if he comes over?"

I wasn't really sure saying "We agreed to do this but it's just a bit flirting... we aren't going too far."

A little while later Helen went to the toilets. I couldn't help fixing my eyes on her sexy ass as she walked away from me. I wasn't the only one, the guy's eyes were transfixed on her, looking up and smiling at her as she passed. I couldn't tell if she was smiling back at him. When she was returning the guy said something to her, she stopped and started talking to him.

I felt so nervous, she spoke to him for a while and then to my concern took a seat next to him. As she sat the split in her skirt opened again flashing a stocking top. My heart beat faster as I realised she did that deliberately, but I wasn't sure if it was for my benefit or his.

I could see him looking at Helen's leg. It's a strange mix of emotions watching another man checking out your wife. They seemed to be chatting easily and laughing, it looked like he was paying her lots of compliments by her reactions.

I saw her point at me nodding and wondered if she was telling him who I really was or making up a story. She touched his arm as they continue to chat as he inched closer.

I was watching my beautiful wife flirting with a young guy and I was having to adjust myself from the excitement. Helen looked across maybe looking for any sign of concern then winked at me.

They continued to talk; it must have been 20 minutes by now. Then I saw his arm loop behind her back, she adjusted her position slightly. I couldn't tell if his hand just slid a little lower and wondered if he had a hand on her arse.

I then saw him turn his body toward her, resting his other hand on her thigh. Helen was looking into his eyes with a slightly dreamy look. Surely she wouldn't go that far, would she? I saw the answer to my question as he leaned in and kissed her, on the lips tenderly, it lasted seconds but felt like hours.

My heart was beating so fast. My wife kissing someone else right in front of me and I'm just watching. I stood and willed my legs to move.

Helen looked across at me face flushed, looking nervously. Seeing my concern she stood quickly, made a hurried goodbye coming across to intercept me and drag me out of the bar.

Once outside Helen asked if I was ok. I murmured a non-committal reply. Her excitement was obvious. She started babbling, his name was Matt, he was very chilled and a really nice guy. She told him who I was and what we were doing. That led to him suggesting the touches and kiss.

She went on, "Being in another man's arms as you watched was so amazing. I was nervous and excited. I admitted to him that I was very turned on but needed to return to you."

The use of the word 'needed' rather than 'wanted' caught my attention.

When we got home we literally ripped each other's clothes off. My mind going crazy with desire but more than that wanting to claim her as mine. There were moments of doubt, was she thinking of Matt and why is she this turned on. We ended up having sex twice and again in the morning, it had been years since we managed that.

We talked it through again the next day. I admitted loving the dressing and flirting from a distance, but the talking and the kiss felt uncomfortable. Helen focused on the sex afterwards being mind-blowing and that she'd love to repeat that at some point. I was conflicted; the kiss had been both horrifying and arousing. I had to admit to liking my wife being desired and being far more sexual than she had ever been during our relationship.

I asked if she had been thinking about me or Matt the previous night. She admitted to jumbled thoughts of both of us and that had heightened her desire. The idea she could readily attract young handsome guys and the fact she could be so direct and forthright when talking to them was a revelation to her. She reassured that she loved me more than ever and having me there added a whole level of arousal and intensity.

I was having some doubts and concerns about where this might lead, but our sex life picked up in both frequency and intensity. Helen reminded me I had always gently pushed her into being more sexually adventurous and trying new things. She was right; being married to a sexually confident woman was adding a whole new dimension to our relationship.

Still I suggested we needed to be careful about our relationship and making sure we were both good with anything we might try. Helen agreed and it was another two months before she asked to try it again.

Again Helen prepared liked the last time I got to choose her outfit. The mood was more intense this time, getting her ready was highly erotic especially helping to clip her stockings onto the suspender clasps on her girdle. These were covered by a tight fitting halter neck dress that showed off her trim figure and ample breasts supported and accentuated reinforced underwear. I was surprised when Helen added a fine gold anklet to her outfit but didn't read anything into it.

We went to a different bar and sat in a booth towards the back. Again I was delighted to be the company of such a beautiful woman who just happened to also be my wife.

This time Helen was attracting a lot more attention and I noticed a couple of guys staring at her anklet. I went to the toilet and then for another round of drinks, when I came back a guy was sitting next to her chatting. He was about 6 foot, good looking maybe mid 30s and appeared very confident. As I arrived he introduced himself as Liam and asked directly if I minded him chatting to my wife. I hesitated, seeing the hopeful look in Helen's eyes and nodded an agreement.

All three of us chatted with Liam paying more attention to Helen. Liam asked about her anklet, Helen looked sheepish shrugged and said she just thought it looked nice. Liam nodded and a look passed between them. Helen admitted to being dressed to gain attention and flirting a bit. Further discussion revealed our previous experience but that we hadn't decided how far to go.

To my surprise Liam said he had done similar in the past after meeting couples on dating apps and suggested some tests to help see if it was for us. He would take some actions as we chatted and relaxed and we'd each score the actions to see if we like them. I was both curious and nervous so agreed on the understanding we could stop any time.

"Of course" Liam confirmed reassuringly. "Great.. so let's try this first."

With that he gently took my wife's hand in his, and after a few seconds commenting that he really like the touch of her soft skin and scored it 7. Helen agreed readily saying it was a 7 for her. Again I had mixed emotions and found myself shrugging but had to admit it was a turn on and scored it as a 6.

Liam continued, "There see, that wasn't so difficult and we are all still friends."

He continued talking whilst keeping a hold of Helen's hand.

After 10 minutes or so Liam suggested a second test.

He let go of Helen's hand and placed his hand on her knee. Helen startled a little but then said it was an 8. Liam smiled at that saying he loved the feel of nylon and it was a 9 for him. My stomach lurched at the same time as my cock twitched and I mumbled it was ok and a 7.

Liam continued, "And what if I try this."

I saw his hand travel up to Helen's thigh and squeeze gently, she looked very excited.

"You have fantastic legs and I've just felt a hint of stocking top. Women in stockings are so erotic; it's one of my favourite things, 10."

Helen seemed to melt slightly sighing, mm it's a 9 for me.

This time my stomach lurched more than my cock twitched. I stuttered, "I'm not sure how comfortable I am with it that, 3".

Liam looked at me, moving his hand back toward Helen's knee, "Why don't we leave it there for a while and see if you get more comfortable?"

He continued to chat casually, asking about us both and seeming to be genuinely interested in our backgrounds and what brought us to this point. Some time later I saw him stroking Helen's thigh then he leaned in whispering something in her ear.

Laughing at his comment, she placed her hand on his thigh. They casually leaned forward to talk to me, obscuring my view below the table. After a few minutes they leaned back her hand still on his thigh.

"Ok time for a critical test announced Liam. This will determine what happens tonight. Now I'm going to kiss you wife."

Before I could respond he leaned in and kissed her. This was no gentle peck like our previous night out. After a few seconds of lips kissing I saw her mouth open and his tongue enter; it became a long sensual kiss.

As the kiss eventually broke, they looked at each other and said 10 at the same time.

They looked at me for a reply to the implied question,

"Zero and it's time we were going."

I'm not sure if I shouted it or whispered it, I was totally numb.

Helen looked embarrassed, but Liam didn't seem perturbed at all, he spoke again.

"Just relax Rob, we are all still friends. It was exciting for us, but you aren't ready for that and its fine. Don't be angry about it, we're just testing out our boundaries. Why don't you guys stay here and enjoy another drink. I'll go."

With that he looked at Helen taking her hand and kissing it, "It's been an absolute delight Helen, I've loved meeting you."

He turned to me and offered his hand, likewise Rob lovely to meet you. You are a really lucky guy, your wife is hot. I think you both should be applauded for spicing things up and wish you all the best. Here's my number if you ever want to get in touch."