Life's Balance

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Meiling learns how life naturally balances itself out. Sorta.
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**Note from Author: Please feel free to send comments and feedback to the author. This is my very first submission to Literotica, and I hope that my stories will get better over time.**

**Disclaimer: Every story I've seen has a disclaimer of some sort. This is done to protect the authors. This story also requires a couple of additional disclaimers so here it goes:

This story is purely a work of fiction. The concept, idea, and characters of the story are all purely fictional. Any resemblances to actual events or people is purely coincidental. Also, this particular story makes references to drug use. The author has never had a drug problem, nor has she any drug related experiences. So if the effects of the drugs or how to take them is off, please keep this in mind. If it's about how to take the drugs please let the author know so she can make the proper changes in the parts about the administration of such drugs. However, since drugs effect people differently, she will not make the corrections to the effects of such drugs.

It should also be noted that this story does not reflect personally on the author. I do not want e-mails or comments in my e-mail about hook ups or dating requests or for sexual encounters. The answer will always be no.

This is a work of fiction and is solely for entertainment purposes. If you find such stories offensive in nature, then you need to be looking elsewhere.**


I can't remember who told me, or if I even got it from some movie, but life is a balance. You have your moments of joy, and your moments of sadness.You have moments of pain, and moments of bliss. You can go up, but you also go down. All of this is done to meet this balance. I know it sounds deep, but I am by no means a deep person. I mention these things because I can remember a distinct time in my life where life itself threw a curveball, and sent me on a wild ride.

It was a few years ago, 2004 to be exact. I had just turned twenty-one years old. More importantly, I had finally found the one guy that could make me happy. The one guy that I could imagine marrying and having kids with. Amazingly, for once in my life I was totally sure. This is no simple feat in my life.

One day we were watching a movie in my apartment. We were snuggled really close, and making out off and on. We took turns teasing each other. He'd brush his hand against my breast acting like he was bringing it to my cheek. I would brush mine against his crotch putting my arms around him. It was a game to us, and I love games. We were both equally good at it.

"Jonathan," I said seductively in a purr as he playfully grazed my butt, " I love you."

He smiled at me. "You give yet Meiling?" he asked as he slid his hand between my legs from behind to press against my slightly moist sex.

I let out a soft moan in his ear and smiled conceding the victory to him. I knew that I had gotten him just as worked up as he had gotten me.

He hoisted me up in his arms, craddling me with my arms around his neck. He carried me to the bedroom and laid me down softly on top of the bed. Then we started to really make out. His hands felt so good all over my body. He roamed them up the side of my tummy and cupped my breast. All I could do was purr and close my eyes as we kissed.

After awhile he reached over opening the nightstand for a condom. Only I was out, and I silently cursed myself for not picking up some more. If there was anything annoying or a fault with Jonathan, it was that he was a stickler for safe sex. I know we both don't want children yet, but that's why I'm on the pill. I guess that knowledge wasn't enough for him though.

"Hey Mei," he said, and I knew what was coming. "We're out of condoms."

"I'm sorry. I think we can do without them this one time though," I begged and pleaded with my eyes.

He sighed and shook his head as he got up. "I'm sorry. You know how I feel. I'll go pick some up at the store at the corner, ok? I'll be back in five minutes."

I sighed myself knowing that he was going to go get some more, no matter how much I pleaded with him. "Alright, you'd better only be five minutes," I replied trying to sound threatening.

He just smiled at me as he took his keys and left. I waited the five minutes. I heard some popping noises outside, but thought nothing of it. I went to the living room and turned on the television. Nothing was on, or at least nothing was worth watching without him. It must have kept me entertained though because forty-five minutes later I got a call.

"Hello," I said as I picked up the phone.

"Yes, is Meiling there?" a female voice asked with a serious edge in her tone.

"This is her," I replied getting a chill down my spine. This was a professional, not a salesman, but something sounded professional about this call.

"This is Officer Silva with the police department. You're boyfriend was taken to the hospital about thirty minutes ago," she reported. I dropped the phone gasping at the instant. I realized my error though and quickly grabbed the phone again trying to keep calm.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Yeah, sorry. Just got overwhelmed," I honestly told her.

"That's understandable. He's over at St. Vincent Medical Center, and it's pretty bad. He's in surgery now though," she finished reporting.

"Thank you. I will go there now," I said as I hung up the phone. I saw Jonathan's phone on the coffee table and picked it up texting all of his contacts on it without a second thought. Then I left for the hospital.

I wasn't the first one to get there. At least ten other people were there waiting all like me. They were most of his friends, and I recognized them all. Immediately they surrounded me offering words of comfort and encouragement.

I walked up to the nurses station to get the latest news. It didn't sound good, but he was still alive and in surgery. I paced the waiting room nervously. Most of them were worried, and I knew a lot of them were watching me.

Three of them though walked up to me. Josh, Sam, and Thomas all gave me hugs, and I could tell getting their feels in. Amazingly, that last fact didn't bother me. It even helped to calm me down. The stress was high for me right now. Time passed by with all of us talking.

I don't know if it was because I was worried or what, but I let some of the not so good details of my past slip out. Things about the parties I went to when I was fifteen until I met Jonathan, my drug use during this period, and things like that. I'm not sure why I did it, but the three of them nodded to my stories of my earlier self and even seemed to approve.

I looked up to the clock. It was already three hours into the surgery. I was getting nervous, and the stress was building up to full pressure inside of me. I felt a hand sliding in and out of my purse. I turned to see Sam nodding down toward my purse. I looked into it nervously, and I saw a most welcome sight at that time. A small bag of coke and a syringe full of meth. Just because it was a welcome sight didn't mean I wanted it. It was an unnecessary temptation. That devil.

I got up straightening my skirt and went to the women's restroom. I looked around cautiously under all the stalls. Yes, I was so nervous. It had been at least ten months since I promised I would never touch drugs again.

After seeing nobody was in here, I got into one of the stalls and set up a small line of coke. I looked down at it cutting in half thinking it was too long. I only needed a little bit to take the edge off the stress. Once that half of the line went up my nose, I could immediately feel the effects. I felt calmer, and a little bit more peaceful. "Thank you, Sam," I said to myself as I went ahead and snorted up the other half of the line.

I sat there just enjoying the feeling for a little bit. I could feel myself getting a little moist between the legs. I looked down at my stockinged legs and skirt and smiled. If Sam played his cards right, he just might get the perfect thank you for such a gift.

I got up, too quickly at first I realized as I stumbled a little forward. After getting my balance back and the initial effects of the cocaine passed through my system, I walked back still smiling a little bit. I sat between Sam and Thomas, hiking my skirt up so I could cross my legs and show off my mid-thigh down on my black nylons.

My smile got a little bigger as it had the desired effect on them. I acted like I wasn't paying attention, but I knew their eyes were all up and down my left leg right then. I couldn't tell if it was that, or the cocaine that made my pussy get a little wetter, but I enjoyed the sensation either way.

Finally, after another couple of hours (and a couple more lines and shooting up the meth), we got some news. Not too soon, because I realized the meth shot was a mistake when my legs felt soaked and I felt hot. It turns out Jonathan is going to need time to recover. They didn't speculate on whether he'd live or not, and at that point in time I didn't care. (Looking back though, that was wrong.)

I walked out of the hospital with Sam, Josh, and Thomas quickly behind me. Probably staring at my butt, or I imagined so as I wiggled it a little bit for them. "Hey," they called after me, "You going to be ok?"

I shrugged noncomittally. "I could use some company tonight. It did happen just down the street from me," I suggested trying to lead them to think it was more for protection. I had other plans in mind though. (Again looking back on it now, wrong, but I was so posessed by my other self at this point.)

They all quickly agreed and we just took my car. Amazingly, after all the years of driving high, I had plenty of practice driving straight home without incident. Josh got a bonus as he was in the front seat, and he felt my thigh, shifting my own gears as I drove.

We got to my apartment, and I opened the door for them. We sat around the living room just talking for a little bit. I got bored before they did, probably from the effects of the drugs. I also had an abundance of energy. "Want to play a game?" I asked all of them just out of the blue.

I hoped they wouldn't catch on, and it didn't seem like they did. "Sure," they replied.

I looked through my selection of games. At one point in time or another, I had turned all these games into something sexual. Monopoly, Battleship, Connect Four, Twister, but my attention went to a deck of cards that I never opened. The deck itself was a normal deck of 52 cards, but what made this special was the fact that I was posed nude on the card backs.

"How about strip poker?" I asked innocently. I didn't get any protests as I dealt out the first hand. If I really wanted to I could kick their butts. I just smiled as they looked at the backs of the cards and imagined what they could be seeing in the very near future.

I was so wet, I didn't care. I lost every hand I could, unless they totally sucked. The first thing to go was my red halter top that showed my breasts perfectly. Then my black skirt that showed off my shapely legs and butt. Then my heels, and after my heels went my smile broadened as I sat with my legs open for them all to see.

After losing the next hand, my black nylons came off. Followed quickly by my bra, and finally my thong. I didn't feel any shame as I sat there, legs spread for all to see my cleanly shaved pussy. In fact I felt liberated.

"Looks like you lose," one of them stuttered. I knew I had them. I could see the bulges in all of their pants.

I slowly reached down spreading my lower lips for them. The expressions on all their faces told me that they were mine. Without another word, I slowly stalked off to my bedroom. Using every step to entice them further, and showing them my long legs and perfectly rounded butt. They knew what I wanted. Whatever confusion, questions, or whatever thoughts they had quickly vanished when I bent over my bed showing myself off to all of them slowly crawling into it.

They stumbled out of their clothes as they ran to my room. Sam stepped back saying that he wanted to save the best for last. After seeing his naked dick compared to the other two, I couldn't deny his logic. It was clear that I directed this, I was the queen bee that every male in this room wanted to mate with.

Since Josh had a little fun in the car with my legs, I motioned for Thomas to be the first to taste me. Josh came over standing beside my head and I slowly stroked his cock and teased the head with my tongue as Thomas started on his duties. Thomas was so gentle. He massaged my clit with his tongue, and I reciprocated the pleasure onto Josh's cock by taking it into my mouth and sucking on it. The more pleasure I received from Thomas, the harder I would suck on Josh's cock. It didn't take long for Josh's eyes to roll back into his head as he exploded inside my mouth as I moaned down his cock.

I teased them all by letting a little bit of his cum escape my lips. I played with it in my mouth a little bit and even showed it to Josh. He tasted pretty good, and I swallowed his entire load just as a waving sensation came over me as I came on Thomas's tongue. Nobody missed it either. Josh and Thomas then switched positions. I was able to go longer this time around, but Thomas wasn't as prepared as he came in my mouth and I swallowed him up too.

I can only imagine the smile on my face as I felt like I was flying. Especially after Josh brought me to orgasm one more time. The first arguement broke out between Josh and Thomas. They were pretty hard, and I was really hot. I could tell they both only had one more shot left, and I wanted them out of the way so I can thank Sam properly.

"Why don't you both just cum inside me at the same time?" I said not really thinking. They looked at me confused. "I do have two holes down there," I reminded them turning and spreading my ass so they could see both my asshole and my pussy. That quickly ended the arguement and brought a smile to my face as they both agreed that Josh would get my pussy and Thomas would get my ass.

Never in my twenty one years have I thought of this. I can't say that I was too disappointed though as Josh layed down on the bed beside me. I straddled him and guided his cock inside my sweet pussy. I leaned over so that Thomas could squeeze his cock in my ass. It felt so good having the both of them inside me at the same time. They worked magnificently together. They managed to organize themselves into a pattern where one would pull out and the other would push in. I was screaming and moaning and flying on the sheer waves of pleasure ripping throughout my whole body. I gave them all my passion, and all my horniness. I felt the shocks of orgasm strike me several times before they both filled me up with their seamen. My ass never felt so good, and my pussy was finally satisfied for the night....well almost as I looked over to Sam.

After they both pulled out of me, I sat back on the bed smiling at Sam. The other two were on the floor trying to catch their breath and recover. I knew already that they didn't know what they were getting into, and would soon fall into a pleasurable satisfied sleep.

Sam walked over to me and I smiled at the possibilities. I reached out and took his cock in my hand stroking it and smiling at him. Slowly, I teased his cock with my tongue and started sucking him. I was slow, but very sensual. I wanted to just get him ready to cum, and my moans down his shaft did the job perfectly. I could hear him above me thanking God, and enjoying the pleasure of my lips around him. I felt his cock throb violently inside my mouth and pulled it out grabbing just below the head keeping him from cumming.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"Nothing," I replied shaking my head. "I just don't want it to go to waste." I laid back with my legs open so he'd catch my meaning. He nodded his head in understanding and that devilish smile crept across his face as I laid on top of me and pushed inside of me. Sam was by far the biggest of the three, and he wasn't too gentle with it either. Immediately I felt a wave of pleasure come over me. He moved in and out hard and fast in a rhythm, and it felt like he hit my g-spot every time. I was screaming out loudly by the time he finally shot his first load inside me, but he didn't stop. His first orgasm lead him on to pound me even harder.

He wanted it rough, and so did I, but no reason for him to have all the fun. I rolled him over onto the bed so that I was riding him. I rode him hard and fast, slamming his cock all the way inside me. I was still screaming as wave after wave of pleasure hit me. I used these waves to ride him harder and without abandon. We both were cut to a halt as his second load exploded inside me, bigger than all the rest. I fell to the bed beside him, and hie eyes were rolled in the back of his head in pleasure. It didn't take long, in fact we both fell right asleep, or at least I did.

I smiled as I woke up the next morning very satisfied and seeing three of Jonathan's friends naked around and in my bed. I made and served them all breakfast naked, a pleasure I only reserve for Jonathan. They left after breakfast for work, and all of them were completely satisfied.

This brings me back to my original point. Life is all about a balance. While I sat there worried about Jonathan, those were my hours of greatest pain. Very quickly though, Sam, Josh, and Thomas all gave me several hours of my greatest pleasure and ecstacy. Never before did I feel so free, not even the day Jonathan came home to me.

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scorpiocopscorpiocopover 16 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Balance, the scales sure seem tipped your way

Yes the Story is Well Presented.

Truly. No typos, no bad word choice, no inconsistencies. I have no idea about the drugs angle, so no . . I am not going to give any hints there. For your first entry, Rate it "A" for Excellent.

Let us fervently hope Jonathan dies from his (unexplained, was he a baddie, or a drive-by victim) wounds and that way, he can't 'wop yer ass' when he comes out.

I can't see this tale leading to a Part II that is anywhere near as good as this, so ignore all the "Gimme More" people.



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