Life's Changes Ch. 02


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"We ordered them last night after y'all left. I talked to Jim and he said that he told Bill about his preferences and he didn't think there was a problem with it."

"No there's doesn't seem to be. In fact it way it may be a blessing." "Why's that?"

"Well I don't know how much I should tell you but Bill may not object a little attention from Jim after all it wouldn't be the first." I may have said too much already.

"Well that's a revelation. You two obviously had a discussion after you went home.

"Yes we did it was quit reveling."

"How about the four of us have dinner Friday after work say y'all meet us at our place around seven we could go to Jonquils."

"Ok! If we can get reservations this late in the week."

"Don't you worry about reservations I'll take care of that my love. Now how about you and I going out tonight for drinks after work." She said

"Can't I have laundry to do this evening?" You could hear the discussed my voice.

"Get Bill to get you a maid to do it" The she paused a second then send. "Better yet we'll dress Bill in a maid uniform and get him to do it." This statement floored me. It was all most the same thing I said to Bill this morning. I was speechless. Then she said "Sheri I was kidding." Then "Sheri are you there?" I had to answer or give too much away by my silence

"Oh. Yes I still here I was just trying to imagine Bill in maid's uniform, wouldn't that be funny."

"Not as funny as you may think." She said in a far away voice

"Excuse me I didn't quit get that?"

"Oh nothing how about drinks tomorrow. I could give you a ride to work and then we could drive home together." She asked I could tell she really wanted to see me away from the guys.

"Let me talk to Bill and see if he has anything he wants to do"

"Ok. Call me later. Got to go they expect me to get some work done here and not talk to my girlfriend on the phone all day." We said our good by's and hung up. I wonder how she meant girlfriend. I need to call Bill but I still had Jeff cooling his heels in the outer office. Well he could wait. I dialed Bill's phone direct office number and got his secretary.

"Hi Pamela. This Sheri can I speak to Bill please."

"Hi Sheri. You do know Bill put in his resignation today didn't you?"

"Yes. Did they give him any trouble?"

"Well. Mr. Dale that's his managing partner fired him before he could give it." I could hear sadness in her voice. She passed up two offers from partners with larger salaries to stay working for Bill.

"That was pretty nasty of him." I said. I'd have get her something she was a good secretary to Bill

"I don't think so he fired him with three months severance pay. He wouldn't have got that if he resigned." She was right. George Dale was a half way decent guy after all.

"Has he already left?"

"Oh Yes they escorted him back to his offices to clean out his personal belongings then they escorted him out the door. But he did seem very happy as he was leaving."

"Well that's good. It went better then we had hoped. What are you going to do now?"

"Me I'm just going to plug along here till some thing better comes up. If you would please tell Bill for me that if he needs a good secretary give me a call. I didn't have time to tell him that earlier."

"I sure will. If he needs to hire one I'll do everything in my power to make sure you get the job."

"Thank you I got two of the partners trying to get me to work for them but there a little two handy for my taste if you know what I mean. Not like Bill he was a perfect gentleman."

"I know just what you mean and it's always nice to know your husband didn't try anything," I said

"Oh. Bill would never. I have to go now tell Bill what I said I'll even take a cut in pay." She hung up I think she was ready to cry.

I needed to call Bill but I better see what that weasel Jeff wanted. I wouldn't minded him cooling his heels a little longer but the more he sat the lease work I got out of him. Picking up the phone I rang Ginger.

"Is he there yet."

"Oh yes. Got here five minutes after I called him." then I asked if he had any snide remarks.

"Oh. No just sitting here not a word."

"Ok. Send him in." I said and hung up. Jeff came in very quietly not his usual self. He stood in front of my desk with his eyes on the floor. I waited for him to say something but he never did.

"Well Jeff what is it you wanted." I asked

"Well Mrs. Macon I was wondering if I should hand in my resignation." He asked in almost a stutter. I guess that little incident yesterday had affected him pretty bad.

"No I don't want your resignation. I just want you to do your job and leave that macho bravado at home. Save it for the bars." I could all most see relief on his face I knew he could get another job that was not a problem. It was my problem keeping good Tec's.

"I'll do that Mrs. Macon. And if there is anything you need anything at all you just tell me." He said. Now what was that all about? "If you need anything at home I'll be glad to help there too." Ok now this is getting weird. I needed to get him out of my office.

"Jeff you just do your job. Now we both need to get back to work." I said in a dismissing manner.

"Oh yes ma'am right away." What was going on here? Luckily Jeff left right after that I almost lock my door.

After Jeff left I called home to see if Bill was there yet. He answered on the third ring. "Hi there sweetheart are you ok I heard they fired you when you tried to hand in you resignation."

"Oh yea. Gorge did it so I could get the three-month severance. He said I deserved it. How did you find out?"

"I call your office and talked to Pamela and she told me. She was real sad about it."

"The way they escorted me out of there I didn't have time to talk to her."

"Maybe you should buy her something with some of the money from the severance. And take her out to lunch on Friday."

"Good Idea. Can you help me out buying her some thing you know your better at that." I did know it. We talked for a little longer then hung up. I called Brenda and put in my order and she had everything I was looking for. The rest of the day was a blur as I started going to meetings. I left work at five o'clock. I stopped at Brenda's and chatted with her for a while and when to home. I walked in carrying the boxes from Brenda's. Bill was in the kitchen folding cloths.

"What's going on here?" I asked pointing at the clean laundry on the table.

"I know how you hate doing laundry so since I wasn't doing anything today I thought I get it done before you got home. Almost made it too." I ran to him and thru my arms around his neck. And gave him a big wet sloppy kiss. "I guess your not mad then," he said with a silly grin on his face

"How could I be mad? I have the greatest husband in the world. You didn't mind doing it?

"No not at all. If it makes you happy I'll do it all the time." He said as I gripped his butt in both my hands and pulled him to me.

"I may just buy you that French maids uniform just so you can look the part." I could feel Bill's cock starting to get hard. "You would like that wouldn't you? I can feel you getting hard. So it must excite you."

"I thought about putting on that skirt and blouse you bought for me. But I knew I couldn't get the make up right. And I was afraid someone might come over." Bill confessed to me, as his cock got harder.

"We could do it now lover I wouldn't mind letting Glenda out to play. " I said as I rotated my hips giving Bill's cock some added friction.

"Oh I forgot we can't. Jim asked us to come over to have dinner so the two of us could talk over what needed to be done before I came to work on Monday."

"Oh." I said with a little pout. "What are Jenny and I going to do while you two are talking shop."

"You could stay home if you don't want to come"

"Like hell I will. What's for dinner I can imagine either of them had much time to cook."

"He said they'd order in. Nothing fancy and we're to dress very causal."

"What time." I asked then he said,

"When ever we're ready we're just to come over."

"Let me give Jenny a call to see if they're home. Then I'll get changed." I said as I dialed Jenny's number. "Jenny, Sheri here. Your already home is Jim?"

"Sheri sweetie, Yes we're both here so come on over we're having pizza if that ok."

"Pizza's fine. We'll be over in twenty minutes if that's ok. Do you have enough beer and wine?"

"We have plenty of beer. You could bring some wine if you have any if not don't worry about."

"Ok. See you in twenty." I said and hung up. Looking at Bill he was wearing khaki slacks and golf shirt. "Is that what your wearing."

"Yea it's comfortable and it hides what's underneath." Opening one of the boxes from Brenda's I said.

"Here you can wear this under your shirt." I held out a white satin camisole with a lacy top.

"Are you sure? I don't want it to show. " As he said this I could see he really wanted to put it on.

"It won't show. As long as you button the first button." Bill carried the clean laundry upstairs while I carried the boxes. I took off my suit and thru on a light summer dress then grabbed a sweater. Mean while Bill had pulled off his golf shirt and put on the camisole and put on the golf shirt again and tucked it in. I pulled the shirt out a little so it wasn't so tight I turned him to the mirror and said "See you can't tell, can you?" Bill looked in the mirror very closely then said

"No I can't. I'll get the wine and meet you down stairs" I put on a pair of flats then followed him down. We walked down to Jim and Jenny's house hand in hand. It was a beautiful night the stars where out and the moon was just rising.

We arrived a they're house just as the pizza delivery showed up so Bill took the pizzas and when he asked how much the kid said it was all taken care of. Bill gave the kid a five-dollar tip any way and we carried the pizzas into the house. Jenny met us at the door.

"I've called that pizza place quite often but never got such lovely looking delivery people before. I'll have to come up with a really nice tip." Bill and I laughed and followed her into the family room. Jim open the wine and gave Jenny and I a glass the guys had beers. We sat on cushions on the floor at a low round table. We joke with each other while we ate. I sat between Jenny and Bill and Jim sat on the other side of the table. Then Jenny said.

"I thought you had to do laundry tonight not that I'm complaining." As she secretly ran her hand along my leg

"Bill took care of that before I got home tonight. Isn't he wonderful?"

"Yes he is wonderful." then she whispered to me. "See I told you should get him one." That's when Jim took up the conversation

"You know Bill your going to have to hire a secretary. Do you have one in minded." Before Bill could say anything I said

"Yes he does and I never talk to you again if you don't offer her the job first." I looked right at Bill when I said this. Bill said

"I was thinking of Pamela, Sher, She gave up two higher paying positions to stay with me and she's the best I ever had. But how much can I offer her she may want more."

"I pay all my secretaries fifty a year and bonuses in June and December. Fully paid heath and dental and thirty paid days off a year. Will she come for that?"

"Yea I think she'll come over for that. I know it's more than she's making now plus the benefits are a lot better" Bill said. Then I said

"I know she would she said she'd take a pay cut to stay with you."

"Well that's settle then Jim I think its time you tell them your secret."

"Yes. Well this may be a little embarrassing but as you Bill already know and I sure you told Sheri. I'm bisexual." To me he said "I love making love to Jenny but I have urges to make love to men as well. I'm also a cross dresser." Bill stared at Jim

"You mean you like wearing women's cloths?" I asked

"No Sheri I love wearing women's cloths."

"Do you wear dresses or just under garments?" I asked

"I dress fully at home most times but I never go out dressed as a women just undergarments. Except when when where away from home and definitly when we go to Key West there it doesn't matter." Turning to Bill I said

"Bill maybe we can bring Glenda to Key West." Looking back it was a cruel thing to do to him. He turned three shades of red and stuttered to say something but it never came out. Jenny jump in with.

"Who's Glenda and why would she go to Key West?"

"Never mind. I'll tell you some other time maybe." I should never have mentioned her. Jenny gave Bill a look and me as well. Then just nodded her head. Bill shocked me the most when he said.

"I'm Glenda. I also like to cross dress." Jenny broke in with

"I knew it. I knew it didn't I tell you Jim."

"Yes Jenny you told me, please your embarrassing Bill. Please Bill don't be embarrassed. At least not around us. Sometime Jenny has a few intimate friends over and I where a French maid uniform and sever what ever she wants me too. Very discrete."

I felt terrible for having said what I did. I put my hand on Bill's lap But got know reaction from him. Finally Jim said

"We have embarrassed Bill enough maybe we should call it an evening."

"No its ok I'll get use to y'all knowing I'd like to know how Jenny knew it I didn't think anyone could see I was wearing anything under my cloths."

"Oh sweetie it wasn't you it was Sheri."

"Me. How did I give it away" I was dumb founded. She put her hand to my face and said.

"Sweetie you're what a size four. You could go to any store in the city and buy cloths to fit you. Brenda specializes in women cloth for men. It was that easy. It's nothing ether of you did. And unless someone knows what in that store they'll never guess. If they do know what Brenda caters to then they're not going to say any thing.

"Oh. I see I had the same feelings about Jim too but I wasn't so sure. And I'm a size three. Just to set the record straight." Jenny stuck up her tongue at me. Then Jim said.

"Don't stick it out unless you plan on using it."

"Oh I plan on using it the question is when can I get this lovely size three alone." She said which now had me blushing like bride. "I have an idea. Jim can you take Friday off even for say a half a day."

"Sure. What have you got cooking in that head of yours?" He asked

"Instead of going out on Friday how about we have an intimate dinner here you can cook and we can all dress up sexy. We can meet Glenda and Sheri and Glenda can meet Ginger." Bill's mind must have flash to my secretary as did mine because we both said.

"Ginger who?"

"I'm Ginger when I dress up. And Babbitt when I'm to be the maid. This way Jenny only has to say which of us is coming then I know what to wear. When I'm Ginger I get to wear what I like, within reason and Jenny's approval. Does this mean I get a new dress? The last was directed to Jenny.

"Yes dear. You can get a new dress. A cocktail dress I think. Something short and sexy." Jenny told Jim. And I thought I should get some thing else for Bill and for myself to. I said to Jenny.

"Are you going to Brenda's then. I figured I could tag along."

"No sweetie I go to Brenda's when I want something exotic. Now that I know what Ginger's sizes are I can go anywhere and buy her cloths. You should be able to do the same for Glenda. Tomorrow after work we could go shopping for dresses and I'll give you some pointers on buying cloths for her." Then Jim said

"Bill let's go to my study and chat business and leave the girls to work out their shopping trip." The guys left.

Jenny and I stayed where we were and chat about cloths. She gave me pointers on buying cloths for Glenda. Then I asked her

"You make a clear distinction between Ginger and Jim as if there two separate people. Why is that?"

"Because they are two separate people. When Jim and I are out together He calls the shots. Or when I want Jim in bed with me. He takes the dominant role. But when I want Ginger in bed I take the dominant role. You see Sheri I made Ginger. One night after we where married a year or two and I hadn't had a female lover for quit sometime I became depressed and I snapped at Jim a lot. Jim the dear knew what I was going thru he hadn't had a male lover for sometime either. So Jim took a bath with my bath oils and sprayed himself with perfume. He then put on a pair of my panties and bra that he stuffed with washcloths. And baby doll nightgown and slid into bed with me. I was a sleep. So he gentle woke me and when I smelled him my sexual urges took over my brain. We made love for hours that night. Just using our mouths and hands. That was the night I first took his cock in my mouth. I came a dozen times that night. It was the best sex we ever had."

"The next day I was a new women I was happy and Jim saw the change in me. So every few nights he would come to bed dress as a women. The only problem was he was stretching out all my cloths. I started buying cloths big enough for him to wear. After awhile I needed female company in more places then the bedroom. You know how nice it is to sit and talk girl stuff with another girl." I nodded my head. "Well I missed that. I started buying him dresses and skirts and stockings to wear. Jim really started to like dressing up I found him dressed more as a women then a man. I loved having him like that so it became a way of life with us. Jim comes home and becomes Ginger before I get home. That's why I separate the two we both do."

Jenny then pulled me to her and kissed me hard I could tell she was very horny. She groped me breasts pinching the nipple thru the dress and my bra. She was dressed in a running shorts and a tee shirt. I ran my hand over her firm tits. She wasn't wearing a bra.

While we continued to kiss I ran my hand up under her tee shirt and touched her breast. It was the first bare breast I ever touched. It was heavy, and soft but very firm I played with her nipple pulling it and rolling it between my fingers. Her breathing was getting quicker and she forcing her tongue deep in my mouth. I ran my tongue around hers as I continued to pinch and roll her nipples. She pulled her mouth from mine and started kissing my neck and ears. Her hand had move from my breast to my leg. She moved her hand up my leg as she continued to kiss my neck sucking and biting it. Her mouth then moved back to my mouth as her hand covered my panty covered mound. Her touch was softer and more delicate than any man's hand was. I moved my hand down her tummy as I passed over he belly button I felt something hard. It felt like a ring.

I continued on to the waistband of her shorts. I slid my hand in side I moved it down between her legs she wasn't wearing any panties. I knew she wouldn't be. My finger split her pussy lips, moisture flooded my finger it was slick and hot. I felt the nub of her clit on the palm of my hand. I applied pressure to it. Jenny pulled her mouth from mine and gasp as her body shook in my grasped. My finger slid smoothly into her pussy it was hot and very wet. Jenny's hand had stopped it movement on my pussy as she continued to gasp and moan how good my finger felt. I slid a second finger into her overheated hole. I slowly worked them in and out in a steady rhythm.

I pulled her top off with my other hand and her assistance. I then started kissing her soft breast feeling the unique texture of it. I explored her entire breast with my mouth before taking in her nipple. I sucked her nipple like a baby looking for food. My fingers never stopped they're slow in and out pumping motion. As I added a third finger to her honey pot .Jenny shrieked and pulled my head hard to her breast. I continued to suck and bite her nipple. Her pussy juice flowed freely now soaking my hand. I massaged her clitoris with my thumb. Sending another wave of pleasure thru her. He body tensed up tight as a drum as her legs clamped my hand tight in her pussy. She shrieked and swore then collapsed releasing her death grip on my head and her legs released my hand from the flowing prison.