Life's Changes Ch. 03


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We made small talk. Ginger slowly got Glenda talking and adding to the conversation. Then she said. "Dinner should be done will you excuse me while I finish it up. Glenda would you like to help?" She shook her head yes and followed Ginger into the kitchen. Jenny tuned to me and said

"There that wasn't so bad. I was really proud of you. You wanted to run and hug her didn't you?"

"Yes I did how did you know."

"I have been there I wanted to do the same when Ginger came out." She took my hand and said, "You know she doesn't look that bad with a little work from Ginger I think she could go out in public without worry."

"I know she had potential but she just can't see it." I said as I moved closer to Jenny. She put her arm around my waist and said.

"Once we get her to where she can pass as a girl then we'll take her to Key West and let her walk around down there and take her to a few of the clubs. That will build up her confidence." We stood very close but neither of us made a move to kiss we didn't want to spoil our make-up just yet.

Dinner was superb. The table was set beautifully. With candles and flowers. That I later found out were arranged by Ginger. This girl could put that bitch Martha Stewart to shame. Glenda handle the meal well sitting very properly. Mostly because of the corset. You could see she was mimicking Ginger in the way that she ate and drank. She didn't add much to the conversation but she wasn't distant either she was paying close attention to what we were saying. After dinner we all helped clear the table and the Ginger told Jenny and I to go in the den. While she and Glenda prepare dessert. I said to Jenny

"She can be pretty bossy can't she?"

"She can be down right bitchy if things don't go the way she wants them too. "

"Yes and if you two don't get out of here I'm going to take a broom to you." This had us all laughing until Ginger got the broom from the closet. And swatted our backside as we scurried form the room.

The den was more an entertainment room then a real den. It had a large screen TV in the corner and a state of the art stereo system. Large cushy chairs and love seats. There where big square pillows on the floor. A bar in another corner. There was a pool table that took up a large portion of the room at one end. And in the center of one wall there was a large stone fireplace. That had a small fire going in it. The only light came from small-candled sconces that decorated the walls. It was a cozy room and romantic.

Jenny came to me and slid her arms around my waist as I put mine behind her head. Our lips met. Her tongue pushed it's way into my mouth. Her hand griped a butt cheeks, one in each hand, and pulled me closer to her. Our tongues battle each other till mine succumbed to her supremacy. I sucked on her tongue as I would a small penis. We held our kiss as she groped my ass till I heard behind me.

"That's not quite the dessert I had in mind." As we separated from each other. I turn to see Ginger and Glenda standing by the bar with a tray each. One holding coffee and the other what looked like pie. Jenny exclaimed

"Did you make my favorite?"

"Of cause chocolate truffle with home made whip cream." Ginger had Jenny and I set while Glenda served coffee and Ginger the pie. Glenda sat across from me next to Ginger on a love seat. One leg folded below the other as she sat on the edge of the chair very lady like. I wonder where she learned that. I said to Ginger.

"This pie is wonderful in fact the whole dinner was supreme. You are a wonderful hostess."

"She is wonderful isn't she? I let her plan all our dinner parties even if Jim is going to be there." Jenny said. I could see that Ginger was blushing from the compliments but she was also thrilled to get them.

After I had finished my dessert I went stood to take my plates to the bar Glenda jumped up and tried to take my plate from me. I waved her off and continued toward the bar I found Glenda had followed me I said to her in a whisper.

"Is everything ok are you happy you stayed. "

"Yes Ginger's been so nice she has even taught me a few things all ready. Like how to sit. But she hasn't even tried to kiss me yet." Oh brother now she was sounding like a girl on her first date.

"Don't worry about it she's trying not to scare you just relax and when you stand next to her you could take her hand in yours. That will let her know that you are comfortable with her." I walked back to sit next to Jenny. Ginger asked me

"Is everything ok."

"Everything just fine." Glenda took Ginger's and Jenny's plates and put them on the tray by the bar then she returned to sit next to Ginger. I took Jenny's hand in mine and held it. Ginger turned to Glenda and said something softly to her so softly I couldn't hear. Glenda nodded her head and smiled. Ginger turned to us and said

"If every one's done I'll take the trays back to the kitchen." Glenda took Ginger's hand in hers and said

"I'd like to help." I could see a surprised look in Gingers face and Glenda looked like she could just squeal with delight.

"Of cause you can. Come along then." Ginger stood, as Glenda followed never letting go of Ginger's hand. I was looking down at the floor when I felt Jenny squeeze my hand I turned to look at her, then she nodded toward the bar. Glenda and Ginger were starring into each others eyes Then I saw Glenda lean in to Ginger almost tentatively as if to pull back quickly if Ginger made any move to rebuff her. Then their lips touched just slightly then she pulled back slightly, kind of like a swimmer testing the water with the toe of their foot.

Then Glenda leaned in again and there lips met. It wasn't an open mouth tongue swapping kiss but a sweet first time kiss that a girl remembers for a long long time. With in seconds they separated. Glenda face was flush with embarrassment. Ginger put her hand to Glenda's face and said something I couldn't hear and they kissed again. This time Ginger put her arms around Glenda's waist and pulled her toward her. This time it lasted a lot longer and I'm sure tongues where involved. Finally they separated and look at Jenny and I. I could see they where embarrassed by their display of affection. Tears where welling up in my eyes. They gathered up the trays and quickly left the room. Taking my napkin I dapped at my eyes removing the tears when Jenny asked.

"What are you crying about?"

"That was the sweetest thing I ever seen." I said then Jenny said

"You silly fool kiss me before I start crying." I crawled on to her lap and kissed her. We continued kissing until Ginger came back into the room and said.

"I put a something for each of you in the master bedroom. Please go in and change and no funny business." Jenny said

"Oh god we're not doing what I think we are?"

"Yes we are so just get changed and enjoy it."

"What's going on? And where's Glenda?" I asked

"She's in the guest room waiting for me to help her change and take that god awful corset off her. How could you make her wear that?" Ginger said as she started to walk out of the room. In my defense I said.

"She needed something so the dress looked good on her." Ginger turn to me and said

"No you needed to get a dress that fit her properly." I was stunned in to silence. Jenny came to my rescue sort of.

"Ginger. Sheri is a guest in this house, behave yourself.

"Your right I'm sorry I really shouldn't be cross with you. You tried the best you knew how." I wasn't sure but I don't think that was an apology.

"Well if you so good then teach her. And me as well." I could see that Ginger was getting her anger under control.

"I will and within a month I'll have her waking down Main Street hearing nothing but whistles from the construction workers." She walked out of the room with out another word.

"I think Ginger's got herself a little project on her hands." Jenny said "I'm sorry about the way she turned on you I never seen her so upset before."

"She was quite upset. I think she was mad at me. If she can do better and obviously she can then she's welcome to try."

"If that's settled we better go change if we know what's good for us." Jenny said

"What's this about? The changing I mean.

"Ginger wants a pajama party. She loves them. She has them whenever we have company that's in to cross-dressing. And she hasn't had one for a while so I should have seen this coming. Let's get changed before she throws another fit."

We stood and I followed Jenny to the master bedroom. Hanging on the closet door were two satin camisoles and a matching pair of tap pants one in lavender and one in yellow. On the floor under each was a pair of hi heeled slippers. Jenny stripped down. Handed me a hanger to hang my dress on. I put on the yellow one and Jenny the lavender one. We went back to the den and Jenny told me to sit on a pillow on the floor. After getting us both a glass of wine. She sat down next to me.

A few minutes later Ginger came in holding Glenda's hand. Glenda was wearing a red satin camisole and tap pants and Ginger was in a pink set. Her wig was gone. Her hair was slicked back in a butch style with waves. Her makeup was totally different then the way I had done it. Her eyes were bigger almost doe like and her lips looked smaller more feminine. She now wore dangly earrings. I have to admit that Ginger did do a better job on her than I did. Glenda was looking at me hopefully.

"Glenda. Wow. You look great. Ginger did a much better job then I did."

"It's ok? You don't mind she changed it. She says when my hair grows longer we can do other thing with it."

"Obviously Ginger's better at makeup then I am so you listen to her." Ginger took my hand and said

"I have more practice at changing a man into a women that you do. You have only changed a woman into more beautiful women. Don't be mad at me. And I'm sorry for my behavior before it was uncalled for."

"I forgive you. As long as you keep helping Glenda."

"Ok can we get this party started?" Jenny asked.

"Yes please I want to have some fun." I said as Ginger got up and returned with an empty wine bottle.

"Ok. Were going to play spin the bottle. With a twist." Ginger said as she pulled a deck of cards out of a draw.

"When you spin you have to kiss the person the bottle lands on. That person pulls a card from the deck. You have to kiss that person for as many seconds times five that's on the card. Now here is the twist. Once that person is kissed the next person has to go lower if you get my drift. And a kiss is the same as a suck. Any questions. None ok lets get started. Everyone pick a card the person with the highest number spins first."

I picked a seven. Jenny a four, which didn't make her happy. Glenda a nine and Ginger a two. Glenda spun the bottle and it landed on me. I pulled a card from the deck it was a four, twenty seconds. Glenda took me in her arms and kissed me her hands never once touched any part of me except my back. Her tongue stabbed into my mouth with passion. I return the passion I felt. No matter what happens in my life kissing my husband has to be the most romantic thing I can do. Twenty seconds went by to quickly for me. It seemed like we just got started when it was over.

"Times up ladies." Ginger said looking at her stopwatch.

"You know Ginger I'm starting to think you really are a bitch." I said half jokingly.

"Yea I know don't worry it'll get worse. When some one goes down lower and they just get started and she stops them. I've called her all kinds of names they don't even phase her." Jenny informed us.

Ginger spun next because she was sitting next to Glenda and this way every one gets to spin. Her spin landed on Glenda. She handed me the stopwatch and Glenda pulled a seven. They kissed for thirty five seconds I could see Glenda was really getting in to it. She was moaning and her hands where running up and down Ginger's back.

"Times up." I said Ginger pulled her self away but Glenda wasn't ready to quit. After they parted she shot me a scowl. I waved the watch at her and smiled. She calmed down and smiled back. Next Jenny spun it landed on me.

"Alright." I said as I started removing my top.

"As much as I'd like to be one the to kiss your beautiful breasts I'm afraid the neck is next." I gave her a pouting look. "I'm sorry but that's Ginger's rules."

I pulled a three. Jenny kissed and sucked my neck for the require fifteen seconds. It was nice put not what I was after. I spun next. My spin landed on Ginger. She pulled a five. She handed the watch to Glenda as I pulled her to me and I put my lips to hers I heard the watch click I shoved my tongue into her mouth and she responded to it sucking and flicking it with her tongue. Twenty five seconds when by in a flash. I pulled back when Glenda called time finally taking a breath dam that girl can kiss. Glenda's spin landed on Jenny.

"Well it's about time. Come here my love and kiss me." She pulled a six. They kissed for thirty seconds I could see they really enjoying themselves. The bitch with the watch called time. Ginger's landed on Jenny again this time she pulled an eight. Giving the watch to Glenda Ginger attacked Jennie's neck for forty seconds she must have been good at it because Jenny sure seem to enjoy it. Jenny spun next. She got to work on Glenda's neck for twenty seconds. I got Gingers neck for ten. Then Ginger said.

"Ok now that we're all even we can pull off your tops." When Ginger removed her top I did a double take she had breasts not real big ones maybe an A cup if that but they were real. I could see Glenda was starring at them too. I wanted to reach out and touch them. Put I knew that would be impolite.

"Ok I know that's not make-up." I said which got a laugh from Jenny and Ginger.

"No dear that's not make up their real." She said as she reached over and fondled one of them. I could see that Ginger got excited when she did it.

"If you don't minded explaining how she got them I'd like to know." I asked

"Well Ginger did a lot of research in to the study of sexual reassignment she wanted to be the best girl she could be but he needed to stay as manly as possible. Because of his sister."

"You have a sister? Your mother never mentioned her. She speaks of you as an only child."

"Gwen, that's my sister and I use to be real close. We still are. My mother doesn't know this but I put her though collage and supported her while she was going. At eighteen she told my mother that she was a lesbian. After my mother consulted a number of doctors and psychologist about fixing my sisters problem as my mother put it. She decided that if she disowned my sister that would put her on the straight path. Well my sister split and they haven't spoken since. I know it kills my mother every time Gwen's name comes up but she won't reconsider. So since I have three times as much money as my mother does and when she dies it comes to me. I'm giving it to my sister. So for that reason I don't want her to find out about my life style. And I don't want to really be a women full time. Really I just like to dress like one. I love the cloths. And these." she said as she lifted up her breasts.

"Are so I don't have to wear those silicone bags. They just don't look right. While I'm dressed like a man I wear a reducing bra that makes me look like I have a well-developed chest. It's skintight and the same color as my skin. No one can tell unless I let them get real close."

"Are they implants?" Glenda asked

"No there all me I got some hormone injections in the breast area that stay just in the breasts. They didn't get very big but I didn't want to get big ones, I just wanted something I could put in a bra that would fill out my dresses. And I didn't want any thing that would take away my ability to get and retain an erection. Jenny still likes a good roll in the hay from Jim once in a while. These are as big as I can grow them with out taking massive does of hormones and they have side effects. But they're just what I want. The added bonus is their very sensitive. Ok back to the game." Glenda spun and it stopped on Jenny.

"Dam I wanted to have her." I said

"Don't worry dear when we stop playing this silly game you can have all of me." Jenny pulled a ten and Glenda went to work. Fifty seconds later She had Jenny panting and begging for more. Ginger spun and it landed on Glenda. She pulled a four. I could tell that Gingers sucking really wasn't doing much for Glenda. Jenny spun and it stopped on me.

"What are face cards worth?" I asked

"There are no face cards, this deck is only used for this game." Ginger answered

"Ok come on ten." I said as I pulled a card from the deck I pulled an ace. "Don't tell me this is a one. If you do I'll cry."

"No that's a full minute card. Lucky bitch." Ginger said as Jenny stuck her tongue at Ginger.

"Come here you lovely women come and suck my titties." Jen came over smothering my tits with kisses, licking all around in a spiral course ending at the nipple of my left breast she sucked into her mouth and sucked hard on it, grazing the nipple with her teeth she bit down on it making me groan in pleasure. Just then the bitch with the watch called time.

"No way that was no minute you cheated." Both Glenda and Ginger laugh. Then Ginger said

"See I told she'd say that. A minutes is never long enough."

"This is terrible game. Jenny how can you let her play it?" I asked

"It's her party she can play if she wants to." Jenny sang to me

"Give me that bottle and let's get this game over with. So we can get down to some real action." My temper was starting to ignite I was use to getting sexual satisfaction when I wanted it and right now I wasn't getting it I was frustrated and horny. I spun and it landed on Jenny. "Don't tell me the belly right."

"Yep. And no sneaking your hands any lower." The bitch with the watch said.

Jenny pulled a six. For thirty seconds I bath Jenny tummy with my tongue. I could smell her arousal coming from between her legs drifting up from the satin tap pants. If I could just sneak my tongue down just little


"Dam this frustrating."

"That's part of the fun Sheri It keeps you at a sexual peak." Ginger sure loved this game.

Glenda spun and it landed on me. I pulled a two. She worked her tongue all over for ten second, which did nothing for me I just wanted to shove her face between my legs. Ginger spun and it landed on Jenny. I heard a groan from her.

"I lose a turn."

"How come?" I asked

"Because no one can take off their pants till everyone is ready. And Glenda still has a belly and I still have breast and belly." Ginger explained

Jenny spun and it landed on Glenda. She spent forty-five seconds on Glenda's belly. I spun and it stopped on Ginger. I crawled over to her ready to devourer her little tits. She pulled a ten from the deck. I almost rejoiced fifty seconds I could spend driving her crazy. I licked all over them I could tell they where very sensitive. I took one of the nipples in my mouth the one with the slave ring and sucked it like a babe looking for food, I sucked and bit. I was just reaching for the other when Glenda said "Time" Ginger look down at me and said

"That was really nice we could do it again later."

Glenda spun and it stopped on Ginger again. I think he did it on purpose. He sure seemed happy that he did. While I held the stopwatch. Jenny slide up next to me and said

"Did you like my ring?"

"I wanted to talk to you about that. Reminded me later. Time." Jenny slide back to her position.

"Ok every one pants off." We all removed our tap pants and I could see Glenda's cock was soft and her cock ring was missing.

"Glenda where's your cock ring."

"Ginger took it off and taught me a few thing to keep it down. I'm doing pretty well. Should I go and put it back on." I was amazed he wasn't hard as a rock. I know my pussy was dripping like a soaked sponge. I looked at Ginger her eyes were avoiding mine.