Life's Changes Ch. 05


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"Ok you'll have to do both jobs till you pick one. You should plan on being off Fridays for at lease the next month. That will eat into the vacation. You do know that when you became VP. You went from two weeks a year to four weeks a year. That's why Fred wants you to take more time off."

"I didn't know that. What else do I get?" I didn't know VP made out so well.

"I'll find out from Janie and type up a sheet for you now go home and celebrate."

I arrived home forty-five minutes later. Pam was there to greet me at the door. She said. "Oh good the designer is here. He wants to know what kind of wood you like. Come on up and meet him." We went up stairs and found Jon in the sewing room "Jon this is Mrs. Macon the owner." We shook hands then he said

"As I was telling Pamela. Depending on what kind of wood you would like will give us an idea on how long it will take to complete the job. Would you like all real wood or all laminated particleboard or a mixture? Judging the expense of the home you should go with plywood boxes and real wood doors and draws. At lease that's what I would do, someday you might want to sell the home and you'll get more with a better cabinetry."

"What I want is to open this room to the walk in closet in the master bed room. Plywood boxes and real wood doors and drawers will be fine. But the drawers should be dovetailed. The finish should be white enamel that should eliminate any exotic woods but it should be durable. I want lots of hanging space for dresses and suits and storage space for things we only use once in a while and I want space for shoes a lot of shoes." I waited while Jon wrote done what I had said. Then he asked

"What kind of lighting."

"I want it bright but I'd like to be able to turn it down I don't want fluorescents light their to harsh. Jon I want a dream closet one that your wife or mother would love. Build me a dream closet. Can you do that?"

"I can. I can build you a closet that is fit for the queen of England. The only question I have is how much money can you spend."

"Jon you come up with some drawings and a estimate and well go from there. How long will that take."

"I can have the drawings by Friday will that be soon enough.

"Friday will be soon enough. But remember dream closet."

"Mrs. Macon it's so nice to meet some one that knows what she want and isn't afraid to ask for it." We shook hands and Jon took his measurements thirty minutes later he left. After he left I changed into a pair of shorts and a pullover V neck sweater and a pair of running shoes. I asked Pam

"Did you bring anything causal to wear?"

"No I didn't know we would be going shopping." I called Jenny on her cell. She was already home I asked if she had any thing for Pam to wear. She asked her size and said no problem. Jenny came over with a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and shoes for Pam to wear. I asked

"Are you two the same size?"

"No but Ginger and her are. I just brought something of hers." I asked Jenny for the number to the law offices and called Bill

"Honey, I have tomorrow off and Friday as well. They want me to start taking my vacation days. Can I go to Atlanta and bring Pam with me for some cloths shopping?"

"I guess so but don't spend to much of Pam's money. We don't know how much she has."

"Would it be ok if I paid for most of her things. I want her to look good for you and the firm."

"I don't see anything wrong with that."

"Ok love I see you later tonight oh we might be late can you eat with Jim Jenny will be with us."

"No problem I see you later tonight." I hung up and turned to Jenny she didn't look too happy.

"What's this you're going to Atlanta and you weren't going to tell me?"

"Oh I was going to ask you to come. I just wanted to make sure I could get Pam off first. You know I'd never go shopping with out asking you." I said extremely coyly

"Don't turn that little girl shit on me I don't buy it. Bill may but I don't" I took her in my arms and nuzzled her neck and said

"You believe me don't you lover. I'd never go shopping with out asking you to come."

"Sheri I love you, but you are shameless. What time are we leaving?" I kissed her neck and said

"I though we could leave at nine and hit the stores when they open." Then she asked

"Then why are we going tonight?"

"Because I'm in the mood to go shopping and tomorrow is to long of a wait."

"Good enough reason for me. Where's Pam?" as if on queue Pam walked in

"I can't wear this the shirt's too short and the shorts are too tight." She looked pretty good to me her midriff was exposed the shorts where tight except for the panty lines they looked great. Jenny told her

"You shouldn't be wearing those kind of panties with them and the bra has to go."

"I can't go with out underwear." Pam stated

"Yes you can and you will. Go take them off and put your hair in a pony tail." I told her

"Sheri I" The look I gave her stopped her short "Yes Mistress." Pam went back up stairs.

"Well you seem to have her in hand. Maybe you should be come a professional Dominatrix.

"I don't think so. I rather be a VP I can tell more people what to do."

"Have you told Bill yet?"

"No except for the people at work your the only one that knows so don't say anything." She said she wouldn't then Pam came back down looking even prettier then she did earlier. With her hair in a ponytail she looked younger. "Wow you look hot. Doesn't she Jen."

"I'll say, were going to have to beat the guy's off with a stick."

"I feel naked without underwear on." Pam said

"You'll get use to it. Come grab your purses and let's get going. Where do you want to go first?"

"The Mall. Victoria's Secret. Then to some of the other stores in the mall and tomorrow we'll go to Atlanta." This last part I told to Pam

"I have to go to work tomorrow." Pam said

"Not any more you don't Bill gave you the day off to go shopping with Jenny and me so just enjoy it."

"I'm not that good at shopping. It's never been that good of an experience for me, the sales girls intimidate Me." she informed us as if we didn't know it.

"Don't worry Jenny and I do the intimidating so you just have fun."

"Is Patty here?" I asked once we arrived at Victoria's Secret. Patty came over and said

"I remember you. Ready to buy some eye candy?"

"I sure am but it's for my friend here. We need lot's of panties and bra and camisoles, garters stocking nighties and what ever else you can show her." Pam held a basket while we loaded her up. Once we got every thing we where looking for I gave Pam a thong and bra set pulled the price tags off and told her to go put them on. She ran into the changing room. I paid for everything with my charge card. When Pam came out I asked, "Feel better now."

"Yes thank you. My bottom still feels naked but my breast don't swing as much." Patty sacked up everything and we said goodbye. I knew she was happy with the commission on a five hundred dollar sale. We stopped and bought a few dresses at one of the better clothing stores. Nothing to extravagant put definitely high-end stuff. Pam said at this point

"I can't afforded this much on cloths yet."

"Pamie I told you yesterday that I'll pay for what I want you to wear any thing you want to get you pay for. I want you to look good at work. Appearance is every thing. Isn't that right Jenny?"

"Definitely cloths are the first impression a client gets. Some times the only impression."

Then we bought some shorts and tees and sweaters and shoes. After we hit all the good stores and some of the not so good ones. I said

"Well I think that's about it for this evening. Let's get some thing to eat and go home." Pam said

"Sounds good to me my feet are killing me."

We stopped at a restaurant for dinner then I dropped Jenny off then went home. Bill helped us carry everything in. After he helped Pam carry everything up stairs he asked me

"Are you sure you need to go to Atlanta tomorrow."

"I'd like too is there a problem?"

"Well Pam is worried you're spending to much on her."

"Bill I'm really in a good mood. I feel like spending some money. I have more cloths than I need and she could use a better wardrobe. Please have her come down here." Bill called Pam down once she was there I said

"Pam I'm really in a good mood and I'd like to tell you both why. You are looking at the new Vice President of Information Systems and Systems Procurement" Bill looked at me stunned then said

"That's great honey. This calls of some champagne." Bill gave me a hug and said. "Wow VP at thirty that's a hell of accomplishment. I'm so proud of you. I always said your the best this just proves it." Bill went to get the champagne. I turned to Pam

"Pam honey come here and sit next to me." Pam did as she was asked I took her hands in mine and said "Pam when I get in this kind of a mood I need to do something and shopping seems to be the thing for me to do. I can't shop for my self because I already own more cloths then some small countries. And you looked so good yesterday and the this morning you looked so different I just want you to look good all the time."

"What happens next Sunday and you decide you don't want me anymore."

"If that happens which I doubt or if you decide you don't want to be here anymore then you can go I'm not going to ask you to pay me back."

"Its not that. Actually I just not use to someone being nice to me for no reason"

"Pamie there is a reason you your a really nice person and I want to make you a pretty person too."

"If you're sure and that it's ok with Bill."

"Ask Bill yourself if it's ok. I did before we went to the stores tonight." Bill came in with champagne and handing us each a glass he said

"To the best wife and mistress anyone could hope for." I got up and said

"Thank you love of my life. I'm going to leave the room for a minute and Pam's going to ask you a few questions. I want you to answer them truthfully and not to worry what I have said to her." I left to go to the bathroom. When I came back Pam said

"Bill said that he knows your only doing this for fun and I should just enjoy it. He also say's I should think of it as a severance package from him and you for going from one job to another. I just don't want you going broke doing it." I took her in my arms and said

"Honey there's not a chance in that. I'd have to build a new house to fit that many cloths in it" Then I said. "If all this serious talk is done with. I would like to start some serious sex games." Looking at Pam I said "how about I start teaching you how to deep throat a cock. I have a nice strap on that I taught Bill to deep throat on."

"If that's what my mistress wants to do who am I to say no." Then she asked, "Can you really deep throat Bill's cock?"

"Sweetie I would never ask you to do something I couldn't or wouldn't do myself. Would you like to see me do it?" she nodded her head sweetly. "Do you want to hear me ask a really stupid question?" She looked at me confused. "Bill can I demonstrate my talents on you."

"It would be my honor to assist you in this demonstration" He said a little too readily.

"See what I mean stupid question. Any man whether straight bi or gay loves getting a blow job."

I had Bill stand up. I unbuckled his belt and unsnapped his pants and let them fall to the floor. I pulled down his pink satin panties as I knelt in front of him. I had Pamie knee beside me. His cock hung softly with no signs of getting hard. I hope he was demonstrating his ability to control his erection. So I said to Pam

"Since Bill can't get a hard on we'll have to go out and find someone who can." Then Bill's cock started to swell. "Oh never mind Bill's got the idea now. Now remember you want to get it as wet as you can. I mean you have to use a lot of saliva."

I took Bill's cock into my mouth and started getting it wet which was easy for me because my mouth naturally produces saliva when I'm sucking his cock. I worked down on his cock till it hit my throat. Then I ran my tongue around it, which is not real easy do to his size. I looked up at him and looked into his eyes and ran my mouth up and down his length then pulled it from my mouth. "See how wet it is, Pam. It's almost ready to enter my throat. And remember to make eye contact with him, guys just love that. But don't try and do it all the time it's too hard."

I put Bill's cock back in my mouth and slid my mouth down his cock. I relaxed my gag reflex and let it pass into my throat. Just the head passed though. I could hear Bill groan with pleasure as it did. As I started working my mouth up and down Bill's cock I felt Pam move closer to me. I felt her breast touch my arm and her hand on my bottom. I love when someone's hand rubs my bottom and the way Pam was doing it was really nice she wasn't groping it. She was just running her hand over it and her finger was tracing the crack up and down it really was very pleasant.

I kept working more and more cock into my mouth till my lips bottomed out on his shaft. I heard a small gasp from Pam and a groan from Bill. I look up at Bill and I could see he was really enjoying the pleasure of my mouth. His eyes were closed and he had a smile of pure joy on his lips. I took his balls in my hand and gave them a squeeze. Not to hard, just enough to get his attention. As my lips continued to milk his cock I felt his balls pull up and his cock swelled I knew he was close. He looked down at me and his eyes pleaded with me to let him cum. I shook my head no and pulled his balls down away from his body. Bill groaned and his legs shook as he tried to hold off cumming.

We both knew he would but I wanted him to do it with out permission. I ran my mouth all the way down his cock and swallowed once. I heard him groan loudly and then I swallowed again. Bill legs shook violently and as his cock expanded once more. I swallowed a third time. If he didn't cum this time I would have to back off.

The third time was the clincher as Bill's knees buckled and he swore. His cock jumped in my mouth as it fired his load into my throat. I pulled back just keeping the head in my mouth as my hand pumped his load into my mouth. He kept firing squirt after squirt of hot delicious cum into my mouth. I swallowed each time he fired another load into me. My tongue savored each load of thick salty-sweet cum before it was swallowed down my throat.

As his cock slowed it's firing I squeezed his balls and suck his cock head hard to try and get every last drop of cum from him. My obsessive need to tasted Bill's cum was too much for him. His legs refused to hold his weight any longer as he fell to his knees pulling his cock from my mouth with a loud pop. He knelt in front of me gasping for breath his shirt was soaked with sweat as his cock shrunk to a flaccid state. Tuning to Pam I said.

"That's how you suck cock." That's when I saw what she was doing. Her shorts were undone and she had a hand down her panties and was fingering herself. Bill's transgression of cumming with out permission, I could over look. After all he really didn't have a choice. But Pam masturbating herself, I took as a lack of respect to me. I said to her in the sternest voice I could muster. "Didn't I say tell you not to touch yourself with out my permission."

"Yes Mistress. But I couldn't help my self it was the sexiest thing I ever saw." She said as she pulled her hand from her panties.

"Well you two are going to have to be punished. Bill for cumming when I told him not to and you Pam for playing with you self with out permission." Bill looked at me as I said this he knew I was right but you could see he thought I was being too harsh. But I could also see a gleam in his eye. He wanted to be punished. "I want the both of you in my bedroom dressed only in your underwear." They both jumped up and holding their cloths together and scurried up stairs.

I was in a randy mood tonight I was feeling very dominate. I don't know if it was because of the promotion or I was really horny. But all day I wanted to tell people what to do. Gabbing a bottle of wine from the cooler and three clean glasses. I when upstairs to punish my slaves.

I walked into the bedroom and found both my slaves standing next to the bed. Pam was physically shaking not sure what I was going to do and Bill had his eyes down to the floor. I put the wine and glasses on my dresser. Opening the top draw I removed the penis gage wrist cuffs and the riding crop placing them on the dresser I started lighting candles.

"Bill I believe I still owe you three lashes with crop for dropping the ball when you where learning to walk in heels. Am I correct."

"Yes Mistress." He said

"Kneel both of you." They both dropped to their knees. Pam looked like she was going to cry at any moment. I walked over to them with the penis gag. I pulled Pam's chin up so she could look at me before I said "Pam I don't like hurting you or Bill for that matter but I did tell you not to touch yourself down there. Didn't I?" She nodded her head. "I'll go easy on you this time only three lashes with the crop. But it better not happen again. I give you enough sexual satisfaction that you shouldn't need to masturbate with out permission."

Turning to Bill I said, "Go get a ice bucket half filled with ice." Bill left to do as he was told I took the gag and told Pam to open her mouth. After getting it in her mouth and securing it behind her head I told her to stand. Moving her to the end of the bed I secured her wrists to the footboard and said

"The gag is so the neighbors don't hear you scream and the restraints are so you don't get your hands in the way." As I took the crop from the dresser Bill came back. I told him to fill the bucket with some water and to get a clean washcloth. I had him immerse the cloth in the water then I walked over to Pam, tears were already running down her face. After looking at her I didn't want to do it but I knew I had to.

Raising my arm about half way back I let the first lash fly. The first lash landed on her right cheek with a load crack. It sounded worse then it really was. Pam screamed into her gage. The second one landed on the left cheek. Again Pam howled. I was sure I was hurting her. I was just hoping that it wasn't that bad. The third one landed so that the stem hit both cheeks at the same time. Causing a long welt to form across both cheeks. That one must of stung more than the other two it just about dropped her to her knees. Tears where flowing freely from her now. I turn to Bill and signaled that he should apply the cloth to her bottom. I dropped the crop on the bed and removed the wrist cuffs and then the gag. Taking her into my arms I said.

"There, there it's all over now." she collapsed on to me as she cried. My hand moved down to her pussy. I was checking to see if she was excited the way that Bill had gotten. Her pussy was soaking wet with her juices. When my finger touched her clit she came moaning in my ear. Her body shook as she drenched my hand with her cum. Once her orgasm had subsided Pam fell to her knees and said

"Thank you Mistress for punishing me and bringing me to orgasm." I couldn't believe that she was thanking me for punishing her. The only thing I could think to say was

"Thank me by not making me do it again. I really don't like doing this. I don't want to cause you pain." Then I told her "Go fill the tub and put bubble bath in the water. It's time for Bill to receive his punishment."

Bill already had the wrist cuffs on and was holding the gag. I told him to kneel and I put the gag in his mouth. I knew he like to be whipped, the last time he came while I was whipping him. I was pretty sure he wasn't going to this time mostly because he had just came less than an hour ago and that one was pretty strong. And this time his cock wasn't going to be rubbing against the ottoman. Securing his wrist to the footboard I said "I don't think you'll be cumming this time. Now how many do you deserve?" I knew he couldn't answer me I just wanted to scare him a little. "Five? Ten? Fifteen?" His eyes got really big when I said fifteen I was really enjoying teasing him this way. I could see he was getting a little nervous now. That was more like it. "I'll tell you what I'll whip you till I get tired. Ok?"