Lifes Changes Ch. 10


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"So what did Kandy think about the party. Did you get her a party dress to wear?"

"After I left work yesterday I stopped and got one, plus a few more to wear around the house. When I got home She was already dressed and making dinner. She didn't have any make-up on or her nails done. When I showed her the dresses I bought her she got all excited and when to try them on. I put on her make-up and did her hair. She was so excited she had to change her panties twice so as not to get the dresses stained. When she put on the party dress I said that she was going to wear that to the party. She got all up set saying she couldn't go. I'm sure you know the arguments she gave. Well after I told her she wouldn't be the only she male there she was all for the idea."

"When Kim came over with the champagne. She asked Kandy to stay and join us. Which was a first she never asked Kenny to stay and Kenny always felt out of place when she was there. But this time she asked him to stay and we had a great time."

"I know you said that Kenny didn't want you with other men and you didn't want him with other women. Are you both still against that?"

"We never discused it since that first night why?

"I was just thinking that you might like to have a go with Bill and I might have a go with Kandy. I just want to know what's off limits and what's not. Don't get me wrong I love Bill with all my heart but some times I like to try someone else."

"Well I don't know I'd like to try some one else too but if Kandy says she doesn't want me too I'll have to do as she says. Even though I'm his Mistress now I can't go against his wishes."

"I understand if Bill didn't want me to be with some one I wouldn't do it either. I just want to make sure we all know the ground rules before they get broken and some one gets their feelings hurt."

"I'll see what he says." Then to change the subject she asked "So what do you think of Kim doesn't she have sexy eyes?"

"Their quite unique. And She's quite pretty and that smile of hers is very alluring."

"Oh when she smiles at me I just want to melt. I'd do anything she asked me." Janie confessed. I was pretty sure she would do just about anything Kim wanted. I'm sure it was Kim that got her to cheat on her husband Janie never stood a chance. Looking at my watch I said

"Well it's time to get back to work." Janie left and I started doing some work that's been needed doing for some time. At three o'clock Ginger bussed me to let me know that Kim and Anton was waiting to see me. I wouldn't have minded making Kim wait for a while but I couldn't see making Anton wait too. I told her to send them in.

"Sheri I just wanted to thank you once more for the donation." Anton said

"Just put it to good use that will be thanks enough." I told him

"You can be sure of that. I have to go. I have a long drive back and I have to get that truck emptied before I'm done. I'll bid you lovely ladies ado." And then he was gone. I turned my attention to Kim

"Now what do we do with you?" I asked

"Mr. Davenport has a desk in my office all ready and Mr. Franks promised he'd have a computer and a phone in tomorrow morning. If you want I can get started cleaning up my office, or I could make a few phone calls. What ever you want me to do?" I could see she was leery of me since I haven't responded to her smiles yet.

"Go ahead and get you office set up. I have plenty of work up here to do. Once you get your phone in then you can start making calls." I told her

"Yes ma'am" She said and I swear she almost tried to curtsy before she left. I thought to myself that girl was physically draining.

I sat back at my desk and for the next two and a half hours I actually got some work done. At five forty five I walked out to Gingers office and handed her some papers I needed her to file and copy and said.

"Tomorrow will you copy these and file these others. I think were done for today, at least I am."

"Sheri I like to apologies again for earlier." I stopped her

"Don't worry about it she has a compelling personality. Just try and fight it. You can leave now if you'd like I have to wait for a ride. I'll be leaving shortly too." I told her

Twenty minutes later I was getting into Jenny's car. "Well Mayle what was your day like?"

"It was full very full you wouldn't believe who was there to see me today." she asked who. "Anton Phillips." I explained how the master came to be there.

"You sure lead a charmed life maybe there is something to this Nymph thing." Jenny said

"So what did Pam tell you? I see you called me by my Nymph name." I asked

"Just about everything but go ahead and tell me again to see if I understand you." I told her about the owl and what I knew about Kim and her green eyes." Jenny stopped me

"Did you say green eyes what kind of green eyes"? I told her about Kim's eyes "That must be Jack's daughter. Kimberly Swan she's a stone fox well at least she was. I haven't seen her in four or five years. She used to make my pussy drip just looking at her."

"Her father has the same color eyes doesn't he?" Jenny said he did. "And her mother died in child birth didn't she?"

"How did you know that? No body ever talks about that. From what I heard it almost killed him. The only thing that kept him going was his daughter. He's devoted to her. He gives her anything she wants and he can afford it. Jim's his tax lawyer he's got more money then Midas."

"Oh darn, I think I may have screwed up." I said I told jenny about inviting her to the party on Friday.

"Oh dam I guess we're not going. Wait you said she knows you where at Dominators. So she must go too, she might have seen me there a time or two."

"She might have but how do I asked with out telling her everything." I asked but I was getting to the point of not caring. All I could think about was bathing and eating.

As we passed my house I saw that the workers were still there and the drive way was littered with boxes. Once Jenny had stopped the car I got out and when straight inside taking my clothes off as I went. I slowly slipped into my Nymph persona the closer I got to their pool. Once I was naked and in the pool I was a nymph once more. Pam came out on to the patio and waved at me

"Come female mate come join me in the pond. Take off your cloths and bath with me." I told her. She stripped off her cloths and jumped in the pool

"Mayle it's good to see you."

"It's very good to see you one who named me first. Today is a wonderful day I'll dance and chant with my sisters in the circle of trees tonight, put first I must eat. Is there food for me to eat?"

"Yes I have much food for you. It will be done soon then you can eat." She said to me

"Where is my male mate will he be here to mate with me?"

"Yes He's in the house. I have to go now and get the food ready."

"Yes get the food ready I need nourishment." I told her as her got out of the pond. Bill came out as Pam went in they said something to each other. Then Bill took off his cloths and sat on the edge of the pool. I when over to him and said

"Come bath with me we must be clean. Before we eat then I can ride you wonderful meat to the circle." He said something to me I couldn't understand. Then he said

"Mayle can you understand me."

"Yes I understand you now. Now that said my name." He slipped into the water and held me. I saw tears in his eye's I asked "Why do you cry today will be a great day?"

"I'm losing you your not the one I married."

"Don't cry when my rite of renewal is over everything will be as it should. I'll be the same as I was only better." I had no idea why I said that.

"But you have never been like this before. This time everything is different."

"Tomorrow you'll see I be as I should be. Is it time to eat yet I need nourishment? So I can smile on you and you forget these unhappy thoughts." Pam came out and said it was time to eat I said to Bill. "Come let us eat then I will quench my thrust on the females then you can send me on my journey."

We went in the house Jenny and Jim were there, also naked and we sat down to a fine feast. Once we were done I drank my fill from Jenny and Pam leaving them unconscious. Then I turned to Bill. I smiled my special smile and he became instantly hard. He plunged into me and before I felt the first thrust I was flying above the trees. Looking for the clearing where I would find my sisters dancing and singing.

But I couldn't find it; the clearing was not where it should be. I felt a compelling force to descend to where I met with the owl yesterday. When I was on the ground in front of the tree that held the owl he said

"Well little nymph what are you doing back here so soon? Shouldn't you be in the clearing with your sisters."

"I know I tried to find the clearing but I couldn't. I was compelled to come back here. Did you compel me to be here?" I asked very confused

"No little one. I hold no power to compel you."

"If you didn't then who did?" I asked

"I compelled you to be here." I heard behind me.

I turned around. Before me was a tiny Nymph no taller then four and a half feet. Her hair was dark red almost black. She had little nubs for breasts, her ears came to a sharp point her eyes where almond shaped and hazel in color. She was completely nude as all nymphs are in the renewal. She looked very familiar. But I'm sure I never seen her before. Behind me I heard the owl take flight. I turn to watch him fly away as she said

"Leave him be. He has served his purpose now let him do what all owls do at night. Hunt for food." I turned back to the other nymph and asked

"Do I know you?"

"No my daughter we have never met. But I've been watching you come to the renewal every year since your first. I had hoped that you would have been ready many years ago, but it took many years for you to get everyone in place. Now you are ready to assume your rightful place among the creatures of magic." When she paused I asked

"You call me daughter but you are not my mother. Who pray tell are you?

"I will explain everything to when you return to me. Your male mate will soon succumb to the pleasure of your body and inject his seed. When your spirit returns to your body you must tell your female mate that your next journey will be your last for tonight. Then you will come here and I will explain everything you need to know. Tell her not to try and wake you before you awaken on your own. If they do then act of progression will not be completed and your spirit will be stuck here with mine till another nymph strong in the power comes." I felt Bill expanded in me and I said

"I must leave but I will be back."

"Yes come back but tell your Female mate not to wake you." She said sounding desperate

"I will if she understands me."

"She will I have made it so." I was going to ask her how but the next instant I was lying with my face on the mat panting for breath. When I recovered I turn to look at Bill and he was still enthrall with the pleasures he took from me. I looked for Pam she was sitting up still recovering from the pleasure I had given her. I went to her and knelt down next to her and asked

"Can you understand me?" Pam cleared her head with a shake and said

"Yes Mayle very clearly."

"Good listen to me and stop me if you can't understand me. I will take one more journey this night. No matter what happens don't wake me. I will wake on my own when I am ready. Do you understand?"

"Yes my Mistress I understand not to wake you, let you wake on your own no matter how long that takes." I was reasonable sure she would do as I ask. I went to Bill he was still enthralled. I whispered in his ear.

"Do as Pam says. She knows my mind." Then I turned to Jim and asked "Are you ready for me to smile on you so you can take me on my last journey." Jim looked at me but didn't understand. He was the only one not to call me by my Fairy name. So I smiled at him extra sweetly as Pam had promised. Then I got back on my knees so he could mount me. When he pierced me with his manhood I was once more standing before the Nymph in the trees.

"You have returned swiftly my daughter. That is good. Now I will answer your questions before we begin the Act of Progression."

"Why do you call me daughter. No other nymph has called me daughter in the renewal. Why do you?

"Come let us sit and I'll explain everything to you." We sat on a patch of spongy moss that felt cool and damp on my bottom. "I call you my daughter because that is what you are. As was your mother and her mother all the way back to my Jazelle, who was my daughter. You are my descendent. You are the rightful heir to my throne. And you will be the Queen of the Fairies when you awake to the world of the human."

"I don't understand how can I be that. Are you Queen Desrei? The queen of the nymphs that Mechi loved so much." I asked. The other nymph laughed

"Mechi never loved me. He loved himself more then anything else. Mechi loved power. He wanted to rule all of the Fairies, but he knew that he could not do that because only a nymph can rule the Fairies."

"So he decided that if I was his consort he could rule in my stead. I refused him, because I knew he had a cold cruel heart. I didn't know what his plan was when he said if I didn't agree to be his consort and let him rule. He would make it so that I would rule no Fairies.'

"When I finally realized what he had planed. I tried to stop him by stripping all the mage of their power. But Mechi had caste enough of the spell to render all Fairies forgetful. Mechi's plan was so that only the Mage would remember. Now only I remember what it was like before the forgetting. And soon my daughter so will you and all Fairies will remember what and who they are."

"How can you still be here if you are dead?" I asked

"When Mechi caste his spell, he knew that all nymphs would have to come to the renewal at least three nights out of the year. He couldn't stop that, even before the forgetting we had to do that. Some Fairy Folk spent many days and even weeks here. Only wakening to consume nourishment to sustain their bodies. What he added was that nymphs would be compelled to ride the male meat to get here. It was a form a humiliation so that you were dependent on the males to get here and you were forced to receive mass quantities of male seed to get here."

" How it ached my heart to see my nymphs subject themselves to the humiliation of being force to seek out the quantities of males to make the journey possible. As you, yourself had to do. But that will all end when you awaken. Then all Fairy folk will be able to come here just by closing their eyes and wishing themselves here."

"When I realized what had happen and there was no way of fighting it I knew that I had to get my spirit here so I could pass on my knowledge to the one who would finally break the spell. So when I knew the fever would come for me I went to a place that I would have no male contact. When the fever took my mind to force it into the renewal my body die and my spirit was trapped here."

"You said all Fairy Folk would be able to come here. Do you mean the mage and the green-eyed females too?" I asked

"Yes them too, as well as the black giants the elves, troll the leprechauns and even the compelled ones. All will be able to come here."

"Who are the compelled ones?" I asked

"The compelled ones are the humans that serve us. They come to the nymph and stay with us to serve and protect us. You have several. They are compelled by desire but are free to leave whenever they wish, most don't. They serve a vital function. They are like an anchor for us. They keep us from getting too wild. Your male mate has done this many times. He is worried that you will be lost to him. When you awaken and say the chant of progression then he will know that he has not lost you."

"What of the powers that these Fairies should have?"

"All the powers are subject to you. You can remove or grant power to any you see fit, Fairy and human alike. Use this power wisely. The power of the Mage can never be returned. When I stripped them of it I made it permanent due to their arrogance."

"What about the green eyed females why can't they have sex with males?"

"That was so they didn't have off spring, the off spring would be demon in nature."

"Can't I remove their uterus and allow them the pleasure of penetration." I asked

"We didn't know about such things in the time before the forgetting. When you are Queen the you can make the change."

"Now we must start the Act of Progression. This is where my powers will be passed on to you. You will know every thing Fairy Folk do with their powers. Most you will ignore but you will know when they use their power for evil. Now kneel before me my daughter so we can begin." I can't tell you what happen for I do not know. One second she touched my head with her hands the next I was waking up in my bed.

When I awoke I realized I was in my own bed in my own room. I was startled at first; trees in a dark forest surrounded me, then the next moment I was in my room on my soft bed. I looked around the sun was coming into the windows and Pam my sweet Pam was asleep in the chair next to the bed.

As I stretched, I felt my joints protest in pain. I must have slept in one position all night. My movements had awaken Pam. She looked to me with relief on her face. She said

"Oh good you finally awake. I had the devil of a time keeping Bill from taking you to the hospital. He's been very worried. Seeing you haven't move since we laid you down on that bed. He even put a mirror to you nose to see if you were still breathing."

"What time is it?" I asked not sure what Bill was so worried about

"It's three in the afternoon." She told me

"Well I can see why he's up set I never sleep this late." I said as I sat up. My back made me acutely aware that I hadn't moved for a while.

"Mistress it's three in the afternoon on Friday. You sleep for over forty hours."

"My God no wonder he's upset. How did you ever keep him from trying to wake me?" I asked

"Well it wasn't easy he made me promise that I'd allow him to take you to a hospital if you didn't wake up by six. We had quite a few arguments but once I said it was what you wanted he back down."

"I'm glad you won. Where is he now?"

"Down stairs getting some thing to eat. He hasn't left this chair since noon yesterday." She told me.

"I'll have to do something nice for him. Is every thing set for the party?"

"Just about, Bill wanted to cancel but I talked him into waiting till five before we canceled. If you want we can still cancel?"

"No I want it to go on as scheduled I have some things to settle. Now let me get a shower." I told her I knew I had to make the announcement soon but I wanted to be clean. Before I let my Fairy Folk know there was a new Queen on the throne.

Once I was showered and dressed. I put on some light make-up. Not that I need any for who ever saw me would see me a beautiful if I chose, but that was not what my powers were for. I stood in front of my full length mirror closed my eyes and said

"My name is Mayle I am the true and rightful heir to the throne of Queen Desrei. Pay homage to me Beings of the Fairy Folk." In my mind's eye I saw thousands and thousands of Fairy Folk kneel before me and pledge their allegiance to me. Then all of the Fairy Folk knew what they were and what powers they had. Then I said, "Use your powers wisely or suffer my wrath." That was something I had to say. I don't want to sound like I was getting a big head. When I open my eyes and turned. I saw Bill and Pam kneeling before me.

"No you two don't have to kneel to me. That was just for my people." I said embarrassed

"We are your people. We are the compelled. We are here to serve." Bill said
