Life's Changes Ch. 11


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"I know what you mean. I feel so relaxed ever since we pulled in the gate."

When we pulled up to the main house we were greeted by Gavin and female elf, as well as a big burly gentleman. I could see through his spell that he was a troll. Gavin made the introductions.

"My Queen this is Lena the interior decorator and also my wife. And this fine Gentleman is Teven. He will be handling any of the construction you may need."

"Thank you Gavin. Jenny would you and Ginny like to go with Teven and tell him what you would like done in the Gate house." Ginny then said

"I know this is a little forward." I stopped her and said.

"Before anything is decided about the kitchen or the dinning room I'll be sure you are there." Ginny smiled and said her thanks and went off on a golf cart with Jenny and Teven. Then Lena asked

"Where would my Queen like to start?"

"I think we'll start in the master bedroom then we'll finish off the top floor and then move to the main floor. I told her. As we were walking up the stairs I asked Gavin. "Gavin are the cars drivable right now or do they need servicing."

"Oh no my Queen the car are always keep ready, for when the owner came to claim her estate. Last Friday after the Awakening we had a service team come and check each car and they are ready to drive today if you would like. Was my Queen thinking of taking them home with her?"

"I was thinking of taking the Porsche. Glenda would you like to take the Viper I noticed how you were eyeing it."

"I'd love to, if it's all right." Glenda said

"Of cause it's alright. They are yours to use. While we're talking on the subject I see there are more in your court then you have vehicles for. We could get as many as you would like. And if there were any special one's you would like. I see to it they are delivered." Gavin said

"We could use a few more. Why don't you talk to my first Mate about that? While I talk to Lena." I told him

"Very good my Queen. Also I'll need to know what you require in the way of staff and servants." Gavin asked

"Also speak to my First Mate. And while you at it, please speak to Jeff about what network system there is if any."

"Very good my Queen. I'll leave you in Lena's capable hands." He said as he bowed and walked away taking Bill and Jeff with him.

"Now Lena let us begin." I told her

"Very good my Queen. With the home are you planning on a certain schema that we should be concentrating on?" She asked

"Yes comfort. I want to be comfortable. This is not going to be a museum." I told her by this time we had made it to the master bedroom. "In here I want the biggest bed you can find. I'm talking very big."

We went from room to room going over every detail. Lena was a font of knowledge on what was available. Mary wasn't bad herself as she suggested different materials to use. I had each of my sub's pick a bedroom that they could call their own. And they decorated it the way it pleased them. I knew it would give them a sense of belonging and I didn't have to make all the decisions. By the time we got down to the main floor Jenny and Ginny were back. When we finished with the most of the main floor. We moved in to the kitchen Gavin had food brought in and Pam and Jim discussed with Lena what they wanted in the kitchen. Some of the decisions were quite heated between them till Lena stepped in and suggested a compromise.

We left the lower floor almost in tacked, with the exceptions of adding a few sofas in the playroom. Kim, who I not sure how or why she came along and why she decorated a bedroom, made a suggestion or two in the exercise room.

Lena then went to the gatehouse with Jenny and Ginny to go over what they wanted. I asked Jeff what he thought of the possibility of a network.

"They have one already in place and it's adequate." If I know Jeff it was state of the art. Jeff was never satisfied with any system. There was always one better."

Once we were done with all the decisions I asked Lena how long before it would be done. "I have to check on the bed that you requested. But as for everything else I sure I can be done in two weeks from yesterday." She told me. I was stunned.

"There is no way you can be done in two weeks. Just getting the material alone will take longer then that." I told her

"My Queen all thing are possible with enough money manpower and magic. And my Queen you will be in the home in two weeks."

"One more thing my Queen. Have you given any thought to landscaping?" Gavin asked

"Yes, I'll contact the gnomes." I told him he obviously didn't care for my choice.

"My Queen you do realize that the gnomes are a rather rough bunch?"

"Rough is putting it mildly. I think that's why I like them and they are the best at what they do."

"They are, if you can put up with the smell and their body noises. But you are correct they are the best. At least they only work at night. Gavin said in disgust

I knew why Gavin and all elves for that matter didn't care for the gnomes. It had to do with the fact that people as a whole mistook elves for gnomes and visa-versa. Every one assumed elves are short which they are not. They were usually taller then I am, not by much. Then there are the dwarfs and then the gnomes and the smallest are the sprites.

"Well Gavin I think its time to leave. Please let me know if there's any problem." I told him. He said he would but doubted there will be.

When we went outside we found all four of the cars from the carriage house in the driveway. Gavin said, "If you wish to leave your cars here I'll take care of them." Jenny threw her keys to Gavin and jumped in the Lamborghini Ginny took the Mercedes Bill the Viper and I took the beautiful Porsche. I had Mary ride with me and Bill took Pam. Kim went with Jenny and Jeff rode with Ginny. As I drove I talk to Mary about staying with us. She was all for the idea

"You do know that someday you will have to have sex with Bill." I told her

"Pam says that Bill is a very gentile lover. And he will try not to hurt me. She also says that I will have to learn to give good blowjobs. And that you will teach me how to be one of the best." Then Mary hung her head down and said, "She said that I'll have to have anal sex too. But she says you'll teach me to like it and before I know it I'll be begging you to do it to me."

"Is that what you want to do. To learn to like sex the way Pam does and I do. I'll never make you do anything I wouldn't do. I want you to try everything, but if there is something you don't want to do after you tried it then you don't have to do it again." I told her

"Yes I want to try it I want to be yours." Then she sniffed back a tear and said, "I don't want to be alone. Even with Deb I always felt alone. Today when we drove on to the estate I felt so safe. I haven't felt that way since I left my parents home." I knew how she felt I felt the same way except when I am in Bill's arms.

"If you really want to be my submissive then you can be. If you ever want to leave don't feel like you have to stay. You're always free to leave. And if you ever don't want to do something you don't have to. Now tonight I want you to go to your house and get what ever you're going to need. Make sure you bring as much cloths as you can. Then in a month or so you can decide what to do about the house." By this time we had pulled in my driveway. I realized that I was going to get in trouble for having to many cars at my home.

Jenny and Jim went straight home after dropping off Kim and Jeff. I still wasn't sure what Kim was still doing there. Once we were inside I told Jeff that he could go to Mary's house and get his things and go home. I asked Bill to take Mary home so she could get her stuff and I asked Pam to go with them. But first I called Jenny and asked her if Pam could park her car in their garage. Which Pam did on her way to Mary's house? When I was alone in the house with the exception of Kim I turned to her and said.

"I don't want to seem rude but why are you still here?" Kim looked a little confused and said

"I don't know I keep meaning to leave, but I never seem to go. This morning when I came down for my cloths. I was going to go then, but I wound up staying to help with Debbie. Then when you all were leavening to go to the estate I was going to go home then. Before I knew it I was in your car driving to the estate with you. When we got back here I was just going to say my good byes and leave without coming in the house and before I knew it you were asking me why I was still here. This is really weird."

"I think you can go home now. I'll see you at work in the morning." I told her

"Ok I see you then." She told me then she went and checked all the doors and the windows to make sure they were locked then she kissed me good night and walked out of the door. It was the strangest things.

Once she was gone I went up and took a long bath. When I went to shave my legs I saw I didn't need to. Nowhere on my body I need to shave which was odd seeing I haven't shaved in over a week it was fine with me, I hated shaving anyway. After my bath and a quick shower I put on my nightgown and crawled into bed. I was exhausted but I wanted to wait for Bill to come home. About and hour later he came into the bedroom and said

"Well we have a car load but there's still more there. Apparently Deb didn't take anything except what belonged to her. Do you know why Kim is sitting out in her car?"

"What" I asked as I jumped up and looked out the window. Sure enough Kim' car was still in the driveway. "What is she doing down there."

"Sleeping from what I saw. The whole time we unloaded your car she never moved." Bill told me while I put on a robe. I went down the stairs with Bill right behind me.

I walked out to Kim's car and looked inside. Bill was right she was fast asleep sitting up as if she was wide-awake. I tapped on the window and Kim jumped looked around then opened her window.

"Kim what are you doing?" I asked

"What am I doing here? I was just home getting ready for bed." She really looked confused

"Honey you never left the drive way." I figured she was tired and fell asleep and dreamed she was home. "You better come in and sleep here tonight." I told her

I took her up to the spare bedroom and put her to bed. She can drive home in the morning and get changed for work. Once she was in bed I went to my bedroom Bill just came out of the shower and I said. "Now we could make love and then get some sleep."

"Sound like a plan to me." Bill said as he scooped me up and placed me on the bed.

The next thing I knew I was standing in the Renewal. Before me was Desrei and I asked, "Why did you call me." Desrei laughed and said

"I can't call you here. You came on your own accord."

"But I didn't wish to be here. I wish to be back in my bed making love with my husband."

"Tell me, did you caste any spells today?" She asked

"Yes a banishment."

"That's why your here. You have to come here after a banishment to release it. Or you'll be haunted by it for the rest of your life." she told me Then I asked

"While your here. I have a question that you may be able to answer. I have a friend and a lover who happens to be a mage-nymph child. She can't seem to leave me. Do you know why"?

"She can't leave you right now, she's bonded to you, she's your protection. She must stay near you. You have chosen her by taking her as a lover. Now she is bonded to you."

"I don't remember any of this. Why isn't it in my memories." I asked

"I'm sorry my dear all the Queens knew this, so none had to be told. That's why you can resist her smile. Only a Queen can resist the smile of a Mage-nymph child." She told me

"So there's nothing I can do. How close does she have to stay?"

About four thousand paces or so, further than that she won't be able to leave. If you tell her to go then she'll go as far as she can then she'll go to sleep and dream she went there. And no there's nothing you can do about it short of killing her. In a month or so you will be able to be apart from each other with out too much heartache on her part. Banishment will not work on her. If I were you I wouldn't use that too much. It can hurt you and you don't even know it."

I knew that, one Queen used it so much that she died when she was barely in her forties. Queens normally live into there hundreds. But they relinquish their throne in their sixties.

"I don't know how my husband going to take this one."

"A Queens mate must learn to be flexible. The rewards are worth it. Just make sure he comes first in your heart."

"He always does. If you don't mind I'm going back now I need some sleep and the Renewal isn't the place to do it." Desrei faded away and I wished myself home. I awoke to a darken bedroom, I looked at the clock and it was just after one. I felt Bill's arms holding me. I snuggled a little deeper into his arms and drifted off to sleep. This time it was a real sleep.

I felt a kissing on my ear, and then I felt Bill getting up. I moaned "No forget running this morning stay in bed with me." I told him

Bill took me in his arms and asked, "What happen to you last night. I thought you wanted us to make love. And then you passed out." I told him why then I told him about Kim and why she couldn't leave.

I knew he didn't like it, not because he didn't like Kim. It was because he felt every person that came into our home meant one more he had to share me with.

"I'm sorry, I'll send them all away except Kim and only because I can't unless I have her killed and I won't do that." I said as I started to cry. Bill held me in his arms and said

"It's ok, just tell me I'll always come first. That 's all I ask."

"You always will. In fact I'll not have any sex with anyone else. There will be only you and I. I'll treat the rest like servants." I told him and I meant it if he wanted me too.

"Let's not go over board on this. I mean we can't deprive them of your loving just to satisfy me." I laughed he didn't want to give this up either.

"Ok if you ever feel I'm not giving you enough attention you tell me. And I'll be at your beckon call."

"Ok, well you better get up and get dressed. Your going to have to take Kim home so she can get dressed for work. No one here wears her size."

After getting showered and dressed I went down to find Kim sitting at the dinning room table. Pam handed me my coffee and I went and sat next to Kim. She was mumbling to herself.

"Kim I know why you can't leave here, well actually you can't leave me." I took a sip of my coffee and waited for her to respond. Then she looked at me and said

"I just don't get it. I leave here. Three times I left here and all three time I just winded up going around the block and there I am back at your door. Three times the same thing." I shook her and said

"Did you hear me I said I know why you can't leave me" Kim's eyes cleared and she asked why. I told her when it sunk in she said.

"Oh that's right now I remember. Wait that means I'll have to stay with you." She said with a note of annoyance in her voice.

"Is that so bad? It'll only be a month or so. Can't you live with me for that long?" I asked. I felt rejected I never had anyone not wanting to be with me before. Kim realized what she was saying and said

"Oh it's not that I really like being with you it's just, I was always a free spirit. I never had to answer to anyone before."

"Do you remember the other night you said that I could make you be a one women girl. I guess that was your bonding taking affect. Now you can see what it's like to be married to someone. At least for a month or so."

"That's the last thing I ever expected in my life. Well if it's to you then it can't be that bad. Now what do we do?"

"First I'll take you home so you can dress for work. Then we go to work and after we'll stop by your place so you can bring your cloths here." I told her as I stood. "But first I have to say good by to all my loved ones." I turned and kissed Mary and Pam good by then I said to Pam.

"You can use my car if you would like I'll take the Porsche. I doubt you all can fit in the Viper."

"I don't think Glenda's going to take the Viper today." Pam told me

"Why not, and why are you addressing him as Glenda?" I knew Pam always referred to Bill in the proper terminology in respect to weather it was Bill, Glenda or Mr. Macon.

"The secretaries all decided that Monday's would be Secretary's day. We don't schedule appointments on Monday so Jim and Bill can come to work dressed as women."

"Oh really and no one told me about this?" I asked

"I would have but you were not yourself last week." Pam told me. I knew she was right.

"I guess I'll just go up and see what the new secretary is going to wear on her first day at her new job. I hope you all are going to make her do real secretary work." I asked Pam

"Oh yes there's quite a bit of filing and typing to do. And of course they'll have to get the coffee. Oh and they'll have to get us lunch too."

"Does Bill and Jim make you all get those things for them?" I asked I didn't think Jim or Bill was that way.

"No of cause not, I don't think Bill ever thought of having me doing that for him. We just wanted to play with them a little. After today they'll never have to do that again."

"I hope Bill has more respect for you then to make you his servant." I said as I went to go upstairs.

Bill was putting on his heels as I walked into the bedroom. She was wearing the yellow business suit with the pleated skirt. The skirt came down to her knees. Her hair was brushed out and she had barrettes holding it back. Her make up was done in a daywear, which was quite pretty on her. I went to her and put my hand on her crotch and felt her cock and balls. Then said

"Well I see you haven't gone all the way. You look wonderful in that suit. Now remember when you bend over to file something you should always bend at the knee so no one can see up your skirt."

"I don't think I'll be filing. I'm really not sure how they talked us into this."

"It probably wasn't that difficult. I think your going to love doing this." I told him as I kissed him. Then I said. "Lets go out to dinner to night after work. You pick the restaurant I'll meet you there."

"You mean all of us?"

"If you want just you and I, Kim can wait out in the car or find a something else to do near by." I told him

"No that's ok why don't we all go to Jacqueline's and Jim and Jenny can come too. Then you and I can make love tonight. You can be the man and I can be the woman. This way, we can both try out our new parts." He told me with a smile on his lips

"That sounds wonderful. Are you going to make the reservations?" I asked

"I'll try they might not be able to seat eight on such short notice." I realized he was talking about Jeff too.

"I'll let Jeff know and why don't you bring Sharon too. Can you think of anyone else" Bill laughed but it was more like a giggle and said

"I think that's enough for now, but we're going to need more guys. Or a least more girls with dicks." I laughed then too

"Try to make the reservations and then let me know." I told him before kissing his lipstick mouth.

I left after that picking up Kim on my way out the door. We got to work twenty minutes early. As I got out of the Porsche that I parked in my normal spot I knew I was going to get ribbed about the car from my fellow employees. I really did love that car. It was fast and very maneuverable. Kim got off the elevator on the third floor where the gym was located. When I walked in to my office Ginger went to her knees and said

"Good morning my Queen." I knew she was one of my compelled ones but I wasn't going to have her kneel to me every time she saw me