Light Decisions


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Kai tried to stave off sleep for as long as possible, knowing as soon as he fell asleep he'd be alone, but soon he felt the warmth of sleep grip him and the warmth of Elle ebb away into golden motes of light.

Kai awoke suddenly, glancing towards the waning candles to see how much time had passed, an hour or so it seemed, and, contrary to their usual practice, Elle was not the first thing that came to his mind, instead, it was the hammering at his door.

With a groan he swung his legs out of his otherwise empty bed, pursing his lips as he stood, his hair an absolute mess as he lazily draped a robe about his body, using a sleeve to wipe a sticky spot on his stomach as he stepped towards the door.

He opened the door and looked up into the smug face of Matron Yu. And two prefects...

The council stood around Kai in a semi-circle, each one representing one of the eight schools of magic, each backlit by one of the eight colours. In the centre, illuminated by the eighth colour was the head mage, Master Peralt of the school of Control, he stood wearing a similar expression to the other Masters, one of disappointment, but not surprise.

"Kai, typically when students are pulled before us for discipline," he spoke in a low rattly tone, looking every part the wizened old man, his voice quiet and weak, but Kai knew better, there was steel in this man, "We typically don't see them again quite so soon. Though I must say, you didn't seem awfully convicted in following through on our prior agreement."

Kai parted his lips to speak but Peralt waved his hand dismissively and Kai knew better than to press on, he both feared and respected the man too much.

"Unlike last time, student Kai, this discipline is not open to discussion on your part. You took our warning and flagrantly ignored it, without a single consideration to what we told you. Would you say that is an accurate summary of why you are here? Or..." he picked up a piece of paper, studying it closely, "should I go into closer detail regarding Matron Yu's report?"

Kai started to speak but found his throat was dry. He cleared it with a little cough and spoke, tone level, "I would say that is an accurate summary of why I am here, Master Peralt."

The Master nodded and set the sheet down, saving him the shame of having it read out in front of all eight of the Masters.

"We have discussed what to do with you at some length while we were waiting, Kai. More length than we would typically go to for a student. You have become a notable troublemaker it seems in the last few months. Performing petty pranks and tricks with your considerable talents on students and faculty alike whenever they dare mention your, hm, special relationship. It is a gross misuse of your talents, student Kai." He explained, slowly, each word pronounced with care, pulled from the roots of his mind.

"Master Fain suggested your expulsion," Peralt explained and Kai felt a sharp dagger of fear in his stomach as he glanced across at the Master of Alchemy, Fain, "A victim of more than one of your little jokes, I'm told."

Fain had called Kai out on Elle in front of his class and had subsequently discovered a ravenous arcane imp in his desk drawer, his following girlish shriek rivalled even Kai's soft voice and the recollection of it was a fond memory.

"But I thought that was too extreme," Peralt continued, Kai trying to hide the relief on his expression, Fain clearly displaying his distaste.

"Instead I have decided to defer the punishment to your former Master, Layla. I have given her full power in this matter and whatever she should decide I fully support. So you best hope she does not also wish for your expulsion, student Kai." Peralt said a little warningly, then glanced around, "Any objection to his?"

There was a mutual shaking of heads, though Fain's seemed half-hearted and the meeting was drawn to a close, the council disbanding, leaving by the side door one by one, Fain gesturing quite energetically with his hands as he walked alongside Peralt, doubtless complaining, Kai thought.

One by one they left until Kai was left his former Master, Layla, of the school of Illusions who was stood at her spot, arms folded over her stomach as she eyed him.

Kai swallowed, blinking back, but Layla remained still, her expression stoic, at least until the other Masters had filed from the room, at which point she sighed, "Kai, Kai, Kai. What did I tell you?"

"Not to get caught again?" he said, testing a half smile at his lips.

"Not to get caught again!" She responded with a sigh, her rich Italian accent adding credence to her tone, as she stepped forward, beckoning to him, "Come on then, walk with me would you."

He fell into step beside her. She was taller, slender and graceful for her age. Her hair, while white, was still lush and thick on her head and she wore it in a tight little bob cut.

"So... What will my punishment be, Master Layla?" he asked, questioningly, looking up at her with his bright eyes.

She looked back, smirking slightly, "Mm, your fate in my hands? Perhaps I should expel you. If only to see your expression."

"Very funny," Kai said dryly.

She grinned, "I know."

They walked in silence for a little through the quiet, mostly sleeping halls of the college, it seemed to Kai she wasn't going anywhere in particular, just strolling.

After a long silence, she spoke, "It can't continue as it is now, you know that, don't you Kai? I've managed to protect you this once, but if there is another repeat, Fain will see your hide on his wall.", her tone more serious, her gaze settling on his for a moment.

He nodded once, knowing she was telling the truth, "But I love her, Layla. I know she's not real, but I do..."

Layla nodded slightly, sympathetic and understanding, "I know, Kai. Did you ever study any of Master Jamerson's works?"

Kai blinked and furrowed his brow a little, the shift in conversation drawing him to a pause, "I, er, yes, he was the Master Illusionist here maybe, seventy years ago?"

Layla nodded in affirmation, "Did you read about his personal life? Or just his work?"

"Just his work," Kai conceded.

"Mm, well, he was quite the loner I understand. He tried courting once or twice but he was never very good at it."

Kai remained quiet, not understanding what she was talking about but letting her continue all the same.

"He once, I understand, tried to woo a girl by creating an illusion in her room while she was sleeping, transforming her floor into a meadow of the most beautiful flowers he could think of."

Kai glanced up at her, "That sounds... Quite romantic?"

Layla smirked a little, "Mm, well the glass leaves of the Arcane Razor Tulip's are quite stunning, when she swung her legs out of bed that morning and put her feet down, however..."

Kai winced, "Ouch."

"He had a few romances, but they never went anywhere. Anyway, you're likely wondering where the point is."

"He created an illusionary girlfriend?" Kai chipped in helpfully, drawing an ireful look from Layla.

"I'm sorry, would you like to tell the story while I think of how best to expel you? I'm sure there's an antique catapult around the grounds somewhere," she looked at him for a response but wisely, he kept quiet. "Thought so. No, actually, he created a child. It took him years of research and study to create one as lifelike as you seem to have managed inside of a year, but he did it and yes, he loved the child with all his heart, he was the best father a child could ask for, even."

Kai bit his lip a little, he didn't like where the story was going, "At every free moment of time he had he would summon his illusionary child, play with them, teach them, read to them and the such. But it never felt completely real."

She put her hand against a door and, to Kai's surprise, he realised they had wandered to her own personal rooms. She opened it with her palm and stepped inside, beckoning for him to follow.

Tentatively he followed, because of his talents and interest in her school of magic, they had always had a closer relationship than most student's shared with their Master, but even so, he had never been inside her rooms. They were surprisingly plain, he thought.

She shut the door behind him and stepped through her room, "It plagued him for years. He viewed his child as living and alive, but at the same time knew his lineage was doomed, with his passing it would so too mean the end of his illusionary child. He began to feel guilty, knowing that his death would, in his mind, kill another."

"He knew his limits. And he feared having to teach his child about their linked mortality. So do you know what he did, Kai?"

Kai looked down, feeling a weight on his shoulders, knowing now what she was hinting at, "He never conjured her again."

Layla laughed lightly, a noise that caught Kai off guard, his expression darkening as she took his pain so lightly, but the warmth of her face made him pause, "Oh Kai, no. He was a Master. He expanded the limits of knowledge."

She stepped over to a bookcase and pulled out a small journal, blowing the dust from it and inspecting the spine, "Anyway... Your punishment, Student Kai, is to study this journal. That's all."

With a furrowed brow, Kai stepped cautiously forward and took it from her offering hand, he must have looked confused because her smile deepened, "What is this, Master Layla?"

"A personal account of matter and Illusions. Written by Master Jamerson." She explained and he looked at her, uncertain.

"And this will help me in some way?"

"I suspect so, my father was quite the clever man..." she said with a sly smile, her eyes twinkling.

Kai's eyes went wide as he looked down at the book, then up once again at Layla, feeling his heart leap in his chest, "You... You were the child? In the story?"

"Mmhm." She said, grinning, her arms at her hips.

"But... That means. I. Elle....Could I?"

"If anyone can, I suspect. And I'll want that journal back, when you've finished studying it, of course." She said casually, wagging a finger.

She blinked in surprise as he put his arms around her, hugging her close, his arms around her middle with the journal pressed to her back. A little awkwardly and pursing her lips she patted him lightly on the back, "Er."

"Thank you, thank you Master Layla." He said, his voice quavering a little as he broke the hug, stepping back and smiling broadly at her before turning and making from the room quick and excited.

Layla stood there, relaxing after the hug had passed and let out a soft sigh, a smile touching her lips as she watched him go, the door closing behind him.

After a pause she swept her hand casually over her room, vines and plants growing from every conceivable crack, the smell of lilacs filling the air as she kicked off her shoes, letting her feet press against the soft grass now growing under her feet. She may not have been able to create anything as complex as her father or Kai could, but she was a master for good reason.

Settling in for the night she smiled, thinking to herself about Kai. She knew it would take him months to unravel the mysteries of her father's workings, during which time at least he would likely remain focused and out of trouble.

She was laying in bed, watching the fireflies dance about her room under the stars when there came a distant thud, causing her to glance sideways, though she ignored it, someone else's problem, she reasoned. At least until she felt the wave of illusionary wash over her, shimmering her own creations, if only for a moment.

She pursed her lip and folded her hands behind her head, watching the little beads of light float around her home. Some student had probably triggered an artefact of some sort.

"I mean... It can't be." She told the fireflies, who buzzed uncertainty. At least until she heard the hurried knock at her door.

With a regretful sigh she waved a hand, dismissing the illusionary nature that dominated her room, returning it to its plain state as she rose, moving to crack open the door only to be greeted by the smug face of Master Fain.


Fain nodded, beckoning with his head.

She sighed in a low resigned tone, dragging a hand down her face, "Alright, I'll go wake Master Peralt."

"Mmhm, you better," Fain said, walking away to collect the others on the council.

It wasn't long before Kai found himself stood before the council. All of them looking tired, Master Peralt, Kai noted, was even wearing slippers.

"I recall saying something to the tune of, not seeing students at quite such tight intervals, I have to say, Student Kai, this is reflecting very poorly on you." Peralt said in his low tone, even more whispery than usual, "Master Fain, I understand the Matron came to you with the report, I have not had the opportunity to read it... If you would be so kind?"

Fain, always with a flair for the dramatics even when people were clearly not in the mood, rustled the piece of paper he held and cleared his throat, the other Masters keeping their eyes on Kai as he spoke.

"Theft of school property, to whit several items from the alchemical stores, damage of school property resulting from a moderate to severe directed arcane explosion in his rooms. To put it bluntly, he blew off the far wall of his room, scattering the gardens with debris. Let's see, ah yes, destruction of evidence and refusal to comply with a Master's directive to dismiss illusionary material." Fain said, trying and failing to mask the victory in his voice.

Layla raised one delicate eyebrow at Kai, who seemed exhausted, burned out, even.

"These accusations are critically severe, student Kai." Master Peralt said, his gaze casting briefly over towards Layla before returning to the slender boy, his blonde hair messier than usual, his clothes noticeably scorched, "Do you dispute any of the charges brought against you by Matron Yu and Master Fain?"

"...A couple of them?" he said, his voice sounding tired, but oddly resolved.

Master Peralt seemed to be in no mood for guessing games, "Please be more specific, student Kai."

"Sorry, Master Peralt, I'm suffering a minor magical burnout, I apologize, there was no disrespect meant."

Peralt nodded, allowing Kai to continue.

"I dispute the charges of refusing to dismiss illusionary material and the destruction of evidence. I admit to the damage and theft." Kai said, honestly.

"Your evidence?"

"I have no outstanding illusions and the destruction of evidence..." Kai shot a glance towards Fain, "That was just a cleaner construct, a small stone disc imbued with the power word Ba tidying up the mess."

Peralt glanced towards Fain, who shrugged, "Alright, I drop the charge of destruction of evidence, but maintain the charge of refusal of dismissal."

"And you have evidence of this?" Peralt asked.

"I do." He beckoned with his hand off to the side, "Come here."

The whole council looked towards a figure who stepped from the side, tall and elegant, seemingly the same age as Kai, her hair long and black, her figure incredibly curvy under a robe that, despite its poor fit looks gorgeous on her. She moved to stand beside Kai, a little shyly, but he took her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"Ah," Peralt let out a dry laugh, "to be a young illusionist, I can assume then, this is the source of all our troubles, the illusionary girlfriend."

"Actually, Master Peralt, I'm... I'm real now." Elle said, her voice soft as if disbelieving even her own words.

"Ha!" Fain interjected, but Peralt waved him to silence, glancing at Layla who tried to look as innocent as possible.

"Tell me, Elle, in your own words. Your experience. I'm curious."

She glanced at Kai who nodded supportively then peered about the council, "Being an illusion is in many ways like being a child. I've grown and developed, I remember when I was first conjured, my movements were very weird, my thoughts very simple, I couldn't talk, eat, smell... But as time went by and Kai improved, so did I."

Peralt nodded, clearly wanting her to continue, "Being dismissed and resummoned is, I guess, like sleep but... More sudden. When I haven't been conjured I still feel... I'm just a part of Kai. When he summons me he doesn't so much as make me from nothing, but project me from his mind, his soul."

Kai noticed that one of the Masters had produced a small notepad was making notes.

"This evening I woke up and found Kai standing in front of..." she glanced at Kai, "Well, what was left of his wall. He was tired, exhausted and without speaking he made the sign to dismiss me."

She bit her lip, recalling her concern for him, her worry and fear, as her clothes had melted from her skin in motes of silver light, illuminating her body, which remained.

"I wasn't dismissed. I'm... Real."

The council members began to speak among each other while Peralt and Layla shared a long hard look with one another.

"Regardless," Fain said, steel in his voice, "Irrespective of this, the charges of damage and theft still stand. The punishment for which is immediate dismissal from the school."

"Seconded." Said one of the other, hitherto quiet Masters.

Kai felt his heart sink, but felt Elle squeeze his hand, he looked to her and smiled a little as the council briefly conferred, he'd known this was the likely outcome.

"Those in favour," Peralt asked. And was met by a chorus of 'aye's', even Layla's, which stung a little, sealing his fate, "So be it, Kai, you are stripped of your rank of student."

Kai swallowed a lump in his throat and nodded, "Thank you, Master Peralt, I-.."

Peralt cut him off, "Motion to have the Illusionist Kai granted the position of Professor within the school."

Fain gasped audibly.

"Seconded," Layla said, smoothly.

"I, we, you..." Fain stammered, drowned out by a chorus of 'ayes'.

"The ayes have it, congratulations Professor Kai, I look forward to seeing what progress you make in this new field of study." Peralt said, standing and stretching his arms out, "We will sort the details in the morning, shall we? And do stop babbling Fain."

Fain closed his mouth, but his face reddened considerably with an unmasked fury and Kai knew his future as, apparently, faculty would be difficult with him around. But, he would be a professor, with his girlfriend.

"I... Did he say... Professor?" Elle asked curiously, blinking down at Kai as everyone began to leave, chattering amongst themselves.

Kai stepped forward and hugged her, folding his arms around her and she did the same, resting her cheek atop his head as they embraced, together as it should be.


Kai sat at his desk, tapping a pencil to his cheek as he stared at the glass of water, making notes and scribbling diagrams, his mind whirring with ideas and theories.

It had been four months now since he had been in a moment both expelled and hired and his progress had not been as explosive as that first night. Both in terms of progress and collateral damage.

He had discovered that to make an illusion real, you had to really know it, to know every single thing about it, to almost be it yourself.

After his initial and most wonderous success with Elle he had scaled down his project, trying something much simpler, an all black kitten that, at present, was curled up in a ball on the corner of his desk inside a small box, still, unfortunately, illusionary. He had tried without success to replicate the first success with this kitten, though when he was in his rooms he kept it summoned, trying to get to know it.

After the expectation of instant success across all areas had been quashed he had steadily reduced his scope from animals to insects, from insects to food, from food to this glass of water.

"What even are you," he asked the glass of water with annoyance.