Light Rays Coming Out of the Computer Ch. 01


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"-mmmmhurk!" It sends a shiver down my spine as she gags ever so slightly. It's wonderful. It signifies the end of the oral part of our show, which is my favorite part, but it's always fun while it lasts. She backs off with a grin and a gasp, saliva stranding from her lips. "Well that didn't take long!"

"What can I say? You have my undivided attention!" Her eyes drift to my right, looking for the missing earpiece no doubt. "Now lets get you up on that bed. Your pussy's not gonna fuck itself!"

"Impregnate, maybe, but not fuck. Wouldn't that be awesome if it could?" She pauses with one leg on the bed and the other still on the floor. "You can't, can you?" I go a little wide eyed. Jeanne had instantly accepted my physiology and asked no questions when we started being more than just lunch buddies. It was one of the best parts of our arrangement. When she continues, she's more talking to herself. "No, I guess not. You're more of a grower than a show-er, and you'd already be too hard when you got long enough..." My smile is an adequate misdirect, and she finishes getting into position. Her hand slides down between her legs and splits her lips with her fingers. "My little kitty has been lonely," she says. I hate it when they call it a kitty. "Won't you come and play?"

"You don't need to tell me twice!" I climb up on the bed behind her, my engorged clit extending out from between my lips to slide between hers.

Sex with Jeanne is fairly formulaic. She goes straight for my clit as soon as she's naked, whether I am or not. Brief oral while she fingers herself, followed by doggystyle. Sometimes she wants it standing up while she's still in her heels, which is fine because she's so short. On rare occasions, especially if we haven't had a chance to get together in a while and she's really worked up, she lets me fuck her in the ass.

It's purely physical between us. For a long time, that was fine with me. She has an insatiable sex drive; I think I'm one of four side-fucks she keeps, but to hear her tell it, I'm the best. I don't see how I could be. I mean, I've got chops, but she's not interested in my talents.

What she likes from me is the incredible shape of my clit, and so for her, sex with me is a race to penetration. My clit is a bit over six inches in length. Better than average if it were just a dick, and nearly unheard for a clitoris. The flared ridges along the sides are nice, but the curve of it, when we go doggystyle, rubs the whole underside against her g-spot with every stroke.

These are the things I think about during sex. While what we have may be slightly boring, the sounds I draw out of her are ungodly. Every orgasm sounds like she's giving birth to a toddler; a kind of guttural heaving that carries the experience for me. Being that, for her, is everything. The more I think about it, the more it works.

I have a small orgasm shortly following hers, but as far as Jeanne knows, it's one of the biggest I've ever had. I convinced her early on that I rarely gush, so on the occasions when I don't fake it and actually finish, she feels like a million bucks. I'm totally fine with letting her have that. Jeanne is a really good friend. Probably my best friend, if I'm being honest. It's not her fault the sex doesn't blow my mind, and there's a very different kind of pleasure that comes with knowing I rock her world. Plus, and don't let anyone ever tell you different, bad sex is better than no sex. Take it from a lonely person.

"Isn't it bizarre how hard it is, in a city of 40 million, to just meet someone?" I prop myself up on my elbows and give her a wide eyed stare. She can't read my mind too, can she? "It's almost like, the more people around, the less they want to look you in the eye."

"Well it's a good thing we have each other," I say.

She smirks, and honks my boob before hopping off the bed. "Sentimentality looks odd on you, Frey."

"Ok, how about... I'm glad I have you to keep my clit warm."

"Much better," She barks, laughing. I reach over the edge of the bed and grab my earpiece.

My clit is roaring even before the piece is fully inserted. "I'd rather be shoved in a gearbox, you self-serving slut! Are you back yet, Freya?"

"Yeah, I'm here," I say. Jeanne looks over her shoulder at me with a comforting smile. "No, I'll be back soon." I think she knows there's no one on the other end of this thing, but she never calls me on it. She's a good friend.

"Frey," she says softly, "when was the last time you went out?"

"Like, of the apartment?"

She rolls her eyes at me. "Out, like to a bar or something. Tried to meet women. Stepped outside your comfort zone!"

"I go out all the time!" Barely true.

She gives me a grin as she reaches back to clasp her bra. "Bars are full of totally fuckable women. You know that, right?"


"And if that's not what you're lookin' for, you are totally fuckable too."

"Obviously," I say with mock humility.

"You should go out! Tonight! Take some pretty girl home and do something stupid!"

"Noted," I say, smiling wider. She's nearly dressed before I've even begun, but her work attire is much more elaborate than mine. Boots, pants, a shirt, and suspenders are fine when I never have to meet any customers.

"Promise me you will," she says, looking much more serious.

"I promise." Lie.

"Lunch again tomorrow?"

"I'll probably have to work through it. We're pretty backed up. Friday?"

She smirks and gives me a quick kiss. "Lock up on your way out!"


"Hello ma'am! Welcome to Midgard Custom Synthetics Boutique, a division of the Charot Corporation. How can I assist you?"

"I gotta get my guy to put a facial recognition subscript in you, Frannie."

"I'm sure that will be wonderful!"

"Any visitors in the last two hours?"

"None, but Midgard Custom Synthetics Boutique's current workload is at 104% of capacity. It's probably better this way!"

I roll my eyes as I pass through the storefront into my shop. A deep sense of calm washes over me, as it does every time, now that I'm back in my space. Here, I'm not a freak, or a weirdo, or even just another face in the crowd. Here, I matter. Even if it is just to make sexbots.

"Freeee-yaaa! You have a caaaaall!"

"Thank you, Frannie." I jump down on my stool and slide underneath the rib cage of the current job. Left arm diag complete! Only one person would be calling me at this exact moment. I tap my earpiece. "What's up, guy?"

"How many times have I told you that you can do both arms at the same time?"

"Awww, were you checking up on me again?" I reach blindly behind me and scoop up the internal power pack I assembled this morning. "One of these days, you've gotta tell me where all... the holes are in my security system. I thought I had this thing... pretty well... locked down..." The power pack is a snug fit, and I have to step out from underneath and beside the torso so I can push down on the shoulder at the same time I'm pushing up. It pops into place with a click-click.

"Don't worry, my love. I've taken a few liberties to secure it against unwanted intrusions. You'll thank me someday."

"Don't hold your breath, guy."

I reach behind the torso and unplug the external power cord. After a few seconds the Synth's eyes flip open and, with a wide smile, she sings "Tada!"

I frown. "You added boot music?"

"A nice touch, no?"

"You know what people use these Synths for, right?"

"You have educated me on that subject many times."

"In the next update you send me, can you add an option for 'Littles'?" I tap my wrist a few times, and watch as the arms and head go through a display of their range of motion.

"A little what?" I pause, waiting for recognit- "Oh, for a Little!" I tap my nose. I know he's watching me on my security cameras. "Why would anyone request something like that?"

"Why does anyone do anything? I don't ask, I just meet the demands of my customers. Oh, and make sure to include the option to call the owner 'Daddy'."

"Are you, in any way, making a joke?"

"That would only work if you had a sense of humor," I say, monitoring the amperage draws of the various motors that drive her physical display.

"I'll have to do a little research," he says.

"Research!" I laugh. "You do that! And if you could, make it backwards compatible to the Aught-8." The facial expression routine is flawless. "Time to put a face on this slut. Gotta let you go, guy."

"Til next time, my love!"

I tap my earpiece.

"Why does he keep calling you 'my love'?"

"Probably," I say to the Synth on the wall, "because he wants to get in my panties." I frown and look down as an unintelligibly muffled voice comes from my pants, and give the waistband a quick tug.

"I said, does he know I'm down here?"

"I'm gonna die alone." I smirk, but...


"You're in charge while I'm gone, Frannie."

"I'm always in charge while Freya isn't on the premises," she says cheerily.

"And tonight will not be an exception!"

Keeping my storefront open 24 hours hasn't netted me a ton of business, but it costs basically nothing. I stroll out along the walkway and hail a cab from my wrist. It's a clear evening, clear enough that I can see garrish glow of the red light district 150 stories below, in the lowest levels of Green Mountain City. I've got... I don't even know how many pieces rolling around down there somewhere. A yellow cab veers out from the stream and over to the edge of the raised superhighway. The side door opens up like a wing, and I crawl in under it. "27489 Market Row, number 161816." The cab melts effortlessly into the flow of traffic, and I settle in. A holographic screen floats out of the back of the drivers seat, and I scan the freq's for something to help pass the time.

"...<zzzzt> from Cheval Noir Cybernetics! Embrace the figure we've designed!" I roll my eyes and scan up. The very next freq is playing generic, un-offensive muzak, which suits me today. I stay with it for a while, and when the commercials start I almost change it, except...

"<young female voice> The loneliness. The isolation. It was... crushing!

"<deep female voice> It felt like I wasn't in control of myself. Of my life.

"<soothing female narrator> Are you one of the millions of the naturally born who suffer from mild to severe schizophrenia?" Yes. "Are you tired of sitting on the sidelines of life, of being afraid to put yourself out there and meet interesting people?" Yes. "Quell is an option!" Yeah, at 1,475,000 credits. "With a success rate over 87%, Quell has proven time and again that it can get you out of the shadows and into the time if your life! Talk to your pharmacist today! Quell!"



I flop down on the couch with a beer in one hand and a plate of cold leftovers in the other. The beer is fine. The leftovers are decidedly mediocre. I pick at them while skipping through the channels. Nothing catches my interest though, so I switch over to my library of recordings. I set the plate down on the end table, kick up one foot on the coffee table, and...

"Yeeeeah! Do it!" The twin ballerina statues on the wall shout in unison. "Put on porn!"

A chorus of enthusiasm for the idea springs up around the room. I smirk and relax a little on my couch, sliding down until my lower back is touching the seat cushion. I slide a hand down inside my pants and stroke the underside of my clit with my fingertip to wake her up. Although my collection is vast, the choice is pretty easy. I have a few videos featuring an actress whose voice does things to my spine that shouldn't be legal.

Once the choice is locked in, I unzip my pants and slide them down a little. I put my middle finger in my mouth for a second to get it good and wet, and slide it down behind me and between my cheeks. That first push, as it breaks inside, is an eye-fluttering mome-

"Hey, what the fuck is this?!"

I look down at my clit, somewhat confused. "Did you want the right hand this time?"

"You promised that cunt we were gonna find something warm and wet to fuck tonight, but what I'm seeing is more of the same!"

My buzz begins to recede, and I frown. "I don't wanna go through all that trouble tonight."

"I don't care what you want! Go put on something slutty and let's get laid, cus... this? This isn't happening without me and you know it!"

I roll my eyes and reach for the vid control, but the peanut gallery loses it's mind. "Leave that on for us," yells one of the ballerinas.

"Yeah, just because you're whipped doesn't mean we are," says it's twin.

I sigh and get up. The actress's coos and squeals taunt me as I exit into my bedroom. I shut the door, but she haunts me still.

My meager evening wear collection feels tired. If I'd known my clit was going to be such a dick, I might have stopped on the way home and picked out something new, but I don't want to leave, shop, and come back again before getting ready and leaving a second time. Plus my savings account just topped 600,000 credits. I settle on a red-orange dress that matches really well with my purple hair, and some 4 inch heels that cut.

I stand in front of the mirror for a while, turning from side to side. I cup my breasts and try to push them up a little, but the sad fact is that they just aren't that big.

"You'll never have to worry about them sagging though," my clit says. "And I, for one, love this dress. I can almost poke out of the bottom all on my own, so it's all good. Oh, and no panties tonight."


"Come on! I never get to feel the wind in my hair! Let me have this!"

"Fiiiine," I grumble, "but I'm starting off as prey."

"Good luck with that, Redwood. An hour tops, and if you strike out, we go hunting."

"Deal. Wanna shake on it?"

"Nice try."


I stride into the dimly-lit club and my confidence immediately takes a hit. In these heels, as much as I love what they do for me, I tower over everyone I can see. By at least an inch or more. I tap my wrist to engage prey mode and make my way over to the bar. Before I've come ten steps through the door, however, a mousy little redhead flags me down and starts toward me. She's utterly adorable in a white spaghetti strap top and a blue peasant skirt. I blink, a bit surprised that someone with her tiny stature and reserved demeanor would be in... oh but she's not. She's in prey mode too...

"Hi," she says, as she nervously approaches me. "I um... I saw...ummm..." I can't help but smile, and she continues in a rush. "I know I'm not a hunter, but I saw you have a... uh..."

"Sweetie, I'm really sorry, but I'm not what you're looking for tonight."

She nods and looks down. "I'm... I'm sorry I wasted your..." She trails off as she turns and wanders back to the table she had staked out... which it looks like someone took in her absence. Poor thing...

I try to put myself in a good vantage point at the corner of the bar and let the sightlines and my natural height do the work for me, but the time I reach the bottom of my 4th vodka cranberry, I decide I need to be more proactive in my hunted-...ness... If that makes any sense. I tap the display button on my earpiece, and the hologram slides across. As I look around the room, the display systematically identifies and then rules out all the nearby hunters either by preference or current level of attachment. The clock in the corner of my display says I have six minutes of my hour left, but I might be ready to...

Walking through the door, directly across the bar from me, is a tall drink of water with shaggy black hair and a chin you could cut boulders with. Holy shit, it's a man. Not just a male, but a fucking Man. And he's... looking at me? Directly at me?! I try to be casual about checking his preferences. He either doesn't have them set or he forgot to turn them on, but I couldn't care less because oh my god is he coming over here?!

"Bitch, be cool!" my clit says.

"Ok, lets get this straight. I'm gonna need perfect silence for the next little while. I need this! Are we clear?" I'm overjoyed to find silence as my response, so I play off holding the broadcast button on my earpiece as fixing my hair. One more quick fix to take the earpiece out completely, and-

"Hello there," he says.

How he hasn't been taken by some lucky lady and locked up in a closet somewhere, I don't know. I suppose the 'manly-man' isn't everyone's type, but he has my knees knocking. I manage a cool smile, but it's a good thing I'm leaning on the bar to begin with. He's gorgeous! He flags the bartender with a finger, and the tender immediately starts making him something. Not a great sign that he's here often enough to order with a wave of his hand, but not a deal breaker. Could be that he's a prostitute, and that's fine. I'm not here for a life-mate, just a good rutting. Is that too much to ask?

"H-h-hi!" Can you believe she's still single, ladies? No! Don't provoke the peanut gallery! God, he's gotta be six foot two! I can't believe he's taller than me!! I love it!

"I already know the answer to 'Do you come here often', so lets see. How about... I'm Kerr."

Witty, direct, unexpected. There's a strong chance that my clit is gonna go without tonight. "Freya!" Oooh, too emphatic. You're gonna scare him off, girl!

"A powerful name for a powerful woman!"

Don't giggle, don't giggle, don't giggle, don't giggle, don't giggle! I think I'm managing a coy smile, but the warmth in my cheeks is probably sending a mixed message there. He's looking past my shoulder. Intently. "Thank you. It was my grandmother's name," I say.

"So what brings a goddess of love and war to a hole-in-the-wall dive like this?" Eye contact again. Keep his interest.

"Oh, the usual. Hoping for a couple bar fights, maybe some sex in a stall later. All in a days work." His face lights up when he smiles, but then he's looking over my shoulder again. He masks it by rolling his head while he laughs, but his eyes are going to the same spot. He's watching something else. Not a good sign.

"I'd always heard that the Norse gods were a humorless lot! If I'd known talking to you was this much fun, I'd have converted years ago!"

He sure sounds like he's paying attention to me, but... "Well Loki is a good for a hoot now and again, but he's just as likely to feed you some bullshit and call it chocolate."

"What a jerk..." I don't particularly care for the way he trails off as he continues to look past me. It's...disappointing. "So what do you do?"

"Beheadings, mostly. That doesn't always pay the bills though, so I have a unicorn ranch on the moon that does a pretty steady business."


He didn't hear a word of that. Awesome. "Listen, Kerr, I have to go powder my nose. I'll be right back." He smiles and nods absently. I only hide my distaste for a moment as I stalk across the room towards the hallway where the bathrooms are tucked away. I slip my earpiece back on and hit the display button. Two minutes.

"A valiant effort, Frey. No one can say you didn't try." It's pretty rare that my clit isn't being a smug bitch.

"I've still got two minutes." I stop in the hallway and take a deep breath.

"We're not really gonna go back out there to him and pretend we don't care if he doesn't pay attention to us, are we? C'mon Freya, you have more self respect than that... right?"