Like A Secret Being Told


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I stretched my arms and legs, arching my back while I was at it.

Colleen chuckled, "Girl, I pray to God you've got a streak of exhibitionism running through you. 'Cause, as far as I'm concerned, you could walk around here each and every day without a stitch on and I'd be as happy as a clam."

"You are such a perv." I rolled my eyes and turned on my side to face her. "You mean to tell me, after everything you just did to me, you're still trying to figure out new ways to get me naked?"

She grinned impishly, "You betcha!"

"You know, some of those things we did..." I felt my face flush at the thought, "I literally never even dreamed of doing. And yet," I fanned my face with my hand, "you had me begging... again, literally... begging for more. So, um, if me walking around naked as a jaybird will you give you ideas about doing things like that to me again..." I blushed even brighter, "I'll be happy to oblige."

Colleen removed the drawing board from her lap and placed it on the floor beside her chair. Jumping up from her seat, she leaped the short distance to the bed and landed on the mattress beside me. Before I recovered from the surprise of it, she had straddled her legs over my waist. Her hands pinned my wrists as she leaned her face close to mine. "Alejandra... when you're around... it doesn't matter whether you're dressed or not... you always give me ideas." Raising my head off the bed, I closed the short distance between us so that I could taste her lips. She returned the kiss eagerly. As she bent over me, her breasts pressed to mine. Their heft... their warmth... their soft, fullness was pure bliss.

Our mouths moved hungrily together... tongues tangling, lacing, exploring... lips caressing, brushing, pressing, claiming ownership. When Colleen drew away, she looked down at me, eyes shining. Our gazes met and held, with nothing said. When she broke the silence at last, her voice was quiet and hoarse. "Do you have any idea what you do to me, Alejandra?"

I peered into the cornflower blue depths and counted the violet flecks within. My voice, when I found it, was trembling, "Yes, I do. I understand the power I have over you. But, I only have that power because you trust me with it. And, you're right to, because you know... with absolute certainty... that I'll take greater care with your heart than I would my own."

"You've loved me for a long time," I continued, "and though you've had a head start, don't ever worry that this relationship might be one-sided. It's not and it never will be. I really did think long and carefully for these past two weeks I've been away from you. In that short time, I've traveled so far from the fields I know, that I hardly recognize my surroundings anymore. But, I realized, so long as I'm in your company, I will eventually get my bearings, and the rest... well, the rest doesn't really matter."

"Oh, and by the way," I added, "that 'power' I have over you? Don't think for a moment that you don't hold the same sway over me. It's difficult to imagine the circumstances where I could gather the will to tell you 'no'. Hell, long before I had any thought of romance in my head, I've always wanted to please you. You pointed out how easily you used to get me to pose for ridiculously long periods for you. I'm sure, with not much effort at all, you can recall any number of other times I went out of my way to satisfy you."

"And now...?" I went on, "Well, let's just say that I would go... to the ends of the Earth... to avoid disappointing you"

"Oooohhh! I like the sound of that!" Colleen purred, her voice filled with mischief. "So, are you saying that if I was to take you right now, you'd pretty much let me do what I please with you?"

"Well, I would..." Without warning, I bucked my hips and thrust my arms upward, causing her to fall onto the bed beside me. Before she could recover, I was atop her, straddling her waist and pinning her wrists this time. "I would..." I repeated, "if it weren't so clearly my turn, now."

My left hand let go her wrist and found a place in her chestnut hair. I stroked the silken tresses while considering the breathtaking beauty of her fair, freckled face. My fingers moved to caress her forehead, to stroke the soft, fine hair of her eyebrows. My thumb glided over the freckled bridge of her nose, the faint cinnamon flecks adorning her cheeks. All the while, her gaze held mine... and held it fast. I traced over the curving flesh just above her upper lip with my fingernail. When the pad of my finger pad skimmed those lips themselves, her tongue peeked out to wet it and smooth its journey. The intimacy of it made me shiver upon her.

Now that my fingers had become acquainted with her features, my lips hungered to do the same. I lavished a delicate rain of kisses upon that beloved countenance. Her face was honey to my mouth.

I paused in my attentions to look into Colleen's eyes again, our faces scant inches apart, "Now that I've been relieved of my ignorance... now that I'm aware of what I 'do' to you... I want to do more. I know you have sighs and moans nestled inside you..." I fitted the palm of my hand to the contour of her belly, "...just waiting for me to bring them out. There are screams this lovely throat," I stroked it lightly up and down, "has been hoarding for too long. I won't be content until it surrenders them to me."

Her throat... that shapely, bare throat... was made to bite. And when I did so, her lips formed a silent, amorous 'o' that communicated more clearly than sound. I looked up at her expression and whispered, "Not the outcry I want... but it'll do... for now."

I returned to the yielding, ivory column of her neck, feeling the pulsing of vein and artery beneath my mouth. I moved slowly, savoring each atom of trembling flesh, every whimper that hung in the air. The milk-white skin of her shoulders and upper chest were also covered with a fine dusting of freckles. I bestowed on them a flurry of butterfly kisses and intricate patterns painted with my tongue.

The flecks of color on her skin faded, then disappeared on the slopes of her breasts. The skin there was unblemished cream, save for the twin, pink rosebuds at their peaks. I stopped my wandering mouth for a moment and sat up to admire the beauty of her bosom. Curving my hands to her breasts, I cupped them both, delighting in their heft and suppleness. The sight of those shapely mounds of flesh, topped with puffy areolae, pulled at my heart and mind and loins, all at once. They were made to be suckled.

Who was I to argue with nature's intent?

Lowering my head again, I circled the distended ring of flesh with my tongue. Occasionally, I gently nipped the proud bud at the center. Colleen arched her back, forcing more of her breast into my willing mouth. I drew in as much of it as I could, my cheeks hollowing with my effort. I gradually released it, letting it slip almost away, before sucking it back in again. I did this... over and over... with patient tenderness. Then repeated the performance with her other breast. She expressed her gratitude with a steady stream of gasps, cries and moans.

The curve of her ribs led me to her flank, which quivered under my attentions. I acquainted myself with the contours of her hips, grazed the smooth pasture of her belly and perused the suppleness of her thighs. My kisses alone covered her nakedness. The air in the room grew thick with the scent of our arousal.

Colleen opened her legs wider with the unvoiced eloquence of desire. My lips paid homage to the intimate white beauty of her inner thighs; my tongue savoring their flavor. Her flesh shivered under my mouth and pulled urgent, primal sounds out of her. As I drew irresistibly closer to her core, I placed my hands under her widespread legs, brought them together and raised them straight into the air. This caused her thighs to frame and slightly squeeze her sex. The outer lips bulged subtly and wore the sheen of her arousal. Her inner lips wept copiously. The folds of her pussy were a bright pink against her pale skin. The sight of it resounded through and through me.

The everyday flow of time was interrupted and I had a privileged moment in which I grasped a deeper, essential truth about myself. With the kind of complete conviction I don't think I've ever had in regard to anything before, I knew this is where I belonged and she was who I belonged with.

Using lips and tongue in every way I thought would please her, I made my indolent way down the length of her still elevated legs. The nearer I came to her delicious cleft, the more agitated the sounds from her throat became.

My palms curved to her legs just above their junction. I flattened my tongue and swept up and down the swollen outer labia, lapping the film of moisture that had gathered on them. Pressing the flat of my hands against the backs of her thighs, I used her hips as a fulcrum, causing her womanhood to rock back and forth beneath my tongue. The intensity of her moans and cries heightened yet again.

As she was approaching fever pitch, I narrowed my tongue and speared it into her. "YES!" Colleen cried. Her outer lips parted and embraced me while I split the furrow of her inner lips. Hot liquid bubbled up from inside her, displaced by my plunging. I burrowed in and out of her. Whatever juices I didn't swallow, smeared on my lower face and trickled down my neck. I loved it! And obviously, so did she. Messy, but exhilarating!

The wet sounds of my thrusting and the subtle, but addictive taste of her only heightened the eroticism of the situation.

Colleen's head tossed frantically. Her hands had a vice-like grip on the comforter. The movement of her hips was frenzied and there was an unbelievable amount of fluid streaming out of her. It was obvious she was at a precipice. And, Oh God! - I was gonna love taking her over that edge!

I withdrew my tongue and dragged it up the length of her slit. My mouth reached the apex and took her slippery pearl between my lips and sucked for all I was worth!

Colleen screamed joyously, thrust her hips up at my mouth and clamped my face between her thighs. I felt every shudder that wracked her body. I kept nursing and her convulsions only intensified. It was the most intimate, erotic and intense experience I've ever had.

Cupping her buttocks with my hands, I helped her ease her hips back onto the bed. I kissed my way back up her body, taking my sweet time in the doing. When I reached her face, her eyes widened and she traced a finger through the juices still coating my face. "Oh my God!" she blurted, "Did I spill all that?"

"You most certainly did..." I answered with pride, "and a lot more that I swallowed, to boot." I pulled her up onto her knees to face me. Wrapping her in my arms, I pressed my lips to hers. We knelt like that, breasts to breasts, belly to belly and loins to loins, kissing with rising fervor.

Untangling from her embrace, I advanced on her, forcing her back on her haunches. She leaned back at a 45 degree angle, holding her torso up on extended arms. Leaning in, I returned my lips to hers at the same time I brought my right hand to her cleft. Colleen gasped at the touch. She was still leaking her excitement down her thighs. And now, down onto my fingers, as well.

"Do you see?" she panted into my mouth. "Do you see how wet you make me?" Our mouths came together again and my fingers began to glide over her sodden slit. Moaning into the kiss, Colleen began to move her hips on my hand. My lips wrapped around the curves of her throat and she groaned right into my ear.

The combination of my hand at her pussy with my lips and tongue on her throat, soon had her undulating her hips rhythmically. Her voice burbled a rapturous accompaniment.

Lowering my head to her breast, I sucked in her nipple, and much of the surrounding flesh. Her back arched. My fingers increased their speed between her thighs, the middle one entering her. She cried out and the movement of her pelvis quickened. My hand cupped her sex, one finger up inside her, while the thumb rotated on her slippery clit.

I abandoned her breast for a moment. I wanted to look at her sweet face while I fucked her. Her big blue orbs smoldered with lust and her mouth formed a quivering circle. My fingers were busy between her legs. "Alejandra!" My name tumbled out in a shivery gasp.

"I love hearing you say my name." I said, holding her gaze. "I'm gonna love it even more when you scream it."

I brought my lips back to her breast. My fingers moved faster, in and out.

In and out.

In and out.

Short, hard strokes.

"Harder." Colleen begged

Her hips and her panting kept time with my thrusts. So did my suckling at her tit.

"Faster." she whined.

My hand was covered in her fluids. The juicy sounds of entry and withdrawal echoing from the bedroom walls again. As if my lust needed any further fuel.

"Fuck!" she sobbed.

Bucking her hips onto my hand, she clamped her eyes shut and threw her head back. Those perfect breasts fell slightly to her sides. I followed with my mouth, keeping her erect nipple firmly between my lips. Her long hair trailed onto the bed beneath her.

"Oh, yes!" she cried out as my thumb massaged her swollen clit. My other hand was underneath her ass, lifting her slightly off the bed.

"That feels so good, Alejandra," she whispered. I felt her hands brushing through my tangled hair. "So... fucking... good... "

My thumb moved faster, gliding over the slippery nub. Her breaths were coming shorter.

The rise and fall of her chest was more pronounced.

Her groans were louder. More intense.

"Yes!Yes!Yes! That's it... right... right there! Just like that!" Her head thrashed from side to side. My own excitement grew as she tightened her grip on my hair.

Colleen ground her quim on my hand, trying to meet each pass of my thumb with her clitoris. She arched her back again. I could tell she was nearing a crescendo. And it was going to be spectacular.

"Cum for me, honey," I whispered in her ear. "Cum all over me!"

With a final scream of pure, unmitigated bliss, Colleen threw her head back, while her fingers clenched in my hair, pulling me tighter to her breast.

Her pussy gripped my fingers, flooding them with its juices. Flexing those supple legs, her ass came off the bed. Her body spasmed, then spasmed again. I nursed at her nipple for as long as her orgasm went on. It seemed like forever as she continued to cum, groaning and moaning.

Her gasping gradually subsided and I let go of her tit. My finger eased out of her with a liquid sound. I eased her onto her back, kneeling just above her head. The only sound in the room was her ragged breathing. From my vantage point, I was looking at her upside down. Cradling her beloved face in my hands, I leaned low and tasted her lips. I gave her kiss after upside down kiss, whispering "I love you" again and again between them. While I enfolded her in this intimate embrace, I felt her hands reaching up to caress my back, my neck and my arms.

After a few minutes, I unfurled from around her. Finding the pillow up at the headboard, I plopped down on it with an audible sigh. Colleen got up to lay beside me, shifting me slightly so that I lay on my side facing away from her. She cuddled up behind me, moving my hair out of the way so the nape of my neck was exposed. Slipping her arm over my side, she cupped my breast. She fondled it, caressed it, stroked the tip until it grew long and hard. At the same time, she nuzzled the back of my neck, planting wet, sloppy kisses all over it and on my shoulders, too. I felt a familiar disquiet between my legs.

"My God, Colleen. You're insatiable. Aren't you satisfied yet?"

She giggled in my ear and just before she took the lobe of that ear between her lips, she whispered, "Ask me that again in twenty years."


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learning_english_wrong_waylearning_english_wrong_way7 months ago

Ever since i read this story I'm using your cajun skillet beans recipe because it's so simple and delicious. Now I was back to read the ingredients again and I had to inform you that I'm very thankfull!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well done! Agree with other commenter that this should not be rewritten. But . . . you could write a follow-up that fits in the two weeks while Allie weeks away. I'd also like to hear more about Colleen's relationship with the family. How could it change now that Allie and Colleen have hooked up? Do both sets it parents know each other? How do they interact? Lots more to write about if you want to revisit.

Please continue writing. It seems like there is a large gap between your early stories. Hopefully, you have been just living a full life and been too busy to write.


maria17maria179 months ago

This wonderful story you wrote grabbed me with its first paragraph. I cried when they cried. I felt what they were going thru.. that's an awesome writer that can make you feel their hurt. I loved everything about this story! The emotional part and the love scenes. Just because one is a virgin doesn't mean you don't know what to do. Lol. The imagination is a wonderful thing.

humminbeanhumminbean11 months ago

Fantastic! And no, the sex didn't go on too long. It's the million little details that make a real life encounter so memorable, and very few writers take the time to relish and record each one. Thanks for taking the time.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643about 1 year ago

A good story!

Is there more to their story, what happens next?


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