Lilith's Emporium: A New Friend


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"Well thank you for letting me make that coffee again." She said taking off his gag.

"Oh god, what did you do to me, make it stop!" He said looking down at the erect glowing cock that seemed to be causing him discomfort.

"My pleasure, besides you deserve a little something for your help." She said as she kneeled down in front of him taking his penis in her hand and began to lick it and stroke it. "You like that don't you?"

"Oh Fuck!" He said as she began to suck on his cock.

"That's right, it is time for your reward!" She said as she took his cock into the back of her throat as she sped up sucking him harder and harder.

"Oh shit... Oh FUCK!" He yelled out as his cock began to twitch violently before emptying the content of his balls into her throat.

As amazing as his orgasm felt he suddenly began to feel very strange as after his cock stopped squirting liquid he suddenly began to feel something warm start to flow through his penis as well as she continued to suck. The sensation was intense and unending as it began to feel like his energy was being sucked from him in an endless orgasm as his body went limp and lifeless as he was still hanging there from where his hands were tied.

Jiless wiped her mouth before she stood up enjoying her meal. She smiled and stretched before looking down at the dead coffee server in front of her before she turned and opened the door shutting the light off as she exited leaving the body there to be found later.


That night Anna went to bed early as she was bored being home alone most of the evening. She had felt a little strange before she went to be but it was nothing that she was too concerned about as she assumed she was just overtired. She laid down resting her head on the pillow and quickly fell asleep.

Soon she began to have another extremely erotic dream as she found herself make and on top of a man again. Strangely enough this time it was Peter as she was pulling off his pants and throwing them on the floor. The room didn't look like their bedroom as the bed seemed larger with softer almost satin sheets on it. She didn't spend much time looking at the decor as she saw his erection sticking in the air in front of her.

Anna neeled down almost stalking his cock like prey. She breathed in his scent which gave her goosebumps before she got closer to it. She gently pressed her lips to the side of his member kissing it as she started at the has and got closer to his tip. It tasted better than she imagined it would as she stuck out her tongue and traced it up and down his shaft. She could hear his moans as she continued to taste his manhood.

The tip of his cock glistened with precum as she licked it up. Usually, she didn't enjoy the taste but this dream made everything seem strange and good as she teased him even more. She didn't see him as her lover as much as she saw him as prey. He was a means to an end, a meal almost as she continued to pleasure him.

Soon her mouth had engulfed his cock as she began to suck on him. She gently caressed his balls know it would make him taste better which also seemed odd to her. Peter moaned out as if he was her prisoner ready to receive her pleasure. She let go of his cock looking up at him for a moment before she took her breasted and began to squeeze them around his cock massaging it. Her breasts seemed bigger than they should which she also was confused about but it didn't matter at the time. She knew this was a dream and wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

Peter's face seemed to be in agony as she teased him more and more. She almost enjoyed it feeling this great power over him knowing it was her decision when he would cum. She felt like a lioness in total control and she loved it as she continued to give him enough pleasure to keep him stimulated but not let him cum yet.

"You want me, Baby?" She said still squeezing his cock with her breasts."

"Oh fuck yes!"

"Are you ready for the end?"

"Holy shit, yes, I'm ready!"

Anna gave the tip of his cock a kiss before she climbed up towards him and let him slide inside her with ease. Peter let out a yell as if her pussy was the greatest thing in the world to him. She could feel his cock inside her as she began to ride him starting out slow and getting faster with each passing moment. The feeling was incredible as she milked him before she began to notice some strange things.

She looked down and noticed Peter's hand were bound by what looked leather straps. The room seemed darker too almost like the mood had changed. As strange as it all was she continued to ride his cock as it felt incredible. She began to moan out herself as this was the best sex she had ever felt even though it was just a dream.

Suddenly she felt two hand slide around the front of her from behind grabbing her breasts. The sensation was amazing but she wasn't sure who it was until she heard Jill's voice in her ear whispering. At first, she couldn't make out what she was saying but she felt her. Breasts press against her back as the arms held her gently caressing her nipples.

"Take him." She said as she kissed the side of her neck sending electricity through her body. "No man should ignore his wife as he has, take him, take him now!"

"Oh, oh God!" She yelled out as the pleasure was getting much more intense.

"Take him, let his final moment be the greatest feeling in the world!" Jill continued as Anna could feel her orgasm growing. "Take his very essence, rip it from him and let it fill you!"

"Oh... Oh, Fu... FUCK!" Anna screamed as she felt his cock blow inside her sending her into an orgasmic frenzy as she felt a warm sensation fill her body as if she was sucking energy from Peter himself before she jerked awake yelling out covered with sweat as her pussy squirted for a moment soaking her panties through and leaving a wet spot on the bed.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" Peter said as he was standing at the door as he had just gotten home from work.

"Peter I um... Sorry, it was uh... A bad dream is all." She said breathing heavily as she rolled out of bed and headed for the restroom to get cleaned up.

Peter was confused as he saw the giant wet spot on the bed where she had been laying. He headed down the hall to the bathroom knocking on the door to check on Anna who didn't answer at first. He knocked again calling out her name as she finally opened up and he could see her face was wet as if she was splashing water it in.

"Are you okay?" He asked as she was still catching her breath.

"Yeah, I um, I'm okay, you're home early?"

"Yeah, almost done with the merger, should be done after tomorrow."

"That's great, I was starting to miss you." She said as she pulled him in for a kiss.

"I can see that, you know I'm not that tired if you want me to help you forget about that bad dream of yours."

"Oh, I would love to but I um, I am just exhausted but um, let's wait until its done, make it special."

"Oh, sure that sounds good, I supposed I can wait another day or two."

"I promise it'll be worth the wait." She said giving him another kiss." Well, I'm going to um... Change the sheets and go back to bed."

"Okay, I'm still a bit wired from work so I'll be in in a little while."

"Good night Babe." She said as she laid back down on the bed.

Anna laid awake for a while thinking about that dream and wondering what was going on. She began to think maybe she was just sexually frustrated because Peter hadn't been home much the last few weeks. The fact that Jill was in the dream too also made her question a few things but she shrugged it off as nothing. Also, she had read somewhere before that dreaming about sex with different people you know doesn't usually mean anything so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.


The next day she was up and out if the house pretty quickly. She knew that tonight would be Peters last late night and that she had plans to go over to Jills but she was actually feeling a little nervous about it. That dream was still on her mind and she wasn't sure why it was bothering her but she considered canceling on her a few time throughout the day.

Right before she went to lunch she got a text message from Jill that read "looking forward to seeing you tonight!" With a smiley face after it.

She knew she had to just be crazy to think Jill had anything to do with her dreams the past two nights but it was still in the back of her mind. She felt comfortable around her which was still odd to her as she barely knew her but as nervous as she was to go over to her place she was also a bit excited as well.

As she sat at her desk she began to feel a bit strange again. Her top began to feel a little uncomfortable almost as if her breasts had grown a little for in reason and it was making her bra hurt a little as it squeezed her. She also began to feel a little strange between her legs like she needed to masturbate again which was making her feel like something was seriously wrong with her as she got up and headed to the bathroom.

"Oh!" She said as she suddenly bumped into a young man who was walking past her desk. "I am so sorry."

"No it's my fault, sorry I should have been watching where I was going."

"You're the new guy from the mailroom right?"

"Yes, I'm Timmy."

"Nice to meet you, Timmy." She said as she turned and headed off as he went back to work.

As Anna got to the restroom when she realized she was feeling much better. She wasn't sure what had happened but she was no longer feeling strange and horny anymore. She was relieved as she touched up her lipstick in the mirror and examining her swollen breasts which did seem a little bigger but she was feeling so go about herself that she just smiled and headed back to work.

Timmy had returned to the mail room and was feeling very strange all of a sudden. He suddenly realized he had a growing hard-on in his pants that just sort of appeared out of nowhere and wasn't subsiding at all. He did his best to ignore it however it was becoming almost painful the longer he waited until he couldn't take it anymore.

Timmy ran into the bathroom and found a stall closing the door and trying to be as quiet as he could as he pulled down his pants and saw the raging cock sticking in the air in front of him. There was nobody else in the men's room so he took his member in his hand and began to jerk himself off trying to get this erection to subside.

With each stroke, it sent an intense wave of pleasure through him as he worked to get rid of this current issue. The feeling was getting more and more intense as it was getting harder for him to keep quiet as he approached orgasm. He bucked his hips as he looked and saw his cock start glowing very strangely to the point he was starting to freak out but the pleasure was so intense he couldn't concentrate.

His cock erupted shooting what seemed like gallons of cum up in the air hitting the ceiling and dripping back down on top of him. His penis was like a fire hose that didn't seem to want to stop. What was even stranger was it looked like a red colored energy started to shoot out of him well as he felt a warm feeling in his body begin to flow from him like he was draining his very essence.

Timmy began to get light headed as the pleasure continued before his vision went white and he fell to the floor. His cock continued to squirt a few more times as his corpse laid there only to be found hours later by a coworker covered with bodily fluids curled up in the stall.


Anna was at home trying on different dresses and such which she wasn't sure why. It was just supposed to be drinks with a friend but she wanted to look her best and she was struggling until she saw the black dress she was wearing the other night when they went to the bar together. She picked it up and looked it over before smiling and slipping it on. She looked over 8n the mirror and felt really good about herself as she looked over how much it hugged her figure but then she noticed something.

She grabbed her purse and headed out with a slightly different agenda. She was still going to see Jill but she wanted to ask her a few questions. If she truly was a therapist as she claimed to be she should be able to g8ve her some answers.

As she arrived at Jills apartment building she felt butterflies in her stomach. She paid the cab driver and headed inside looking at the very nice building she lived in. She looked at the piece of paper she had been handed and checked to see what floor and apartment number before she stepped into the elevator.

As the door opened she walked out into the hallway and saw the door a few feet away. She was suddenly very nervous all of a sudden as she took steps towards it. She must have stared at the number for a solid minute trying to gather her thoughts but she reached her hand up ready to knock when she heard a click. The door opened and Jill stood there looking stunning in a very tight red dress that hugged every curve of her. Anna couldn't help but stare at her blown away by how good she looked.

"Well hello there Anna, won't you come in." She said standing aside and inviting her letting her walk past her. "By the way you look very nice this evening, that dress really compliments your figure."

"Oh, thanks, I like yours as well, it's very..."

"Isn't it, would you like a drink?"

"Sure," Anna said sitting down on one of the stools at the counter. "This is a lovely place you have here."

"Thank you, I haven't been here very long, actually moved in last Friday."

"Last Friday, that was the day we met."

"Oh no, we met once before that, I was just looking for a place up to my standards near you which took me a few days."

"Near me? What are you talking about?"

"The previous owner's body is in the other room if you want to see it."

Anna suddenly got very nervous by the way she was talking to her before she said "ha, that's a good one," trying to ease the tension and make sure she was joking.

"Here you go." She said coming out of the kitchen and placing a champagne glass down in front of her before she sat down on a stool across from her. "Ah, I see the physical changes have started."

"Excuse me?"

"Your breasts, they are so much bigger now."

Anna looked down at her breasts which she had noticed were bigger earlier. She looked back at Jill who just had a strange look in her eyes as she smirked at her and took a sip of her own drink. Jill could feel her heart racing as she suddenly felt as if she was in danger.

"I um, so Peter is done with his work project so uh, no more late nights, well after tonight anyway."

"I know, that why I invited you over tonight."

"You know? What are you talking about?"

"Tonight is the final dose to complete your transformation."

"Transformation? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You are such a sweet and innocent woman, it has been fun corrupting you these past few days." She said smiling as she stood up and walked around the counter to her. "Like I said, tonight is your final dose.

"Dose, I'm not letting you drug me with anything." She said knocking her champagne glass over as she stood up from her stool."

"Ha, you silly girl, Its already inside you."

Anna suddenly remembered the drink she had bought her at the bar the other night and the coffee from yesterday before she said: "What the hell have you been giving me?"

"Just some of my essence, you have been experiencing the effects from the beginning, that scent when we first met which caused you to go upstairs and violate yourself in the bathroom at work, those were my pheromones, they just started the process along."

"What... Pheromones?"

"Also that Young man from the male room you bumped into, because of you he jizzed to death in a bathroom, luckily I was able to grab his energy so he didn't go to waste."

"This is... What are you, what are you... Turning me into?"

Jill smiled again before she suddenly began to change a little as two large black wings sprouted from her back ripping through her dress making it fall to the floor. She stood there naked as Anna noticed a tail down between her legs curling from behind. She looked back up to see two small horns pop out if the side of Jill's head as well as she laughed a little staring at her with black eyes.

"I've been giving you my bodily fluids, slowly changing you from the inside, you've felt it haven't you, and had the dreams as well?"

"Oh my God, stay away from me!"

Anna was terrified by what she was seeing as she slowly backed away. She looked over at the door wondering if she could make it by running around the other side of the counter. She looked back at Jill who was slowly walking towards her licking her lips as her eyes seemed different, almost red and not human.

"Don't even think about it, I'll have you in my grasp before your first step," Jiless said.

"What do you want from me?" Anna said realizing she was trapped.

"To give you a gift, you freed me from my prison and I am here to return the favor."

"What are you talking about, what are you going to do to me?"

"That little gem you dropped, at the store, that was my prison, I've been watching you from the moment I escaped, the suppressed woman you are and the freedom I will bring you."

"Please, please don't hurt me!"

"Hurt you?" She said as in the blink of an eye she had Anna pressed against the wall surrounded by her wings as she shivered in fear. "I would never hurt you, my dear, I mean to free you." She continued before she leaned forward and pressed her lips to hers.

Anna was shocked and scared but Jills kiss felt strangely comforting as her tongue gently played with her own. She tried to resist but she felt herself starting to get light headed and she couldn't think rationally anymore. She was so turned on but she also knew it had to do with whatever it was she had ingested making her feel this way but she could not resist.

Jill slid off Anna dress letting it fall to the floor. With a quick swipe of her fingernail which looked more like a claw as the skin on her hands and most of her arms were black to up near her elbow ripped her bra open with ease. Anna could feel Jill's warm breath as she leaned down and began to start to lick her mounds with a tongue that seemed longer and more pointed as it wrapped around her nipple sending ripples of pleasure through her. She was so ashamed of herself for enjoying what was happening to her right now but it was as if she wasn't in control of her actions anymore.

As Jill kissed her again and slowly pulled her lips away seeing Anna standing there squirming from her touch. She examined the exquisite example of a woman in front of her licking her lips getting excited knowing what she was about to do to her. Her tail curled up between her legs and began to tease the edge of Anna's panties. She squirmed a little more getting aroused by the feeling of Jill's tail against her skin.

"Are you ready Anna?" Jill said.

"I uh... Please..." She replied dazed and confused as her panties were being slipped off by her tail. "Don't... Peter..."

"Hush my darling, Peter is the final piece to this puzzle, but first..." She said as the tip of her tail slid inside Anna making her moan out loud at the sensation. "Now for your final dose!"

Anna felt a warm fluid suddenly squirt inside her making her yell out as a warm tingling sensation began filling her body. Jill let out a moan as if this was pleasurable for her as well. She emptied more of her fluids into Anna to the point they were starting to drip out of her onto the floor. Once she finished she pulled her tail out letting the fluid drip everywhere before she backed away from Anna as she moaned and squirmed standing there shaking before she fell to the floor.

Anna felt very strange as her body seemed to be orgasming over and over again. She looked down as her fingernails began to grow a little becoming sharper. The pleasure continued as she suddenly felt something begin to grow from her shoulder blades as she saw the shadow of two large wings on the floor beneath her. She then felt something strange as she started to swell at the has of her spin before a tail popped out.