Lilith's Emporium - Cock of Koldak Ch. 02


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"I am more than just a penis, my title is the Cock of Koldak, but I am...... I was much more, long ago."

Jean stood there in silence for a moment looking over at the door and wondering why she wasn't running and screaming. After a moment she walked back over and sat down on the bed next to Koldak standing him back up again.

"So, what were you then, I mean, before like you mentioned?"

"I was a demon of lust, I pleasured many, Gods, Goddesses, creatures of all kinds, and occasionally mortals."

"Only occasionally, well lucky me," she said with sarcasm in her voice.

"You were an incredible lover, thank you for that."

"How do I know you aren't just saying that?"

"Because I am hoping we can do that again if you want to."

"Oh really?" Jean said with a smile before she shook her head. "Wait, can't you just control me and make me do whatever you want?"

"I don't want to."

"Oh, and why not?" She asked, getting nothing but silence from Koldak. "Wait, what time is it?" She asked before looking at her clock. "Shit, I have to get to the hall for Andrea's shower, is that okay with you Koldak?"

"Are you still planning on giving me to your friend as, what you called, a joke gift?"

"No, no no, I can't do that to her, you are staying right here."

"You are not returning me to the Emporium then?"

"I........ I don't know, we can talk later when I get back, alright?"

"That is acceptable, enjoy your day sweet Jean, I shall await your return."

"I...... ugh! What the fuck is wrong with me!" She said heading towards the door.

"Nothing, you are a perfect human female," Koldak said making Jean stop and turn back for a second.

Jean actually smiled a little bit before she left the room shutting the door behind her. She stood there leaning against the door for a moment thinking about last night and whether or not she wanted to do that again later. She was suddenly very aroused by the idea smiling to herself before she shook her head.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" She said before walking to the bathroom and showering off the black stains all over her legs.


The Bridal shower went off without a hitch as Jean made sure everything was perfect for her best friend. She had not thought about Koldak for most of the day which she was relieved by as she made sure everything was set and made sure Andrea had an amazing day.

As the party began to wind down and people began to leave, Jean sat down at a mostly empty table where Andrea was sitting and handed her a glass of champagne. She accepted of course and sipped her drink smiling at Jean.

"So, what's his name?" Andrea asked.

"What, whose name?" Jean replied confused by her question.

"Oh come on Jean, you have been glowing all day, I have never seen you this happy before, is that why you hung up on me so suddenly last night?"

"What? No, nothing like....."

"You aren't back with Troy are you?"

"Oh God no, not at all."

"Good because I'd have to smack you....... oh, sorry, I didn't mean to....."

"It's fine, but that is why I will never go back to him."

"So who is he?"


"The reason you have been smiling all day."

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you something, but please don't judge me."

"Ooh, this sounds juicy!"

"Calm down," Jean said looking around first. "I sort of hooked up with someone," she said quickly correcting herself.

"Oh really, that's not like you."

"No, it's not, but it was....... really good, I mean really good, like the best I have ever had."

"So what's the problem?"

"Well, it's sort of, it's not a normal......"

"Wait a minute, you just said it was the best you've ever had? So who cares if it's not normal?"

"Well, it's something I wouldn't have ever done before, or ever thought was possible really, but it was just so....."

"Oh come on, tell me what his name is, or.... what her name is?"

"No, he was definitely male, but he has a strange name, Ko...... Cole."

"Cole? Sounds normal enough, are you seeing him again?"

"Well, maybe, actually, I don't know," Jean said finding it weird to talk about.

"Jean, Honey, do me a favor, go and let him fuck your brains out."


"I'm serious, go and have fun, even if it's just a temporary fling, you need a good fuck."

"It's a lot more complicated than that!"

"Then make it less complicated, and Hell, bring him as your plus one to the wedding."

"Yeah, that definitely won't happen."

"We'll see," Andrea said with a smile before getting up to say goodbye to one of the guests. "Oh, and by the way, thanks for not getting me one of those cliché joke gifts."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I would never..... I mean totally cliché and all," Jean said as her face turned a little red at her comment.

After another hour of cleaning up Jean finally went home. She stood outside her front door for a moment feeling nervous. This whole situation with Koldak was insane and unnatural but she found herself wanting to go have fun with him again.

She unlocked the door when she felt her phone start to vibrate. Taking it out she saw her ex-boyfriend Troy's number come across the screen again. She quickly sent him to voicemail placing her phone back in her purse before entering the apartment.

She placed her purse down on the counter before grabbing a glass and a bottle of wine. She hadn't drank a lot at the shower but she suddenly wanted to go into the bedroom and explore more of what Koldak could do. It was crazy to even think about but she knew she wasn't going to deny him.

As she took a sip of wine her phone went off again as Troy was calling her once more. "Dammit, will you fucking stop!" She yelled getting aggravated that her ex wasn't taking the hint.

She was annoyed but finished her glass of wine before walking to the bedroom leaving the phone behind. As she opened the door she saw Koldak still standing erect on her bed. He was silent but she closed the door behind her as a smirk came across her face. She could feel a dampness between her legs and she knew Koldak knew what she wanted because he was not stone at the moment, but the dark same fleshy look he was last night.

"You seem annoyed by something, is everything alright Jean?" Koldak said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, it's nothing," she said looking away for a moment.

"Please Jean, I don't like seeing you like this, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"I can think of something," she said with a smile before looking over at him again. "So," she asked nervously. "Do I have to do all the work here or......" before she could finish her sentence the cock twitched a little and a cloud of black smoke began to exit through the tip.

As it approached her she got a little nervous again, especially with the two red eyes glowing from within as she backed up against the door. It sprouted a tendril of smoke that seemed to grow fingers before it touched her cheek. She felt a warm hand on her skin which she was surprised by but it felt comforting.

"Do not be afraid, I would never harm you," Koldak said before she felt a pair of lips against her as the smoke started to surround her.

It was a strange sensation that was hard to describe. Her fear quickly vanished as she felt warm as if in an embrace that made her feel safe and comfortable. She felt hands rubbing her shoulders helping her relax a little as they began to move around a little gently rubbing her all over. She suddenly felt the straps of her dress start to slide down over her shoulders before falling to the floor.

Her body was slowly lifted and she let her shoes fall off. All she was wearing was her underwear and stockings as she felt herself being carried over to the bed. The clasp released on her bra and it was pulled off of her. She let out a sigh of relief as she didn't own a bra that comfortably support the new breasts Koldak had given her. She suddenly felt what seemed to be hundreds of lips gently kissing her skin all over her body making her moan out loud as she was gently placed down on the mattress.

"Oh, my!" She said lying there with her eyes closed just enjoying the sensations Koldak was inflicting upon her.

She suddenly felt a finger sliding along the inner rim of her panties almost as if teasing her a little before feeling them pulled off of her. Her heart was racing, wondering what he was going to do to her as she was both excited and scared at the same time.

As the smoke swirled around her she noticed what felt like little whirlwinds suddenly focusing on certain areas. First, her nipples were being sucked on, perking them up a little before she felt one focusing on her clit, moving it around as she spread her legs a little enjoying the sensation as her breathing got heavier.

The cock of Koldak began to move on its own sliding along the bed, positioning itself between her legs ready to enter her but he hesitated. His black smoke continued to swirl around her making her feel amazing as she opened her eyes and saw the large cock on the bed ready and waiting.

A smile came across her face as she writhed at the multiple sensations she was experiencing all at once before she said: "do it!"

Koldak slid forward but didn't force himself inside her just yet. Instead, the warm head leaned forward and gently touched her slit teasing her a little. Little drops of black slimy precum dripped out lubricating her entrance as she moved her hips feeling the slimy gentle touch against herself begging for him to slide inside her.

"Oh shit, fuck me Koldak, oh God, please fuck me!" She begged being driven mad by the feeling of his tip against her pussy.

Koldak obliged before finally sliding inside her, slowly as she opened her mouth but couldn't say a word as the pleasure was so intense she went cross-eyed at the sensation until he was as deep as he could go.

"FUCK!" She yelled out as Koldak filled her more than any lover she had ever had before slowly sliding back out of her.

He continued to slide in and out of her very slowly, making sure she enjoyed every second of it as the black slime lubricated her inside and out. The smoke continued to pleasure the rest of her body still playing with her clit and her nipples while at the same time she felt those little lips along the side of her neck and other places.

Koldak began to move quicker making Jean moan loudly with every movement. She had never felt this good before in her life and didn't want it to end. She could feel the pressure building inside her as her orgasm approached. Her body was shaking as Koldak pushed as deep as he could, holding for a moment before gently pulling back out.

"God!" She yelled as she knew one more thrust was all she needed but she knew Koldak was going to tease her for a moment driving her mad with pleasure.

Koldak did exactly that keeping just the tip pressed against her entrance as she was covered with sweat waiting patiently as she opened her eyes and looked down at the large cock. It was covered with black slime but she spread her legs as wide as she could waiting for Koldak to finally finish her off.

Koldak plunged himself back in with no warning before spraying his black cum inside her. Jean screamed with satisfaction feeling the warm slime fill her up before her pussy exploded with pleasure causing her to buck her hips wildly. Koldak slid back out falling on the mattress and he squirted a few more times while Jean was also squirting wildly. She noticed the fluids coming out of her were the same black slimy liquid Koldak was using but she didn't care as the pleasure was so intense.

After a few more moments the sensations finally subsided and she relaxed against the mattress as black good dripped out from between her legs ruining the bed sheets, but again she didn't care. All that mattered at the moment was how her body felt and the demonic cock that had done this to her.

"Wow, you are so fucking amazing Koldak!" She said breaking the silence as she lay there motionless struggling to catch her breath.

After a few moments, Koldak finally said: "I can show you many pleasures if you want, but only with your permission."

"Such a gentleman, too bad you don't have a body," she said before she grabbed him and placed him on the bed next to her. "What happened to your body, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Long ago, I was in the service of an ancient God who had placed a curse on me, my job was to please anyone and everyone I was told to including her, I was cursed to do this for all eternity. But I had a love, a woman named Felora."

"What a very pretty name, what happened to her?"

"After years of service I begged for my release, to live out the days of my life with the woman I loved, but it wasn't until the Goddess Lilith showed pity on me."

"Lilith, like the Lilith?" Jean asked as she was still too exhausted to move.

"Yes, she could not break my curse, but I was currently in her service so she allowed me to live out my days until Felora's end. My body withered away with hers until all that was left was my cock, as that was all they needed from me, but every hundred years, I could resurrect my love for one night so we could be together."

"Wow, so when was the last time you.... wait, is that what you are doing to me?"

"No, a few years ago I brought her back as I was possessing a young man named Peter. I used the woman he loved to bring her back so we could share a night of passion.

"Wait, you can possess people?"

"I can possess any penis, and co-exist with the owner, taking them over temporarily which is what I did for Peter, showing him pleasure he had only dreamed of. That was the last time I saw her, and the last time I ever will."

Jean heard the change in his voice before she said: "what do you mean?"

"Her soul was becoming damaged from the summonings, so I can no longer...... summon her again."

He went silent for a long time. "I'm sorry Koldak, so what will you do now?"

"She told me to move on, but...... I am unsure how."

"Well, I think any girl would love what you can do," she said lightly caressing his shaft with her finger. "In fact, I'm hoping you aren't ready to move on from me just yet."

"I enjoy your company very much Jean, I would be honored to stay here with you for as long as you like."

Jean smiled and shuddered a little at his words thinking about all the fun they could have together. "I would uh, I'd like that very much," she said as she rolled over and threw her arm around the large warm cock next to her, holding it against her before she fell asleep.

Koldak felt good in her embrace letting her sleep to regain her strength. The cock began to glow a little warming her up even more as she let out a little moan as her comfort increased.


The next morning came as Jean awoke still cuddled against the large Demon penis in bed with her. She rubbed her hand along Koldak and gave the head a little kiss before she sat up and stretched. As she opened her eyes she was a little confused at what she saw.

"Wait, what happened to?" She asked as all the dried-up black slime that had been all over her sheets and skin was gone.

"I used my powers to clean up the mess I made, I don't want to be any inconvenience to you."

"Inconvenience is not a word I would use to describe you Koldak," she said as she stretched again and got out of bed. "So, I was thinking about something you said last night, you can possess others?"

"I can bond with any sexual organ, temporarily."

Is there any way to get a new body, like permanently?" Jean asked as Koldak was silent. "Koldak?"

"There is a way, but it cannot happen."

"What do you mean?"

"I would have to kill someone and take over their body, but I can't, I won't, I am a demon of pleasure, it would go against my nature. I was allowed to do it temporarily during the summoning but that is all."

"Oh, I understand, I'm sorry I even brought it up," she said suddenly feeling guilty for asking.

"You have nothing to apologize for Jean, I enjoy your company and look forward to more of our activities together."

"Oh really, wait, did you say you could bond with any male sexual organ?"

"Not just male organs," he said as Jean suddenly got curious, feeling aroused by his statement.

"Uh wha...... what could you do to me?" She asked nervously.

"Would you like me to tell you, or just show you?" Koldak asked as Jean suddenly began to sweat getting excited and curious. She noticed these little tendrils start to sprout from the base of Koldak's cock. "Oh my, this is crazy," she said feeling her heart race in her chest as she lightly caressed the front of her pussy with her finger.

"This may feel strange, and we can stop whenever you like, but I promise you will enjoy it."

Jean picked up Koldak moving the base of the cock down between her legs. The little tendrils shot out and slid inside her pussy making her whole body jerk as it felt very nice. They wiggled around inside her as she was unsure of what they were doing but Koldak was suddenly pulled out of her hand and began to glow. The veins had a red glow to them that seemed to light hers up as well.

Jean was shocked to see this large demonic cock between her legs as if it was hers. She felt strange before she reached out and touched it. Her body suddenly jerked as she could feel the touch as if this was a part of her anatomy. It was all sensations she wasn't sure how to process as she had never had them before but there was also a burning lust she couldn't deny.

"Oh my fucking God!" She said touching her new penis and jumping a little every time she did. "Wow, this is...... I don't know how to describe it. Fuck! I just want to..... I don't know, I want to shove this inside someone so bad, this lust is insane."

"If you don't mind a little company, I can help with that."

"What do you mean?" She asked before the cock began to twitch a little making her fall back against her pillow as waves of pleasure shot through her.

She saw a flash of light out of the corner of her eye before something appeared in the corner of the room. It looked like a portal or something but soon it looked like someone was stepping through it. Her skin was red and she had two horns sticking out of the top of her head. She also seemed to have a long tail that curled around from behind her as well. She was wearing sunglasses, also boots that went up to her thighs, along with what she could only describe as leather panties and a bra.

"Ah, well well Koldak, what do we have here?" She said with a toothy grin sliding down her sunglasses as she examined Jean and her situation.

"Fyrana, it is good to see you after all this time," Koldak said as Jean let out a moan every time Koldak spoke as if it gave her pleasure. "This is Jean."

"I see, well hello Jean, I see you have been enjoying Koldak's company," she said with a seductive grin taking off her glasses completely.

"Um.... who.... who are you?" Jean asked still seemingly suffering from an intense lust.

"I am Fyrana, an old friend of Koldak's, and I am here to," she said stepping closer to the bed and getting a closer look at the situation. "Well, I am here to show you a good time apparently."

"Koldak?" Jean said not sure how she felt about this situation.

"As I said before, we can stop at any time you wish, but Fyrana is a sex demon, an expert on pleasure, and I wanted to show you things you had never felt before."

"And believe me, Honey, you are both really going to enjoy this," Fyrana said as her tail suddenly curled around Jean and Koldak's shared cock, gently stroking it a few times.

"Holy shit!" Jean said feeling the sensation. "That feels so..... but..... I'm not....."

"What? A lesbian?" Fyrana said raising an eyebrow. "You humans, it doesn't matter, you need to stop worrying about things like that," Fyrana stood up and removed the few pieces of clothing she was wearing showing off her full naked demon body. Jean couldn't deny how good she looked and how aroused she was given the situation. "Now, shall we begin?"