Lilith's Emporium Pt. 18: The Stone


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"He wouldn't survive the process."

"Exactly, we use Sebastian's soul to bring him back, and I use what is left of Patrick's energy to bring myself back, so we will both get what we want."

"Ness...ira!" Patrick was able to say but he struggled.

"Shush you, I told you this would happen," Delimira said before she zapped him making him fall to the floor but still unable to move on his own. "Now, what do you say Nessira, you want your true love back in your arms again, don't you?" She said handing the Tablet to her as Patrick was helpless on the floor.

Nessira took the stone and examined it. "Sebastian, it's been so long," she said staring at the tablet.

"It has, but you can make up for all that lost time, I'll even give you back your heart," Nessira was silent staring at the tablet as Patrick desperately tried to make eye contact with her. "You see Patrick, I told you from the start that she was hiding something from you, but don't worry, soon it won't be your problem anymore."

"How do I know you'll keep your word?" Nessira said as Patrick stared at her shocked by what he had just heard."

"I am an elf, you know enough about my kind to know I am telling the truth."

Nessira stood there looking at the tablet before she looked over at Patrick who still couldn't move. He just stared into her eyes as knowing full well what her true intention was as Delimira walked over and stood above him.

"I told you, she would turn on you in a heart..."


Delimira spun around realizing Nessira had destroyed the tablet smashing it on the floor. "What... what have you..." she stopped again as she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

Nessira had sprouted one of her blades and jammed in right through the elven mage without hesitation. "That is for fucking my husband," she said before she quickly pulled it out and spun around taking her head off with ease. "And that was for me."

Patrick suddenly took a deep breath as he could move again but his body was very weak. The remains of Delimira had faded away leaving nothing left. Whatever she had done to him had taken a physical toll and he still couldn't stand on his own and only barely move.

"Ness, Nessira," he struggled to say as she rushed to him cradling his head in her lap. "I'm sorry, I'm so..."

She placed her finger on his lips to hush him before she said: "it's okay, don't move, I'll take care of you.


The next day was somewhat of a blur as Patrick was in and out of consciousness but every time he awoke he was in his bed and Nessira was by his side. Whether she was laying in bed next to him or sitting in a chair in the corner reading a book she was always there and was constantly checking on him.

His dreams were normal and even hard to remember which he was relieved because that meant Delimira was not trying to seduce him anymore. Every time he tried to talk to Nessira about what happened she would just tell him to get some rest and let him go back to sleep.

At one point he awoke and she was not in the room. He looked around and didn't see her anywhere but he was tired of laying down so he rolled out of bed. It took him a moment to balance himself but he was feeling much better as he headed for the door.

As he opened he could hear voices downstairs in the store as Nessira chatted with Shadow who was home from her trip with Kevin. Patrick looked over to his right and headed to his office. He closed the door behind him and sat down at his desk using his computer to do a little more research on Delimira as he was curious about how they weren't prepared for her.

"How are you feeling?" He suddenly heard Nessira said as he poked her head into the room.

He smiled and put his hand out inviting her in. She walked over to him seemingly happy he seemed to be doing alright but there was still a look of concern on her face.

"I'm okay, but when are we going to talk about what happened?"

Nessira was silent for a moment before she said: "I suppose we should," she pulled him up out of his chair and walked over to the couch sitting down with him. "In case you didn't notice I destroyed the tablet."

"I saw, look Nessira, I never should have questioned your loyalty like that, I was a dumb asshole."

"You had your reasons, I have been dreaming about him lately, and admittedly that was part of the reason I wanted the tablet."

"Okay?" He asked curious about her answer.

"But not for the reason you think," she said adjusting herself a little in her seat. "Long ago I lost the only man I thought I'd ever love, and that sent me down a very dark path, a path I am still paying for in some ways, but a path that got better the night I met you."

"Well, that was a pretty fun night."

"You and Shadow have become the light in my life, the only things that matter to me, and that was why I wanted the tablet, because I have something to lose again, and that is something I spent a long time trying to avoid."

"Wait, so you wanted the tablet because?"

"In case I ever lost either of you, I wanted to have a backup plan, a way to bring you back, as stupid as that sounds, but I just don't know if I could handle losing someone again, you remember that dark future you saw?"

"I do very well, but resurrection is dangerous magic Ness, hell look what happened just by retrieving it."

"I should have known, Elves are powerful and manipulative, so I take responsibility for not preparing you for that."

"Ness, Delimira may have influenced me a little but I'd be lying if the thought had never crossed my mind."

"I know," she said looking down and rotating her wedding rings.

"But you destroyed the tablet, without hesitation did you even consider..."

"Not even for a second," she said looking up at him with glazed-over eyes. "I loved Sebastian, I loved him so much, but back then... I'm not that person anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"That was centuries ago, I have done so much and changed so much since then, the woman he loved doesn't exist anymore, I've done terrible things in his name, he was my excuse for so much bloodshed, so many lives ruined, he would never forgive me."

"I don't believe that," he said taking her hand. "I think he'd love you no matter what."

"Maybe, but honestly it doesn't matter, everyone thinks that deep down I am still pining over him, but I'm not, you may have his soul and maybe that is why I fell in love with you, but you aren't him, and I'm fine with that because you are the person, the version of him that can love this version of me."

"More than anything," he said leaning over pressing his lips to hers. "And I'm still very sorry."

"I've been influenced to do horrible things before, hell I almost kill my own daughter, I think I can forgive you for this, but she was right about one thing."

"What's that?"

"I do have a secret, one that I have been keeping from you, about Jenny."

"Jenny," he asked not expecting to hear her name. "what about her?"

"Years ago, when I was a miserable fucking bitch who wanted power and revenge, I put a curse on a young man," she said seemingly finding this hard to talk about.

"What kind of curse?"

"It was sort of a DNA spell, I put a spell on him that made him produce children who would all be female and have a similar look to them."


"With specific features, soulless little girls generation after generation, all dying at a young age if they didn't serve their purpose."

"Their purpose, which was?"

"To provide me with a backup body should mine be destroyed."

"So... oh my God."

"Her mother died as an alcoholic right?" She asked as Patrick shook his head yes. "And Jenny also had a drinking problem, because she didn't have a soul, she only had a purpose, reproduce or become my new body, and she was attracted to you, because... because of who you are."

Patrick had a shocked look on his face as he tried to process what he was just told. "So, even if I hadn't broken up with her, she'd still be dead?"

"I'm afraid so," Nessira said with obvious shame in her eyes. "Her problems weren't because of anything you did, it was what I did."

Patrick got up off the couch and walked a few feet away. Nessira knew she had to tell him the truth but seeing his reaction just made her feel worse. He had his back to her but she could tell he was trying to wrap his head around what she had just told him and process it the best he could.

"I loved her," he finally said breaking the silence. "At least I thought I did."

"Patrick," she said getting up and walking towards him. "I am so sor..."

"But it was you," he said turning away from her as Nessira had a look of worry and fear in her eyes. "I finally get it."

"Get what?"

"A part of me has always felt guilty for what happened to her, that I had let my first love die by not being there for her, and even worse when I married the person who used her body, but now I realize that..." he paused before looking back at his wife. "There was always something missing in our relationship, now I get it, the thing that was missing was you."

Nessira was a little surprised by his reaction but before she could respond he placed his hands on her cheeks and wiped away her tears. She then felt his lips pressed against hers and she knew she was right. This was the man, the version of Sebastian's soul that could love her unconditionally, despite what she had done he had accepted what she is, even after admitting something horrible he was going out of his way to make sure she knew how much he loved her.

"How can you not be mad at me about this?" She asked pulling her lips away.

"Because, I thought I could have saved her, but in a way I guess I did, we did, you lifted a huge burden off my shoulders."

"I don't deserve you," she said throwing her arms back around him.

"You deserve more than you think you do, and I will spend forever making you feel like you do."

"I don't deserve your corny romantic bullshit either."

"You love my romantic bullshit," he said as they both fell back to the couch as he began to gently kiss her neck. "You love it when I romance you, make you feel special, say how much I love your dark twisted kinky side."

"Stop, I can only get so horny!" She said with a small chuckle.

"Nothing more dangerous than a horny succubus."

"Hmm, and no one more gullible than a horny wizard," she said before pushing him down against the other end of the couch and climbing on top of him. Her eyes flashed red for a moment as she looked down at him. "Now, what is a woman to do to get the scent of elf off of you?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something creative," he said enjoying the view of the woman on top of him. "I trust you've dealt with horny wizards before?" He asked as she continues to smile at him.

"Looks like you've got some greys there," she said running her fingers along his hair where he had noticed them earlier. "Good thing I dig the older gentlemen look."

He suddenly felt his cock pressed against something warm and moist only to look down and notice his clothes had disappeared. "What the?" He said realizing what had happened.

Nessira gave him a mischevious grin he knew all too well before her dressed began to fade away as well. She began to rub against him teasing his cock as he could feel the folds of her waiting pussy sliding along his shaft but no matter how much he moved he couldn't get it to slide inside her.

"Impatient are we?" She asked as she continued to tease him. "All right then," she said and with a snap of her fingers, he felt his cock easily slide right inside her.

"Oh shit," he said enjoying the feeling of her warm slit hugging his waiting member. "Nothing is simple with you."

"Your cock seems to obey my commands, if only I could get the rest of your body to be so obedient."

"Ha, then I wouldn't be the man you love."

"Oh really," she said moving her hips ever so slightly making him moan a little at her movements. "Admit it, you'd become my sex slave in a second if I asked you to."

"Thought I already was?"

Nessira smiled as her pussy squeezed his member using those muscles that only a succubus had within. Patrick moaned even louder as she gently tortured his member using tricks that would kill any other man but knowing he could enjoy all her tricks again and again.

She leaned down against him kissing him again barely moving her hips and just focusing on the interior motions to pleasure him as his hands slipped around her waist gently stroking her skin. It was a strange sensation but he was enjoying himself as she just seemed to smile at him between times she tasted his lips.

Her vaginal walls seemed to pull on his cock almost feeling like a mouth sucking him off. It was a longer process than just normal sex but definitely enjoyable. He wondered about how many men she had killed this way and how lucky they were to spend their final moment son earth feeling the warmth of her body on theirs, to feel her amazing sexual organ literally suck the life out of them.

"So Wizard, how much longer can you last?" She said still torturing cock.

Patrick smiled before he slid his hands around her back and rolled her over landing on the floor. Nessira a bit surprised as Patrick was now on top of her but was not hurt from the fall. His cock was still wedged inside her as he kissed her again and began to move his hips jamming his cock even deeper into her as she let out a moan still trying to rip his soul from his body.

She felt his fingers on her thigh as he curled her leg up. His rhythm became faster as he began fucking Nessira's brains out as she whined beneath him feeling his cock tickle her insides and losing control. He was the only man she ever let do this to her as she relaxed her body and let him have his way with her. Even with Sebastian, she hesitated giving control of their sex life but Patrick knew what she liked and found ways to make her whole body react as his lips knew which spots to touch to make her squirm.

"Shit," she whispered in his ear as they writhed on the floor together.

She wrapped her arms around him and he could feel a tingling sensation in his cock as her pussy prepared to suck out his soul, an experience he looked forward to over and over again. As his lips touched hers they savored each other's flavor as he felt a warm feeling flow through his body. It was intense as always as he felt the pleasure build into what was much more than just an orgasm shared between husband and wife but an experience nobody else on earth could share as their souls joined as one on a moment of otherworldly delight.

Every time seemed the same but different. Their energies would mix together even though he wasn't sure which body was which. He could see many things and feel many more, the only time it was different was the time her dark side did this after expelling Ezranox from her body.

Things got intense that time and she was angry that the creature had tried to take over her body and fuck her man so Dark Nessira wanted to prove something. He wasn't sure what but all he knew was his cock was in Nessira's perfect ass which is dangerous even if you share a heart with a succubus but when their souls combined he saw the dark side of her in full force. Gave him nightmares for a few days after which Nessira had to use a spell to help subside but despite that, he would do it again in a heartbeat to feel that dark pleasure inside her again.

After their energies mingled for however long they did he found himself back in his own body feeling his cock emptying his cum into Nessira as they were still laying on the hardwood floor of his office before he collapsed and laid his head against her reeling from the after-effects of what had just happened.

"Ha, no elf could do that," she said as she held him in her arms sensing he was still a little week from what Delimira had done to him, but also that he was free from her hold as well.

"Do that to me forever," he said as he struggled to not fall asleep on the floor wrapped in her arms.

"I promise!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Watched all of Lilith's now

I was trying to find other great stories in here, after I got heartbroken by a perfect yet abandoned series, until I found your Liliths. Incredible. And I'm not saying that just for a rebound, I'm staying dude.

jkthekatjkthekatover 4 years ago

Always a great read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Yay another great chapter after a crap day at work thank you maestro84. Also will you be continuing with the Lilith series?

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