Lilith's Emporium Pt. 21: Dark Xmas


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Her mind began to wander as she thought about all of this Christmas stuff. It wasn't that she didn't want to do this for her husband, but she was having trouble trying to understand it all. This time of year just seemed to drive people crazy, which also her want to cast a spell that made them all relax a bit, but that could lead to other complications, ones that her dark side would enjoy very much though.

Ever since Baphomet's influence had been purged, she found it much easier to control that part of her. Baphomet did not create Dark Ness, as she had been known to be called, but she did influence her, giving her more control and more of that dark influence that only an evil creature like Baphomet could. But Dark Ness was truly born the night Sebastian died, and was the part of Nessira that didn't care about the consequences of her actions.

Dark Ness was all about revenge and doing whatever she wanted. Once she lost the love of her life, nothing seemed to matter anymore, but over the recent years, she had become angry. She had been used by Baphomet, and Ror'gon a few years ago. Controlled like their personal plaything and she was forced to become Ror'gon's queen. Then there was that trap Baphomet set for her that almost killed the good parts of her soul.

When Draikoth returned a few months ago, Nessira considered letting her out again but her fear stopped her. As horrible as Draikoth was, along with these other dark creatures, Dark Ness was born with the powers of Lilith which could be even worse if let loose on the world, but despite all of that, Dark Ness might be what they need to get their sex life back on track, because even if Nessira couldn't control her, Patrick could.

"Mom? You okay?" Shadow said getting her attention.

"Huh? Yes, yes, I'm fine," she said looking down at the bags in her hands and the box under her arm. "All set?"

"I am. Ready to go home?"

"I am," Nessira said as they headed for the door but stopped for a moment as Shadow glanced at the acoustic guitar in the front window. "You okay Shadow?" Nessira asked.

"Huh, yeah, just a thought," she said before they moved on.


"I've been thinking of learning how to play guitar. Gavin's gotten me really into music, but that's something we can worry about later. We gotta make Christmas happen for Dad."

"Right," Nessira said before glancing back at the guitar once more trying to figure out how to get it for her daughter for Christmas.


Nessira and Shadow returned to the shop and luckily Patrick was still not home. Nessira used a spell to easily hide the gift she got him and Shadow put the stuff she bought up in her room before Nessira met her up there.

"Okay, we need to get your father out of the house tomorrow so I can get some things done."

"We were supposed to go have dinner with Grandma and Grandpa remember? I guess you could just make up an excuse for why you can't go?"

"Oh shit, I forgot about that. But Patrick wants me there."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Wait, what if I tell him I have an emergency, then meet you guys there later?" Nessira said with a smile. "I mean, his mother already hates my guts anyway."

"Grandpa likes you though."

"Yeah, he is a sweet old man. Okay, you two head on over, and I'll make up an excuse and stay here to get everything set up, and then I'll meet you guys there later. Okay?"

"I'll tell Gavin to come to help you. He's already got spare lights and a tree to bring over."

"You've been texting him this whole time haven't you?"

"Yup, and it's a good thing I did."

"Yeah, that works. Thanks, Honey," she said before hugging her daughter.

"Hey, what are you two so happy about?" Patrick said suddenly walking in the front door.

"Oh, just spent the day together. A little Mother Daughter bonding is all," Nessira said with a smile.

"Oh, okay cool," he said with a grin holding a bag.

"What's that?" Shadow asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about," he said teasing her. "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me."

"Wait, Nessira said stepping in front of him. "Look, about earlier, I got a little short with you and......"

"It's fine Ness, don't even give it another thought. I love you, and I am going to do everything I can to..... well, you know."

"Well, that's my cue I guess," Shadow said before she turned and left the room.

"In fact, if you want to stay home tomorrow, you can. I won't make you visit my parents if you don't want to."

"That is the best thing you have ever said to me, but no, I want to be there with you and Shadow."

"Alright. Well, I have some things to do," he said before kissing her and heading up to his office.

"Oh yeah, I am getting fucking laid tomorrow," she said with a grin before heading to the back room. "Where is..... ah, there you are," she said picking up a set of metal cuffs."


The next day Patrick and Shadow were ready to go. Shadow was wearing a rather ugly Christmas sweater that Patrick's mother had made for her but figured it would make the night go more smoothly. Patrick couldn't help but laugh a little at the sight of it.

"Shut up Dad!" She said with an annoyed tone.

"Ness, you ready to go?"

"SHIT!" She suddenly yelled from the bedroom before walking out holding her phone. "I gotta go into town."

"Everything okay?" Patrick asked.

"Apparently there was an event at the Safari that..... well, needs some cleaning up if you know what I mean?"

"Shit, what did she do now?"

"I'll spare you the details."

"Well, then how about I go with you and...."

"No, it's fine. I'll go and I will meet you at your parent's house as soon as I can."

"Ness, I already told you that you didn't have to go, so if this is just a....."

"Trust me, Honey, this is very important," she said walking over and putting her hand on his cheek.

"Okay, but you know my mother will be pissed."

"Patrick, Honey," she said with a big smile. "She already hates my guts."

"She doesn't....... yeah I guess. Okay, see you when you get there," he said kissing her before heading downstairs.

"Gavin will be here soon. Is there anything else you need?" Shadow asked.

"No, I'm good. But hold the fort until I get there."

"No problem. Remember they love me," Shadow said with a chuckle before heading to meet Patrick at the car.

"Okay, now how the fuck do I do Christmas?" She said watching her husband's car drive off.

It wasn't long until Gavin showed up out front. Nessira was waiting on the porch eagerly as he got out of the car. She could tell he seemed a bit nervous but she put it on the back burner for the moment.

"Okay, I got the tree. A few lights are out but I have more we can just wrap around it. These boxes are for the outside."

"Oh yes, you are a lifesaver," Nessira said helping him with the boxes.

"Okay, so is there a ladder or......"

"No, don't worry about that. I need you to do something else for me. It is very important," Nessira said as Gavin looked confused.

"Sure, anything Mrs. Johnson."

"Please call me Nessira," she said with a grin. "Here is some cash, I need you to go to that rock music store Shadow likes and buy that guitar in the front window."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, why, did you already get it for her?"

"No, I got her a Beatles box set and a...... uh....."

"A what?"

"A necklace," he said with some embarrassment in his voice before he pulled it out to show her.

Nessira looked at the jewelry in his hand that was not cheap. The gem in the center looked like it would bring out Shadow's eyes but she also knew that her daughter didn't really wear jewelry.

"It's beautiful, but what possessed you to buy here this?"

"We were talking one day and she mentioned how she didn't wear jewelry because she didn't own any. So I figured she would look beautiful with this."

"Wow, you really do care about her, don't you?"

"Very much so," he said.

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into Gavin?" Nessira asked with seriousness in her voice.

"Yeah, well, I had questions after what happened a few months ago. "Shadow told me everything, about you, who your mother is, and her father."

"Well, I'm sure not everything."

"Maybe not, but Shadow is special, dangerous, but special, and I want to give it my all."

"Huh, you are a good guy," Nessira said with a smile. "Well, I'm sure she will love the necklace." She said with a teasing smile. "Okay, go get the guitar and me back here. I'll take care of the rest," she said as Gavin got back into the car and headed off. "Okay, now this should work," she said as she began to wave her hands.

The boxes of lights began to open and the strings began to start wrapping around the edge of the roof and porch. She had never used her magic for anything like this before but she also had no intention of climbing a ladder and getting her hands dirty. Luckily they didn't have any close-by neighbors who would see her do this but within moments it was done.

"Okay, now....." she said before she snapped her fingers and watched the house light up. "Oh Wow!" She said staring at the colored lights that covered the emporium. She stared for a moment admiring the beauty before moving on to the tree. "Okay, where the fuck do I put you?" She said to herself before going into the back room that used to be Shadow's room years ago before she moved upstairs. "Oh, I got it!"

Nessira waved her hands as the small square room began to change. The walls became brighter and she also created a fireplace as well. The tree went up with ease and suddenly the room that had been dark and empty was now warm and inviting with a nice couch against the wall and a fire burning.

"Damn, I'm a good cook!" Nessira joked with herself before she snapped her fingers again and brought back the gifts they had purchased, placing them fully wrapped under the tree.


Patrick and Shadow had just finished dinner and were wondering what was keeping Nessira. Patrick knew something was off with her earlier but didn't give it much thought as he was trying to get through this and get home as Shadow sat there in her ugly sweater.

"Everything was delicious Mom," Patrick said.

"It's a shame Nessira couldn't join us," his father Jerome said.

"She really wanted to," Shadow said. "But she had to take care of matters in the city."

"Oh right, didn't you say she's part owner of a nightclub now?" Jerome asked.

"Yeah, a friend of hers owns a club and Nessira decided to go in with her as part owner, but she lets Sasha run it."

"Clubs are such a sinful place. But given Nessira's past, it doesn't......." Patrick's mother began to say.

"Mom, that's enough," Patrick said interrupting her. "She went from a troubled youth to a wife and mother and owns two businesses. I think you need to cut her some slack."

"Well she couldn't be bothered to make it in time for dinner," Diane said before they heard the doorbell ring.

"That must be her," Jerome said before getting up. As he opened the front door he saw Nessira standing there with a smile on her face. "Ness, it's so good to see you," he said giving her a big hug.

"Hey Jerome," she said hugging him back.

"Hey, call me Dad," he said with a smile inviting her in.

"Sorry I missed dinner, but I brought pie?" She said holding up a store-bought apple pie.

"Oh, that's sure to piss off Diane, she already made her own."

"Oh, um, should I throw it out?" Nessira asked nervously.

"Nah, let's piss her off together," he said with a chuckle making Nessira smile as they walked into the dining room.

"Hello Diane, Merry Christmas, I brought a pie."

"I already made dessert," Diane responded coldly.

"Well, I was raised to bring something when invited over, but I'm sure it won't go to waste," she said placing it down on the table.

Patrick stood up and kissed Nessira. "Everything okay at the club?"

"Yup, everything is good, went better than expected actually."

"Oh good," he said before they both sat down.

"So Nessira, tell me about this club?" Jerome asked.

"Oh, just a little place in the city. Nothing too crazy, but business has been good."

"I'm glad to hear it. You are doing so well for yourself and I'm glad to hear it," Jerome said before Diane started bringing out her homemade pie.

"Thanks for coming," Patrick whispered in his wife's ear.

"You can always count on me." She said before she looked over at Shadow giving her a nod. Assuring her that everything was all set at home.


After another hour they finally left and headed home. Patrick seemed to be in a good mood and Nessira and his mother remained as civil as they could for the rest of the evening.

The three of them were just chatting and joking on the car ride home and Nessira couldn't help but smile. She began to wonder if this was what having a normal family was like. There was joy inside he and for the first time in a while, she felt happy and lucky to have these people in her life.

"What the....." Patrick said as he headed up the Hill and saw the bright-colored lights on the front of the shop.

"Do you like it?" Nessira asked.

"How....... when....... but why?"

"Listen, we've been through a lot of shit lately, and I realized that we needed a reason to celebrate and be happy, so I decided we needed to do Christmas this year."

"But...... you didn't have to......"

Nessira placed her finger on his lips. "Enough of that. Just enjoy," she said before they got out of the car.

"Holy shit, this is incredible," he said looking at the decorations.

Shadow jumped for joy happy to see her father happy and that they had finally decorated for Christmas. Patrick walked over to Nessira taking her in her arms and kissing her passionately. There was no growling or anything wrong, just the two of them standing outside in the snow-covered forest.

"Oh wait, there's more inside," she said taking his hand and leading him through the front door.

"Oh hey, you're back," Gavin said as he was in the shop. "I got those last-minute things on your list," he said to Nessira.

"Thanks, Gavin, you are a miracle worker," Nessira said before Shadow ran over and kissed him.

"I'll make it up to you later," she whispered in his ear making him go wide-eyed for the moment.

"Come with me, Nessira said still leading Patrick into the back room. They went through the storage room and entered the old spare bedroom and he saw the tree and everything else set up. "Do you like it?"

"Holy...... Nessira, you didn't have to do this, but wow, this is amazing!"

"Yay!" Nessira said giddily with joy. "Oh, thank you," she said as Gavin handed her a glass. "And here you go," she said handing it to Patrick.

"Really, Eggnog?" Patrick said with a chuckle.

The next hour or so was a classic Christmas. Nessira seemed to enjoy it a lot which surprised Patrick. Her face lit up when she saw how excited Shadow was about her guitar, and oddly enough Patrick had bought her guitar lessons for Christmas because he planned to let her borrow his. One of the reasons Shadow wants to learn how to play is so she and Patrick had something else in common.

Patrick loved his statue and was shocked that Nessira bought it for him. He couldn't wait to set it up with the rest of them but for now, all he wanted to do was just relax for a bit and enjoy the moment.

He looked around the room at all the decor Nessira had put up. He looked over at Gavin sitting on the couch with Shadow in his lap as she looked at the necklace he had given her. Nessira was on Patrick's lap as he sat in a recliner with his arms around her as she wore the same red sweater she had on yesterday. She looked like a normal woman, and for the first time, Patrick felt like he had a normal life and a normal family, even though it was their abnormalities that made him love all of them as much as he did.

"You crazy kids be good, and drive safe," Nessira said as Shadow and Gavin left to spend the night at his place. Nessira was sure she wanted to thank him properly, and Nessira had a similar evening planned as well. "That was fun," Nessira said seeing her husband standing in the shop with a big smile on her face.

"Oh wait, you haven't opened your present yet," he said handing her a giant flat package.

"Oh my, what is this?" She asked as she took off the paper and then opened the cardboard box sliding out what looked like a large frame. "What on Earth could............."

Nessira went pale as a ghost as she took out the painting. Patrick was nervous but knew she recognized it immediately as she dropped the cardboard box and stared at it without uttering a single word.

"I...... how.........." she asked as tears filled her eyes as she stared at a painting that used to be in her home on top of Raven Hill. It was of her and Sebastian and had been made by a local artist only a few months before his death. "It's not......... it's not possible," she said as she noticed the singed edges.

"Apparently your house was looted before it was burned. Some things were still intact and I was able to use a special spell I created to find them. This was tucked away in the warehouse of the local history museum."

Nessira looked up at him still with shock on her face. "I..........." she started to say before placing the picture down gently on the counter and running into her husband's arms.

Nessira was sobbing uncontrollably and for a moment Patrick couldn't tell if she was happy or sad but he just held her as tightly as he could and let her do what she needed to do.

"How did you get it?" She asked breaking the silence.

"I might have stolen it, along with a few bowls, and a couple of crystals as well. Everything that was connected to you would glow red when I cast the spell."

"You're such an asshole," she said to his surprise. "I don't deserve you," she added before she kissed him passionately, pulling his shirt out from his jeans.

"Wait wait, I still......"

"No, we are fucking doing this. I have a plan and one way or another, your fucking cock is mine tonight," she said before she kissed him again.

Patrick was still a little worried but he couldn't deny the lust that had been building inside him for weeks now. Nessira wasn't taking no for an answer as his cock got hard in his pants and soon she grabbed him by the hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

She pulled off her red sweater and stood there wearing just a tank top and sweatpants. She opened her dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of metal cuffs, handing them to him before pulling off her pants so she was just in the top and panties.

"Put these on me," she said giving him her wrists.

"What for?"

"You will know soon enough."

"When should I take them off?" He asked with a concerned look on his face

"That'll be up to you, now do it," she said as he placed the cuffs on her, locking them and putting the key down on the dresser.

Nessira smiled and crawled into bed, giving him a little show before getting comfortable, showing off her ass a bit, making sure he was good and aroused. Patrick stood there nervous as he wanted to fuck her so badly but he also wasn't sure if he would take it too far and hurt her again, especially now that she was cuffed like this.

Nessira closed her eyes for a moment and began to speak softly under her breath. Patrick wasn't sure what she was saying but she suddenly threw her head back like she was having a seizure or something which frightened him a bit as he stepped closer to the bed.

"Nessira?" He said before it seemed to stop.

He waited for a moment before she began moving again, moving her head back and forth like she was cracking her neck before she opened her eyes and smiled at him. The look on her face sent a chill down Patrick's spine as he immediately recognized what was happening.