Lilith's Emporium Pt. 11: Shadows Fall Ch. 04


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"You're a great fighter you know," Nessira said as she continued to hold her daughter. "I am so proud of you."

"I take after my mother," Shadow said as Nessira smiled and squeezed her tighter.

"Hey guys, I'd hate to break up this touching moment but um..." He said holding Patricks statue.

"Oh my God, Patrick!" Nessira said before rushing over to him.

She placed the statue down on the floor and began chanting in what Kevin could only assume was Latin but the statue began to grow. His skin tone began to return to normal as he blinked a few times and looked around confused before he looked up at Nessira and threw his arms up to guard himself.

"Woah!" He yelled defending himself.

"It's okay Patrick, she's back," Shadow said as Nessira half smiled at him.

"Nessira?" He said looking up at her.

"Patrick, I am so..." She stopped when Patrick pulled her down kissing her as she wrapped her arms around him and fell on top of him.

"Am I the only one who feels a little awkward right now?" Kevin said before Shadow nudged him a little.

Nessira kissed him frantically until finally letting go of his lips before he said: "So what did I miss?" Patrick asked looking at the headless corpse of Ror'gon and all the damage in the throne room.

"It's a long story, and I will tell you all about it I promise but right now, I'm ready to go home," Nessira said still on top of Patrick.


It had been a few days since everything had happened and although everyone was alright Patrick could notice Nessira didn't quite seem like herself. Shadow and Kevin seemed better than ever as Nessira really didn't care about some guy living in the back room with his daughter anymore. After everything that had happened she was just glad everyone was safe. Seeing Shadow as happy as she was gave her some sense of happiness after the events that had transpired but deep down something was bothering her.

She had taken the bone armor she had been wearing and placed it in a large display case in her enchantment room off the bedroom. Shadow came walking in to see what she was doing and saw it with the wings on display looking rather impressive but she was not sure why Nessira wanted to keep such a moment from the experience.

"Mother, why would you keep this?" Shadow asked her mother as was standing there staring at it.

"As a reminder."

"Of what?"

"Ha," she said subtly. "A lot of things."

"Are you going to be okay?" Shadow asked putting her hand on Nessira's shoulder.

"Don't worry about me, I've been through worse."

"I don't know if you have."

"You are safe, Patrick is safe, and even Kevin is safe, that's all that matters, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm just happy to have you back." She said hugging her again as Nessira ran her fingers through Shadows hair.

"I'm so sorry Shadow."

"I know, and I know it wasn't you, the real you anyway."

"The real me, right."

"But, that prophecy?"

"What prophecy?"

"Sasha told me when Shadows falls, one will rise."

"Yes, and you are the one who arose."

"But is specifically said I would fall."

Nessira smiled a little before running her fingers through Shadows hair again and said: "prophecies don't usually name names, shadow is another word for darkness, which was falling until you rose above it."

"Prophecies are complicated."

"That they are, but all is right now."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too," she said as she saw Patrick walk into the bedroom. "Now, off to bed."

"Really, don't be that Mom," Shadow said with a laugh before kissing her on the cheek and heading back downstairs.

"Good night Shadow," Patrick said as she left. "How are you doing?" He said turning to Nessira.

"I'm fine, but I'm tired."

"Well then let's go to bed." He said as she gave him a kiss and laid down next to him

Hours later Patrick awoke hearing her moaning in her sleep like she was having a nightmare. He rolled and threw his arm around her to comfort her. They both laid there for a while before he felt her hand held his as she started to weep in the bed with him.

"Are you alright?" He whispered in her ear.

"She said nothing for a moment before finally saying " No."

He slid up against her and held her tighter and let her cry. He knew she had been through a lot and it had obviously taken its toll on her. He didn't know what to say to her to make her feel better so he did the only thing he knew he could and that was hold her and never let go.

She finally rolled over and raced him placing her hand on his cheek and said: "I love you Patrick, more than you will ever know."

"I know you do, and you know how much I love you."

"I almost lost you again, and Shadow as well, I was so easily corrupted and I could have killed you both."

"But you didn't."

"I remember it all, I remember seeing you and her, fighting you both and not being able to stop myself, why am I so easily corruptible, and I have been having nightmares ever since like the darkness inside me is trying to remind me of what I am, maybe that's what I am, just an evil person."

"We've gone through this before."

"No you don't understand, I did horrible things, I had sex with Ror'gon and Baphomet, I killed three men for a meal, I don't even know who they were, and I enjoyed it, and that's what bothers me."

"What do you mean?"

"When I was under Ror'gon's control, I enjoyed it, the rush, the feeling of being evil again, it felt so good to be free, and I am ashamed of myself for feeling like that. They awakened the evil in my heart, and I almost wanted them to."

Patrick laid there silent for a while thinking about what she had just said to him. Nessira looked over surprised he didn't have some big speech to tell her otherwise like he usually did but he eventually sat up and took her hand.

"I'm gonna tell you something, something I never wanted to tell anyone." He said.

"What is it?"

"When you were taken, when Shadow told me what happened, I almost snapped, it was very hard for me to hold it together."

"But you did, Shadow told me how you took charge and... Also what you said to Kevin about her."

"About how I love her like a daughter, it's because I do, and that's what held me together, I knew she needed me, and you needed me, but I was not okay, I was ready to kill Sasha and burn her club to the ground if she refused to help us," he said as Nessira listened on. "I love you more than life itself, and if I lost you, I don't know what I would do, summoning a demon to give me power would be one of many things I would have done, you are everything to me and without you, I am just a monster ready to be unleashed. The darkness is tempting since your heart has been inside me I have tasted darkness and it tastes good."

"You don't really believe that?"

"You have tasted my soul, and I yours, your heart is mine, I know it better than anyone, I would kill whoever tried to take you or Shadow from me again, and I wouldn't care what it cost."

Nessira looked into his eyes and saw that same fire she had felt in herself so many times before. She placed her hand on his cheek as she suddenly realized she had seen those eyes before. Baphomet was right, this was Sebastian returned to her after all this time but now she was wondering what his soul had endured in their time apart. Did Baphomet torture him a little before giving him a new body? The very idea of it made her angry but she tried to stay calm for the moment.

"You've come back to me, despite everything, you and I are meant to be together, and I will never let you go again." She said kissing him as he laid back down letting her climb on top of him as their lips never parted.

They had not had sex since everything had happened so there was a fire between them that needed to be extinguished. Patrick pulled off her nighty before he began kissing her neck working his lips down to her breasts. He flipped her over to her surprise as he worked his mouth even further down kissing her inner thigh before he began to tease her slit with his tongue. Patrick was the only man she would ever let overpower her in the bedroom.

Patrick was so happy to have her back and wanted to show her. He gently kissed her clit making her body tremble a little before he began to gently tease her with his tongue making her moan and cry out as he tortured her with pleasure. He placed his hands on both of her thighs pushing her legs apart before burying his face back down into her waiting pussy. He gently rubbed her legs making her squirm as she reached up and grabbed her pillow squeezing it in her hands.

She remembered the sex she had with Ror'gon when under his control. His cock was large and felt good but it was still nothing compared to Patricks member and talented tongue. Even Baphomet could not pleasure her the way he could, as talented as she was there was always a coldness in there love making which she didn't enjoy. His lips and tongue teased every sweet spot as her moans grew louder. She never wanted it to end as she bit her lips savoring every touch before she began grabbing his hair and clenching it.

"Oh Fuck, I love you so much!" She said right before he took his hand and shoved his finger inside her pussy gently tickling her while his tongue continued to assault her clit. "Oh, God!" She whined as he didn't want to stop and her squirming was getting him even more aroused until her breathing got more rapid.

Nothing turned on Patrick more than the feeling of making Nessira, the famous Witch and succubus moan and whine at his touch. He could pleasure her better than any other man could and this gave him a great feeling as he molested her pussy to the point she could hold on no longer. She bucked her hips rapidly before he felt her juices spray into his face but he continued to work her making sure the pleasure lasted as long as it could. Nessira turned her head rapidly screaming out as her orgasm seemed never-ending while Patrick kept it going making her juices squirt over and over again.

He finally pulled his mouth away before looking up at Nessira as she was grabbing her pillow as she had her eyes closed and her face turned into it breathing heavily as her pussy still dripped with her orgasmic juices. He wiped his face before crawling up close to her as she looked at him. He could see the exhaustion in her eyes which only made him happier as she smiled.

"So, was that good for you?" He asked with a grin.

"I think you broke my pussy!"

"Should I kiss it and make it feel better?"

"Keep your mouth away from it."

He grabbed her by the ankle and slid her across the bed closer to him pulling her up against him. "Then that's enough foreplay."

They shared a passionate kiss as his hand slid around her ass and he shoved his cock inside her. Nessira let out a scream as his hands squeezed her ass. She road his cock grabbing his shoulders as she felt the intensity of him fucking her. He laid her down on the bed sliding her up against the headboard as he thrust himself into her repeatedly. She wrapped her arms around his neck holding him tight as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Oh... Oh, Fuck!" Nessira moaned out as she felt Patrick's lips on her neck sucking in her skin. "Don't stop, oh shit, Don't ever stop!"

This moment was one that told her some truth about herself. She was a succubus and would always crave a little control and power but she let this man, this mortal man fuck her like this. She liked it when he overpowered her and forced her to feel the pleasures he inflicted on her. It made her think of all the man she overpowered and fucked to death and it turned her on when Patrick took control in the bedroom like this. He would let him tie her up and do whatever he wanted to her and she knew Lilith was right, this was love and it was something she was willing to kill for and defend with her life.

Patrick began to feel their energies mixing together as they had before. He had tasted her soul before and was tasting it again and they merged into one for a moment. He felt her heart inside of him and now could see into her life force. He knew the real her even though she doubted it, he could see and feel the good in her and knew she was a better person than she gave herself credit for.

"Oh FUCK!" She screamed as their bodies and souls shared an amazing orgasm on both the physical and spiritual plane.

It felt like being struck by lightning causing orgasm after orgasm as they screamed as if they were one person for a moment feeling everything their partner was. The clung to each other as the finally separated and collapsed on the bed together. She could feeling his cum still squirting into her as his penis spasmed over and over. Patrick was resting his head on her breasts as her legs were wrapped around him. Their bodies glistened with sweat as they both struggled to catch their breath. Nessira ran her fingers through his hair as he got more comfortable against her.

"There's my sexy little soccer mom." He said with a smile.

"Oh god, shut up!"

"I guarantee you'd be the hottest one on the field."

"Your fucking right I would!"

He laughed and looked up at her staring for a moment before he said: "Never again!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean no matter what happens, we are getting married, and we will never let you go again."

"Agreed." She said kissing him once more.


"Well, someone is feeling better," Kevin said as he was laying in bed with Shadow after hearing Nessira and Patrick upstairs.

"I am glad, I feel bad for her."

"Nessira is a strong woman."

"She is, but the look in her eyes after she had realized what she had done, I know her, it took its toll on her."

"Well, at least she seems okay with me now."

"I think a guy in my bed is the least of her worries."

"Well, we'll be there for her, right?"

"Always." She said as she rolled over and looked at him with a smile.

"So, you saved me, again."

"I couldn't let you go."

"But, how did you bring me back again?"

"I... I had help."

"Help, from who?"

"My father."


"No my real... I mean my blood father."


"Yes, he gave me the rest of his life force to defeat Ror'gon, and I used what was left to bring you back."


"Yes, but I'd appreciate it if you stopped dying."

"I will do my best."

"You better, I can't keep bringing you back to life."

Kevin smiled as he stared into her eyes. They laid there for a moment before his expression changed to a more serious look. Shadow was confused by this as she sat up a little.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Shadow, I..."

"What is it?"

"Well I, after everything that happened I feel I need to tell you something."

"Well then tell me."

"I, well I think I love you."

"You think?"

"Well, I mean, I do love you."


"The reason Ror'gon got me was because I was too worried about you to concentrate on the task at hand, I was distracted and he took advantage of it."

"I see."

"When Patrick told me to take care of you, I took it to heart because I don't want to leave you, and I thought maybe I could help in the fight but..."

She smiled at him before she leaned over and kissed him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome... Wait... what?"

"I said thank you."

"So there is nothing else you want to say?"

"Why, what were you expecting?"

"Well... Well, I thought..."

"Ha, I love you too you idiot!" She said kissing him again as they fell to the bed together in each other's arms. "I love you so much!"

They shared a passionate moment before finally pulling their lips apart before he said: "So, this family of yours?"

"They are weird, but amazing, welcome to my family," she said holding him. "but I have a question though?"

"What's that?"

"What is soccer?"


A few days later Sasha was sitting in her penthouse above the Safari with a cigarette in her hand as the door suddenly swung open. She looked up and Saw Nessira walking towards her wearing a stunning red dress and holding a large burlap sack in her hand as a small grin came across Sasha's face seeing the Witch as herself again. She was about to welcome her but before she could say anything Nessira had this to say.

"I have a message for your boss." She said reaching into the bag before throwing a horned skull with a metal plate on the eyes down on the floor in front of Sasha.

"Welcome back Nessira, is there anything else you would like me to tell her?"

"Yes, tell her I don't like repeating myself." She added before she turned around to leave.

Sasha looked down at the skull curling her lip at the sight of it feeling a chill up her spine before she said: "Um, I'm still invited to the wedding though, right?"

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jayhawkXjayhawkXabout 1 hour ago

Damn... Damn good... Damn... 😲

rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntarover 1 year ago

Whatever grammar-checking app you use sucks. Just saying. If I had time I would be glad to do the editing myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The story was excellent as always but you totally fucking nailed it with the last line and for that I personally thank you. You made my week with that comment and it was seriously needed. Thanks again.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Grammar and agro

Another anonymous asked why the agro from the author. I'll tell you why. Author's put in a lot of time and effort to get their stories out. They're not paid, it's not being published (at least not at the moment) and the feedback they want is not "fix your grammar" x 100. The feedback they want is positive feedback. Have you ever had someone repeatedly the same thing over and over and over? This is why the agro. Poke someone enough times and eventually they have enough. I for one hope to get to read more of maestro84's stories and that the author doesn't let a few reading snobs ruin a good thing for the rest of us. PS - love the erotica to porn analogy! Perfect! PPS - if there are any grammar mistakes in my response, please.. enjoy them! 😝

maestro84maestro84almost 6 years agoAuthor
Ha, that's funny!

Complaining about grammar in erotic literature is like complaining about acting in a porno. I have written many stories and have tried very hard to improve my grammar over time and I think I have, these stories are written on an app that checks it for me, then I still check it again, and Literotica even does its own before posting, but sometimes something gets changed or auto corrected that I missed, the problem I have is people like you who constantly point out grammar mistakes, (anonymously I might add) despite how many times I try to correct it. Every time I read it over and over trying to correct every little mistake I can find and it is still not good enough so forgive me but it wears on me after a while. my "attitude" is because of people who can't get past it and enjoy the story for what it is. the people who actually enjoy my stories and don't care about the grammar are the ones I write for. This is just a hobby, nothing more, I am not a professional writer nore will I ever be, sorry but no matter how many times I try to improve it it just never seems to be enough!

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