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An accident leads to a very pleasant surprise.
  • July 2020 monthly contest
18.3k words
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As he did most days, Andy woke up to the standard metropolitan chorus of cars whizzing by his window. He'd been having a fair amount of trouble sleeping lately, due in no small part to his recent breakup with his girlfriend. Stumbling out of bed and going through the motions as he did everyday, he couldn't help but wonder for the umpteenth time, how incredibly life-altering a break-up could be.

Here he was, now living in a cost effective 1 bedroom close to his office, uprooted suddenly from the beautiful LA loft that he and Eliza had found 4 years ago. The home they had shared together now just a repository of memories from better days, viewed through the lens of rose colored glasses. He smiled sadly, as he remembered the last time they had sex before they had broken up. A flood of memories suddenly washed over him.

The slick feel of her sweat as her skin slid against his. Her piercing blue eyes, half closed, yet glistening in the light from the bedroom window as she rode him with a smile on her face, hovering just above his face. The light scent of her perfume mixed with her body's intoxicating scent, only amplifying his arousal.

Running his hands through his messy black hair, Andy breathed a pensive sigh and walked over to the bathroom to moodily smear some toothpaste on his toothbrush and start his day. After weeks of brooding and immersing himself in his work, today was going to be the start of a new chapter in his life. He quickly showered and cleaned himself up, deciding that some time out of the house would do him good.

One of the few benefits to his new housing situation, was the close proximity to everything. Restaurants, shopping, entertainment and of course his work, were all within short walking distance of his new apartment. Suddenly remembering a new breakfast place he'd seen around the corner, Andy walked in that direction, hoping they 'd have eggs benedict and more importantly, fresh, made-from-scratch hollandaise. It was the weekend. a time to relax, unwind, and treat yourself, Andy thought to himself, and long overdue too.

As he reached the bistro and ordered his breakfast on the patio, Andy couldn't help but notice how many beautiful girls were suddenly out and about. He felt a sudden twinge in his pants as he briefly caught the eye of a pretty brunette seated at the table across from him. She casually rolled her eyes back to her two friends and didnt bother to look his way again. Typical, he thought to himself, his dick quickly deflating, replaced by disappointment and insecurity. Both feelings that he had grown to know all too well since his breakup. He was grateful to be distracted by the waitress bringing him his breakfast and proceeded to dig in, feeling yet another pang of disappointment at the decidedly mediocre meal.

This was already shaping up to be one of those days... He thought gloomily.

With breakfast out of the way, Andy pulled a crisp twenty out of his pocket and sandwiched it between his glass and the table. He waved while mouthing a quick "Thanks!" to his waitress as he left to start his day. The next few hours were spent in a boring blur of menial errands as most people's weekends inevitably are. Groceries and a stop-off at the bank. Check. Pick up dry cleaning and head next door to find a couple of dress shirts. Check. Now noticeably weighed down by numerous bags, Andy headed home to drop off the fruits of his labor.

Glad to have the errands out of the way, he decided to grab a latte and head to the beach to enjoy the rest of the day. Walking over to Coastal Cafe, he casually waited in line to order, while daydreaming of the beach and the cool ocean breeze that awaited him just a few steps away across the street.

"Hey there, what can I getcha?" asked the barista, interrupting Andy's thoughts.

"Uh.. Vanilla Latté please," Andy replied. "Medium."

"Sure thing. With whipped cream?"

"Definitely." He responded, looking briefly at the nametag on her chest.

She was pretty cute... He thought as he moved to the left of the queue, waiting for his latte to be made up. Cursing himself for not thinking of something more clever to say to, Andy pulled out his phone and hopped on Facebook while he waited impatiently. After a few moments of browsing through pictures of happy couples in his social circle, he sighed defeatedly and placed his phone back in pocket.

"Medium Vanilla Latté with whip!" The cute barista said as she handed him his coffee with a brief smile.

"Thanks." he grumbled, picking up his coffee and staring at his feet as he turned around to walk away... and right into the woman waiting behind him!

"SHIT! Im so Sorry!" exclaimed Andy, noticing he had splashed a decent amount of coffee and whipped cream right onto the poor girls feet and sandals. Lifting his gaze from her perfectly manicured toes, now bathed in vanilla latté and topped with whipped cream, he quickly grabbed a handful of napkins from behind him before turning to look. She was stunningly beautiful. A few inches shorter than him, she was both tiny and beautiful, standing there in a beach dress, looking mildly amused with a smirk on her glistening pink lips and a hint of her smile reaching up to the corners of her hazel eyes. Her straight, blonde hair cascaded down over her shoulders to the center of her perfect, perky breasts, emphasizing them and calling attention to her nipples. Caught completely off-guard by her beauty, Andy stood there for what seemed like an eternity, his mouth hanging slightly open as he was transfixed by her beauty.

"Well are you going to hand me those napkins, or am I going to be wearing whipped cream on my feet for the rest of the day?" the woman asked pointedly.

Taken aback at her directness, Andy quickly handed her the stack of napkins, feeling his cheeks burn as he struggled to direct his mind away from the thought of her perfectly manicured toes covered in whipped cream.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized, "I totally didn't see you there."

Noticing the now obvious heat in his face, the young womans gaze softened a little as she gave the perpetrator of her coffee assault a quick once over. He was cute, she thought, smiling to herself. Maybe she'd keep giving him a hard time for a minute to see how he responded. He was better than average looking, with stylishly tousled black hair, a nice jawline, and what looked like a lean, but muscular tone beneath his shorts and t-shirt. She paused deliberately before answering, enjoying his obvious discomfort, as he waited anxiously for her response.

"No kidding, I kinda figured that when you plowed into me," she replied with a smirk. "Lemme guess, you must be one of those drivers who changes lanes without checking their blind spot too, right?"

Flustered by her pause and brash response, Andy quickly responded, "Uh...actually, I—"

"Oh relax, I was just kidding," she cut him off with a silvery laugh as she sat down to clean her feet. "I'm sure you're an excellent driver when you're not attacking girls with coffee."

"Touché," replied Andy, feeling a little more relaxed at her casually witty demeanor. "I was just getting ready to head across the street to the beach and I guess I was a bit distracted. I'm really sorry about that, can I buy your coffee or something, to make it up to you?"

"Well its a nice gesture, but I've already paid for my coffee," she replied. "You can take these for me though," She continued, handing him the crumpled napkins she had just used to clean her feet. "I think theres a garbage right over there," she said pointing a few feet away.

Andy grabbed the crumpled napkins and threw them in the trash.

"Thats a good boy," the girl commented slyly. "I'm Lily by the way. Didn't catch your name?"

"Oh... it's Andy, nice to meet you. Sorry, I should have introduced myself."

"Tell me Andy, did you say you were heading to heading to the beach?" asked Lily, brushing off his apology.

"Uh, yeah actually, why do you ask?"

"Well, I'm heading there myself too and I was hoping you'd do you me a small favor. My hands are all sticky from having to clean up that whipped cream, and with no bathroom in here, I've got no way to clean up. Since you're going there too, would you carry my purse and beach bag for me so I dont get those dirty too?"

"Yeah, I guess so," replied Andy, feeling a bit of embarassment at having to carry a womans purse in public. "Its only fair considering I spilt it on you to begin with".

"Great!" Lily said, handing Andy her bags and noting his obvious hesitation.

A new idea was forming in her mind. This was going to be A LOT of fun, she thought to herself cheerily.

As they stepped outside into the late afternoon LA sun, Andy got his first look at Lily in the sunlight. She was stunning. A little over 5 Feet tall, with a nice perky handful of breasts, a fit toned figure and a perfect heart shaped ass. Her blonde hair sparkled in the daylight, along with her glossy pink lips and her smokey eyeshadow. She was so sexy that gave Andy butterflies in his stomach and sent a twinge of desire down to his cock. He looked away from her, hoping he didn't have a noticeable bulge from staring.

Thats the last thing I need while walking around carrying a purse and bright pink beach tote, Andy thought to himself. Thankfully, that wasnt the case.

When they arrived at the beach and found a spot to set her things down, Lily thanked Andy for carrying them and turned to walk towards the water. He was cursing himself for not being able to think of something to say. Here she was, walking away from him; literally the girl of his dreams. He had run into her and sparked a coversation by pure blind luck, without even trying.

If only I'd had the balls to ask her for number, he thought dejectedly, Im hopeless. I really need to get out of this rut.

No sooner did the thought leave his mind, however, than he heard Lilly calling out to him from the edge of the water. "Hey Andy, could you bring me my towel from the beach bag?"

Overjoyed at his second opportunity to escalate with her, Andy quickly grabbed her beach towel and rushed down to her. "No problem, here you go!" he said cheerily.

"Aw thanks Andy, youre such a doll, Lily replied. "Im just trying to wash off my feet in the ocean, but its a bit hard to do without soaking my beach dress. Actually.... now that I think about it, maybe you could help me out with that too?"

"Uh... sure Lily," replied Andy, not entirely sure what she meant by that.

"Great!" said Lily excitedly. "All you have to have to do is rinse my feet off while I hold up the bottom of my dress. I'd do it myself, but I can't hold up the dress and wash off at the same time. I figure since you got them dirty, its only fair that you clean them off too!"

"Yeah, I guess so," replied Andy, feeling slightly emasculated by her request.

As if it wasn't enough carrying a purse and pink beach bag in public, now he had to squat down and wash her feet?! What am I a shoe shine boy? Andy though to himself. Am I just letting her take advatage of my offer for a favor? I mean, I guess she's right that I split my drink on her, but all things considered, this whole thing is a bit demeaning now.

Taking a couple steps into the water, Andy squatted down in front of Lily and glanced up at her expectantly. She had a pleasant smile on her face and a mischevious twinkle in her eye. Lifting her right foot out of the sand slightly so that he could begin washing it in the ocean, she simultaneously hiked her skirt up and held it there to keep it dry. Embarassing as this position was for Andy, he couldnt help but feel slightly aroused by the entire situation. Here he was, about eye level with this stunning womans crotch, as she sat holding her skirt up allowing him to wash and massage her feet underwater. He couldn't help but admire her silky smooth calves and her toned thighs; it was very clear that she worked hard to stay in good shape.

Andy imagined how her stomach must look. Probably tight and toned like her legs, he thought to himself. He quickly realized that he was finding the situation more enjoyable than embarassing now.

"That's great babe," Lily said pulling her feet back and stepping out of the water. "If you don't mind, could you just give my legs a quick pat dry too... so my dress doesn't get wet?"

"No problem," replied Andy , with considerably more enthusiasm this time around.

Andy couldn't help but admire the perfection of Lily's body as he was getting ready to dry off her legs. He wondered what she looked like naked and tried to keep his mind off the topic in case his body betrayed him. She was still standing holding her dress, watching with a mishevious smirk on her face, as he carefully dried off her feet and silky smooth calves. In the process, Andy caught the slightest whiff of a light vanilla fragrance that he found dizzyingly intoxicating. Was it just the fragrance? Or perhaps it was the excitement of washing and drying this beautiful stranger's feet and legs, while his face was a few torturous inches and a thin layer of fabric away from her pussy. Either way, he tried to put it out of his mind and glanced up at Lily to let her know he was done.

"Wonderful baby," she said with another self-satisfied smirk, pausing to fix her dress that she had been holding the entire time. Before lowering it back down, she lifted it ever so lightly, as if trying to realign it, giving Andy a quick flash of the black and pink panties she was wearing underneath. "You did a great job, you're such a good boy!" Lily added.

He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but something about her smile and the look in her eyes made Andy very nervous. His cock twitched again at the quick glimpse of her panties, no doubt a byproduct of his weeks of loneliness and sexual frustration. He needed her. He felt an impulsive need to be wanted by this beautiful stranger. Whether intentionally or not, this girl had him wrapped around her finger already. As arousal seeped into the center of his brain, clouding his judgement, Andy tried to compose himself and think of something to say before she excused herself and left again.

"So, uh, what are your plans now Lily?" was all he could manage to blurt out, blushing slightly at how stupid it sounded out loud. "Now that you're all cleaned up, do you plan on sticking around at the beach for a while?"

"Why do you ask, would you miss me already if I left now?" she asked with a chortle. "Or are you just angling to give me a little more foot worship?

"No, of course not," Andy replied quickly, "I just meant—"

"Jeez you are wound up aren't you?" Lily cut him off with a tinkling laugh, "Don't be so uptight." She admired his boyish innocence and couldn't help but find it endearing. It was very obvious that he was not only attracted to her, but nervous about it too. She felt giddy with excitement at the thought of the nervous, infatuated, little puppy dog before her and wondered what lay beneath his anxious, uptight exterior.

"I'm sorry," Andy apologized, "I'm usually much more laid back, but I've had a rough few weeks lately and I'm a bit more on edge than usual, I guess."

"Yeah, I've been there babe," Lily said knowingly. "Tell me... girl trouble, work trouble, or did somone steal your puppy?"

"It's a long story," answered Andy, trying to be evasive.

"Definitely a girl," commented Lily with another smirk as she held his gaze again. "Why don't you come sit, tell me about it? Maybe you need an outside opinion. You know, a fresh perspective."

Something about Lily's gaze was as direct and penetrating as she was. Her look pierced Andy again and this time she held it to the point of making him feel nervous. It was as though she could cut through his confident front, give him butterflies and simultaneously tickle the arousal center in his brain, all with that one single look. And she used it on him mercilessly, nearly every time she looked at him.

"Sure," responded Andy

As Lily unfolded her beach towel and set it down, Andy took a sip of his now cool coffee and stared out into the ocean.

"Have a seat," she said, patting the towel right next to her.

Andy sat down next to Lily and turned his head to face her. She was lying on her side, head propped up on one hand, looking directly at him. The smell of her perfume was making his knees a little weak, causing his heart to beat a faster in anticipation. They talked about Eliza. They talked about work and life. They talked about hopes and dreams and even places they hoped to visit one day. Bantering and laughing like old friends, the minutes turned into hours as the sun began it's descent into the Pacific.

"Well babe, its been fun but I think its time to call it a day," said Lily, stretching her arms over her head.

"Yeah, its gonna cool down out here soon," agreed Andy, a bit sad that their fun afternoon together was coming to an end.

"Unless of course, you'd care join me for a drink? It is Saturday... Why don't we see where the night takes us?" Lily asked suggestively.

"You know what, that sounds great! It's been a fun day, a drink sounds like a great way to round out the evening." Andy replied.

"Perfect!" exclaimed Lily, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the beach.

Although he was feeling a lot more relaxed around her now, Andy still felt a hint of butterflies in his stomach as he walked away, Lily leading. She wasn't like most women he'd met. For one thing, she was much more direct and a had a way of getting straight to the point when she wanted to. She was also a relentless tease, taking every opportunity to poke fun at him. It made him feel a little off-guard and slightly less in control than he usually liked to be. He had to admit though, it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

"So where to?" asked Andy. "I know a good spot a few blocks from here in the entertainment district, if you're up for a walk."

"Oh, no need," replied Lily cheerily without letting go of his hand. "My place is less than 5 minutes from here, we can just grab a drink there. After being out all day, I think I'd prefer kicking back with a drink at home."

"Uh sure," replied Andy, feeling a bit nervous again.

His heart raced a little at the implication of going home with this gorgeous girl. He had been completely at ease a few moments ago, but the anticipation and uncertainty of what came next, left him feeling anxious again. It had been a wonderful afternoon, but this was moving a little faster than he'd expected. He'd been planning on asking Lily for her number as they parted ways after the beach, figuring that he'd invite her out for a drink later that week. Instead, here he was, on his way home with her right now.

Having just come out of a long term relationship, he was comfortable with affection, loyalty and sex with a familiar partner. But when it came to flirting or seducing someone new, after 4 years, he was more than a little rusty. He was extremely attracted to Lily and the fact that they had just met today, made the situation even more exciting. Not wanting to do anything to sabotage his chances of getting laid, Andy resigned himself to his fortuitous fate and decided to go with the flow.

"We're here babe," said Lily suddenly, snapping Andy out of his own thoughts.

As they walked up the steps to the lobby of the five-story oceanfront apartment, Andy felt the butterflies return to his stomach once again. He took a deep breath and followed Lily up the steps and into the building.

"Make yourself comfortable Andy," she said, kicking off her sandals and heading to the bathroom once they reached her apartment.