Lily in the Springtime

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"Do you like how it feels? Imagine what it tastes like."
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 09/22/2023
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It was a lovely spring morning, and Lily had stolen away from the farm early. She'd milked the cows, like her da had told her to, and fed the chickens. But the sun was shining, a warm breeze was in the air, and it would be a shame to waste a day like this helping her ma in the kitchen.

So off she went, running across the paddock towards the small copse that stood by the stream. Behind her, she could hear her ma calling her name. But the sun was warm on her face, her long brown hair was blowing in the breeze and she'd just spotted Nick from the neighbouring farm.

Nick was a little younger than Lily. He'd worshipped her for years, but he'd been skinny and shy. Since the winter, however, he'd grown into his height, and she'd noticed that years of hard farm work had made his body hard and sleek. She'd made up her mind to finally reward him for his years of devotion, and today was going to be the day.

He wandered into the stand of trees before she reached them, apparently unaware of her approach. From the sticks in his hands he'd been sent to gather firewood. "Good," she thought to herself, "no-one will miss him for a while."

Trying to move quietly, she made her way between the trees to where she'd seen him last. One hand went up to unlace her bodice, and she felt her breasts swing freely as she moved. The wool of her smock felt rough as it glided over her nipples, sending a shiver down her spine and between her legs.

Further and further into the trees she moved. Where was he? Surely she should have seen him by now? Or heard him, at least?

She was almost by the bank of the stream when she spotted him. The few sticks he'd gathered were piled neatly on the ground, and he was crouched down low behind a tree. He seemed to be watching something in the river. Something, or someone? One hand was making jerking motions below his waist.

Sensing that her day was about to become even more interesting than she'd expected, Lily creeped up towards him until she was close enough to breathe into his ear. He remained oblivious, his gaze focused on the stream, until she whispered, "So what are we looking at?"

With a muffled exclamation he jerked round. His big brown eyes were wide beneath the mop of blond curls. "Lily!" he breathed. "I'm-- I mean, it's-- Nothing. There's no-one there."

"Are you sure?" She leaned closer, pressing her body against his as she peered over his shoulder around the tree. "Because I can see Mally and Wat having a naked swim. What were you looking at?"

He glanced down, eyes bulging when the caught the expanse of bare flesh. With her smock pulled down low, her nipples were barely covered. Breathing deeply to tease him some more, she said, "Are these more exciting than Mally and Wat? Have you seen what they're doing now?"

With visible reluctance he turned back to the river. The naked twins had made their way to the near bank. Mally had crawled up onto the grass and was lying back, her legs spread wide and dangling in the water. Her brother was crouching down between then. Lily and Nick watched as he lowered his face until all they could see was his red hair. Mally gave a gurgle of laughter, then a gasp and a moan.

Lily reached down to where Nick's hand, forgotten by them both, was still clenched around his cock. Gently she pried his fingers away and grasped his burning shaft with her own hand. "Let me," she breathed in his ear. His only reply was a whimper.

On the bank Mally was clutching at her plump breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. Her twin seemed to be working his usual magic with his tongue. Lily could imagine what Mally was feeling.

"They're brother and sister!" Nick whispered, sounding amazed.

"All the more opportunity," she replied. Her mouth was close to his ear, and she sucked his lobe between her lips for an instant. "They've been doing it for a while now. When they're not doing other people."

Nick's gaze was riveted. His mouth was open slightly, his tongue licking his lips. "It's... so hot."

"Yes it is," Lily murmured back. "They're both very good at it. I know from experience."

Nick's head shot round, but his exclamation was muffled by her breasts. She let him stay there for a moment, squeezing his cock hard so he wouldn't explode from excitement. Then she pulled his head up. "Keep watching. There'll be time enough for this later, I promise."

By the stream Mally was writhing in the grass. Her moans floated across to them above the sound of running water. Suddenly she gave a chocking gasp, jerked up, then fell back, her hands pulling her brother's head up between her legs. "Yesss, yesss, yeeeesss!"

Wat didn't giver her any time to recover. He rose from the water, his naked skin glistening in the morning sun. The shaft of his cock stood out starkly against his pale skin and the ginger curls on his stomach.

Lily and Nick watched as he ran his purple head up and down between his sister's legs, then pressed forward. Mally gave a long moan as he entered her and began to thrust.

Nick's cock was almost trembling in Lily's hand. She stroked it gently, whispering soft words into Nick's ear. Her other hand circled his neck, and she ran her fingers lightly over the skin of his chest. "You'll be doing that to me soon. Would you like that, Nick?" She took his strangled moan for agreement.

The twins were writhing against each other by now, both gasping and moaning. Mally pushed herself upright and pulled her brother's face towards hers. Their tongues met, and Wat's movements became shorter, jerkier. Mally pulled away and said aloud, "Give it to me, give it to me, give it--"

Wat gave a roar and thrust his hips forward. His head went back and his body shook. Mally was staring at him, one hand still around his neck, watching him as he pressed against her again and again.

After a long moment the pair of them collapsed in the grass. Lily rose, her hand still around Nick's cock so he was forced to follow. He seemed unwilling to tear his gaze away from the naked bodies, but Lily put a finger to her lips. Then she turned, letting go, and pulled the back of her skirt up to reveal her bare arse as she skipped away.

This seemed to convince Nick, and he stumbled after her between the trees, his breeches unlaced and his cock swinging from side to side.

It wasn't far to the glade that Lily had in mind. The grass was soft and dappled with sunlight. A pair of butterflies danced around the early blossoms, and somewhere a songbird was showing off.

She turned and walked backwards to the middle of the glade. Nick appeared moments later, and she held his gaze as she finished unlacing her bodice and pulled it off, together with her smock, and let them both fall onto the grass.

Nick's gaze dropped together with her clothes, and he stared at her breasts. "Do you like them?" she asked, reaching up to brush her fingertips over them.

She had nice breasts, she knew. Plump and firm, just large enough to fill a man's hand and leave a little for him to lick at. Her pink nipples were large and round. She could feel they were swollen with her excitement.

Nick was staring open-mouthed. His cock was still poking out of his breeches, the head shining in the sunlight.

"Would you like to see the rest?" Lily asked and brought her hands down to the waist of her skirt. The garment slipped off her hips easily and fell onto the grass. She stepped out of it to stand before Nick, naked except for her woollen stockings. Her shoes had come off with her skirt.

"What do you think, Nick? Is it as good as you imagined?" He was wide-eyed now. She could feel his gaze burning on her, as if it could pierce through the dusting of hair between her legs and devour what was beneath.

She stepped towards him slowly, deliberately. "I'm all yours Nick. Every inch of my body."

His eyes came up as she neared. "I-- I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

"I'm very glad to hear that, Nick. Now how about you take off those clothes? Your cock is very pretty, but I want to see the rest of you too. After all," she pouted, "it's not fair that I'm naked and you're not. A girl might start to think that you're not really that interested after all."

He gaped at her, then began to stammer apologies as he tore his clothes from his body. She watched his cock bob up and down as he struggled out of them, then eyed his body as more and more naked flesh appeared.

"I like what I see, Nick," she murmured. It was true. Even after the long winter, his hard, lean body was brown from years of labouring in the fields. Muscles rippled across his stomach and chest, which bore only the lightest scattering of fair hairs. His legs were strong, the thighs thick and the calves round. His arse, when she stepped around him to admire him from behind, was like two pale turnips pressed together.

"Oh yes," she whispered, pressing herself up against his back, "this will do very nicely. I'm ready to play. Here, feel." And she took his hand and guided it between her legs.

Hesitant at first, then bolder, his fingers felt at her folds. They were slightly clumsy, but warm and strong and she relished the feeling. Soon enough they found her entrance and became slick from her cream. That made it easier for them to glide back and forth.

"Do you like how it feels, Nick?" she breathed in his ear. "Just imagine what it tastes like."

In moments he was lying on his back in the grass. She stood over him, feet planted either side of his head. "What do you think now? Is it the prettiest sight you've ever seen?"

He nodded feverishly. One hand slid down to grasp his cock, but she pushed it away with her foot. "Leave it. I'll take care of you very soon. For now," and she lowered herself until she was kneeling above his face, "I want you to taste me."

He looked up at her from between her legs. His mouth opened and his tongue came out -- why hadn't she ever noticed how long and red it was? -- and gave a cautious lick.

"Good," she murmured. "Lick me there."

She leaned forward so that her button was positioned perfectly for his tongue to reach. He licked at her, clearly trying to gauge what she liked. "That's good," she told him. "Now use your lips. Suck at it, now lick, now both..."

He learned quickly, and soon she didn't need to tell him what to do. Instead she closed her eyes and surrendered to his mouth. What he lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm, licking at her slit and sucking in her cream.

It wasn't long before she felt her climax well up inside her, a knot of pressure that built and built with every lick of Nick's tongue. "Here it comes, Nick," she gasped. "You're making me... you're making me... making me-- ooooooh!"

The explosion flooded through her, wave after wave of pleasure riding her like she was riding Nick's face. He kept licking at her until she rolled off him and collapsed onto the grass, trembling and panting.

He pushed himself up onto his elbows. There was concern in his eyes, she saw, concern mixed with pride. "Are you... did you... did I...?"

She waived a hand feebly, then wiped her forehead. Her hair was stuck to her skin. "Fine," she gasped. "You did... great... Yes, great."

He continued to look at her, his face still worried. Suddenly she realised that he was wondering what was going to happen now. Whether there would be any more, or whether she'd leave him to take care of himself, with nothing but a memory to keep him warm.

She got up on her hands and knees and crawled over to where he lay. "Lie still," she instructed, still a little short of breath. "Now it's my turn to do the work."

She pressed him back down into the grass and straddled his hips. His eyes were wide, and the lower half of his face glistened with her cream. She reached down between their bodies to grasp his cock and guide it towards her entrance. Gasping as the swollen head pressed into her, she lowered herself, feeling his heat grow inside her until it felt like it was burning in her chest.

She looked down at him. His head was pressed back into the grass, his eyes closed and his mouth open. He seemed to be whispering something to himself. "Look at me," she instructed. "Look at me!"

His eyes opened and he stared up. She took his hands and guided them to her breasts. "Hold these gently," she told him. "I'll do the squeezing. And don't close your eyes."

Slowly she rose, then pressed down again. Up, and down again. Up, and down again. Her hands pressed his against her breasts. She held Nick's gaze with her own, drawing him in to share the experience with her. Their breathing was ragged, but in harmony. Up, and down again. In, and out again. Up and in, down and out. Up and in, down and out. Up and in and down and out. Up and in and down and out.

Their gasps turned to moans as she rode him faster and faster. Up and in and down and out. Up and in and down and out. Up and down, in and out. Up and down, in and out.

Moans turned back to gasps, gasps to grunt. Up, down, in, out. Up, down, in, out. Up down in out. Up down in out. Up down in--

Suddenly Nick bucked up against her. His hands clawed at her breasts and his head swelled up inside her, stretching her inner walls and sending her over the edge. As her climax washed over her she felt him explode, pulsing again and again and again, more than she'd ever felt a man explode and sending another explosion shuddering through her body.

She collapsed forward onto his chest. His arms were around her now, pulling her close as their bodies slowed and came to a stop. His breath was like a summer storm in her ear, hot and wet and loud, sending shivers through her and drowning out the sound of her own gasps.

They lay like that for a long time. Slowly they caught their breath, and she slid off him to lie with her head on his chest. The sparse hairs were damp with sweat. Hers as well as his own, she realised as she ran her fingers through them.

He cleared his throat, as if he wanted to speak. She pressed a finger against his lips. "Shh," she murmured. "No need to talk."

He fell silent. After a moment his breath became deep and regular, and she realised he'd dozed off. "I bet he's having a pleasant dream," she thought to herself as she rose carefully and found her clothes.

When she was dressed she leaned down and kissed him. His breath faltered and his eyes fluttered open. For a moment he looked confused, then he returned her kiss with passion.

After a long time she pulled away. "You'd better get back to gathering wood," she told him. "But meet me back here at noon. I have so much more that I want to show you."

She laughed as his eyes opened wide. With a last kiss, she pushed herself upright, evading his grasp, and skipped out of the glade. The morning was still only half gone, and she wasn't done for the day yet.

Perhaps Mally and Wat were still by the stream. She turned her feet to follow the sound of running water.

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AG31AG318 months ago


But I don't give stars unless it's my "thing." I'm commenting because you took the trouble to put it in New Story Advertisments.

StillStunnedStillStunned8 months agoAuthor

Lily's adventures continue here:

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