Limo Driver

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Nasty young actress gets taken for a hard ride.
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Ginger was an up and coming actor in her early thirties who got to that point by being a 'Nepo baby,' whose parents were both famous actors. She was also a ruthless bitch who slept her way up the 'entertainment ladder.' She was a gorgeous statuesque red head and men would do anything to sIeep with her. I guess you could call her a 'Nepo Bitch!'

Clint came from a poor background and worked his way up from small parts in B movies, and over time had become famous from excellent method acting and persevering through the normal ups and downs of the industry. He was tall and had rugged good looks, like the old time actors. He was a bachelor in his late forties who had dated many in the industry, but the feeling was he would remain single and childless.

They were cast together in a movie about two actors who didn't get along. It was like fiction imitating reality. They were constantly fighting on the set. Ginger was never prepared with her lines and expected everyone on the set to help her and be her personal servant. Clint used method acting where he would try to understand the motivation and personality of the character. But he couldn't understand why Ginger thought she was such a great actor.

"Ginger, didn't you practice your lines last night!" the director shouted. "You're holding up production every day with you showing up unprepared, with us having to do so many takes for even one scene."

"Well, if the script wasn't written so badly, maybe I could remember the lines better. If I am so bad, how come they invited me to an awards show to showcase up and coming actors?"

"That awards show is not very prestigious. The nominees are all based upon how influential their agents are with the studios. It is not voted on by industry experts like the other higher level awards shows are."

Clint overheard the conversation as he came out of his trailer. "He's right Ginger. Your antics every day are holding us up. You may think you are going to become a big star, but many of us on this set struggled for years to make it and we know that our careers could be over tomorrow through no fault of our own."

"Well Clint, you may be a big star now, but it did take you many years and it won't take me as long. This movie could be my big break, if everyone involved doesn't mess things up."

"We all know what we are doing, but everyone knows you got this part because of your parents."

"My parents have nothing to do with me getting parts! I've been hired through my sheer talent. By the way, if you're so loved by everyone how come you've never been in a relationship for more than a year and only go out with women much younger than you."

"Ginger, my personal life has nothing to do with this movie or your acting skills. I play each role as if I was the character, and you play your roles like you are just playing yourself, and it comes close to self-parody."

"Well maybe my personality is more interesting than yours, so that is why you are a so called method actor."

Clint looked at Ginger with absolute disgust, but she was a beautiful young woman. He sometimes had fantasies of her riding his large cock, like the other starlets that he had dated. But he was to the point where he did want to settle down with the right woman and have a family.

"You have such a sense of entitlement. What is it with you young people these days?"

"You are showing how old and out of touch you are saying you young people these days."

"Ginger, the problem with you is that your parents spoiled you growing up. I am good friends with them, and I know they were very busy, and you were essentially raised by nannies. They made up for their absence by letting you get your way when they were around."

"Don't you dare talk about my parents. At least they had a child, not like you, so what do you know about raising a child?"

Client knew that he couldn't win an argument with Ginger. He found her infuriating, but at the same time he would love to try to tame her. He liked submissive women, but he quickly became bored with women who would do whatever he would say because he was a famous and wealthy movie star.

The next day he thought he would try a different approach. "Ginger, why don't we get together in my trailer for a drink after the shoot so we can practice our lines."

"So, you think I am going to be the next notch on your belt of starlets you have bed? I don't need to sleep with a big star to become a star myself."

"Don't flatter yourself. I just want to help you become a better actor. I've never slept with a co-star in my entire career. It can create the wrong atmosphere on the set if you end up breaking up during the filming."

What he said had an effect on her. She was used to men fawning all over her and now he was saying he would never try to sleep with her. She was somewhat insulted by his lack of interest, even though she hated him.

"Not that I would ever sleep with an old man like you, but you've never had a co-star as pretty as me, so that is why you were always able to control yourself."

So, it went on every day. Clint had to help her with her lines because she would never practice them herself at night. She would instead go out drinking every night and sleeping with random men she met during her escapades.

When she wasn't shooting a scene she would walk around in skimpy clothes to tease Clint, and the cast members and crew. It irked Clint that she was always behaving like a mean eighteen year old schoolgirl.

One afternoon he had had it. "Ginger not only are you a spoiled bitch, but you are also a little cockteaser! Nobody wants to see your nipples and your ass cheeks."

"Clint I guess you forgot the big love scene we have where our characters, even though they hate each other, get into a hot hatefuck session, then fall in love and live happily ever after."

"Yeah, I forgot about that. But for us that is fiction, not reality. We are going to have an intimacy coach though, so you feel comfortable about the nude scene."

"I don't need that. I'm not worried about you seeing my body and getting an involuntary boner. You'll probably be so intimidated by my beautiful young naked body that you won't be able to get it up. Don't worry I won't tell anyone your secret when that happens."

Clint just shook his head and walked away, fantasizing about how satisfying it would be to have her naked over his knee while he spanked that pale ass of hers until it turned beet red, as she cried for him to stop by offering her body to him.

The next day she reminded him of the rewards show. "Clint, we have to stop shooting early tomorrow. I have the awards show and I've been nominated as most promising young actor."

"Yeah Ginger we wouldn't want to inconvenience you with actually doing your job, instead of self-promoting yourself at some worthless awards show."

"You're just jealous that the show doesn't include older actors who are on their way down, not on their way up."

Clint grimaced at the remark. Now he was fantasizing about tying her up and whipping her until she begged him to be his next girlfriend.

The next day Clint left early too since the shooting day was being shortened because of Ginger leaving for the awards show. She came out of her trailer in a beautiful red frilly gown that you would see at a top awards show. The designer gave her the gown to help her promote her new collection.

The stretched black limousine pulled up but for some reason the driver didn't get out to open her door. A crew member was standing nearby though and opened the door for her so she could get in, as the gown was very long, and she didn't want it to drag on the ground.

After she got in the limo she berated the driver. "Why didn't you get out to open my door you stupid fool! No wonder you are stuck in a minimum wage job. Don't you know who I am?"

The driver just nodded his head but didn't say anything back, which irked Ginger.

"I guess you are a foreigner too and don't understand English!"

The driver just stared ahead and started driving while Ginger looked at her phone and spoke to her girlfriends. She didn't notice when the driver took some wrong turns and ended up in an abandoned industrial area. When the car door opened and the driver got out, she looked out the window and saw she was not at the pre-show red carpet area and got irate.

"Are you crazy or something. I am so going to get you fired for this. You better take me to the show right away. Do you think you are going to get lucky with me or something!"

Several minutes passed before the back door opened and Ginger was shocked to see Clint standing there.

"Clint, what is going on! Where is my driver?"

"He needed to take a break, so he drove to where I was sitting in his car we left over there. He is going to hang out in his car counting the money I paid him so I can have a talk with you."

As he got into the car and sat next to her, she asked meekly, "what do you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk about what a bitch you are and how you talk down to everyone, including crew members and now the limo driver."

"But I need to remind them that they are there to serve me and are not on my level."

"Ginger, my parents were blue collar and didn't have any money, but they were hard working and instilled good morals in me and my siblings. I would never talk down to anyone like you do."

"I don't care what you think about me, and you better get me to the show now. I wanted to get there early so I have more time to be interviewed on the red carpet."

"What we are going to do won't take that long."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It would be a shame for that expensive gown to be ripped to shreds and then the driver drops you off at the awards show looking like you slept outside for a week."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I would and I can. You know how strong I am even though I am an 'old man.' You've seen me work out. You should probably eat a piece of bread; you're so thin. You don't have the strength to resist."

"I'll report you to the police!"

The driver will give a different story that you wanted to stop to get drugs in a bad neighborhood and got raped. We all know you do drugs in your trailer, and everyone hates you."

"You are a sick bastard. What are you going to rape me!"

"Exactly. Now get that dress off before I rip it off."

The dress was an off the shoulder style, so it was easy for her to get it off. She sobbed as she took it off though, but Clint had a cold dead look in his eyes. He wanted to humiliate her as much as he wanted to hatefuck her.

After she got the dress off she tried to cover her breasts, as she had nothing on but a pair of frilly thong panties. "Take the panties off and you are not to cover your self from me or else."

"Or else what!"

"You don't want to know. I have never had sex with a woman who wasn't a willing participant. You'll be my first, and last."

"What do you mean by your last?" Clint didn't answer.

As she pulled her panties down she started to feel herself getting wet. She had never been with a dominant man before. All her boyfriends let her dominate them, so this was new to her. She realized that although she hated Clint, she also found him very attractive.

Ginger definitively had some daddy issues, and she was attracted to much older men. Clint quickly took off his clothes and she immediately noticed his enormously long and thick penis. No wonder why he was so popular with the women in the entertainment industry!

"Get over here now and get across my lap."

"Are you crazy, I'll do no such thing!"

"Well I guess I'll have to rip that beautiful dress to shreds and have the driver drop you off naked at the show."

Ginger meekly crawled over to him and obediently got over his lap. He took the sash from her dress and tied her hands behind her back.

"Your father should have done this a long time ago," Clint said as he landed the first blow on her bare backside. He marveled at how beautiful she was. Far more beautiful than anyone he had dated before.

"My daddy would never spank me, especially when I'm naked."

"No reason to be shy, we are just doing our big nude scene a week early," he laughed as he continued to rain blows down on her quickly reddening ass cheeks. He stopped spanking her and dipped his fingers into her now dripping snatch.

"It looks like someone is enjoying this. I bet you are dreaming of your daddy doing this to you."

"That's not true!" she screamed.

"Well he told me that he thinks you are so beautiful that he wishes you weren't his daughter, so he could date you."

Ginger's face went pale. "My dad thinks I am that hot looking?"

"Why wouldn't he? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever had across my lap being disciplined. I hate your personality but love your feistiness."

"I guess I should take that as a compliment," she cooed as he sawed his fingers gently in and out of her now throbbing pussy. "Please don't tease me, I really need to cum. But please stop spanking me. I'll be a good girl Daddy; I mean Clint."

He untied her hands and let her sit on his lap. She bent towards him, and he gently kissed her, which shocked her. As their tongues entangled with each other, she felt her feelings starting to change towards Clint. He was starting to behave like a boyfriend, not a rapist, and the age gap was turning her on even more.

He started sucking on one nipple, while gently twisting the other one. "Suck my cock Ginger," he ordered.

"I'm not sure if I can fit it in my mouth."

"Well you'll have to learn since you are going to be my girlfriend."

"I thought you didn't date your co-stars."

"I'm making this exception this first, and last, time."

"Why do you keep saying the last time?"

He didn't answer as she enveloped his cock into her mouth. She was so turned on by Clint dominating her that she just wanted to please him no matter what. After a while she let his rock hard cock out of her mouth and looked at him with a look of longing in her eyes.

He laid her down on the seat and got on top of her, lining up his member with her vagina, which was flooded with her juices.

"Well, I've decided that you are the one."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not going to date anyone after you. You are the one I want to be with."

"That's pretty arrogant of you to think I am going to be with you for life because you have decided to finally settle down. You'll probably have sex with me and then dump me like all the others. I know your type."

"You would have been right before today. But there is something about you that makes me want to love you even more than I hate you."

"Please put on a condom on, I'm not on birth control."

He ignored her and plunged his dick into her pussy before she could react.

"What are you doing! Stop right now."

"How am I going to get you pregnant if I use a condom?" He grinned as he started stroking in and out of her.

"What. I'm not going to get pregnant because you've decided you want to have a baby with someone!" She struggled to get him off of her, but it was no use. He was too strong and kept pumping her as he felt his sperm ready to explode into her fertile womb.

"We're not going to have just one baby; we are going to have several babies. You are mine now. I'm never going to see another woman's pussy again and this is the last cock that will ever be inside you."

"You're nuts!" she screamed as he exploded torrents of semen into her.

She quickly came right after that, with the most powerful orgasm of her life. She was in shock that the most eligible 'bachelor for life' wanted to be with her instead of anyone else. She was honored and realized they could have a hot sex life hatefucking each other for the rest of their lives. She also thought they would make really cute babies.

After they were done he held her in his arms for a while, but eventually got up and reached into the pocket of his pants that were on the floor. He pulled out a jewelry box as she looked at him puzzlingly.

He opened it and she saw the largest diamond she had ever seen. "Ginger, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will Clint! As long as you give me that beautiful cock of yours on a regular basis and spank me like a good daddy when I misbehave."

They got dressed and Clint walked over to get the limo driver, who had no idea what had just happened. They drove to the awards show, with Clint and Ginger smiling ear to ear.

When they got out of the limo onto the red carpet, an interviewer came up to them shocked that they were standing there hand in hand. There had been rumors that they were dating, but many thought it was just a ploy by the studio to get interest in the film, especially since the movie was about two actors falling in love on a movie set after hating each other.

"So, I guess the rumors were true about you two," the cute interviewer chirped to them.

Clint answered, "yes very true." Ginger started turning red and looked down sheepishly at the red carpet.

She looked at the ring on Ginger's finger. "It looks like you two are engaged. When did that happen?"

"In the limo on the way over here." The interviewer looked at them not sure if Clint was kidding.

"By the way, how long have you been dating?"

"In the limo on the way over here." The interviewer looked at them with a blank look on her face. Ginger squeezed Clint's hand, hoping he would stop sharing such personal information.

"You were always a confirmed bachelor who said he never wanted children. Is that still the case?"

"No. We want several."

As a typical nosy interviewer she next asked, "so when are you two going to start trying to have a baby?"

Ginger was shocked at the rude question, but Clint replied, "we started trying in the limo on the way over here. After the show we are going to try some more in the limo on the way to Ginger's house to get some clothes so she can start moving in with me."

The interviewer's jaw dropped and didn't know what else to say. Clint laughed while Ginger just stood there mortified.

Ginger won the award for best new actor and Clint gave the loudest applause of anyone after she thanked him during the awards speech for being a man that she loved and hated, more than anyone.

On the set Ginger and Clint had to do method acting to play an acting couple in the movie who hated each other. Some days after shooting you could here Ginger and Clint practicing lines in his trailer, sometimes followed with the sound of her bare ass being spanked until she cried out in orgasm.

Afterwards you could see the trailer rocking with Ginger yelling "fuck me you big dick bastard. I hate you but love you more than anything!"

The movie was a huge hit, with the viewing public curious about whether you could tell if they were a couple in real life with a love hate relationship. It was truly a movie within a movie.

The next year they went to the top awards show where they won best actor in a movie. They brought their three month old baby with them, and the interviewers got a kick out of it.

The rude interviewer from the previous year said to them, "I guess you weren't kidding about trying for a baby in the limo on the way over to the show. When are you going to try for another baby? We've heard you say in interviews you want four children total.

They both looked at each other and then turned to her and said simultaneously while laughing, "in the limo on the way home!"

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ireadliteroticaireadliterotica9 months ago

Nice story, kinda short though

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