Lin and the Good Boys Ch. 03

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A bored housewife tries young lovers with husband's consent.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/25/2020
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Afterwards, Lin, Tom, and the bed looked like a bomb filled with baby oil, piss, and cum had hit them. They were lying there wrecked. The 5 PM alarm went off and Lin barely moved.

"Tell me what happened when you went off together today."

"Why do you want to talk about another woman?"

"She's not some other woman. She's like my own heart, as are you. I need to know how my heart is doing. I know that hearing about it will probably sting. That's not as important to me as the comfort of knowing the natural order of things is being restored."

"All right. We walked to the park. We didn't really say anything at first. We just looked at each other a lot and smiled a lot. She was trembling a little. I might have been trembling, too, but I was trying my best to hold it together. She handed me the bacon Poke Ball. We sat down on a bench to eat our Poke Balls, but neither of us were really hungry.

"I asked her what she did for fun. She mentioned that she liked to make cosplay outfits and model them on Instagram. She showed me her Instagram account. So many followers! And I could see why." Tom dragged himself over to the side of the bed, fumbled around with his pants on the floor, retrieved his phone, and brought up a picture of Huan in a skin tight Starfleet uniform that he showed to Lin.

"Oh Em Gee!" exclaimed Lin, "That doesn't leave much to the imagination!" Who would have guessed that her shy young employee was a famous Internet slut?

"If you think that's hot, look at this." Tom showed Lin a picture of Huan in a blond wig, a white one-piece bathing suit, and white arm and leg warmers. She was holding an old timey bowling ball type bomb in one hand and had an apple on her head. Her other hand was making a peace sign.

"Well I can see she must trim at least."

"Oh, she's shaved."

"How do you know?"

"You'd see a dark patch in this bathing suit, but there isn't one, so no muff. A man knows these things."

"All you men are obscene. How much does she get paid for this?"

"Nothing. It's just a hobby."

Lin just looked at Tom incredulously. Well, maybe she was getting something out of it. Perhaps she was getting a husband.

"Anyway, that's her main hobby. So I asked her whether she was planning on going to the anime convention in town this weekend. She said she had never been to a convention because of all the stories of girls without escorts getting mauled. So I showed her two tickets I already had in my wallet that were for George and me, but George will understand, and I asked her to go with me. Then she really started trembling and said yes."

"After that, it was all about what outfit to wear. I'm not much of a cosplayer, so my only real outfit is a Star Trek Discovery outfit. Of course she had one too. Cosplay is a big deal for her. She was trembling so much, I offered to rub her shoulders to calm her down."

"Did she accept?"


"Did it calm her down?"

"In a sense. She kept saying it felt really good. We agreed to meet in front of the shop in costume tomorrow morning at 9 AM. We exchanged contact information. Then it was time for her to go back to the shop. I gave her a kiss, and then she was gone. That's all that happened."

"About what I'd guessed, based on what she told me. She didn't mention the massage or the kiss."

"It was just a harmless little shoulder massage."

"Yeah, right. I know all about your massages."

Lin was still ready for Bruce by the time he returned home at 6:00. She had gotten very skilled at obliterating all traces of her secret life with Tom from her body and their home, other than the heartbreak. This time, when Bruce called out his customary cheery greeting of "Who wants to be punished?" Lin answered sadly, "Not me."

"It looks to me like somebody's already gotten punished," remarked Bruce. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help." After that, since he knew when Lin didn't want to talk, he headed for his study. Lin hid in the kitchen and cried bitter tears, and it helped a little.

That evening, Lin was wetter than usual for Bruce, but he was obviously affected by her sad and fretful mood. She was throwing her sweet husband off his game, and that wouldn't do either. She laid him down, took his cock into her mouth, and started bobbing up and down on it. This was not the usual way she did oral sex on him, and she was hoping it would distract him away from her mood and allow him to cum. When he started to writhe and buck, she climbed onto him. Although this position hurt her legs because he was such a big man to straddle, she doubted he would last long, and he didn't. Within a few minutes, he shuddered with an orgasm, and that was that.

The next morning, Saturday morning, Lin was more fretful than ever, and she could see it was driving Bruce crazy. Finally, Bruce said, "Let's go see a matinee."

"Okay," said Lin. Anything to distract her would be good.

"I know just the movie."

Lin got ready to go out. She did her hair and put a little makeup on her red puffy eyes.

"Will you wear a skirt?" Bruce asked.

The skirts were for Tom, but Bruce didn't know that. Whatever. She put on a skirt for him.

When they got out to the car and climbed in, Bruce produced the vibrating ball from their play a few nights ago. "Please put this in."

Lin considered Bruce's request. Before Tom, this would have caused a fight that would have them not talking for a week or more. Now that had changed, and she wasn't sad it had changed. In that moment, she cheered up a little as well, because she realized that she was still seeing Tom. In fact, Tom had fucked her four times in the last 24 hours. She was still, for the time being, a terrible unrepentant slut that needed to be punished. She took the ball from Bruce, let him lubricate it a bit from a little bottle in his pocket, and slipped it in.

After they got their popcorn and waters, they sat down near the back row of the theater. Lin had her own light jacket and Bruce's jacket on her lap along with the popcorn. Bruce had his phone out, but the sound was off and the brightness was dialed way down.

As the movie started, Bruce put the device on its lowest setting. It felt to Lin like the thing was an egg, and there was a baby bird inside tirelessly and relentlessly pecking, trying to get out of it. It was a metaphor for her life. Her reward for getting out of the egg, if she ever did, would be to suffocate in the womb.

When the movie reached the part where the girl first sees the boy, Lin startled when the device got a notch more powerful inside her. Now it was a thrumming like she was being played like an instrument and Bruce was a very nasty musician. She tried to ignore it and watch the movie, enjoy the love budding between the actors, enjoy the warmth spreading in her loins from the thrumming.

Several minutes later, the lovers on the screen ran passionately to the girl's bedroom and started tearing each others' clothes off. The device became urgent in Lin. She hadn't realized how excited the device and the lovers' mating dance had made her. Her hips began to undulate reflexively. She knew that trying not to cum would just make it worse, so she just pouted, drank some water, and tried to ignore Bruce, who was watching her. She spread her legs a little to relieve the tension in her hips and tried to keep her eyes focused on the sweet and explicit lovemaking happening on the screen.

When the girl came, Lin did too. It was a very satisfying one, because she knew these characters, and it almost felt like the boy was filling her womb with his passionate seed. She loved the expressions on the lovers' faces. She trembled with aftershocks as the lovers calmed.

She breathed a sigh of relief as the love scene passed and the device also quieted. As the theater lights came on for the intermission, Bruce turned off the device and asked, "Do you want anything, honey?"

"Keep it low, please."

"Okay..." he said, and turned the device back on low. She started. She hadn't meant turn it back on, she had meant keep it low during the movie. Oh well. Whatever. At least she was enjoying the movie. Bruce was also clearly enjoying himself. She could see the tent in his pants. He grabbed his coat off of her lap and put it over his hard-on.

Near the end of the intermission, a very handsome couple in their thirties approached them from Lin's side and asked, "May we sit here?" The wife, who asked for them, was a statuesque redhead. Her husband was a stocky black man with a shaved head and wire-rimmed glasses.

"Of course, welcome," answered Bruce for both of them. The redhead, whose name was Claire, sat at Lin's right hand, her husband Kent next to her, so the men were sitting on the outside and the women next to each other between them. The men chatted a little. Bruce mentioned he was in real estate. Kent worked in the financial sector as an underwriter. Then the lights dimmed and the movie started again.

Lin startled a little as the device went up a notch. Maybe Bruce had forgotten it was already on. He had definitely not understood that she had asked him to keep it low. She could hardly have cleared up the misunderstanding after the couple had approached them, though. She could imagine the look of shock on their faces if she had removed the device and handed it back to Bruce and said something like, "Here's your egg back covered in my slutty cum juices, darling."

After the intermission, the lovers on the screen had a misunderstanding where each of them believed the other was not that interested in them. They were languishing in moping and confusion. Lin was dreading the inevitable reunion where Bruce would torture her with the device and the onscreen couple would torture her with their passion. Surely Bruce wouldn't turn it up any more. The couple was sitting right next to her.

Who was she kidding? Of course he would, the rat bastard.

As the girl on the screen cried on the phone to her mom, Lin became a bit suspicious of the couple sitting next to her. Before their arrival, she had been confident and comfortable that the theater was dark enough and she and Bruce had been sitting far back and away from other people enough that nobody would notice her. Now she was wondering whether Claire or Kent had actually seen her writhing and jerking in her seat a little and had joined them to investigate.

Regardless of whether their suspicions would be confirmed or whether they would be surprised and shocked when Bruce inevitably turned the device up, she would be mortified. She thought of leaving the theater with some excuse, but she knew Bruce would not let her get by him without an embarrassing challenge, and she was terrified that if she tried to escape past Claire and Kent, Bruce would turn the device all the way up, resulting in her giving the couple a helpless twerking, grinding lap dance.

Uh oh. The boy on the screen, who had been sleepless for days, just pushed a note into the girl's mail slot. The girl was reading it, and it was so sweet. Cut to them meeting in the train station. Cut to them pushing into a restroom stall and starting to tear each others' clothes off. "Oh my God!" breathed Lin as Bruce turned the device up several notches.

"Oh yeah!" said Claire, answering Lin's exclamation with her own, "They're so cute together."

What followed was a montage of the cute couple on the screen doing it in every possible location and every possible position and variation, a bunch of quick cuts. Bruce kept the device on its current setting. Lin began to shudder. She was trying with all her heart and soul to act normal in front of this perfectly normal couple next to her. She was glowing with effort. Her knees were visibly shaking. Claire put one hand in a comradely way on her right knee and said, "I know. I know!"

To stave off an orgasm simply from the touch of Claire's hand, Lin gasped, grabbed Claire's hand off her knee and held it in hers like a vice, as if she was giving birth. As the boy tore off his button down shirt to reveal his perfect abs and hard cock yet again, Lin helplessly came, her left hand gripping Bruce's, her right hand gripping Claire's, her eyes getting lazy and losing focus on the screen with the intensity of it.

As Lin regained focus on the movie, the montage had passed and the device was back down at a low hum. Claire and Bruce were still holding her hands. Onscreen, the girl was pleading with the boy, who had signed up for military service while they had been broken up, to not go off to war. Lin sighed in relief with the certain knowledge that the boy would soon die in the war and therefore she would not have to cum like a slut anymore in front of this nice couple.

The last scene of the movie was the boy going off to war to die tragically and needlessly in battle, as Lin had suspected, but it was interspersed with quick cuts of the couple making passionate love on their final night together. The device roared to life inside Lin and her hips bucked forward almost instantly in another uncontrollable orgasm. Lin sobbed out her orgasm, and sobbed about Tom, too. Emotion and tears uncontrollably poured out of her, mirroring the emotion onscreen.

As the theater lights came up and the device went off, Lin looked around to notice that Claire, her husband Kent, and Bruce were all watching her intently. Kent had a considerable tent in his pants. Claire broke the ice with the classic line from When Harry Met Sally, "I'll have what she's having!" Chuckles all around except from Lin.

Then Claire said more gently to Lin, "Are you okay, honey?"

Lin nodded once and began wiping the tears off her face, but could not meet their gaze. A flurry of nice-meeting-yous and exchanged business cards happened among the other three as Lin pulled herself together. Finally, Lin summoned the courage to look, smile, and take her leave of the nice couple, and they were very relieved to see she was doing okay again. The two women went to visit the restroom to relieve themselves. There was a line. As soon as they got out of the stalls and were in a more relieved state, Claire asked her, "What was going on back there?"

Lin surreptitiously showed Claire the egg she had removed from her quim before peeing. Claire said, "Oh man! What a dirty bastard of a husband you have! I've heard of these things, but I've never seen one. Hey, I have an idea. Let's get back at him."

Lin simply nodded once.

Claire thoroughly washed the device with soap and water, dried it off, and re-entered a stall. A moment later, she was back. "Luckily for me," she whispered to Lin, "that movie got me going too, as did watching you, I'm not ashamed to say. It slid right in."

They left the restroom and rejoined the men, who had also taken care of business. The four began exchanging pleasantries again when suddenly Claire jumped a little. "Bruce, I didn't know you cared," she said slyly. A little red-faced, Bruce fiddled with his phone, and Claire soon sighed in relief. Bruce glared silently at the women as they burst out in peals of laughter. Lin had not laughed so hard in a long time.

"What the hell is going on?" Kent asked, and Bruce took him aside and by the look of it shamefacedly confessed the situation. Kent laughed and took it good-naturedly and even punched Bruce lightly on the arm. Then they both started fiddling with their phones.

A few minutes later, they returned, and Kent was holding his phone up and said, "Hi honey!" to Claire.

Claire said, "Woo!" in response, and all four of them laughed. They said their goodbyes again, and Claire and Kent walked off with Claire saying to Kent, "Hey! Let me play with that."

Bruce and Lin watched Claire and Kent walk away towards their car in the parking lot outside. Bruce said, "Fun couple." Lin grunted.

When they were about a hundred feet away, Claire turned around, waved, and shouted back at them, "Unh! Ugh! I'm having what she had!" Then she bent over double and held her back like she was in labor. Bruce chuckled. Lin waved politely. They were a nice couple, but pretty shameless. Good thing for Lin. She would have been mortified if they had been offended and called over the theater manager. Bruce was a moron who would eventually get them into real trouble.

On Monday morning, Lin heard way too insufferably much from Huan about her magical weekend with Tom. Under the secrecy of Mandarin, Lin with a straight face for all her customers heard all about how Tom and Huan had stayed up all night Saturday night at the convention and visited everywhere and everybody. Lin heard that Huan had gotten dizzy from drinking for the first time in her life, sweet fruity drinks that Tom had kept buying her. Lin heard that Tom had held Huan's hair and protected her uniform with a handy t-shirt later on when she lost all those sweet fruity drinks out of her stomach into a trash can, and then afterwards how Tom had wiped off Huan's face and hands with a warm washrag like a giant mother kitten.

Lin heard how they had won both best-dressed couple and cutest couple prizes in the cosplay contests. Lin heard that they were interested in so many of the same canons, whatever that meant. Lin heard how they had napped together during the early hours of the morning in a friend's spare hotel room. Lin heard about how a girl had approached Huan in the restroom and shamelessly asked her whether she would be willing to share Tom! Her response had been, "Back off bitch! He's all mine!" She had still been drunk at the time.

When Tom arrived at noon, he was grinning from ear to ear too. As Lin watched them, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other, and they immediately started chattering away and flirting with each other. It was that bright smack of new love that couldn't be hidden from anyone in sight. It was iconic.

Tom looked over at Lin and remarked, "You look upset, Lin. Is everything okay?"

"My employee has been useless all morning because of you! I can't get her to shut up about you in English or Mandarin! She's driving me crazy!"

"Here," he said, handing her a twenty. "Keep the change. I'll take her off your hands for a while."

The two kids wandered off together towards the park with two Poke Balls, chattering away happily.

"I'll call and question you later young man!" she shouted after him. "I've heard some disturbing things!"

She called Tom right at 3 PM, as soon as Huan had left, and said, "I suppose you shouldn't come over today."

"Why not?"

"You got her drunk and slept with her!" she whisper-shouted into the phone.

"Wait. It wasn't like that. I only bought her a couple of drinks and she turned bright red and started spewing. How could I have known she was allergic?"

"All Asians are allergic, you moron! And I hear you not arguing about sleeping with her."

"It's true that we took a nap in the same bed, but we just literally fell asleep for a few hours. We had our clothes on, mostly. We were very tired. It was all very innocent. I didn't sleep-sleep with her."

"You're telling me that you had an incredibly pretty young virgin girl madly in love with you and tipsy that you obviously also adore - in the same bed - with you - and you did nothing?"

"What? Do you think I'm a rapist? I don't have to ply women with liquor to get them to sleep with me. I don't have to attack women in their sleep. That's disgusting behavior. I'm a gentleman. I'm a helper. I'm so not the kind of guy who would do anything like that. You know me, Lin."

"What happened?"

"Well, after she was done being drunk and before she fell asleep, we did kiss a lot."

"Deep kisses?"

"Deep, deep kisses."

"What else?"

"Well, her bra was hurting her. To look good in these uniforms, you have to wear these pretty uncomfortable bras, so before bed, she peeled down her uniform and took her bra off. They were amazing, Lin!"