Lisa at the Soccer Tournament

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Soccer mom lets the dads and the coach have their way.
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Lisa at the Soccer Tournament

Hi. My name is Mike. I'm, by most accounts, an average guy. I have a decent job, a wife, one kid, and lead, for the most part, a pretty routine middle-class life. All of that changed last weekend and I am still coming to grips with it all and deciding exactly how I feel about the events that transpired.

I suppose I should provide a bit of background. My wife Lisa and I met right after college on a blind date set up by mutual friends. I was 23 and she was 22. It was love at first sight for me. I was attracted to pretty much everything about her. Her 5' 5" height was just right for my 5'10" size. With her long dark brown hair and prominent cheeks, she looked like a young Sandra Bullock. Her athletic figure was not model skinny, which I hate, but also not chubby or overly muscular in any way. Toned arms and legs and a tight ass that I could look at all day. And her perky breasts stood out and drew the eye without being obnoxiously large. The first time I saw her in a bikini, our 2nd date, my jaw almost dropped. And the first time I saw her naked, same date that night, I almost came in my pants.

Now, I am not that shallow. I didn't marry Lisa just for her looks. She also had a great personality. She was kind, fun, and very down to earth. And by some miracle, she apparently felt the same way about me. We hit it off right away. The first date lasted until 2 a.m. We mostly talked and got to know each other. We ended up in bed after the second date, very early in a relationship for both of us (neither of us were promiscuous in college - a couple of serious relationships each). And we were pretty much inseparable after that point. I proposed three months after we met, and we were married in less than a year.

That was 15 years ago. We had our daughter Beth a couple of years after our wedding and settled into a suburban lifestyle. I work full time while Lisa has a part time job in an office and spends the afternoons trekking Beth, who is now 12, to various activities and takes care of the house for the most part. I do help out, but Lisa does tend to do the lion's share. Weekends are spent mostly with friends, who also have kids, or at Beth's sporting events. As I said, typical, boring middle class lives.

Our daughter Beth is quite the athlete and plays soccer competitively at a pretty high-ranking club team. They travel a lot, once a month or so, to out of town tournaments where we stay in a hotel for the weekend. As a result, we tend to spend a lot of weekends with the other soccer parents and socialize with them. Most of the other parents have multiple children so they divide and conquer for the tournaments. Since Beth is an only child, Lisa and I usually both go, unless work or some other thing keeps one of us away. Often, the girls will congregate in a room or two to play games and slumber there. A parent or two without a spouse present is usually willing to fall on the sword and volunteer their room for this and earns the gratitude of the other parents, which we usually return with free drinks at the hotel bar. We encourage Beth to do this whenever possible as it gives Lisa and I alone time. As everyone knows, hotel sex is better than home sex, and Lisa and I try to take advantage of this whenever we can.

As I mentioned earlier, neither Lisa nor I were very experienced sexually when we met and our sex life, while very healthy, had been pretty much vanilla. Sex once or twice a week and an occasional blowjob once in a while with me usually reciprocating. Unlike my girlfriends before her, Lisa did swallow and was very enthusiastic when going down on me. So, that made the blowjobs extra special. Did I want a bit more excitement? Sure, who doesn't? But be careful what you wish for. Things can change very quickly.

Lisa's sex-drive did seem to be increasing as she hit her mid-thirties, so sex was becoming more frequent over the last year or so. The fact that as Beth got older and we had more time for each other also helped. And our sex life was becoming more varied. We talked more about what we liked and what turned us on and had begun spicing things up a little by engaging in some roleplay and also some sexting during the day to warm up each other's engines for the evenings. Nothing overtly explicit. Mostly some puns and emojis to make each other smile and look forward to some action in the bedroom later than evening. As I said, things were definitely improving and becoming less vanilla, but we had not discussed anything extreme like brining additional people into our activities. So, what happened last weekend came as a total surprise to me. I am still in conflict over whether it was a good or a bad thing.

Last weekend was another out-of-town tournament for Beth's team. The tournament was about a 3-hour drive away from our house. I had a project that was going to keep me working late into Friday evening. Since the first game was going to be pretty early Saturday morning, Lisa and Beth, similar to the other families, drove up Friday afternoon. I was planning to drive up very early Saturday morning so I would not miss Beth's first game.

Around 6 p.m. on Friday, I was still at work, when I got a text from Lisa. "Hi honey. About to go to dinner. Beth is going to spend the night at Jennifer's room tonight with a few other girls. Are you sure you can't make it tonight?" Red lips emoji.

"I wish I could. You know how much I enjoy 'sleeping' in a hotel bed" I added a gif of shaking bed and a smiley face emoji.

"I guess Miss Kitty is not going to get her favorite sausage tonight then?" She added a cat, a sausage, and a sad face emoji.

"Well, you can always pet Miss Kitty yourself. I am sure she would like that." Smiley face and a hand emoji. Lisa playing with herself in front of me was a recent and very hot addition to our foreplay.

"Oooh! I think I will just do that before getting dressed to go out. Sitting here, naked on the bed, thinking about all the things you could be doing to me right now if you were here." Heart and fire emojis.

"You know what you just did to me, don't you?" An eggplant emoji. "I will be there first thing tomorrow morning to give you what you want." Race car, rising sun, and heart emojis. It took her a bit to respond.

"Yumm. Hopefully my favorite morning protein shake!" An emoji of a milkshake with whip cream on top and a gif of a sexy woman licking an ice cream cone. "Sorry for the delayed response. A bit distracted here."

"Show me." This was as explicit as our sexting ever got. So, I am not sure why I texted what I did or what I was expecting in response. And I was definitely surprised and pleased by her response when my phone pinged again.

It was a photo of Lisa, naked, on the bed. She had her legs spread and her right hand was pushing down on her clit and her middle finger was clearly inside her. The photo also showed her heaving breasts. She was clearly excited as her nipples were sticking out. It ended right below her chin so you could not see her face.

I was already getting pretty excited from our texting, but the photo took things to a next level.

"I bet you are hard as a board right now, aren't you?" Smiley face and log emojis. Obviously, she knew what seeing that photo was doing to me.

"Oh my god. You don't know the half of it. Well, actually you do." Smiley face emoji. "I am going to lock my office door now and take care of the problem you just created." A squirting bottle emoji.

"Save some for me for tomorrow." Licking lips emoji.

I got up, closed and locked my office door, and started to take care of business while staring at Lisa's naked photo, imagining what she was doing right now. I was so excited that it took me only a few tugs before I started cumming. It was crazy intense. Right about the same time, my phone pinged again.

"Oh my god! That was the best orgasm I have ever had by myself, ever! We have definitely got to try that again. Maybe facetime next time." Camera emoji. "I really gotta go to dinner now. Hopefully whoever is sitting next to me won't smell the sex on me. I love you!" Heart emoji.

100% emoji "I love you too. See you tomorrow morning." Two hearts emojis.

Wow. That was intense and took our sexting to a new level. Lisa was getting more and more adventurous and sexual. And I was loving it. I attacked my work with new vigor and somehow finished up by 7 p.m. I had already packed for the weekend earlier and my bag was in the car. I decided that I would surprise Lisa by showing up tonight instead of tomorrow morning so that we could continue what we started in person.

I was driving like a maniac and was on pace to get to the hotel before 10. Around 9 I got a text from Lisa (my car has text to talk so please do not tell me not to text and drive).

"I know you are probably busy, still working. I am about to go to bed and read a little and wanted to say goodnight. I love you and am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow so we can finish what we started."

"I love you too. I will be done with work soon and head home. Sleep tight. I will be there bright and early. Make sure to go to bed wearing something sexy that I can unwrap tomorrow morning." Nightgown emoji. I was very excited to surprise her tonight. My plan was to crawl into bed naked and wake her up with some kisses or maybe by going down on her. The thought of it was making me hard again.

I finally got to the hotel around 9:30. I made my way to the lobby, got an extra key to our room, and was getting ready to go up when I heard a laugh that startled me. It was Lisa and it was coming from the bar next to the lobby. I listened for a few more seconds and it sounded like she was talking to and laughing with a few of the dads and the coach of Beth's team. And based on the tone of her laughter and the way she was speaking (she gets very happy and a bit flirty when she drinks) it seemed like she had already had a few. What the hell was going on? I thought she was in the room sleeping or reading.

My actions at that point likely led to everything else that happened that night. I could have just walked into the bar and said "Hi. Surprise!" I am sure Lisa would have jumped into my arms, given me a hug, and would have had a very innocent explanation for why she was not in bed like she had indicated. It's not like she was doing anything wrong. We would have then gone up to our room and fucked each other's brains out. But I did not do that. Why?

Well part of it was that I was annoyed at her for not telling me she was going to go out and drink. I drove for 3 hours to surprise her and here she was having a grand old time without me. I needed to cool down a little before talking to her. I wasn't ready yet for an explanation, innocent as it may be. And I certainly did not want to get into an argument in front of other people.

But if I am honest with myself, the bigger part of it was that I wanted to see how Lisa acted with other men without me being there, especially if she was a little tipsy. I think most men want their wife or girlfriend to be desirable to other men and also see them flirt a little and act a little sexy around other guys. No, I did not want to see Lisa fucking anyone else. At least, I did not think I did at that time. But, seeing how she would act when she did not know I was there certainly gave me a little rush. I was not worried about her cheating on me or being forced to do something against her will. After all, these were parents of other girls on Beth's team, not random strangers she met at a hotel bar. But if the guys did get out of hand, I could always 'show up' and make sure she was ok.

So instead of walking into the bar, I walked to this sitting area separated from the bar by wall. I sat in a seat pretending to watch the news on the TV there. Lucky for me, there was a mirror on the back wall of the bar so from my seat I could see them in the mirror. However, they could not see me unless they turned around and looked in the mirror behind them. Not likely. So, I could see them and hear pretty much everything they were saying (they had all obviously been drinking and were all speaking loudly) without being seen.

So, who was all there? In addition to Lisa, it was Coach Mark, Courtney's dad Tim, Kyla's dad Brad, and Veronica's dad George. Coach Mark was the only one younger than Lisa and me. I think he is in his early thirties. Played soccer in college and has been coaching ever since. He has dark hair, is around 6 feet tall, and has stayed in good shape. Tim, Brad and George are all older than us, in their mid-40s, having kids later in life like most of the parents on Beth's team. Tim is a bit on the loud and obnoxious side, always flirting with the other moms, especially when his wife Tammy is not around. He is a decent looking guy, around my size with blond hair starting to go to gray. I have heard rumors that he does fool around on Tammy, but who knows about these things for sure. Brad and George are typical middle-aged guys. Not fat but starting to show dad bods. Basically, what I will look like in 10 years unless I start exercising and eating better.

From what I could hear, the conversation was mostly about the team and our chances in the tournament. There was not anything untoward going on and it seemed like typical soccer parents at a bar. However, I soon noticed that Tim was surreptitiously checking out Lisa every chance he could. She was wearing jeans and a fairly tight t-shirt with a V-neck that highlighted her tits and he was taking every chance he could to stare at them without being too obvious. He was also one of those guys who talked with his hands, and it seemed like his hands were brushing against her tits and legs more than what would be considered accidental. Nothing overt, but definitely noticeable if you were paying attention. The other guys were not as obvious as Tim, but their eyes were also clearly focusing more on her body than her face during the conversation.

Lisa is not one of those women who is oblivious to what men are like. I could tell from the small smile on her face that she knew exactly what was going on and looked like she was enjoying and even inviting the attention. She kept leaning towards whoever she was talking to, giving them a great view of her tits, and she was being more handsy than usual, putting her hand on a forearm here or on the top of a leg there when talking to the guys. She was also laughing more than usual, definitely more than merited, to every little joke or comment made by the guys. She was obviously feeling the effects of the drinks and enjoying herself. I don't think she had any intention to do anything more than just flirting but was clearly ok with being admired and the center of attention to four men.

As they kept drinking, the conversation predictably became more personal and, not surprisingly, it was Tim who spearheaded the change. "So Lisa, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company. I think this is the first time you've ever decided to respond to an invitation to hang out and have a few drinks after dinner." That solved one mystery. She probably got a group text inviting anyone who was interested to meet at the bar for drinks and changed her mind about going to bed.

"Usually, Mike and I are together at these things and like to have a little alone time if Beth is sleeping over in someone else's room, if you know what I mean" said Lisa, and then made a sexy little chuckling sound. That was certainly more information than I anticipated her providing. She was certainly flaunting her newfound sexuality more than I had anticipated. "I guess I was feeling a bit lonely without Mike around tonight and just wasn't ready to go to sleep just yet. Wanted to have a bit of fun." A perfectly innocent explanation. But even though she likely didn't mean to sound that way, a response that could certainly be interpreted differently, as if she was looking for some company in her bed with me being absent.

And that is exactly the way Tim chose to interpret it. "Oh, I am sure we can fill in for Mike. I just hope we can measure up, if you know what I mean." Tim said with a chuckle. The innuendo obvious in his tone. The other three guys all chuckled.

Lisa responded in a teasing tone "Ok. Now you are just being rude. Just because a woman has drinks with a few male friends does not mean that it is going to lead to something tawdry." Despite her words, it was obvious that she was not really mad, more amused than anything by Tim's clumsy and obvious attempt. "Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment. A girl likes to know that men find her desirable, but I think it is time for me to head to bed . . . alone." She put a clear emphasis on the word 'alone.'

Tim obviously did not want the evening to end just yet. "Come one Lisa, I was just having fun. Don't leave me with these three clowns just yet." This was met by a chorus of "Heys and Boos" from the other guys and a little laugh from Lisa. "I didn't mean to be rude. I was just playing. I forgot that you are . . ."

Before he could finish what he was going to say, Lisa interrupted. "I am what? A frumpy old soccer mom with no sense of humor and a boring sex life." Tim had obviously hit a nerve.

"No, I didn't mean to . . ."

She interrupted him once again. I guess getting closer to 40 and being perceived as just a "mom" was having a bigger effect on her self-esteem than I realized. Maybe that explained the recent uptick in our sex life. "I will have you know that Mike and I have a very healthy and adventurous sex life. We role play and sext all the time." I don't think Lisa intended to divulge so much private information, but with her being a little angry and a little drunk, her mouth was racing in front of her brain. Not sure how I felt about her talking about our private sex life, but I was proud of her for standing up for herself and not being embarrassed about the things we did.

"Wow! Role play and sexting. I am impressed." Tim said sarcastically, changing his approach. "I am sure those texts are out of this world." What Lisa did next would have made me spit out my drink if I had one. It also made me realize that she was either more drunk than I thought or really wanted Tim and the rest of the guys to know how sexually adventurous she could really be.

She took her phone out of her purse, unlocked it, touched and scrolled a bit and handed it to Tim. "Here see for yourself. This is what we were texting earlier today. That should show you that I am no frumpy, boring old soccer mom." What the hell was she doing? Did she forget about the nude photo of herself?

Tim took the phone and started to read and scroll through the texts. "You know Lisa I never said any of those things. You are certainly not frumpy or old. In fact, you are, by far, the hottest mom on the team." All the other guys were nodding in agreement. "I was simply going to say that you are happily married and dedicated to Mike." He kept scrolling. "Wow! I gotta admit, these are pretty hot. I am impressed that you swallow by the way. I would have had you pegged for a spitter." Lisa turned beat red at that comment, but the glow in her eyes made it obvious that she was not altogether unhappy with the revelation or the compliment.

"Thank you, I guess."

It was obvious when Tim got to the photo because his eyes got very wide. He didn't say anything for a second or two. Instead, he did something with the phone (I found out later that he had air dropped the photo to his own phone). He then said "Wow! Guys look at this and showed the phone to Mark, Brad, and George." Just as their eyes were popping out, Lisa obviously remembered the existence of the photo. Either that or the whole thing was intentional, and she was a closet exhibitionist and a great actress. I intend to find out the truth one of these days.

"Oh my god! I forgot about the photo!" She screamed and then grabbed the phone from Tim's hand and hugged it to her chest. "Please, please forget you ever saw that and do not mention it to anyone. Ever." She was turning visibly red and embarrassed.