Lisa Learns to Love Ch. 02


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"Look, I'm going to ask you to trust me again. Where we are going can be very special. When we get there just go along with it. You'll see what I mean. Trust me. OK?" Lisa wondered what on earth she meant but agreed anyway. Trusting Judy was getting easier and easier.

Judy drove them down to the station in plenty of time to catch the train. It was a two hour journey to London so it was mid morning by the time they arrived at Paddington station. Then they took the underground right across town ending up somewhere in the east end. Once they got out of the underground station Lisa could see that they were in an area full of clothes factories. Most of them were closed on Saturday and the streets were relatively quiet. Judy led her a few blocks until the arrived at a plain, unmarked door. She rang the bell and waited. A buzzer sounded and she pushed the door open. They went in to a dark hallway and up a few stairs. At the top they were met by a middle aged woman wearing a severe black dress.

"Judy my friend. So good to see you again. It's been far to long," the woman greeted Judy without seeming to notice Lisa, "come on in."

"Hello Mary. Thanks for fitting me in."

Mary opened a door and led them inside to the office. As soon as they entered Lisa saw a youngish woman, not much older than herself, wearing a maid's outfit like the one she wished to buy. This woman took her by the arm and led her away. Lisa started to protest.

"Silence. Whilst you are here you are not to speak. Is that understood?" Mary's tone was harsh, strident. Lisa was beginning to realise what Judy had meant about trusting her. Uncertain about what she was getting into she kept quiet and followed the maid who led her into a small dressing room and started to undress her. When Lisa tried to help she was slapped away but neither woman made a sound. When she was naked except for the chain around her waist she was led over to a sink. The maid filled it with hot water and then, taking a sponge, started to wash Lisa. The total silence as the maid worked on her, the matter of fact way in which she was being washed in the most intimate of places, the way she was forbidden to interact in anyway, gave the proceedings a surreal air. Lisa felt as if she was being prepared for some sort of sacrifice. She'd been stripped, washed and dried and now the maid was brushing her hair, prettying her up. Curiously she found the whole thing strangely erotic, this loss of self. Becoming someone who had things done to her rather than someone who did, an object rather than a person.

Eventually the maid was finished. She was led through another door. This opened into a large room with a small stage at one end. The walls were draped with red velvet and a number of floor standing full-length mirrors were dotted around. Next to the stage Judy and the Mary sat in armchairs.

The maid led Lisa to the centre of the stage and Mary got up out of her chair. As she approached Lisa she fetched a tape measure out of pocked somewhere in her skirt. But before she started to measure she walked around Lisa inspecting her closely. It seemed that no part of her body was left un-scrutinised. Lisa imagined it would have been like this at a slave market. Mary was completely dispassionate. She might as well have been inspecting a lump of meat. Eventually she took the tape measure and started measuring. If the inspection had been thorough then so was the measuring. As she worked Mary called out the figures to the maid who wrote them down in a little book. Lisa could see her reflection in some of the mirrors and it heightened the feeling of unreality. Briefly she glanced over at Judy. Mary saw the look and brutally slapped her face. "Eyes front girl." Was all she said.

After a while Mary sat back down with Judy. They discussed exactly what sort of maid Judy wanted Lisa to be. Apparently the options ranged from 'scullery' to 'ladies' depending on the quality of the clothes involved. Lisa realised she wasn't going to get any say in the matter. Judy decided that 'ladies' was the answer. Mary gave the maid a few orders and she scurried of to complete them. A few minutes later she returned with a dress rack hung with various dresses. At the base of the rack was a hamper. Judy and Mary got up from their chairs and onto the stage. She started picking bits and pieces out of the hamper. First out was a corset. Judy questioned whether a corset was strictly accurate for a maid.

"Oh, on a ladies maid, quite possible. It would be a 'hand-me-down' of course. Anyway I do feel that they improve a girls posture. The way this one's been slouching around she certainly needs one."

Mary and the maid fitted the corset. It was much tighter than the last one she'd worn, and stoutly whaleboned. After that Lisa could only stand there as various different items were tried, some discarded, some chosen. There were no zips, of course, and very few buttons, but plenty of ties. All of it was in serviceable white cotton. Not the lacy fantasies of the sex shops but the real McCoy. Whilst Mary and Judy discussed the technicalities of antique clothing in terms Lisa barely understood she felt herself disappearing under layers of clothing.

A floor length black dress topped it all off followed by a starched full length apron and a mop cap. The final piece of the jigsaw was a pair of serviceable black shoes. Mary and Judy stood back to get the full effect. Not sexy in the traditional sense but perfectly in tune with Victorian servitude. Lisa felt dowdy and lumpy but strangely this was far more erotic than some tarty outfit from a sex shop.

Mary finally turned to Lisa.

"Well, girl. What do you say?"

"Thank you Ma'am."

"Curtsey, girl. You've forgotten to curtsey." Too late Lisa bobbed at the knees. "You have got a lot to learn. Now, Judy, how about some tea?"

Lisa followed the maid out to the kitchen. Lisa found the uniform heavy and restrictive. This was far subtler than the chain. Whereas the chain gave little reminders with every step this was a continuous thing using old fashioned stereotypes to reinforce her servility. Dressed like this she had to be at her mistresses beck and call. She wanted to ask the maid if she felt the same way but realised that the regime of total silence forbad it. Together they made the tea. Fortunately the maid knew exactly what was expected. When the tea was ready the maid handed the tray to Lisa and led her back to where Mary and Judy were waiting.

Lisa laid the tray on a small table between May and Judy, remembered to curtsey, and stood back to wait. Once again their apparent indifference to her was enforcing her role as servant. She was nothing to them, a mere minion to be ignored except when needed. Mary and Judy drank their tea and chatted.

"I've got some new training aids in. Would you like to see?" Mary asked Judy.

"Oh, yes please. I'm always on the lookout for something new." Judy replied.

Mary snapped her fingers and the maid came running over. "Fetch the new bench. Quickly now." The maid went to the side of the stage, drew back a curtain and dragged out a wooden bench. It stood about two feet high, about two feet long and nine inches wide. Running parallel to the floor, somewhat lower than the top, were two wooden boards. It looked a bit like a small picnic table except that the 'seats' were considerably longer than the top. It was padded with leather and festooned with straps. The maid started to lie on it to show how it worked.

"Not you stupid, the new girl." Mary ordered. The maid got up off the bench and went over to Lisa. She took her back to the bench and guided her down onto it. The top of the bench reached from Lisa's neck to just below her waist leaving her groin unimpeded. Her forearms and calves lay along the 'seats' so she was effectively on all fours straddling it. Then the maid started to fasten the straps. Each arm was held around the wrist and just below the elbow. The maid ensured that Lisa's dress wasn't trapped as she strapped Lisa's calves at the ankle and just below the knee. Already Lisa couldn't move but there was more to come. Three straps, one just below her arms, one about the level of her breasts, and one around the waist held her body firmly to the top crushing her on to it. Her dress was lifted and her underwear lowered to expose her bottom. Mary and Judy came up onto the stage and stood next to the bench. She felt a hand on her bottom and something cold squeezed into the crack. Some sort of cream was being spread around her sphincter. An unknown hand rubbed it in probing every crevice. She couldn't suppress a gasp as she felt a finger penetrate her, pushing through the tight puckered ring. The finger pushed and turned spreading the cream deep inside her.

"She's very tight. I think we'll start with a smallish one." She heard Mary say. A hand reached between her legs and she felt a strap pulled from the bottom of the bench up between her thighs. Again she felt something probing at her sphincter, something wider and blunter than a finger, a dildo perhaps? Harder and firmer it was pushed against her until it slipped inside. She felt her sphincter spread as the dildo was pushed deep inside her. The strap was then drawn up, over her bunched dress and fastened against the strap around her waist. As it was tightened she felt fingers probing deep between her thighs, spreading her so the strap lay between her labia. Then it was pulled as taught as possible, hard against her clitoris and forcing the dildo inside he until it seemed to fill her backside. Only the way in which it was fastened to the strap stopped the dildo from disappearing altogether inside her. Lisa could only imagine what she must look like, constrained, violated and helpless.

"We have a number of correctional instruments. Perhaps you would like to try a few." Mary asked.

"Thank you. That would be splendid. I'll start with this one.

"The tawse. Good choice, it does so well against a well padded bottom. Not that there's much flesh here of course." Lisa could suppress a yelp as two strokes slashed across her. Next Judy tried a paddle, nothing like as severe as the tawse but with a satisfying thwack as she struck. After each instrument Lisa felt fingers stroking her bottom tracing out the marks that lay there. Different weights and sizes were tried and Judy and Mary discussed their various merits calmly. It was as if they were discussing something as mundane as tennis rackets, comparing weight, swing and effect. Lisa could only lie there and take it. She squirmed in pain, or as much as the straps would allow. This only seemed to increase the pressure of the strap against her clitoris. Between gasps her breathing was fast and shallow. She was starting to sob. The intensity and variety of feelings and emotions was getting to her. Finally Mary and Judy seem to come to an agreement.

"Right. That one then. Would you like to be serviced while you watch?" Mary asked.

"Thank you, you're so kind." Judy replied.

Looking up she watched in the various mirrors as Judy returned her chair. Before she sat down she lifted her skirt. Lisa watched as the maid knelt down in front of her and buried her head between Judy's thighs. She felt her humiliation was complete. She was a show, a spectacle to be enjoyed whilst Judy was pleasured by another woman. She let her head hang down again.

Thwack! Mary started to leather Lisa's bottom. Lisa guessed she must be using one of the paddles. The pain wasn't as sharp as the cane or the tawse had been but that didn't mean it was gentle. Methodically Mary worked first one buttock and then the other. Lisa bucked against the pain which only seemed to emphasise the tightness of the straps. She felt herself dissolving in a maelstrom of feelings. Vaguely, as if through a mist, she could hear Judy groaning in ecstasy. It was all too much, she wanted it to stop, she didn't want it to stop, what she wanted didn't seem to matter any more. She felt her muscles spasm as the strap against her clitoris did its stuff and she climaxed again and again.

Suddenly it was over. The room was silent except for Lisa sobbing gently. She felt limp and used as she tried to make her muscles relax. After a pause she heard distant footsteps leaving the room and a door closing. Then busy fingers began to undo the straps. The last strap undone, Lisa stood up shaking and unsteady. The maid led Lisa back to the dressing room and helped her out of the uniform. It was packed away neatly and Lisa was offered a shower.

As the warm water cascaded over her she felt as if she were returning to normal. Her backside was bruised and raw, her sphincter felt stretched and sore but inside she felt elated. She felt like she had passed some sort of test and now she could stay here in the shower forever. After a while though she realised she really must get back to the real world.

The maid handed her a towel. Obviously the 'can't do anything for herself' phase was over although it was still done in complete silence. The maid remained with her and helped her get dressed in her street clothes. When she was finished the maid led her back to the office where they had entered.

Suddenly everything was completely normal. Mary showed her an itemised bill and Lisa sorted out her credit card as if it were any other transaction. It was as if the red draped room had never happened. The maid handed Lisa the outfit wrapped in a suithanger.

"Lovely to see you as always. Don't forget this." Mary handed a small package to Judy. "Anytime you want anything do let me know."

"Of course. It's always a pleasure shopping here." Judy turned to Lisa. "Right, we must be off." The two women left the shop and walked out into the sunshine. Amazingly it was still only lunchtime. Judy took Lisa to a nearby pub to find something to eat. After they had ordered at the bar they found a quiet corner to sit and chat. Luckily the seats were quite soft. Even so Lisa had trouble sitting still.

"Well, you got your outfit. I hope it's what you wanted."

"It's fantastic and so was... what was that place."

"Oh, I discovered Mary's some time back. So useful for so many things. What did you think of the service?" Judy had a light mocking tone.

"Wow. It was amazing. I've never felt anything so intense. But you'll have to lay off me for a while. My poor bottom! I must be black and blue."

"I know, poor thing. Mary does nothing by halves. So much better than mail order, don't you agree?"

"You can say that again! By the way, Judy..."

"Yes my pet?"

"That thing up my bottom, when we get home can we try that again?"

"Certainly." Judy smiled to herself." By the way I've got some other surprises for you."

"What? What have you got?"

Judy picked up the package that Mary had given her as they left. Holding it below the level of the table so it was hidden from the rest of the pub she opened it up. Inside was a white leather collar, lighter and more delicate than Christine's but still with chromed metal loops attached, still very much a slave's collar.

"This is my present to you for being so brave in there. A pretty little collar for my pretty little slave. No slave is complete without one. Take a look."

Discretely Lisa took the collar and examined it. Like Christine's it had a dog tag. Lisa red the inscription - 'Judy's Pet Slave'.

"Thank you, thank you so much." She leaned over and kissed Judy lightly on the cheek.

"You can thank me properly when we get home. I haven't put it on you yet, that's for a special moment. Put it away now, here comes our food."

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liz33ndliz33ndover 8 years ago
not real sure where it is going

i like this story alot, but not real sure where it will end up, the submission is there, but the erotic suspense is not. of course i will keep reading, it is the sub in me.

weedottyweedottyover 11 years ago
Wonderful story

Another wonderful story. I just can't wait for the next episode.

I wish I had someone who cared enough to paddle my bottom.


DryhillDryhillabout 13 years ago

i thought the first chapter was good, but this one is even better. Thank you for an excellent read.

Clarkson2Clarkson2about 13 years ago

Love how everything is moving along in this part. I just can't stop reading your work.

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