Little Dove


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I hope she liked the bathroom.

My closest friend Miguel came out of retirement to do most the work.

Miguel is an importer of fine tiles, marble and stone.

Originally from Portugal and the son of a baker, Miguel's tile work and particularly his mosaic floors were renowned.

Miguel has arthritis in his hands making the work he loves difficult and often painful.

Now in his seventies he is retired from his craft because of the arthritis in his hands.

I needed his expertise and I invited him and his wife Maria for a visit.

I knew they would come, particularly his wife, Maria because I hinted that there was a new lady in my life.

Twenty years younger than her husband Maria has used her match making skills on me to no avail and has not given up by any means.

She is bound and determined that I marry and I am her only failure.

They stayed at my home while he created Laura's special room and as a bonus I enjoyed Maria's gourmet cooking.

The mosaic mural floor Miguel created was a replica taken from photographs of an actual and intact Roman fresco.

The original dates to Pompeii 1st A.D. and the photos were courtesy of the Archaeological Museum of Naples.

The imported bathtub is carved from polished pink granite.

It is large and deep enough to allow four people to soak comfortably at their leisure.

The twin faucets are cast in solid bronze and shaped in the graceful heads of swans.

The tiles on two of the walls are red, cream and cornflower blue in pattern pleasing to the eye. They compliment the mosaic mural of the floor.

I permanently removed the toilet and tub-shower making Laura's granite bath tub the centerpiece of the room.

I built hidden cabinets into one of the walls.

They were designed to look like ornate paneling and they will open outward if one knows where to push.

When I walked into the bedroom Laura was modeling the pearls in front of the mirror.

Her slim naked form was a delight to my eyes.

This was the first time that I had ever seen her completely naked in the flesh, only in my dreams.

My little dove was exactly as I saw her then, right down to her smooth and hairless Mons pubis.

My god I couldn't wait to taste her little pussy.

Socrates was lying on the floor watching her and his tail was thumping vigorously on the wood floor.

I sent him out of the room while receiving an indignant snort and a dirty look.

I walked up behind Laura and caressed her firm, flat stomach with my hands while I nuzzled her neck with my cheek.

Fresh from the shower Laura smelled like ivory soap, vanilla shampoo and peppermint toothpaste.

"The pearls are a gift for my future wife and they are for you, little dove.

I picked fresh peppermint leaves and they are in the sack on the hallway.

Tear and crush them before putting them into the bath.

I want to shower first and brush my teeth and then I will join you.

You will find candles in the cabinets and I have so much to tell you."

Laura had dimmed the lights and lit the candles.

The infusion of mint scented steam rising from the tub was wonderful.

I climbed in next to her and Laura put her arms around my neck and kissed me long and deep while probing my tongue with hers.

I returned her kisses and matched her passion.

We had waited for so long for this and Laura was kissing me all over and her hands were everywhere.

I caressed her firm young breasts feeling her nipples harden at my gentle touch.

I probed her flower with my fingers bringing her just to the point of orgasm.

Then I entered Laura from behind, thrusting and probing her with my manhood.

Laura's precious virgin blood was now mingling with the mint of the bath water.

I brought Laura her first orgasm with mine following immediately after.

I held her for a time, neither of us speaking, soaking and enjoying our moment.

Laura spoke first.

"Do you want to know how I knew it was you when you abducted me?"

"Please tell me, my love." I answered, kissing her sweet mouth.

"When you put your hand between my shoulders and started talking.

"Then you didn't see my face?

At least I got that part right my love."

"No, I didn't see your face, just your blue eyes and that was enough.

When you started talking to me that was the clincher.

Nobody I know talks like you do, so dramatic and romantic."

"Then you think I talk funny is that it?"

I asked, teasingly.

"I didn't say that.

I meant dramatic plus romantic and sometimes poetically old fashioned.

I want to tell you for the rest of my secret, sweetheart."

Laura said, snuggling closer to me in the tub.

I leaned forward to turn on the hot water to reheat the tub while she continued.

"I knew you and I were meant for one another even before you walked into the store.

I saw you in my locket and Socrates too."

"Do you mean your shell locket, Laura?"

"Of course, there are mirrors are in my shell locket"

My beautiful lady replied.

"Show me your locket, and then I will show you mine secret, little dove.

We toweled each other off and went to our bedroom.

She opened her locket and as she said it had to mirrors in it.

Laura told me that she found it at the beach when she was a little girl and that her mother didn't know that it existed.

I told her everything about my mirror, our mirror including about the doves, hence my pet name for her, "little dove".

Laura found this so sweet that she started crying....happily of course.

It was a pleasure to hold my love and to kiss each salty/sweet tear away until she stopped.

I didn't stop at her tears...I kissed those her luscious lips.

Those same lips that I was destined to kiss mine from the moment I first saw my love.

Working my way down to the base of her throat I kissed her beautiful breasts, perfectly round and full breasts with rosy pink areolas and slightly darker pink nipples.

I was not content to merely kiss her nipples. I licked them making her moan and coo while feeling them harden in my mouth as I sucked on them.

I made my way down to her flat taut stomach. I could smell her sweet musky arousal along with subtle hints of the remaining essence of peppermint from our bath.

I rolled her onto her back and then parted her swollen pink pussy lips to get to her flower... her sensitive little clitoris.

I licked and sucked while probing her with my tongue until I had her squirming and moaning with pleasure. My sweet lady tasted like nectar & ambrosia, the legendary sustenance of the gods.

As Laura's orgasm washed over her she was bucking and squirming much to my delight. She managed to pull the fitted bottom sheet partially from the bed and all the pillows ended up on the floor.

I lay down on my back next to her and she rolled over on her side and put her head on my chest.

"David, what are we going to do about my mother now that she knows?"

"Nothing, she can't touch your money because that was taken care of months ago. You are more than capable of handling Candice now, my love."

"Do you think that the detective will cause us any more trouble?

"No and there is no longer a reason to keep you secluded on the property.

It has just occurred to me that I have never taken you out to dinner. As a matter of fact I have never taken you anywhere except for here.

Why don't you get dressed and fix your hair for me.

Then we will go into town for you to apply for your learner's permit, the first step to get your Driver's License.

Afterward we can go out to dinner; I was thinking Thai-food."

"Can we go dancing after, sweetheart?" She asked while snuggling closer.

"That is a great idea. There might be a band at the Gun Smoke and it will give me the opportunity to show you off."

An hour later Laura was downstairs ready to go and she looked like a dream.

My little dove had put her hair up in an elegant French twist for me, all the better to take it down later my dear.

She was wearing a form fitting red dress with black fishnet stockings, semi-high heels; the works.

Laura's peaches and cream complexion was makeup free and when I took both of her hands in mine to kiss her she smelled like mint toothpaste.

I was so proud of her.

Oh how I loved my little dove..........

Our dinner was out of this world. While she never had Thai before Laura enjoyed the two hot & spicy dishes that I ordered for myself.

The others to share were mild to introduce her slowly to the Thai- fare.

As for dancing afterward....well, compared to her I had two left feet while my Laura was incredibly graceful and light on hers.

I definitely would have to do something about that....practice, practice and more practice....when we alone at home.

On the way home we stopped for coffee and shared a slice of pie in a cozy little out of the way all night diner.

We sat close together in a corner booth like teenager on a first date.

Perhaps my little dove was a little naughty with her hands while we shared blueberry pie flavored kisses.

Perhaps I was as well.....I kept on stealing the hairpins out of her French twist trying taking her hair down.

We had just pulled onto the North Road entering my property.

Laura had me stop the Jeep and then she was all over me.

"David you know you want me to suck on your cock and I never done it in a Jeep."

"You never did one anywhere, little dove."

"Stop teasing me.

You couldn't keep your hands off of me in the diner"

She replied trying to pull my zipper down.

"I couldn't keep my hands out of your hair, Laura so stop pouting"

And then I kissed those full, pouting lips.

"These pouting lips want to suck on your cock sweetheart, you tasted me"

She cooed.

I undid my belt and undid the top button while she pulled my zipper down.

Laura went down on me with more enthusiasm then experience, none.

Nevertheless it wonderful and with some gentle prompting;

"Yes that's right. Lick the entire shaft................Marvelous....

Take your little tongue and lick the entire circumference of the tip.....

Very good that feels wonderful......

Start sucking, good..........yes.... that's your teeth"

I warned, lightly cuffing her head.

Very satisfied, I just lay back in the seat with my hands buried in her hair while keeping it out of her face.

I exploded into her mouth moaning and grunting. Laura tried to swallow all my come, well almost all of it; remember it was her time.

She sat up smiling and proud of herself with bits of semen sticking on the sides of her mouth and on her chin.

I took my finger and wiped it off with my index finger and then stuck it in her mouth for her to finish all of it.

While it was her first time at oral sex it was not her last.

Much like the Thai-food it was something that she grew to enjoy and savor.

Unlike eating Thai-cuisine every day, sucking on my cock is nothing that she ever gets tired of...

A year had passed and Laura decided to meet with her mother on neutral ground.

We were formally going announce our June engagement to be followed by a wedding next year on the date of our engagement.

Laura wanted her mother to be a part of it and perhaps they could reconcile.

I made reservations for us in Saratoga Springs at the Landmark Adelphi Hotel.

We planned to spend two weeks there regardless whether Laura's mother came or not.

Miguel and Maria also had reservations and would be spending some time with us wanting to finally meet my fiancé.

When I introduced Laura to them, Miguel bowed and kissed Laura's hand causing her to blush.

Maria scolded her husband for embarrassing Laura and Miguel gave me a sly wink.

Maria then made a suggestion

"They are serving high tea in the parlor soon.

It will give Laura and I a chance to get better acquainted.

I am sure you gentlemen are not interested in such things.

I am told they serve a very fine lunch at the Saratoga Downs."

Of course we followed her orders for we both knew how stubborn Maria could be.

After lunch we spent a few hours in the clubhouse sipping brandy and watching the horse races.

We never placed a bet, why waste money that way.

When we returned the hotel the desk clerk handed Miguel a note.

The girls had gone shopping and would meet us in the restaurant at seven and that our suits were laid out for us in my room.

Miguel and I arrived early allowing our ladies their planned entrance.

They both looked lovely, especially my Laura.

Her long brown hair was styled in an elegant French twist.

Laura was wearing her pearls with a simple strapless black dress that accented her graceful figure.

We stood up and escorted them to their seats.

My Laura was wearing makeup.

My little dove looked like a cover girl model, Maria's idea no doubt.

I loved it, especially how it brought out the green of her eyes.

Towards the end of the evening, Maria managed to get me alone.

"Laura is a beautiful sweet girl, David and she is perfect for you.

We never had children you know and I always wanted a daughter of my own and your Laura is a delight.

I have never had such fun shopping.

Her taste in clothing is so refined, so very much like my own.

Does she take after her mother?"

And as luck would have it she asked me this as I was taking a sip of Merlot.

"What terrible face you are making, David.

Is there something wrong with your wine?

At these prices they had better bring us another bottle.

The following day was Laura's reconciliation dinner and Maria and Miguel were there for support.

We reserved a suite for Laura's mother and new husband retired Detective John Wilson.

He was now half owner in the store coming to Candy's rescue and satisfying the final balloon payment.

They were recently married earlier in the day before Laura's reconciliation dinner meeting.

This was Laura's mother's classless attempt to again upstage and punish her own daughter.

As for John Wilson, I am sure that he was not aware of his wife's motives and just went along with things.

When we met them at them for dinner John was very presentable in his new pressed suit.

Candy's hair was the same and her makeup was as ridiculous as ever.

She made her grand entrance in a red, backless dress with layers upon layers of ruffles.

There were also an over abundance of artificial fabric flowers sewn on the front.

Poor Maria almost choked on her glass of Merlot as Candy walked up to the table.

Laura was very gracious about the situation much to her mother's obvious displeasure.

Candy dominated the conversation during dinner much too all our displeasure including her husband's.

Especially now that John finally had figured out what was going on and he was not happy about it.

Nevertheless he had the good manners not to correct his wife in public and the class to wait after their honeymoon and do so in private.

After dinner John took me to one side and apologized for his new bride's behavior.

He assured me that Candy would also apologize to Laura or else!

We shook on it and bumbling or not John was a man of his word.

As I learned later on John was a rather decent man.

He became very active in the local volunteer fire department and was very good a fund raising, particularly with the charities caring for families and children.

That being said, Candice and her new husband didn't spend the night.

Embarrassed, John decided to drive to Niagara Falls for their honeymoon.... good riddance Candy, and thank you, John.

Afterward I tried to comfort Laura as best I could.

I realized that with all my woodworking skills there is one thing I can't fix... a broken heart.

I gently suggested that Laura should talk to Maria..................

On the day of our wedding, retired Detective John Wilson gave away the bride while Maria was the Matron of honor.

Candy wore a simple blue dress, tan stockings and black shoes appropriate for the occasion and she was very subdued and gracious.

Candy had lost weight and she was wearing a minimal amount of makeup and now had real eyebrows.

Although she was still wearing a tad too much perfume I couldn't smell any cigarette smoke on her person because she had quit smoking for her husband.

Candy's hair was still blond, except now it was a nice honey blond and styled in chin length bob with long blunt bangs.

God bless her husband...there is someone for everyone, and John's secret; a bar of soap and his good right hand.

It was obvious that Candy truly loved him though because we could tell by the way that she melted into him when they were slow dancing.

Even Socrates had his small part in the wedding as the ring bearer.

Our wedding bands were tied with a ribbon to his collar.

Maria finally saw me married and had gained a daughter.

And I.... eyes like a sea of green, sunlight sparkling on the water, my little dove....

I woke up next to my wife the next morning and lightly touched her beautiful face.

While I had just dreamed of the past, I was looking forward to our future together...................

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MstrPussyEaterMstrPussyEaterover 2 years ago

It was a Great Love Story and as a somewhat hopeless romantic Dom who is also a tradesman, I wished that i too could find my "little dove". Although i would do more than just physically train her i would sexually train her to my liking as well. Too many women nowadays seem to think being on their own is best for them and sadly i recently saw how my first Love had been destroyed by it as her life is filled with tragedies and turmoil's and she turned into the thing she hated the most a Narcissist, although a covert one as she is the "Constant victim" and blames all of the things in her life on someone else. And while I have gone onto to be successful in developing a Great Plumbing business and supplementing it by not just renovating houses for others but also for myself and acquiring many rentals. So, when I went to see her, she was not aware of my sucess, and I was not ready to share it but yet wanted to see the type of person she was and if she still had some of those qualities I loved in the past. But instead, i found she was on 400mg a day of SSRI anti-depressants, major other meds totally over a dozen pills a day. And while she had lost weight and looked similar, she was more like Candy in this story. I however was not like John but more along the lines of David as I reside in a lakefront house and very few neighbors. I visited her and looked after he for several months and got tired of hearing things like; "You deserve someone better than me", and "when will you leave me like all the others" as the self-deprecating and put downs while being passive-aggressive weren't working well one as my ex-wife of 25 years was a Master of those and only got me to further ignore and not listen to her games. Instead, I became more assertive and set down rules and guides for which she had to follow. She would try to play games, withhold sex and spend money but I would counter it by holding out and saying when she was ready to stop playing, she would be rewarded. She got to the point she liked the rewards but tried to skirt around the rules and would get caught and at times enjoyed being paddled and spanked so much so she asked for it as foreplay. And she would Love to be blindfolded tied and eaten and have her orgasms controlled by me as the intensity and frequency increased as it made me thrilled to see her thrash about wildly begging to cum again and again. And when she would be almost insane begging me to fuck her she was willing to agree to ANYTHING and that embarrassed her for being so submissive and would have her blushing if i were to remind her. I knew she enjoyed submitting and liked the new adventures and while we did some pretty wild things, we Always did them together and shared 100% as I told her if he were to LIE and get emotionally involved then he would have crossed the line. Her family would have been shocked to know I had allowed her to be with other women and to submit to them also, or that she liked to be blindfolded and fucked by several unknown men never knowing their identity as I was the one in control and protecting her and was also a participant, but it was too easy for her to figure out when it was me. She came to enjoy the different toys and games and was always soaking wet as it became a game to ty and get me to do her when she wanted as the power of sex was on my choice, but her passive aggressive games were her way of trying to get me to want to play such that she would go to elaborate ways. But she Broke my trust and thought that not telling me one time was ok when out with her girlfriends. But one of her girlfriends betrayed her in hopes i would give her he chance; without realizing her betrayal was the very reason she would not get the chance. So ironically my standing by my Values and lines in the sand ended up costing me my marriage as I thought I had my little dove but didn't. Many others would be like Maria as I actually had 5 women who tried to set me up with "Eligible women" that they swore would be good for me. Instead, I had several who were willing slaves and eager to be submissive especially once one would tell another of my "Special skills" of being able to eat out a lady for hours and making them cum at will giving allot of them the MOST Orgasms they had experienced let alone in a night. Others would volunteer and t got distracting that woman would try and trick me by calling for me to do work for them only to try and seduce me especially as exchange for payment. And then the dirty phone calls started, and I had to up and block them. One lady said she became my slave when she heard my deep voice and it made her wet, as she was a widow and had never had a man make her instantly wet in just hearing me talk (and it wasn't even dirty) So I learned techniques used by the FBO and CIA and even perfected it so i could inflect and use my voice to get responses I wanted. Amusingly business customers became more women and some I dated were so Jealous if they overheard one calling me. I stepped back a little and became more selectiv when i started studying :Chinese Face Reading" so I could select the "Right Type" I am seeking as amazingly I ow had women half my age chasing after me. But like David allot don't strike my heart as sex is good but to have that connection is even More powerful as I too search for my :Little Dove". Interestingly I had a young girl (20 something so you don't think she was underage) ask me to abduct and take her as my slave and while i hadn't set a definitive amount of time as too how long i would keep her and train her i found after a little over a week and i would either have to commit to keeping her forever or as i did was bind her and return her much to her disappointment as she tried stalking me begging me to take her back and promising me the moon. But I knew while she may have liked it she was Not my "little dove"/Soulmate just as the previous college girlfriend I though might be was no longer. I hope that I find her and who knows maybe she might even see this and write me as so many others who i correspond with from all over the world since the pandemic started. You see I like the stories so much it relates to my own history and life and while i have led an extremely colorful life it wasn't until recently i started to write down them not as Literotica stories but as actual experiences and still have not decided whether to publish it or not as i wouldn't want my kids or relatives to see some of the things i have done or become. But yeti think some would not be as surprised. I hope I can continue and eventually find my little dove. But in the meantime, i am teaching a man on how to make his wife squirt as she had convinced me that he needed to learn after I showed her how she was able to when her good friend had in a drink induced night out revealed to her how I had made her cum more times in one night then she had in the previous decade. So now she ironically almost interviews suitors and makes it a point to Only go home with men who can eat her pussy with a vigor and enthusiasm she felt with me. So if there are any Sexy slender (or willing to be trained and aren't objectionable to exercise as I will join you in the gym or you can find me there 3x a week anyway) and You Ladies think you would be a Good Laura for a Dom then write me in the Midwest just east of Chicago as I hope to hear from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Why use quotes if you suck so badly with them? YOU DON'T START A NEW PARAGRAPH WHEN THE SAME PERSON IS TALKING. Pls that was painful to read.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticabout 7 years ago

Good story.

It looked like it was going to be somewhat violent, but it was sweet and nice, a true story in the style of My Fair Lady

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 14 years ago
I agree

I was overall waiting for something sexy to happen, but also keeping in mind that this was very unusual story for you.

I notice you have the same Initial kidnapping of non-consent reluctance theme going on in most of the stories, but do you think you could add another chapter? It just seemed to end abruptly as they were beginning a new chapter of life.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 14 years ago
Almost fairy tale quality to the story

A very warm sweet love story with all of the pecking of an old fairy tale.

Beautifully thought out and written with a touch of modern day technologies interwoven into the work. Thanks for the good read.

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