Little League Mom


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"Come on, Little Lady," Alice said. "I am going to need you to put lotion on my back so I don't get burned, and we need to get some on you to." The child took her mother's outstretched hand, turning once to blow a kiss at Cal as they moved toward the quilts.

As Cal and the older children reached the backstop, he reached into the back of his pickup and brought out a bat and several balls.

"Okay, fella, we are going to work on five things today, an hour each, with time out for lunch and to cool off when we need to," he said as Duncan listened intently. "First we will work on ground balls, then fly balls, then throwing the ball back in, then hitting, then, last, we will go over some of the rules and some things you need to know about running the bases and being ready for anything that can happen. Got it?"

Duncan smiled from ear to ear. "Where do you want me first?" he asked.

"Right field." The boy turned and sprinted for his spot in the field.

"Would you like to help us," Cal asked, turning to address the self-conscious young lady waiting patiently behind the backstop. She nodded, hopefully.

"Okay, I have another glove there in the back of the truck. I want you to go out about halfway. Let the groundballs go past you and then Duncan can throw the balls to you and you can roll them on in to me so I can hit them again, okay."

She smiled widely and ran to the truck. When she came around the backstop to where Cal stood she stopped, looking like she wanted to say something. He guessed what it was.

"Weren't you going to work on your tan also?" he asked watching her face. She blushed slightly and nodded.

"Do you want me to turn my back while you take your dress off?" She shook her head, started to speak and then stopped, before finally speaking.

"Would you help me with my zipper?"

Cal stepped to her as she turned her back, unclasping the top of the zipper and sliding it down her back. She quickly stepped out of the sundress, revealing a pale blue modest swimsuit which she filled out admirably for a 13-year-old. As she turned to face him, watching his face carefully, he smiled and whistled softly . . . as a soft blush spread from her chest to the top of her ears. Nevertheless she flashed a shy smile of thanks.

"Do you need to get your mom to help put some lotion on your shoulders?" he asked gently. She shook her head.

"We already did before leaving the house – Duncan and me both." Cal smiled. The woman truly cared about these children and would go to whatever lengths necessary to make their lives safe and meaningful.

"Okay, then, we're ready to go." Turning to Duncan he yelled out one last instruction. "Remember how I said to handle grounders." The boy replied by jamming his glove into the ground.

By the time Alice called them for lunch Duncan had gained a great deal of confidence, becoming more familiar with the field, his glove and his ability to not only knock down the ball but to play it properly with his glove and get a throw off all in one motion.

As they approached the quilts Cal saw Alice stand and slip into her shorts. From what he had seen, he could tell she filled out her two-piece even better than her daughter, although she was thinner than he liked.

While they were eating Alice noticed a reddened area on Duncan's cheekbone where a ball had hit him after an erratic bounce. She leaned forward to gently touch the minor wound, commenting on her brave ballplayer who, in return, showered her with a wide, loving smile.

Cal smiled too, but for a different reason. As the woman leaned forward and reached out the cup covering her right breast fell forward revealing a small, but well-formed breast with a pleasingly erect nipple nestling up against the bra-cup – just briefly pulling free before slipping back into the comfortable padding. Cal wanted to gulp, but just smiled with the mother and son, unaware that Trish had also seen the briefly revealed breast, and had seen him looking as well. Before they returned to the ball field Alice rose to her knees and innocently began to gather the food remains. Again, twice, Cal caught glimpses of the pretty little breast with the dark erect nipple. Following the last glimpse he caught the daughter watching him, and realized she knew what he had seen. He just smiled at her and went on with the conversation as if nothing had happened, and hoped the girl would think she was wrong about what she had seen.

After lunch the three ballplayers retuned to the field. Cal gave the two specific instructions on how to catch balls in the air, spending several minutes throwing the ball into the air as they learned to judge how to get a glove on the descending ball. He then hit a few pop ups in the infield until they could both catch those. Finally he sent Duncan back to the outfield to begin the difficult task of catching fly balls off his bat. As the boy ran to the outfield, his sister turned to Cal with a mischievous smile.

"I saw you looking at Mom's boobs," she said, smiling and blushing a little. Cal looked ruefully into the dirt, spreading it around with his spikes before looking back up into the friendly face.

"Your mother is a beautiful woman, only a blind man would pass up the opportunity to see more of her if he got a chance," he said honestly. The girl smiled and nodded, then her eyes grew serious.

"Have you been looking at mine?"



"I think you must have gotten your build from your father's mother."

"Why do you think that?" she asked, frowning.

"Because you are already as tall as your mother, and your breasts are already as big as hers," he said, watching to see that he did not say too much. "And you still have three or four more years of growing ahead of you." The girl ducked her head for a few seconds so he could not see her face. When she raised her eyes to his they were shining with excitement, although she was blushing even deeper than before. She suddenly stepped to him and gave him an around-the-waist hug.

"Thank you," she said, adding, "I think Duncan is waiting on us," as she ran out to her place in the infield. Cal looked past the two to where their mother was stroking her younger child's hair as she napped quietly on the quilt. The woman had watched the interchange and Cal thought he saw her give a nod of approval to his behavior. He went back to baseball, he was much more practiced at that.

When the practice was over they picked up pizzas and Pepsi and went to the family's home for dinner. The children then took turns taking a bath and saying goodnight.

Little Cindy danced around the room showing off her 'Barney jammies," before climbing into his lap. She took his face between her two hands and kissed him all over: the forehead, each cheek, both eyes, the nose and, finally, a quick kiss on the lips. He, in turn, took her face between his hands and returned her kisses. With the last kiss she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him with all her might before whispering "Good night," in his ear and trudging off with her mother to bed.

Duncan sat on the couch going over some last-minute instructions he had not clearly understood about base-running before giving Cal and his mother hugs and heading off to bed. While Alice was saying "Good night" to Cal in his bedroom, Trish came out in a pair of conservative cotton pajamas and sat beside him.

"Are you going to tell you mother what I saw today," Cal asked, concerned that he might lose his opportunity to spend more time with this family.

"I already have," the girl said, her eyes shining with excitement again.

"Oh no," Cal said, rolling his eyes and looking worriedly at the girl. "Am I in trouble?"

"Of course not, silly," she said, rising to kiss him gently on the cheek. "You were a gentleman and didn't make a big deal about it. Mom said that is the way a real man acts. Thanks for being a real man – with both Mom and me." She laughed then, giving him a wink. "We're not allowed to come back out after we get into bed tonight, so you must have done something right today. I can't remember the last time we were given those instructions." She kissed him once again on the cheek and he returned the kiss before she giggled softly and ran off to bed.

Alice spent time with her older daughter before coming back to the living room. She gratefully accepted the glass of cola he had prepared, sitting on one end of the couch and pulling her legs up under her. She just looked at him with a slight smile on her face, waiting for him to start the conversation – beating him at his own game.

"Well," he finally broke the silence. "How did I do today?"

"An A+ with Duncan," she said smiling. "I don't remember ever seeing him with so much self-confidence. An A+ with Cindy and Trish, I don't think I could have better instructed you on how to handle them, they are both wildly in love with you and for all the right reasons . . . and a B with me." Cal looked carefully for any sign of sarcasm or hurt and saw nothing, just a sweet smile.

"Okay, why a B?"

"Because you got a better view of my breasts than Trish's and she got the better compliment," she said, finally unveiling an impish grin he had not seen before.

Cal moved to the center of the couch and she moved to meet him. He took her face in his hands as Cindy had done, kissing her repeatedly about the face. She raised her arms to his shoulders and locked her wrists behind his neck as he finally moved to her lips and they began to kiss passionately, slowing opening their mouths so the other person could explore lovingly with the tongue.

They broke the kiss for just a second before embracing again. This time Cal gently slipped his hand under her tank-top and cupped her left breast gently through the bra. As they continued to kiss he moved to the right breast and then carefully moved his hand to her back and unclasped the bra. When he slid his hand under the front of the bra to cup the left breast again, Alice gave a long sigh, turned to rest her back on his chest and laid her head back against his shoulder. He gently rimmed the nipple with his index finger before carefully squeezing the erect tissue between his thumb and index finger. She leaned forward slightly as he brought his other arm up and began working on both breasts at the same time. Looking down at her he saw the pulse in her neck beating furiously.

Tilting her head he kissed her again. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he just held her bare breasts in the palms of his hands and they kissed intermittently for an hour or so.

"I never even let my husband go this far the first time," she said quietly, breaking the pleasant silence.

"Why this time?" Cal asked cautiously.

"Because my children need you desperately," she said, looking up into his eyes appealingly. "And I need you desperately, too."

He kissed her again, longingly.

"Do you want more tonight?"

He shook his head, then paused.

"Just a kiss or two," he said, and she sat up, raising her arms and allowing him to slip her top over her head and outstretched arms. He then bent over and gently worked first one breast and then the other with his tongue and fingers. After a few minutes he stopped and covered her bare breasts with the top.

"I need to go now," he said softly. "But only if you promise I can come back and pick up where we left off." She smiled openly, answering him with her eyes and a deep kiss.

He kissed her again at the door as he was leaving.

"Would you like to spend the night Saturday, so we could get a good start next Sunday," she asked, looking questioningly into his eyes.

"I have to be out of town next weekend," he said sadly. "But I would like to take you out on a date the next Saturday, okay?" She nodded her agreement.

"Will you be at Duncan's game Thursday?" she asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I won't be sitting in the stands, I will be at the fence helping him stay calm." She smiled and nodded.

"We can wait for you until the game is over . . . and I'm going to buy up all the ketchup before you get to the snack bar, we don't want anymore accidents." They both smiled. The incident seemed like so long ago.

Duncan played well that Thursday, catching on ball in the air and missing one, and catching all three ground balls hit his way. He didn't get any hits, but did draw a walk, getting on base for the first time. He was able to get to third base before the final out of the inning.

The following week, the coach started Duncan in right field – the first time he had ever started a game. He caught both fly balls hit to him and doubled up a runner who had thought he would miss the catch. Even better he got his first hit – a double past a drawn-in outfield that thought he could not hit. When Josh Stillet drove a double into the leftfield gap, Duncan came around to score his first run ever – and the dugout erupted with dancing cheering ballplayers, acting as if they had won the World Series. The stands were alive with cheering adults – even Brad Stillett, but he was probably cheering for his own son. Cal caught a happy smile from Alice and could have sworn he saw tears in her eyes.

On Saturday night he took her to eat at her own restaurant, enjoying the excellent food prepared there. They then drove the 35 minutes to his farm, where he took her to the barn loft and they watched a full moon rise over the pine trees which lined the opposite ridge. Finally, he lay her back on the blanket he had provided and began to undress her as he kissed every inch of her body. When he was finished, she returned the favor until they lay totally nude in a deep embrace.

"I'm ready," she said breathlessly and he carefully slid his finger into her, feeling a warm wetness that he but faintly remembered. As he slipped between her legs she guided his swollen penis into her, holding him tightly and moving slowly to avoid too much friction. She was tight, as tight as he could ever remember, but she quickly swelled to welcome him and the two began moving rhythmically together.

He knew he would come much sooner than she, and moved his finger to begin massaging her clitoris in rhythm with their movements. She came first, gasping out her orgasm, accompanied by involuntary spasms with each touch at the end. He came quickly after, trying to drive even deeper even when his hips refused to cooperate, locking him deep within her.

They returned to the house where they got into the Jacuzzi, hugging and kissing. Later in bed, she sucked on him until he was hard again and then mounted him from above, facing him so he could watch her breasts rise and fall with each rock of her hips. Finally he could stand it no longer, pulling her down to him, placing his feet flat on the bed so he could thrust with force, and finished his own orgasm as she shuddered through hers.

The next night after the family had gone swimming in the river, Trish came out for her goodnight talk wearing a flimsy teddy nightgown. He let her catch him looking at her legs, and checking out the barely visible color of her nipples behind the pattern of the nightgown. Finally she settled down next to him on the couch, laying her head on his chest as the two talked for several minutes.

Alice came out after Trish had gone to bed. She went directly to the kitchen and fixed the two of them a cold drink before settling down on the couch to face him. He saw concern in her eyes.

"You two talked quite a while," she said inquisitively.

"You could have joined us," he replied.

"No, I promised her she could have private time with you."

"Did you ask her what we talked about, you two share everything, don't you?" She sighed and looked at the ice cubes in her glass.

"Not this time, but she did say it was alright for you to tell me if you wanted." Cal pulled the worried mother to him, kissing away the fear from her lips and looking deeply into her eyes.

"She asked what it felt like for me to make love to you, and I told her it was the most wonderful thing in the world . . . but only because we were in love and had learned that true pleasure comes from giving pleasure. She then asked how old she should be before she made love to a guy."

He could feel Alice holding her breath, willing him to continue.

"I told her I had never known a high school kid who truly was able to make love unselfishly, and made a deal with her. I agreed to stay with you and the kids as substitute husband and father until she graduated if she would agree to remain a virgin until that time."

"And she agreed to that?"

"I think she was relieved to not have to face such decisions until she was older."

"And that was all?



"I also agreed to be her boyfriend so she wouldn't need one . . . taking her out for a date every now and then, and holding her close when she became lonely. But no sex or sexy touching."

The woman turned to look him in the eyes.

"Where have you been all my life, Cal?"

"Looking for you."

She then reached down and released his erect penis from the confines of his clothing. Pulling her nightshirt up to reveal nothing on underneath it, she straddled his lap with her thighs, slipping onto him and then enveloping him with her body. They rocked gently for a long time, reveling in the feeling of being one physically, and kissing passionately from time to time. Finally, he came inside her and she pushed him down onto his back and continued to straddle him, rubbing his chest and caressing his face.

"Of course, all that depends on you allowing me to stick around that long," Cal said, smiling up at her. She squeezed him inside her with her kegel muscle.

"I have no plans of ever letting you go," she said, loving him with her eyes.

Could this petite gal with her three children fill the void of so many years alone, he wondered. He was certainly willing to let them try.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

As a father of four girls (and of 5 sons), as well as little league + track and field coaching experience:

The story could not have been better. I favour stories under 12k.


The Hoary Cleric

TheOldStudTheOldStud2 months ago

This was a nice story BUT you have a habit, to me, of trying to cram an 8 page story into two...

woodrangewoodrange6 months ago

nice story.. where did you go ?there are a couple of stories to finish still

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Anon below needs to go back to school and learn how to read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

A 13 year od little girl is NOT becoming a woman. She has many years to go before that happens. As you have the man state near the end, a high school (or in the case of a 13 year old, not even high school) child is not mature enough to make decisions about having sex (the same goes for boys). They too often ignore the consequences and the following responsibilities.

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