Little Man and the Stupid Bitch


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"Prepare the ground? You aren't making any sense here Mellanie."

"You would have been all right with what happened if I had just taken the time to get you ready."

I looked at her like she was from outer-space and she saw my face and read my expression correctly.

"Oh come on Rob. You would have and you know it. You always give in to me."

"You are out of your ever loving mind Mellanie. There is no fucking way that you could have talked me into going along with what you did."

"You said the same thing when I tried to get you to try public sex, but you did it. You said the same thing when I tried to get you to eat me after cumming in me, but you did that too. The same thing with the bar scene thing. I wanted to do it and you said no, but you did it when I pushed. And what about my using the strap-on on you. You said 'no way' but I pushed and you did it. You went along with it because it was what I wanted to do and you would have gone along with watching me with Ted if I would have spent the time getting you ready for it. You are a submissive Rob even though you probably don't realize it. It is the main reason I married you."

"I thought you married me because you loved me."

"I do love you baby and I have for longer than you know, but love alone would not have been enough for me to marry you. I know me lover and I know that I have to be the dominant partner. I would have married a man I didn't love if he were the right kind of man – a man I could control. That is why I was so happy to marry you. I not only got the kind of man I needed, but I also got the man I loved."

"Me a submissive? You are crazy Mellanie. I've never had a submissive day in my life."

"Of course you have baby. I'm not talking about a get down on your knees "yes master" or "yes mistress" type of submissive, but someone who goes along and avoids confrontation. Someone who gives in rather than fight about it."

"And that is how you see me?"

"It is you baby. I know you better than you know yourself. I watched you all through junior high and high school and you walked away from every confrontation. And you have always allowed yourself to be pushed into things. Take that night at Chester's. You didn't want to dance and you didn't want to join the group, but I forced it by grabbing your hand and pulling you off that barstool and so you went along. At the table you didn't ask anyone to dance and you wouldn't have, but again, I grabbed your hand and forced the issue and you went along. The other girls saw the way I handled you so they did it also. We never bothered to ask you – we just took you and you went along. All through our relationship if I wanted something and you didn't all I had to do was put a little pressure on you and you always came around. You would have given in on the thing with Ted too. I just misjudged things. I did want to do it on my birthday so I hurried things instead of taking my time."

"I don't care what you say or think Mellanie; there is no way that I would have gone along with what you did."

"Yes you would have Rob, especially once you knew that the next time it would have been me sitting on the chair watching you with another woman."


"That's right baby. The next time the roles will be reversed. In fact, now that I think about it, maybe we should have started with you and another woman."

I shook my head in disbelief and muttered, "I don't believe this; I just don't fucking believe this."

"What did you say baby?"

"I said I can't believe this. As long as we have been together and you don't know me any better than that? When did I ever give you any indication that I would be open to what you did? When did I ever suggest that I would like to have sex with another woman or that I would be willing to watch you with another man?"

"The way you made love to me when we played the bar game was the indication. What I did with Ted was the next logical step in the progression. Again, I should not have rushed it. The point here Rob is that it is what I wanted to do and frankly I don't see anything wrong with it. You are acting as if I did something to shame you and that just isn't true. All I want to do is keep our love life exciting. I don't want us to ever reach a point where it is twice a week, ho-hum, roll over and go to sleep. Okay, you don't like the idea of me with another man so we won't go there again. I still owe you a time with a woman while I watch, but then we won't do it again."

"You don't owe me anything Mellanie. I am not going to do another woman while you watch."

"You have to Rob. We have to keep it even."

"No we don't Mellanie. You crossed the line when you pulled that stunt with Ted. You killed our marriage Mellanie. I don't know where you got your twisted ideas about what kind of man that I am, but you are totally wrong. I walked away from confrontations in junior high because by then I had learned that getting into it with guys bigger than me usually ended up with me getting the snot beat out of me. Once you know you can't win it makes no sense to keep on fighting so I took the verbal abuse and then walked away. That was not me being submissive Mellanie, that was me being smart. And another thing Mellanie. That night at the bar, did I turn and walk away from the asshole who was going to drag you into a back seat? Just in case you forgot he was a good six or seven inches taller than me, but I was there for you when I needed to be.

"I didn't want to get off of that bar stool that night at Chester's because two of the guys who were sitting at that table were guys who used to beat the hell out of me in grade school. I didn't want to dance with you because of the size difference, but I let you pull me into it because I'd always had a crush on you and quite frankly I never expected to see you again after that night. I didn't ask any of the girls at the table to dance because I didn't know who was with someone and who was stag and given my prior history with two of the guys at that table I wasn't going to take a chance that something wouldn't start. And there was the size thing. Three of the five, not counting you, were taller than me and I have always been uncomfortable dancing with girls who are taller than I am. When one of the girls took me by the hand and pulled me toward the dance floor I went because it would have been impolite and would possibly have caused a scene if I would have jerked my hand away and told them to leave me alone. I did not 'submit' and I was not 'controlled.' And the way I made love to you after the bar thing had nothing to do with me be turned on by seeing you flirt with other guys. It had all to do with the way you were when we got home. You were hot and horny as hell and I was feeding off of you. I was turned on by the way you were making love.

"The things you got me to do I did for you because I loved you and I wanted you to be happy. Again Mellanie, I was not submitting – I was giving. And as far as you knowing me better than I know myself? The one thing you SHOULD KNOW and apparently don't is how I feel about size. If you knew me as well as you think you do you would have known how I was going to react when you took on a lover who was six three or four. I always told you that I wasn't big enough for you and that some day you would get tired of short little me and want some one who was taller. I hate to be an 'I told you so' but you went and did what I always knew you would do. But I guess that I can't bitch. I had you for a lot longer than I ever expected and I suppose I should be thankful for that.

"But now you have me wondering about your wanting me to eat my cum out of your pussy and letting you use your strap on on me. Getting me ready for Ted or one of your other lovers? Is that what was next on your "keep excitement in our sex life" parade. Have me suck your lover's cum out of you? Let your lover do me in my ass?"

"Jesus Rob, how could you even think something like that?"

"It isn't any farther for me to go to believe that than it was for me to go to believe what you did last night."

I got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to the motel. I doubt that I can find a divorce lawyer before Monday, but as soon as I get one I'll call you with his number. You should probably get one too. As far as the divorce is concerned we are in a 'no-fault' state, but you still need to make sure that you are protected."

"Divorce? Oh no you don't Rob. We are not getting a divorce. We belong together and I am not letting you get away. Make up your mind to that Rob; there will be no divorce."

"It isn't your choice Mellanie. You made your choice when you spread yourself on our bed for your tall lover."

"Damn it Rob; he is not my lover. You are. All Ted was was a tool I used to add some excitement to our sex life. Okay, so I guessed wrong as to what I could do with you, but I can promise that it will never happen again."

"Maybe not, but you would probably pull off some other stupid stunt that I wouldn't like either. How could you not? After all, I'm just some wimpy little submissive that you can control, right? I'll call you with his name when I get an attorney."

I left with Mellanie yelling, "Don't go Rob, don't go."


I didn't hear the door open and then close. I was vaguely aware that something in the room was different. Sort of like the feeling you get when you are half asleep and half awake and in your subconscious mind you feel that something isn't right. I felt a mouth close on my cock and since I had been dreaming of Mellanie for an instant I thought that I was still dreaming, but then I came awake and saw Mellanie. She swung over me and pushed herself down on my cock.

"What are you doing" I stupidly asked.

"Claiming my husband and my lover."

"I don't want this Mellanie."

"What you want doesn't matter little man. It is what I want. You are mine and I'm marking my territory."

"Little man?"

"Yes Rob, little man. You are constantly on the size thing so I've given up and I'm going with it. Compared to me you are little. Compared to some other men I know you are little and since you keep harping on it I simply decided to call a spade a spade. You are a little man, but you are MY little man. The key word there lover is MAN. You are little, but you are all man and all the man I've ever wanted. You are mine Rob and I WILL NOT let you go. Get used to it my little man; you are stuck with me for the rest of your life. There will be no divorce, no trial separation and no time outs. You will never be able to get away from me. You can try, but I will hunt you down just like I did this time. I will be a permanent stalker in your life. Get used to it because you are not going to get rid of me."

She leaned down and kissed me and rolled off of me and pulled me on top of her. "Make love to me lover" she said as she wrapped her long legs around me, grabbed my ass with both of her hands and pulled me to her. As upset with her as I was there was no way I could quit now that she had me that far along, but I was still pissed enough to try and punish her. I slammed into her as hard as I could, but she didn't seem to care.

"That's it little man; fuck me, fuck me hard."

I was gasping for breath when I finally busted my nut, but Mellanie wasn't done with me. She pushed me off of her and moved down to take my cock in her mouth again. All thoughts of telling her to go away and leave me alone were gone as she worked to revive my cock. It started to come back to life and she took her mouth off me and said:

"You want to punish me little man?" She got on her hands and knees and said, "Take my ass little man. No grease, no finger work, no slow and easy. Just take my ass. Ram it in me."

Mellanie loved anal, but only if I took my time working up to it and used lots of KY Jelly. And even then it took minutes to work my way in and give her time to get used to it. Once in and she was acclimated it was 'Katy bar the door.' What she had just done was tell me to make her hurt. She was telling me to give her a ton of pain to make up for the pain she had caused me.

"Do it little man, do it. Punish me!"

She waggled her butt at me and I moved in behind her, gripped her hips and then shoved myself as deep in to her as I could go.

"No!" she yelled. "My ass, you have to take my ass."

I ignored her and slammed my cock into her pussy. "MY ass" she wailed, "You have to use my ass."

Even as she cried that she was pushing back on my cock.

"Shut up Mellanie. I'm not going to fuck you in the ass."

"You have to; you have to fuck my ass."

"No I don't you stupid bitch and if you don't shut the fuck up I'll stop what I am doing."

"No" she moaned, "Don't stop, don't stop."

Another minute went by as Mellanie orgasmed and then orgasmed again and then I was there and I emptied into her cunt. I rolled off of her and she fell to the bed on her stomach. I was looking up at the ceiling, breathing hard and then I asked:

"How did you find me and how did you get here?"

She didn't answer right away, but then she said, "I called every hotel and motel in town and asked if my uncle had arrived yet and checked in. Once I knew where you were a twenty dollar bill to the maid got me in the door."

"Why? Why did you bother?"

"You can't be that dumb Rob. I love you and I'm not letting you get away. If you don't come home to me where you belong then I have to come to you. Get used to it lover. I am not letting you get away."

There was a moment of silence and then she asked, "Why didn't you take my ass?"

"Because it would have hurt you."

"I wanted you to hurt me. What I did caused you pain and I needed to balance the scale. I needed you to cause me pain to punish me. I had to even things up between us. I know they weren't the same kinds of pain; mine would be physical where yours was mental and emotional, but I had to do something to atone for the hurt I caused you. Why did you call me a stupid bitch?"

"Because you have to be stupid if you think I could deliberately hurt you and you had to be stupid if you thought that I would get off on watching you fuck another man. What's with the little man shit?"

"Trying to make a point. You always judge other men who you see me around by their size and you are always telling me that you know that some day I'm going to want to be with a taller man. You are always thinking of yourself as smaller so I just decided that if that is how you want to see yourself I'd just go with the flow."

"You don't see it as an insult?"

"Of course not. It is how you see yourself. The point Rob is that you are my man. Regardless of your height you are and you will always be my man. I can't help it that I'm around taller men. You got pissed because of all the tall guys who danced with me at my company Christmas party, but did you notice that they were the only ones who asked? There were guys there who were shorted than me, but not one of them asked me to dance and I didn't go after them. I've only gone after one short man in my life and that is you. And just for your information that is a distinction you share with no one else short or tall. You are the only man I have ever gone after and I got you and I'm going to keep you.

"I don't see ho..."

"Just shut up Rob. I know that it isn't going to be easy, but we will get past my stupid blunder. Nothing like that will ever happen again. I owe you one and I don't care what it is or what you do. Beat me, have an affair with someone, whatever, but you have a 'get out of jail free card' that you can use whenever you want. I'm not letting you go Rob. You are mine and you are going to stay mine. Get used to it."

While she had been talking she had been playing with my cock and she had gotten it up again. She swung over me and settled down on me and said:

"We can keep on doing this here and waste money on a room or we can go home and save the money, but I am never going to be very far from your cock from now on and like I said, get used to it. So why doesn't my little man take his stupid bitch home so she can spend the rest of her life showing him that he is all she wants and needs."


You know, I guess that I am a little submissive at that. I let her browbeat me into going home with her. That was five years ago and she has done her best over those five years to fuck me to death. She still comes up with ideas to help keep the excitement in our sex life, but has never even come close to trying to involve third parties. And me? I guess I'm finally getting over the idea that some day I'll lose her to a taller man. For a couple of years at her company Christmas parties she wouldn't even look at me to see f I would mind if one of her tall co-workers asked her to dance. She just said no thanks, but at the last one when a six footer came over and asked her to dance before she could say no I told him just to make sure she got back to me before the party ended. Mel looked at me for a long second and then she mouthed "I love you" and got up to go out on the floor with the man. I sat there and watched them dance and smiled to myself as the words "eat your hearts out guys, she's mine" crawled through my mind.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Can she spell “respect”?

DazzyDDazzyD5 months ago

You get a 4 in store! This is unusually unusual


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Both of them need to be taken out and shot.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

still non-erotic but at least the wife was repentant and stopped with the stupid excuses. I saw a ribbon of romance in a sea of mistrust.

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

I am only 5ft 5in, i was taller when I was younger, but I am now 83. My lovely 60yo Chinese wife is also 5ft 5in, but recently bought shoes with a 2in sole and 6in heel, so she is 5ft 11in when she wears them and towers over me. She is then like a wonderful, beautiful goddess with 34D breasts almost at my eye level and I adore her, but she is the submissive one! She says I am the biggest man she has ever been with, so height isn't everything!

The tallest woman I had ever been with previously was 5ft 9in.

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