Living In The Shadows Ch. 03


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A drop glistened on the tip as he walked over to me. I was frozen as he stood before me and touched my cheek.

He shyly said, "If you don't, um, wanna suck me, that's okay."

I looked at him and I could see he truly meant it. What kind of guy didn't want a blow job? He was too precious for words.

"No, it's just that it's so big," I started laughing as I reached out for it. "I'm not sure it'll fit."

He sat on the bed and looked dejected.

"Oh, damn, Joe, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. It's just, never mind. Lay back and let me make it up to you."

He smiled and threw himself back onto the bed.

I slid down and stroked him. He felt so spongy, yet so firm. I got as comfortable as I could, leaned forward, and licked around his head. I was no expert at giving a blowjob, but I had done it a few times. My last boyfriend seemed to like what I did to him.

I sucked the head which made him moan. I took about a third of him in my mouth and stroked the rest of him. I rolled his balls in my hand and wondered if he liked that. I made a mental note to ask if that felt good for him.

He groaned and said, "I'm close, Melanie, shit!"

I pulled back and stroked him as fast as I could. I never let anyone cum in my mouth. Maybe, Joe would be the first and only man I'd let do it. He certainly earned a special treat after the great orgasm he gave me. "Screw it!" I thought and took him back in my mouth just as he started spurting his goo.

I was shocked at the amount, but it didn't taste horrible. It was slimy, but I could live with it. I sucked and stroked, taking all of his cum onto my tongue and into my throat, swallowing his thick semen.

When I was satisfied that I had it all, I pulled off with a pop. I swallowed the last of what was in my mouth and smiled at him. "How did that feel?"

"Jesus," he sighed. "It felt so good. You're awesome at that."

"Thanks," I beamed from his praise. "Let's get dressed. We've got a plane to catch."

I went to stand, but he pulled me down. "I never got that kiss I wanted."

He kissed me and I felt it in my toes. I never would've thought he'd kiss me after I sucked him. I sighed into his mouth as our tongues did the tango.

As we broke the kiss, I asked, "Have you gotten a lot of them?"

"What?" he asked.

"Blowjobs," I sighed in frustration.

"Nope. That was my first."

I couldn't believe it. Someone as gorgeous as he, never got a blowjob. It seemed unrealistic. Then I remembered his shyness and how he recently grew into his body from that gangly geek he was before. I smiled at the thought that I got him before he could realize how hot he was. I was a lucky girl, indeed.


Happy Jim was out of the woods, we made our way home. It took longer to go through all of lines at the airport than the flight took. Ken and Lainey were staying a few more days, but there wasn't a reason for us to stay.

Joe became obsessed with his brother's accident. He was convinced it was sabotage and he spent hours online trying to find answers as to how the harness failed and why the air pillow was in the wrong position. There was already an insurance investigation taking place, but the police didn't seem to care without some sort of proof. Until something turned up, nothing was going to happen.

I was frustrated with Joe. Our relationship wasn't progressing, as he was too tied up with classes, homework, and the conspiracy theories about Jim's accident. We hardly saw each other and when we did it was only for short bursts of time. I needed to talk with him about it and planned to ambush him if I could just get him out of his damn house for a date. One would think that he'd want to take advantage of my willingness to have oral sex with him. Weren't orgasms weren't important to all guys?

I picked up my phone and texted him an ultimatum.

"If you don't pick me up in one hour and take me to dinner, I will never speak to you again."

It was a bluff. I had very strong feelings for him, and it would take more than hardly seeing each other to break us up. It was worse that he lived a couple of houses down. I guess I could have been more assertive and just popped in on him. Maybe I wasn't being aggressive enough. I needed to get him away from his computer though.

My doorbell rang and I answered it with a fake angry face. Joe looked sufficiently remorseful, so I let him in.

"I'm sorry, Melanie. I guess I've been ignoring you too much."

"You're damn right!" I said poking him with my finger.

He pulled me into a hug and said, "I've just been so tied up with class work, I'm not managing my time very well."

I was about to mention his obsession with Joe's accident conspiracy theories, but I didn't want to upset him. Yeah, I wussed out.

"So, where are you taking me to dinner?" I asked.

"Look, I hate to say it, but I have a paper due in a couple days. I need to..."

"A couple of days?" I shouted. "You can't give up a couple of hours for me? What are you? Some kind of get a blowjob and ghost a girl kinda guy? Get out!"

I pushed him towards the door as he sputtered and tried to speak. I wasn't having any of it. I slammed the door in his pleading face and sat on the floor crying as he knocked. I knew what I said was stupid, but I was tired of not seeing him. I had classes and homework too. We could have made time for each other.

"Trouble in paradise?" Keri asked from the living room. I didn't realize she was there.

"I never see him," I sobbed.

"Is that his fault or yours?"

"What do you mean?" I snapped. Of course, it was his fault.

"Have you told him you want to see him? Or are you waiting for him to ask you out?"

I glared at her.

"That's what I thought, Mel. You're playing games with a guy that has like no experience dating anyone. He has no idea what the protocol is. He has no idea how often he needs to see you or that you want to talk every day. He's a puppy that needs to learn and you're getting pissed because he's still peeing on the carpet."

I sighed. "I didn't think of it that way."

She smirked and pointed at the door.

I turned and opened it and my puppy was standing there looking lost.

"I'm sorry, we need to talk," I said quietly. I took his hand and led him to his house. When we walked inside, I was shocked. The place was a pigsty.

"Jesus, dude. You need to clean this place once in a while." I picked up the empty pizza boxes that were sitting on the coffee table and took them to the kitchen. "Holy crap!" The kitchen was a disaster area.

"Sorry. Like I said, I've been pretty busy." He was embarrassed. Good. Maybe he'd snap out of it.

"I'll worry about this later. Look, I'm sorry. I just miss you so much. We got off to such a hot start and since we got back, I've only seen you twice. When you're in a relationship with someone like me, you need to communicate more. I'm not talking about quick text chats. We're in the most important stage of a relationship--the beginning. This is when we find out all the little things about each other. I'm not saying we have to talk or see each other every day, but we need to talk more. We need to see each other more. Can we agree on that?"

"I'd love to see you more. Everyday, if you wanted. I just have so much work and I wasn't sure how early or late we could talk or see each other. I guess we have a communication issue. I've never had a girlfriend before either. I don't know how to do this."

I hugged him and asked, "Can we at least get the garbage out? This place is really disgusting."

He hugged me tighter and said, "Yeah, and I'll order a pizza. We can hang out and have dinner here."


With that crisis averted we were back on track. We ate breakfast together every morning at either my house or his. I wanted to go to his house regularly, not just because we could be alone, but so I could make sure he was keeping the house clean. I would not date a slob.

We fell into a routine, and it was comfortable. We got to know each other's bodies and I really had to exercise self-control when I was with him. I continually had to fight the urge to make love to him. I had no delusion that I'd wait until my wedding night, I just wanted to make sure we were solid before giving him my greatest gift.

One thing I learned in that time was I was too controlling. I got that message delivered loud and clear by Keri. She flat out told me that I was taking advantage of Joe's dating naivety by trying to mold him into the boyfriend I wanted, not the person I fell for. I fought it at first, but I realized that Joe never picked what we did. I controlled everything. I apologized to Joe and made him promise to tell me if I was ever being a bossy control freak.

Joe got over his obsession with Jim's accident, but he still believed it was sabotage. He was proven right when the insurance company completed their investigation of the accident. It turned out that one of the stunt coordinators was a crazy disgruntled fan of the movies Jim and Ken used to make. He was upset that they stopped making them and blamed Jim for not signing the contract and making more Patriot Squad movies.

Jim was so upset about the attack on his safety, he gave Abby the greatest gift he could give--he retired from acting. The problem was, everyone was worried about the way Jim was handling the attempt on his life. He withdrew into a cocoon and hardly left the house. According to Lainey, he had around the clock security watching his kids to make sure they would be safe, even when they were in school. Last I heard, Ken was flying down to beg him to see someone about his state of mind. Abby was afraid he lost it...

to be continued...

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scut001scut0014 months ago

The first series with Ken and Lainie was great. The first two chapters of this series started off well also but I'm disappointed with this one. The last part after they got back to school seemed rushed.

LifeisadventureLifeisadventureabout 2 years ago

I’m enjoying this whole series. My wife and I were pretty wild singles then met one night and I took her home from a party and neither one of us was with anyone else for the next 35 years. It happens and loss and family tragedies outside the new relationship, like this story do bring people together.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

I have to go contrary to the disgruntled and say I enjoyed this chapter. It was mostly front end loaded per the cliff hanger you left us with, but still well done overall. I did NOT appreciate the short sentence about Ken and Lainey splitting up later without a commitment for you to go back to their story and walk us through that plot line. As for the naysayers that say Mel and Joe fell in love too fast... Let me tell you about my story of falling in love with a woman right before being ordered to a different base, meeting up a few times over the ensuing months, then marrying her less than a year from the first time we met. 30+ years, five kids, and six grandkids and counting says your world view lacks faith and love. Fuck you - I did it! 5*

SurlygitSurlygitover 2 years ago

Not really invested in these new characters. Fell in love too quickly without any real emotional buildup. Too much being told and not shown. He was obsessed with conspiracies but we never see it, just hear it mentioned twice and completely resolved. The most interesting conversation is that she's being too controlling, stands her ground and finally relents. None of that is on screen - the controlling, his emotions about it (best thing aboutboth being poverty chars is to see the samesituationfrom different sides), the conversation and the resolution are behind a curtain of her summarising it in a few lines.

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