Living With My Sexy Mother-in-Law Ch. 02

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Wife's new job reignites spark with my mother-in-law.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/17/2024
Created 02/19/2023
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This is the sequel to: Living With My Sexy Mother-In-Law. The story does contain themes of infidelity and cucking so please do not read this if those sort of things are upsetting to you. To all others, please enjoy!


Most of you already know that my wife, Katie, and I lived with her parents for several months while our new home was being built. Katie is absolutely gorgeous and her mom, Kayla, is a complete knockout. Needless to say, Kayla and I became more and more flirty with one another until we got a little too carried away....

It had been about six months since Kayla and I had our last sexual escapade. Since that night, we've only had one other brief episode where Kayla gave me an amazing footjob, while wearing a pair of her gorgeous pantyhose. She still wears them and I can still see the slightest cum stain on them.

After that last little episode, Kayla and I became more serious about trying to just focus on our spouses. Kayla was a Christian woman and made it clear that, even though we had both done wrong, if we went to church, asked for forgiveness, and made sure we did whatever it took to keep our marriages happy and healthy, that all could be forgiven in time. It was clear that she had felt some regret and wanted to be better. I willingly agreed. I made no moves on her at all over the next six months. We still gave each other pecks on the lips, but the way she kissed me was no different than how she kissed Katie.


Since moving out of Katie's parent's house I had, not only sold off the business that I ran from home, but also hit it very nicely with some stock investments. Needless to say, Katie and I were in a great financial spot. Katie finally earned her nurse practitioner degree that she had been working on for the past few years.

I saw an opportunity to do a good deed for the sins I had done with Kayla, and helped Katie start up a dream business of her own that she had always wanted to do- a specialized sex therapy nurse practitioner. It was going to be her own private practice. Her sex drive was always so high and she was very passionate about every aspect of both the male and female reproductive systems that it was honestly a very fitting specialty for her.

Because we were new to this, we first created an official website for her to begin getting new patients. It had a great looking picture of Katie on it. Patients immediately began to reach out to her, asking for a phone consultation before an in-person appointment. The problem was that the building we had signed a deal with wasn't going to be available for us to even set-up for another year. Therefore, Katie had made it known that her patients would have to meet at our house for appointments until the building downtown was officially ready to be used. This deterred some patients, but luckily not all.

Katie and I agreed that our home office would be the best location for these appointments to happen. The office in our new house was huge and was equal in size to a standard living room. I bought a couple of nice chairs and a padded exam table for the patients to sit or lay on. I also bought basic equipment and accessories that Katie may need, which included gloves, a full blood pressure set up, high speed computer, a scale, stethoscope, and even some helpful sexual dysfunction info-posters to put up on the walls near Katie's diplomas. Once the setup was complete, we had transformed that room into a very nice and professional looking doctor's office.

Katie went to get her hair and nails done a few days before her first day of work from home. While she was out, I decided to install multiple high-end hidden security cameras because Katie made it clear that it would be more ideal if I could be out of the house if she had a high patient volume for a particular day. I figured, with strangers in the house, it doesn't hurt to have some security. I was also honestly curious to see what the appointments would be like. Most of Katie's patients were going to be fairly younger men who had some form of a sexual dysfunction.

Part 1:

It was finally the first day of work for Katie as a sex therapist. She had three patients scheduled for the day. Her parents had invited us over for dinner later that evening to celebrate. I was packing up some clothes and a few handy electronics to bring over to their house because Katie asked if I wouldn't mind heading over there just before the first scheduled patient was supposed to arrive. I did not mind at all because I was going to go to my usual guest bedroom and upload the live security camera footage onto the bedroom tv so I could watch the show.

Once I was finally packed and about ready to go, I heard Katie come down the stairs. My jaw dropped a little at how beautiful she looked. She had on a white silk blouse with a navy skirt and black stockings. Her beautiful long blonde hair was flawless, along with her makeup and crimson colored lipstick. She completed the outfit with a great pair of shiny, black peep toe heels.

"You look absolutely stunning," I said.

"You are too kind. You're also a little too biased," Katie replied.

I smiled and then asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to stick around? How do you know these patients aren't total creeps?"

Katie chuckled and then said, "No, I'll be ok. I really do think having the house to myself will help me focus better. Besides, none of them are creeps you silly goose. I did get a bunch of appointment applications but I required a background screening to be submitted first. This way I could filter out who I thought would be most appropriate for a home appointment."

"Alrighty. Well you'll do great. They're lucky to have you as their therapist," I said with a smile.

"Aww, you're the sweetest," Katie said, as she gave me a big hug and a sensual kiss on the lips.

I grabbed my little travel bag of goodies and then said, "Be sure to hurry over to your parents as soon as you're all done."

"Oh, you know I will! I'll head over right after, so I can tell you all about how the first day went!" Katie exclaimed, with an bigger smile on her face.

Before I walked out to head to my car, I turned around so I could take one more slow look at Katie from head to toe.

Katie noticed right away and asked in a flirty voice, "Are you checking me out?"

"Always," I said, with a grin on my face.

Katie ran over and gave me one more hug and kiss. Once our kiss ended, I double checked to make sure I had all of my stuff and then left the house to drive over to her parents.

As soon as I pulled into their driveway, I saw Kayla on her cell phone outside. She looked just as stunning as Katie. She was wearing a short grey floral summer dress with nude pantyhose on underneath. Her boobs looked like they were about to fall out of the dress. She also had on a pair of white heels. I wondered if she had joined Katie for her hair and nail appointment because her long blonde hair looked very similar and just as beautiful as Katie's did. Her hot pink nails and lipstick made her outfit look absolutely perfect.

Even though I had sworn off of being overly flirty or touchy with her, I had to go give her a big hug and a kiss. Kayla saw me and waved at me excitedly, while silently mouthing out, "Sorry, I'm on the phone."

I embraced her with a huge hug and buried my face into the side of her hair by her neck. She smelled like the nice perfume I had bought for her birthday a few months ago. I was flattered she was wearing it.

Kayla hugged me back tightly and then leaned in and gave me a small peck on the lips once our hug had ended.

I stepped back to check her out from head to toe and then pointed to the house and whispered, "It's ok. I'm just going to let myself in."

Kayla noticed me checking her out and immediately batted her eyes and gave me a flirty wink. She then bit her lip and quickly checked me out from head to toe. Kayla gestured, with her index finger, for me to come back to her. I did so very willingly. She gave me one more big hug and slightly longer kiss on the lips. I smiled and then gestured that I was going to head into the house so she could finish her phone conversation.

As soon as I got downstairs, I unpacked my electronics and got to work setting up my computer so that it was linked to the big tv screen that was in the bedroom. I used an ethernet cable to get fast, uninterrupted internet connection.

As soon as everything was synced up appropriately and I had our live stream security camera footage on the 4k tv screen, I saw Katie on the computer in our office. It looked like she was reviewing her first patient's chart.

Her legs were crossed and she was doing a very arousing shoeplay routine by dangling her heels. She was never aware of how frequently she did this but I always loved it. I quicky got into the bed and felt an erection slowly beginning to form in my pants, as I watched Katie continue her shoeplay.

Eventually, one of her heels were barely hanging on to the very tip of her big toe. I could see her matching, crimson colored, toenails underneath her stockings. The rays of sunlight coming in through the office window made her black stockings look so sparkly and magical. She continued to bob her foot up and down and then wiggle her heel side to side as she typed away. I gave my erection a soft squeeze to try and adjust it.

I was praying for her to overestimate just how much control she had over her heel so it would accidentally fall to the ground. My prayers were soon answered. Katie made one slight out of routine motion with her foot and her peep toe heel dropped to the floor. To my delight, she didn't uncross her legs to immediately put her shoe back on. She continued to move her foot around and then began moving her toes, scrunching and unscrunching them.

I started to unbutton my pants so I could pull out my penis and begin masturbating. I was extremely bummed when Katie's first patient arrived and rang the doorbell before I could even get started. Katie quickly uncrossed her legs, slipped her heel back on, and went to go answer the door. I quickly enlarged the camera that was facing the front door and maximized the volume.

Her first patient of the day was a Hispanic man, who was about 5'8 and looked to be in his early 40's. He had a nice looking body overall. He didn't have toned muscles but definitely wasn't out of shape either.

"Hey there, I'm Javier. I think I have an appointment with you today," he said, politely.

"Hello Javier! My name is Katie. Your appointment will be with me today. It is a pleasure to meet you. Please come in and follow me this way," Katie replied with a big smile on her face.

As they walked to the office, I noticed Javier looking down at Katie's legs. I could tell he liked what he was seeing, as he checked her out from behind. I wondered if he shared the same foot fetish that I had.

Once they were in the office, Katie gestured for Javier to sit on the exam table. She got a quick set of vitals from him and then began entering information into her computer.

"So what brings you in today Javier?" Katie asked.

"Well....I'm struggling with achieving an erection. I can occasionally get one, but recently it's seemed harder than normal. I just wanted to make sure everything was ok and if there are any treatments that could help me," he said.

Katie nodded her head, taking in what Javier had just said and then replied, "There are multiple treatments that I know can help you. The key is to find the one that is best for you. Your vitals all look great and you don't have any history of cardiac related health issues so, if you'd like to, you can try a great new pill that's supposed to be very effective in helping younger men with this type of issue."

Javier nodded back and said, "Sure, I'd be willing to give it a try."

"Perfect. Well I'll need you to sign a consent form for me to prescribe the medication and send you home with a small sample amount today. I'll want to have a follow up appointment with you over the phone six months from now, just to make sure everything is going well. Don't hesitate to schedule another in-person appointment if you begin having any issues at all. Otherwise, we'll plan to see each other again a year from today," Katie said.

Javier nodded and signed the consent form.

Katie then said, "I'd also like it if you could take the medication here, while you're in the office. If that's ok and if the medication is effective in making you achieve an erection, then I would also like for you to ejaculate into this specimen cup so I can send it off to a lab for a sperm count test."

Javier looked a little surprised. After thinking it over for a few seconds he said, "Ok sure, I can do that for you."

"Great. Well let me get your stuff ready," Katie replied with a smile on her face.

Katie got up and filled a small cup full of water and then got the pill she had been describing and handed it to Javier. Javier quickly took the pill and took a quick sip of water to wash it down. Katie then took the cup, threw it away, and then grabbed a specimen cup and a playboy magazine.

"Here is your specimen cup. Just try your best to get all of your sperm into there. I also have an adult magazine for you if you need any assistance," Katie said.

"Alright, thank you very much," Javier said.

I was completely caught off guard by what happened next. Katie went and sat down at her computer and then said, "I'll just be here entering in some information. Just let me know when you're finished and if you have any problems."

Javier's mouth opened just a little bit. I could tell he was caught off guard too, thinking he would at least get to masturbate in private. He opened the magazine and then slid on of his hands into his pants and began slowly rubbing up and down.

I could tell the pill had been effective as he had achieved a full erection in almost no time. Javier then unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his rock hard shaft, as he flipped through a few pages of the playboy magazine. His cock looked to be almost six inches long.

He went back to pumping his cock up and down and then paused briefly to look over at Katie. She had her legs crossed at her desk and was dangling her heels, continuing her usual hypnotic shoeplay routine while she was on her computer.

Javier then began stroking his erection furiously, while looking at Katie and her feet. I can't say I blame him. I felt jolts of excitement rushing through my own cock just seeing it on the security camera.

Katie scrunched her toes, causing her shoe to drop to the floor once again. Her foot, encased by black reinforced toe stockings, was now completely exposed. Javier's hand was almost a blur with how fast he was stroking his penis.

I saw his lip begin to tremble and knew his orgasm was building. His eyes were laser focused on Katie's foot. He suddenly sat up and spastically grabbed for the specimen cup. He barely got to it in time and shot a big, thick load of sperm into the cup. He was completely out of breath, as he began to recover from his powerful orgasm.

Katie slipped her foot back into her heel and then turned around and asked, "All done?"

"Yes. I am all finished," Javier said, while panting.

Katie smiled and then stood up and took the specimen cup from him. She put a lid on it and then a sticker on the side with all of Javier's information on it.

"I'm going to send this off to the lab today. Results may take up to a week. Once they're finalized, you'll get a notification via email," Katie said.

Javier nodded and replied, "Ok. That sounds good."

Katie smiled and then said, "Well, if you don't have any further questions, that is all the time we have for today. I'll walk you out."

"No questions. Thanks for fitting me in today," Javier said, with a smile.

"Oh it was my pleasure," Katie replied, cheerfully.

Katie walked him to the door and gave him a hug before he left and was on his way. She then returned to the office and got back on the computer to close out his chart. Once Katie finished her charting, she began cleaning the room quickly to prepare for her next patient.

Part 2:

It was not even five minutes later that there was a knock at the door. Katie answered all giddy and upbeat, welcoming the next man into our home.

"Hi, I'm Matt. I believe I have an appointment with you today," He said. Matt was Caucasian, but had a nice tan and fairly athletic body as well. He was about 5'10 and looked to be in his mid-thirties.

"Hello Matt. I'm Katie. Yes, you are at the right place. Please follow me right this way," She said. As they were walking back to the office, I saw Matt check Katie out from head to toe. I knew that he too had to like what he was seeing.

Katie followed the same routine that she had with Javier. Once all the vitals and basic chart information had entered into the computer she asked him, "So what brings you in today Matt?"

He hung his head a little and shyly said, " wife and I have been struggling with the intimate part of our marriage. See....I...have issues with premature ejaculation."

Katie nodded her head and then said, "I see." She then asked, "Can you elaborate on that? How severe is it?"

Matt again looked embarrassed and then said, "It's pretty severe. I can't ever last long enough to give my wife an orgasm. I want our sex life to be great but I have to find a way to last longer. I genuinely feel like I can only last for one to two minutes once I'm aroused."

Katie nodded her head again and then smiled and said "Look...this is nothing to be embarrassed about. There are more men that are suffering from premature ejaculation than you think. There are treatments available and that's what matters."

Matt was hanging his head, looking down at the floor. Katie reached over and grabbed his hand said, "Hey, look at me. We can fix this. I promise."

Matt looked up and smiled. He then asked, "Well...what kind of treatments do you have?" Katie then stood up and walked over to her medicine cabinet.

"We have several. But what I would recommend is a topical local anesthetic spray," She said.

"How does that work?" Matt asked.

"It's quite simple. Once you get aroused and are ready for intercourse you simply spray the medication onto your penis. This provides a temporary numbing, which should in turn help you to last a little longer," Katie said.

"That sounds easy enough," Matt said.

"It usually is. I would also recommend pairing it with this pill, which we commonly use for people with erectile dysfunction. This will allow your penis to achieve and maintain a full erection easily and then the spray will help numb the hypersensitive sexual sensory receptors," Katie replied.

Matt still hung his head slightly and then asked, "What if it doesn't work though?"

Katie smiled and then said, "I was actually hoping we could test it right here in the office. If it doesn't work then we can go to one of the other treatments."

"You mean you'll want to test if I prematurely ejaculate right here in the office?" Matt asked nervously.

"Yes. I'll need you to sign a consent form for the treatment and testing of the spray. It's the best way to know what is and isn't effective, as each person is different," Katie said.

Matt nodded his head in agreement and then signed the consent form. Katie then grabbed the pill and spray bottle and brought them to Matt. He swallowed the pill and then Katie gave him the same playboy magazine that she had given to Javier.

"Let me know when you have achieved a full erection," Katie said.

"Ok. Will do," Matt replied.

My spying game was suddenly interrupted. Kayla opened my bedroom door and said, "Hey honey. I'm so sorry about that. I feel like I've been on the phone all day long. I hope I'm not interrupting. I just wanted to get some time to be with you and talk."