Living with Rachael Pt. 02

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My roommate Rachael wants to play a dangerous game.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/10/2024
Created 09/02/2022
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About a week after my threesome with my friend Emily and my roommate Rachael, I accidentally almost scared Rachael to death. I had just come downstairs from the bedroom area when I saw Rachael playing a creature collection game on my Xbox. Despite several road trips with her, parties at home and away, and the overall strange hours that people in their 20s keep, I'd never seen her awake at 7 AM. "Good morning."

She screamed and leaped from the couch, swinging the Xbox controller in my direction with wild desperation. I held up my hands, palms out in a gesture of pacification. She gulped air a few times with her empty hand over her heart.

"Sorry," I offered with a wince. "I thought for sure you'd heard me come down the stairs."

"Yeah, I guess I was more ..." She paused, a sudden dreamy and distant look in her eyes. After a moment, she flinched, like she'd suddenly remembered I was there. "More into my game than I realized," she mumbled.

"OK, well, again, I'm sorry."

"It's OK." She paused again, and her mouth twisted strangely, like she was trying not to bite her lip. She shook her head to focus. "Can't believe I stayed up so late." She turned off the Xbox and patted her pockets for her phone. When she found it, she waved it at me. "Ready for bed!" she declared awkwardly. She took a few quick steps around the couch to me. Standing in front of me, she froze again for an instant before she flung her arms around me in a quick hug - not at all our usual method of communication. "G'nite." She turned toward the stairs that lead to our bedrooms. "Or good morning, I guess," she said over her shoulder before doubling her pace and scampering up the stairs.

"That was weird," I noted to the still-glowing TV as I turned it off.

Aside from scaring her, the next morning happened much the same way. She was playing the same game when I came down the stairs. Again, she took my arrival as her cue to go to bed. This time the hug was much longer, and her lips were much closer to my face.

The third day it happened, the Xbox was already off, and she was waiting for me. It was obvious she was braless. The good morning hug involved her whole body and at least thirty seconds of our morning. It ended just as I moved my hands to grab two handfuls of her ass, making me wonder if I'd misread the whole situation.

The fourth consecutive morning also started with our now customary hug. When she released me, her face was conflicted but excited. "Just watch," she told me. She dropped her sweatpants to the ground, yanked her shirt over her head, and, fully naked, walked slowly around the couch to lay down on her back. Her hands leaped to her tits and squeezed them aggressively once she settled. She wasted little time before she shoved a hand between her thighs. A restrained groan leaked from her when her fingers slid quickly inside her.

She fucked herself enthusiastically for my viewing pleasure, her dripping pussy filling my ears and my nose, though I spent plenty of time with my eyes glued to her magnificent tits. Her moans became louder and more frequent very quickly. "Kiss..." she gasped. "Kiss me," she begged as her eyes rolled back. I strode quickly to her, leaned over the back of the couch, and claimed her mouth with mine just in time to swallow her screaming. When she went limp I lifted her arm and licked her fingers clean before I left for work.

The next morning was Saturday, so I slept in. If she wanted me to fuck her at 7AM, she'd still want fucked at 10. When I got in my car to get some drive-thru breakfast, I noticed it was the only one in our driveway.

I didn't see Rachael without our other roommate, Andrew, who was also her boyfriend, for several days. The next time we had some alone time, she was sitting on the couch waiting for me when I got home from work. "Can we talk?" she asked.

"Of course." I sat on the couch. "What's up?"

"Um ... I wondered ... oh god I don't even know if I can say it."

I reached over to her and wrapped a hand around hers. "You can trust me. I won't judge you or repeat anything you tell me without your permission. If you need help, I'm glad to do whatever I can."

She melted a little, and a small smile found its way to her face. "I wanna ... I wanna do something kinda crazy, or maybe really crazy."

"I certainly won't turn down the opportunity to do something crazy with you, considering how much fun the last crazy thing was."

Her smile got larger for an instant before I crumbled into insecure lust. "This is just.. really different. I ..." She sighed heavily. "I want you to rape me."

"Whoa." I couldn't keep the shock off my face.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry. I can't believe I even asked that. Ugh I'm so fucked up. Why would-" I silenced her with a gentle kiss, which I held in place until her eyes drifted closed. When she started to kiss me back, I pulled away reluctantly. Her face held a measure of peace when her eyes opened.

"There's nothing wrong with having what some people might call darker fantasies. This is a dangerous game though, and plenty can go wrong. We can talk this through, and as long as we agree on what can and can't happen, well..." I leered blatantly at her chest. "Why wouldn't I do it?"

She giggled. "Really?"

"Do I have to cop a feel right now just to show you I'm serious?"

She giggled again, but put her hands up between us to fend me off. "No, don't. I want us to have a break from fooling around before we do this so we're both really wound up. If you fondle me now, it'll reset the clock."

"Pretty sure if I get my hands on those tits I'm not gonna wanna stop there," I said to her chest.

"Exactly. We haven't talked terms yet."

"Point taken." I pulled my eyes back to hers. "So, tell me what you want. How do you want to do this?"

"Well, most importantly, I don't want to be, like, making out and then pretend I want you to stop, but you don't. I wanna be surprised in my bedroom, my sanctuary invaded. I wanna be taken without warning, thrown down and fucked no matter what I say." She licked her lips while that fantasy became real in her head.

"Then I think the first thing we need is a safe word. I suspect you'll be saying 'no' and 'stop' as part of the game, so I need something in case you actually want me to stop."

"That makes sense," she said, nodding along. "What about 'Andrew is coming'?" She giggled.

"Nah, if I hear that I'll just lock the door, cover your mouth and keep on fucking you." She bit her lip and moaned softly. I slid closer to her on the couch and leaned toward her. I could tell that if I touched her then, she might freak out and the whole thing could fall apart. Plus that was contrary to one of the rules we'd already established. Instead, I nuzzled her cheek softly and sucked down a lungful of her sandalwood scented hair.

I sat back, took her hands in mine, and waited quietly for the crazed look to vacate her face. My face was probably no less crazy though. When we were both breathing normally, I asked, "So what do you want as a safe word?"

Her eyes glazed over, and I could see she was imagining me attacking her. "Oh!" She popped back to the present. "How about 'strawberry'? I'm allergic to them, so it'll be an easy link for me to remember."

"Perfect. What else?"

She contemplated for a moment. "No toys, no tying me up or blindfolds or anything like that. I want to watch you subdue me with your hands and feel you take what you want from me. Don't worry about how much I enjoy it. Just fuck the shit out of me however you want, and definitely come in me."

"I certainly don't have a problem with that. Is there anything else?"

She leaned toward me and pulled in a deep breath through her nose. "I looove that cologne." She popped upright. "Don't wear it. Wear a different one, though. I don't want it to smell like I know the person raping me, but I want a good smelling reminder." She shuddered, looking around the room nervously. "God, I feel like such a fucked up slut for wanting a memory like that."

I captured her chin with two fingers and tenderly steered her gaze back to mine. "Everybody has fantasies. Some of us even think about fucking our cute roommate with huge tits even if she's not exactly single." She giggled. "Quite often our deepest fantasies are about regaining control we've lost. I kinda hate to ask you this, and you don't have to answer, but have you been assaulted like this before?"

Her eyes exploded, and she buried her chin in her chest. "Guys noticed my tits pretty quickly in school," she mumbled softly. "Sometimes they'd crowd around me so I couldn't get away and whichever one I wasn't watching would grab me." She clenched her teeth and pounded a fist onto her thigh. Then she sucked down a gulp of air and coughed up a sob. "I couldn't stop them, and no one cared because I couldn't even be sure who did it."

I pulled her into a tight hug, and she cried softly for several minutes with her face nestled into my chest. At first, all I felt was rage, but that rage had no outlet and no solution, and it threatened to poison something that could be a special experience for both of us, so I quickly abandoned it to enjoy the feel of Rachael in my arms. I took time to bask in the ego boost that came from her wanting me to do this for her. When her tears played out, she kissed my neck once before sitting up.

I captured her hands with mine. "I'm honored and so turned on that you asked me to do this." She favored me with a smile tinged with lust. "Can I ask why me though?"

"Well, as you may remember, when we had our naked time with Emily you didn't get to fuck me. I know Emily started all that-"

"Not technically true."

"Wait what? She told me it was her idea."

"Her being braless and fondling you under the table was my idea. She took it from there, though."

Rachael considered my words for a moment. "OK yeah, she started the story with her getting naked." She kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

"Oh no, thank you." She blessed me with a dazzling smile.

"The other reason I want you to do this is because I think you can actually do it. I can kick Andrew's ass, and we've done it way too many times for him not to feel familiar." She paused to explore my face with her eyes as she sucked down a deep breath. "I'm gonna be honest, this probably won't be the only time for us, and you raping me our first time together means I'll be thinking about it every other time." She shuddered and gave her tits a rough squeeze.

"I look forward to kicking off our relationship with a bang."

"Technically, that already happened. Although, funny story, Emily said the same thing."

I laughed. "OK, is there anything else I should know? I don't wanna ask too many questions because I want things to be surprising for you. That is what you want, right?"

"Yes yes yes," she replied with an eager grin and a flushed face. "Umm, I don't want to know when it's coming, but I want a way to say 'not today'," she offered.

I thought for a moment. Fortunately, also attached to the TV with the Xbox was an old PC I used for a media center. I grabbed the wireless mouse and keyboard for it, opened an empty document and typed "No." Then I named it "Today" and closed the file. "If I open that file and it says yes..." I returned the keyboard and mouse to their usual resting place and then moved to loom over her. She rubbed her thighs together as I put my lips millimeters from hers. "Then maybe I'll rape you that day, and maybe I won't." Her nostrils flared with a ragged breath. "Feel free to tease me before you do that. I promise seeing you come out of the bathroom wrapped in a tiny towel will not make me want to attack you less."

"I do need to take a shower," she said with a twinkle in her voice before she yanked her shirt over her head. Her bra quickly followed. "I'm so dirty. I'll have to be sure I wash every bit of me very thoroughly." She smashed her lips against mine, pulled them away with a pop, and then hopped up from the couch, sending her tits swinging and bouncing. She walked backwards to the stairs, jiggling her chest and grinning at me the entire time. As soon as I heard the bathroom door close I grabbed my car keys and drove rather recklessly to the local mall where I rummaged a beauty store to shop for a new cologne.

I wanted to wait at least a week before I did anything. Whether I'd be capable of that was another question. I knew I couldn't do it the first day on the first day I got a yes. I wanted her to let her guard down a little.

I didn't see her in the morning anymore after our talk. I checked the file every day before work, and for five days it never changed. I looked at the update date on the file to be sure. I only saw her briefly during that time, and she barely made eye contact with me. I wondered if she'd changed her mind. I wasn't going to pry and potentially embarrass her. So, I waited.

On the Sunday after our planning session, a text from her woke me up. It was a topless selfie, her arms wrapped around her chest, her breasts pressed up and spilling over them. I puttered around my bedroom for a few minutes before I nearly ran downstairs to check the file. Had it said yes, I wouldn't have been able to wait, but I was greeted by a no. At least I knew the game was still on.

Monday was the first yes. When I got to work I apologized to my boss for the butt dial that was actually me deciding at the last second not to skip work to attack my roommate.

It was still yes on Tuesday, but somehow I resisted, even after she made sure to masturbate loudly in her bedroom while I was changing after I got home from work.

The next morning she was just getting home from work as I was leaving. "Stupid overnight inventory," she grumbled. "I'm so tired." She waved to me as she dragged herself up the stairs.

I quickly confirmed that she hadn't touched the Today file since the day before. While it still said yes, she might have changed it had it occurred to her. I decided that was the perfect opportunity. She almost certainly wouldn't be expecting it. If I left work at lunch, she'd probably be asleep, so I could sneak into her room easily. Emily had already told me she was a heavy sleeper.

After the four slowest hours of my life, I raced home. I parked around the corner from the house we rented, since her bedroom overlooked the driveway. I also entered through the backdoor, not only because the front door was heavy and hard to close quietly, but because I'd stashed my new cologne there so she wouldn't hear me entering my bedroom to apply it when the time finally came.

Covered in my new scent, I moved quietly to the front of the house. The stairs had their creaky spots, but I'd lived there long enough to know how to avoid them. I opened her door to peer into the smallest wedge of light. I watched her for at least a minute to confirm that she was asleep.

Once I was certain, I crept into her room and closed the door behind me. She wanted to be overwhelmed and helpless, so I discarded my clothes quickly and quietly, since I didn't want to hold her down and strip. I pulled the sheets off her before I climbed onto the bed gently, doing my best not to disturb her.

Kneeling between her spread thighs, I took a moment to enjoy where I was. Not only was I naked in my gorgeous roommate's bed per her request, that request went so far as to include me fucking her however I wanted.

Of course, any sexual contact with her had to start with her spectacular breasts. I shoved my hands up under the thin shirt she wore and gripped her tits firmly. She moaned softly in her sleep, and a dreamy smile started to appear on her face. I pinched her nipples hard, and she awoke with a gasp. I shoved my tongue into her open mouth and continued to fondle her aggressively.

She was motionless for a long moment, and I wondered if she'd changed her mind. I pulled my mouth from hers and lifted my head to see fear and lust blaring their presence on her face. She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed at me. I grabbed her wrists and slammed them onto the bed beside her pillow. She gasped again. "Please, no," she begged.

I licked her jaw slowly before I stuck my tongue in her ear. "Shhhh. I'm not here to hurt you. I just want this body." I ground my cock against her hot pussy through her thin cotton panties, and she bit her lip. "Yeah, I know you want this, you fucking slut."

"No, don't. Stop. Let me go." She struggled against my grip, but between my weight and strength she made no progress.

I bit the ear I hadn't tongue fucked, hard. "I want to watch your face while you enjoy the rough and thorough fucking you're about to get, and I definitely want to see your eyes when I come in you, so don't make me flip you over, because I can rape you from behind just as easily." Her eyes rolled back and she groaned. "That's a good girl. There's no reason to fight it. I'm gonna fuck you however I want for as long as I want. It's your choice to enjoy it or not."

I let go of her wrists and shoved her shirt up to her armpits. She pressed her hands against my shoulders and tried to throw me off her, with no real success, while I bit, licked, sucked, and squeezed her tits. My knee against her pussy told me she was soaked as soon as I started, but I decided to torture her a bit and satisfy my long-standing desire to drown in her creamy flesh. I stuffed my mouth with her body from every angle while she tried to escape, to no avail.

She was still fighting me when she started rubbing her pussy up and down my thigh. I sat back, grabbed one side of her panties with both hands and ripped them off her with a few hard yanks. Her eyes exploded as she gasped, and her pussy leaped into the air when she forgot she wasn't supposed to acknowledge she was enjoying being raped.

I buried my dick in her and grabbed her wrists again to pin her roughly to the mattress. "I knew you wanted this, because that's what sluts do; they beg to get fucked, and then they get fucked. You've been craving this dick since you sucked my come of Emily's pretty pussy. Now you're gonna get it every way I want to give it to you." I slammed into her hard a few times and she squealed loudly. "I've fucked you so many times in my head. You're lucky I haven't been raping you since the day you moved in, but that's all changed now. I will fill this pussy whenever I want. You'll come for me however many times I want, and I'll never leave this bedroom without filling this slutty body with come." I fucked her vigorously for a few minutes while holding her down, and she came with a body-vibrating shriek as her pussy exploded all over both of us.

I stroked myself inside her slowly while I took the time to bask in what was happening. I was finally inside my gorgeous roommate's fabulous pussy, and her only request was that I rape her as long and hard as I could. She struggled weakly under me, her head flopping from side to side as I took what I wanted. "Please, stop, please," she mumbled. When she started to moan and squeak again, I fucked her deep and hard, and a string of orgasm sucked the life from her.

I replayed the details of her request in my head while I fucked her limp body slowly, making sure I'd checked all her boxes before I filled her with come. As I did, her face changed, and winces of genuine pain began to appear. She wanted me to overpower her and take what I wanted. She told me not to care what she wanted, just fuck her hard and come in her. I couldn't continue in good conscience if I was hurting her though. I needed a middle ground where I could give her what she wanted without causing lasting injury.

I decide if she wanted to be raped, she was gonna get the whole experience. I sat back, pinched one of her nipples hard, and shoved the fingers of my other hand in her mouth when she gasped. She sucked on them deliriously, mindlessly obeying her rapist.