Local Ladies

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Local Ladies descent into whoredom.
9.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/04/2017
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Avril examined herself in the bathroom mirror. Her elfin like face looked back at her, pale against her dark almost black hair which was cut in a bob. She had a fine figure with generous slightly pendulous breasts, where pearl pendants hung from her prominent pierced nipples, swinging to and fro as she brushed her hair.

"You are a whore," she said quietly to herself, in a voice that betrayed that she had seen many things that should not be seen, and done many things that should not be done by any decent woman, let alone a respectable head librarian.

When she finished her hair she picked up another larger pearl pendant, but this was not destined for her ears, with deft and practiced fingers this was slid into her pierced clit.

'You filthy whore," she said with more feeling, her fingers running lightly over the tip of her clit and her labia, gently teasing them apart before pushing slightly into the entrance to her vagina. It was dry, but she knew in a few hours it would be wet not just from her own juices, but from the semen of whoever was given the opportunity to fuck her. Her finger moved further back, feeling the change of texture around her anus. She stopped, not pushing her digit into this orifice as it was not ready for penetration. That might come later after she'd have the opportunity to lubricate herself. She had already douched herself when she had showered, she was now clean inside and out.

She walked into the bedroom where her clothes for the night ahead lay on her bed. She picked up and slipped on the loose fitting light pale pink silk transparent sleeveless blouse that did little to hide her charms. The darkness of her nipples contrasting to the lightness of her breasts was clearly visible. The arm holes larger than normal exposed the sides of her naked breasts when she raised her arms.

Reaching down again, she picked up a pair of panties if that's what you could call them. They were small and crotch less, little more than ribbons, and when on, they merely emphasized her prominent clit and labia by framing them in light grey lace, matching the pearl of pendant that was swinging freely from her clit. She looked down at the blue skirt she had selected, but changing her mind, selected another from a pale Scandinavian cupboard.

She stepped into this dark grey mini skirt that was so short, it allowed the dangling pendant to be seen, which would cause the viewer to wonder and possibly fantasize from where it hung. She was ready, though looking at her gold watch saw she had a few minutes before she was picked up giving her a moment to recall where this had all begun...

"I'm here to help you make a decision Avril, you don't mind if I call you that do you, and you can call me Daniel," he smiled at me.

"No, no that's fine, Mr Jones, I mean Daniel," I replied nervously, warily of the big man who sat opposite her on her couch. She had let him in when he had told her he was from the company controlling her finances, she had already been forewarned by her accountant he would be coming.

"You have a lovely house here Avril." He said looking around.

"Yes we have, I mean I was lucky to be married to a man who appreciated beauty," I stammered.

"I can see that," he replied looking more intensely at me, "and of course you must love living here, who wouldn't," he added. "Unfortunately situations change and with them personal fortunes, because now Avril this entire house, and everything in it now belongs to me. Since the collapse of your husband's company, and his subsequent disappearance, I have acquired all your assets, well almost all of them."

He outlined the condition of her finances in greater detail as she listened, with growing horror at the situation her husband had left her in. Not just bankrupt but owing a lot of money.

"But what does that mean? Am I homeless?" I had asked my stomach suddenly feeling hollow.

"You could be," he smiled though she felt it was not for her, "though I'm sure we can work something out. It comes down to making decisions and I'm sure an intelligent woman like you will make the right choice. You earn a reasonable amount at the library, and are good at your job; I have seen you there on many occasions. But it's not enough to support payment for this place. Nor pay your debt." He had looked around pointedly. "You could face prison as a partner in your husband's dealings."

Prison! I knew I was in dire financial trouble, but not how much, as my husband had looked after our big finances.

"There is still one asset left, which if made available to me, will allow you to stay here and avoid prison." He smiled like shark moving in for the kill.

I shuddered. "But what is that? I have nothing that wasn't shared with my husband. I have no personal money."

He carried on "I see before me an attractive young woman who works at the library, you have a good figure and a warm smile. So you see Avril, it's you, I could certainly use that asset."

"Me?" I exclaimed perplexed.

"But what do I have to do the only skill I have is as a librarian." I could feel myself starting to panic.

"Oh I think you underestimate your potential Avril, and at this moment that is what we need to check out. The first step is simple, we just have to see if you are suitable for what I have in mind." he said sitting back in the leather lounge.

"What do you mean, suitable?" I asked

"Suitable Avril we need to see you, all of you."

"What do you mean, all of me?" I asked perplexed.

"Avril I am going to invest a lot of money in you and I need to make sure my asset is worth the money. So I want you to take off all your clothes Avril, let's start by stripping to the waist, take off your top and bra, that's easy to do eh?" he grinned waving his arm at me.

She stared back at the two men with what must have been a look of incredulity on her face.

"Are you mad? I can't do that, I won't do that." I spluttered shocked.

"Well that's a pity, for if you refuse then I'll have to remove you from the premises, onto the street, with just what you are wearing, remember everything else belongs to me, I could even force you to remove that. I will also notify the authorities that you are a homeless debtor. You would never get a credit card or a bank loan."

I was incredulous, how could a complete stranger take over my life without me knowing anything about him. This must be a joke

"I assume you have some sort of documents regarding this."

"Of course," he said as he withdrew several typed documents from his briefcase. "I'm going to present you with a mortgage contract and consent form. If you make the right decision and sign it, I will allow you to stay here."

I remember staring down at the document on the coffee table between us, and back at him, and his associate who had been introduced as Jason, who was smaller and had a small case by his side on the floor.

"Read it, then you'll know what I'm talking about." Daniel insisted.

I remember staring at the pieces of paper and the two men, what was I to do? I loved this house enjoying the luxury and spacious modernity. The view across the Bay was to die for and I also had many friends who lived nearby. And prison, I shuddered to think what it would be like.

I picked up the explanatory note and scanned though it. It was simple in its details. Providing I consented to Daniel requirements, he would offer me a free loan on the house and contents effectively a second mortgage. This was for five years, after which I would own the house with ten percent to be repaid. Any defaults on this second mortgage and the first mortgage would be applied once more which I could no longer support.

I then picked up the Consent form and read though it stunned, as the men waited.

"You can't do this, I'll phone my lawyer now and see about it," I said getting up and going to the phone. I searched through my contacts and pressed the number of my solicitor. His secretary answered and after a moment put me through to him. I repeated what Mr Jones had told me about my situation, and stood stunned as he replied. I was in fact destitute.

My stomach sank and churned as he restated exactly what Mr Jones had said. He had talked to Mr Jones earlier, the consent form and contract was fully legal offering me the only legitimate way out of my dilemma. He asked whether Mr Jones was there now and I said he was. He then explained that the mortgage agreement would need to be witnessed, if I wanted he would come straight over and take me through it.

It really is your only option at the moment he repeated, I would not get a better deal. In the meantime he advised me strongly to comply with whatever Mr Jones demanded as he really did possess my house and property.

I said my voice suddenly quiet and dull, that it would be good if he could come over. I turned to Mr Jones and this was the moment when my life changed forever.

"Do I have any other choice?" I asked quietly, returning to the lounge and sitting down.

"Of course, you can refuse and we will see you off the premises instantly, of course you can't take the car as it belongs to me, and I will seek payment for the debt, or you can strip now, and I mean now and let me assess you."

I almost burst into tears but controlled myself, staring at the men watching me expectantly. I waited, the silence in the room broken only by the sound of a car going past outside.

"Avril, we do need to make sure you fit into our criteria, I'm sure you will but I do have to make sure. There is a lot of money and planning involved in this." Daniel explained.

"Do I have to do this now, here?" I said quietly.

He looked at his watch, "Really Avril you have no choice and we do need to move onward, time is short."

"Can't I wait until my solicitor arrives?"

"Sorry, we do need to know whether you're worth my investment. If you aren't suitable then the contract is void, and we won't need to bother to wait for Mr Jones, so Avril it's off with your clothes now or out the door." He went to stand up.

It was if a switch had been flicked in my head, I sighed and my hands rose to the front of my ex's shirt I was wearing to undo the buttons. The men smiled at each other and sat back on the sofas, as if waiting for the show.

One by one I undid the buttons until the front was unfastened and I pulled it off my shoulders. I put it on the lounge beside me. Sitting in my bra I saw Daniel's eyes looking at the cleavage between my breasts. I reluctantly reached behind me and undid the bra strap, before letting it fall off my breasts. Feeling their unsupported weight free to move as I placed the bra onto the shirt beside me. I automatically bent over covered them as she faced the men.

"Very good Avril, though we do need to see your tits." He smiled.

I remember sighing again as I lowered my arm to fully reveal my naked breasts to the two men.

"Very good Avril, stand up, and let's see you."

I did as he asked and stood in front of the men exposed from the waist up.

"What's your measurements Avril, and just lean over and let those lovely titties swing a bit."

'I'm... 35DD, "I stammered embarrassed doing as he said, my breasts being slightly pendulous moved from side to side.

"See Jason didn't I say she'd have a nice rack, the sort any man would want to suck, lovely, now the rest." My heart sank as he said this.

"Please don't." I begged.

"Come along Avril, do you want to be thrown out? Of course not, so now the rest."

Of course I knew it would not stop at just my breasts, they would want me naked. I undid the small zip at the side of the skirt and unhooked the waistband. It slid to the floor leaving me in my white panties. They were functional cottontails nothing sexy, working underwear.

"They'll have to change Avril," the men laughed.

I looked down not sure what he meant, little did I know then that time would show me an entirely different definition of underwear.

"Take them off."

I sighed as I hooked my thumbs in my panties and drew them down my legs before stepping out of them.

I stood with my hands clasped in front of my crotch, silly when you think of it, as I was completely naked and what difference would it have made. I knew they would demand to see me uncovered.

"Hands by your side, Avril, that's better, I think we'll need a trim there Jason," he chuckled as he indicated my hairy pussy, "nice contrast though. Turn round, stop, stay there, good back as well and lovely bum, and look at the side of those tits just offering a promise of what's to come. A bit further round, now bend over Avril, all the way, legs apart. Ah, now we can see the prize."

I knew I was blushing bright red, as I exposed myself to these men, humiliated.

"Stand and turn around, Avril, what do you think Jason?"

"She's good, stands well and those tits are just something else, they'll need piercing and once she tidied up down there she'll be a stunner."

"Well Avril, you look exactly what we are looking for, so now it's up to you, let's do the first step, sign the consent form and maybe you'll stay here, Don't sign and, you're out as you are, stark naked."

Did I have any option, he handed me the sheet of paper and a pen. It was quite short, I read down as I stood before them. It expanded what was in the explanatory note outlining the conditions of the agreement, and the various penalties. It concluded with a section consenting to allow sexual activities of any kind with anyone deemed fit by my lender. It explained under Section 4 of the Prostitution Act this was now legal and enforceable. There was also an incentive scheme where for every new client I referred or signed into the club, I would reduce the loan period by one week.

I reread the document twice, realizing once signed, Daniel could demand whatever he wanted of me, I was effectively his sex slave.

I looked over to them as they waited expectantly. I knew I had no option so I put the paper on the coffee table and bent over and signed, my hanging tits swaying as I wrote, and changed my life forever.

"Good, now go and get us all a glass of wine." I went to pick up my clothes."

"No, as you are Avril."

She remembered the other worldliness of that morning, as she walked about the house serving the men, and drinking wine naked. Their gaze fixed on her body as she moved. They commented on her nipples, her vulva and discussed what they needed to do to "Improve" her.

The one called Jason measured my body, very carefully, before ordering me to lay on the table with my legs wide apart as he "tidied" the hair around my cunt. He used a cream that he carefully spread around my genitals and anus as Daniel stood watching, still talking, as Jason meticulously applied the paste.

"Just stay there Avril it takes about 5 minutes to work." He said as I lay, legs open before them.

As Daniel talked to me he idly fingering my left nipple, "I have a plan and you are part of this plan Avril. Let me tell you a little about myself. I've been lucky, very lucky. The dot.com boom made me a lot of money, I mean a lot, amazing that in the span of a few years, a retired business man can make more money than you can imagine simply by investing in a few strategic companies. Then we had the Global Financial Crisis leaving many people and families broke. With friends I had from my business days, I started to buy property with failed mortgages, very cheap, ridiculously cheap. These were then leased or rented out and my wealth jumped even further. They say money makes money, and it surely does.

"As a mature rich bachelor, I had no shortage of offers from women, but really I wasn't interested. With my money any woman was available, but I realized there were men like myself and older, who didn't have the money to attract a younger woman, but they still would like to enjoy their bodies.

"There were plenty of young women I encountered every day, at the café, library, in offices, and even just walking the neighborhood, local ladies pleasant on the eye and possibly on the cock. I would wonder what they would be like to fuck, when an idea popped up in my mind. These very same women were faced with the problems of a failing economy and many were going under. Many were like you Avril, helpless and in need of financial help.

"On the other side of the coin there were older men who also noticed them. I watched these men, seeing them glancing surreptitiously at women's tits, or watching their bums as they walked by. I had a demand and I had a supply, would it be possible to get them together somehow and so the idea of Local Ladies came to be."

He continued, "I set up a legitimate loan company with the offer of interest free loans with repayment options other than in money, in fact payment in kind. That "kind", was women "volunteering" themselves for the pleasure of ordinary mature men who lived in their town. I researched my options talking to lawyer friends and realized this could all be done all above board and legally.

"I had set up, a Private web site called Local Ladies where only older men could become members. I had them vetted before they were accepted. Which also allowed me to check and make sure we took on no weirdos. We did lure them in a bit with pictures of good-looking already available hookers, but once they were members, they were free to access the rest of the website where the true local ladies were available. This would let them check out the number of ladies on offer in their town and I would get them together. There would have to be provisos that the men could only book access to the women through the site or through me and at set times. But they would be told who the ladies were and be able to see them in their everyday jobs, to see that they were truly working local woman, and which ones were of interest to them."

He went on, "I had a phone app designed that displayed the exact location of all the local ladies as they wear a tracking device on their body. They could then select a lady to see if she was available. They then book her and when they meet the phone automatically registers this. Later they are asked to return an assessment of the "meeting" for others to read."

He went on, " I am also starting a Local Ladies Club, where you can entertain the members in a more relaxed social setting."

"So you see that's how I arrived here, with you." He finished.

I was transfixed, this man had been planning this for a long time.

Jason interrupted, saying it was time and I was told to go and shower to remove the depilatory paste and return to them here.

After showering, I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, the difference was striking. My bush had been tidily trimmed at the sides to follow the line of my groin, it had also been removed around my labia. As I turned sideways the side of my pudenda was visible now with the furry triangle standing proud. As I turned once more to face myself, I could now clearly see my cunt beneath the dark triangle no longer hidden in my bush. My now visible clit and labia curled between my legs.

"Come along Avril." I heard a voice call out.

Christ what was I getting into here I thought, but I could see no other options than to do as I was told and returned, feeling even more naked to stand in front of them. Daniel had removed his trousers and pants and was sitting fingering his semi stiff cock. As if to humiliate me further I was told to stand on the coffee table as they both sat and stared at me.

"Lovely much better" Daniel commented.

"Get down and just walk around again Avril, that's good," he said as my breasts swayed on my chest from every step.

"Now over here," He stood and directed me to stand in front of him before turning me around and bending me over. His hands moved to my hanging breasts as he squeezed and fondled them, pinching my nipples, whilst his stiff cock rubbed against my buttocks. Would he fucked me now she wondered?