Locker Date with Mom

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Lisa shows her son a way to fuck hot girls, right at school.
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*This story is the property of Mom's Bedroom, written by Author, Klrxo. It is purely fictional, and all characters in this story are over the age of 18.*

Locker Date...with Mom

By Klrxo

"Have you fucked that cute girl, Abby, yet?" Jake's mom Lisa asked him as they sat having breakfast. It was always just after her husband left for work that the mother would drill her boy about his sex life.

"No, her parents are super protective. They make her come straight home after school," Jake replied.

"Well...fuck her DURING school then," Lisa suggested.

"How am I suppose to do that, mom?" Jake asked. "There's hall monitors all over the place."

"That's easy. Fuck inside your locker."

Jake burst out laughing. "Inside my locker?! Very funny," he stated. He took a quick look at his mom's oversized tits, shrouded by her snug silk robe. The sight of them, clearly braless, made his insides tingle wonderfully.

"I'm serious," Lisa smiled. "The lockers at the high school are plenty big enough for a hard romp. When I was a senior, I used to fuck guys all the time inside those lockers," she confessed.

"Wait...are you serious?" her son asked, giving her a skeptical look.

"Absolutely serious! I mean, in such a confined space, you're limited to only a couple positions, AND you have to be carefully to not scream out when you cum, but otherwise it's a great place to fuck, in a pinch," she explained.

Jake shook his head and went back to eating his breakfast. "I think you're just screwing with me," he told her with a mouthful of cereal. "I can hardly imagine two people going at it inside one of those lockers."

"Honey, I am not messing with you," Abby giggled. "Try it and you'll's completely doable."

"Two one locker...going at it? I highly doubt that, mom."

"Do I have to show you that it's possible?" she asked, smiling across the table at him mischievously. It was a bold offer, but Lisa's sex life was in a slump, and ever since she had 'accidentally' saw her 18-year-old boy naked, while he had raging morning wood, she could hardly stop thinking about what it would be like to have sex with him.

Jake gave his mom an inquisitive look. "Show exactly?" he inquired.

"How do you think?" Lisa replied.

"Wait...are you talking about having sex with me?"

"Well, yeah...that would be the only way to show you it's possible, wouldn't it?"

Jake's heart did a somersault in his chest. He'd been lusting after his blonde, heavy-titted mother since early adolescence, but never dreamed he'd get this sort of invitation. "What though?" he asked.

"What does this have to do with him?" she questioned.

"Wouldn't that be cheating on him?"

"Well, technically no. It's not like I'm meeting some guy for sex, just for kicks. I'm doing this this to prove a point, and help my son realize there's a place he can take girls during school hours to get some pussy."

Her son fed her a skeptical glare. "So you're telling me dad would have no problem with that?"

"No, I'm not saying that. Of course your father would have a problem with it, but this ISN'T something we'll be discussing over family dinner...or at all for that matter, got it?" she sternly asked.

"Sure, um...I got it."

"So, that's a 'yes' then?" asked Lisa, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Are we doing this?"

"Are you talking about us doing this during school?"

"Well, no. Not that we'll get caught, but if we did, the consequences for both of us would be pretty severe if we were doing it during school hours."


"How about after school today, once all the other students have gone home?" Lisa suggested.

"There are still students there for after-school sports," the teen pointed out.

"Yes, but they'll be busy out on the field. We'll still have to be incredibly careful, but I think it'll be the best time for my little demonstration," the busty mother stated.

"True. So, um...what do we--"

"Shhh!" his mom hissed, cutting him off. "Your father's coming."

"Honey, have you seen my brown dress shoes?" Lisa's husband, Tony, asked, straightening his tie as he walked in.

"In the shoe basket, by the front door," she replied.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "What would I do without you?" he commented. "Which reminds me, don't forget to stop by the dealership for your oil change this afternoon."

"Oh shoot, I forgot that was today," Lisa said with a scowl.

"Is it still doable?" asked Tony.

The determined mother wasn't about to pass up a hot romp with her gorgeous teenaged son because of a stupid oil change. "Well, I'm taking Jake to an appointment today after school. It's a pretty important one, that might require us to be there a couple hours at most. Can we reschedule it for tomorrow?"

Jake could hardly believe his ears. He was imagining their locker-romp would be a quick in-and-out, but his mom was making it sound like it would be a nice, long marathon fuck they'd be doing.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem...I'll call and reschedule," his dad assured her, then looked over at him. "What's this appointment? Is everything ok?"

The boy glanced at his mom speechlessly. Lucky for him, Lisa was quick on her toes. "He's fine. It's more of a school-related training thing, nothing's wrong with his health at all," she uttered.

"Oh good," his father said in relief. "Well, I'm outta here. Busy day at the office ahead."

"No surprise there," Lisa thought. "If you weren't so 'busy' at the office maybe you'd have the energy to fuck your wife at night."

Lisa felt just a tinge of guilt kissing her husband goodbye, knowing she was gonna have her womb ball-blasted by her big-dicked son later that day. She retuned to the kitchen to find Jake snickering "What's so funny?" she inquired.

"School-related training, huh?"

"Well, technically I wasn't lying," Lisa pointed out. "I'll be TRAINING you how to fuck girls in your locker at school."

"So, what do I say if dad asks me how it went?"

His mom leaned over, grabbed a blueberry out of his bowl and popped it into her luscious mouth. The neck of her robe had opened substantially, exposing a huge gaping cleavage for her boy to gawk at. "Hopefully you tell him it was the most incredible 'training' you've ever gotten," she responded flirtingly. "You better hurry and eat. If you get a detention again for being late you'll spoil our after-school date."

The swell of Lisa's rounded buttocks swayed delightfully beneath her robe as she strode from the kitchen. She stopped and gazed back from him from the doorway, her pretty face peeking from the curtain of her platinum-blonde hair. "Trust me...this is one fuck you're not gonna wanna miss," the whispered, then disappeared from the kitchen.

Jake could hardly focus in school that day, and rightly so. His mom was a beautiful woman who he swore resembled the singer, Kellie Pickler. She had a thick round ass that he loved to stare at when she walked, but by far her best physical feature was her giant-sized tits. He had overheard her once talking to his Aunt about how she had to order special J-cup bras from the UK to fit her chest. He couldn't help but wonder if part of his after-school "demonstration" would allow him to see them naked.

During his third hour, he got a text from his mom. "Your locker's not dirty and stinky is it? 🤢😂" it read.

"No, I just cleaned it out a couple days ago," he texted back.

"Oh, good! You'll have to find a place to put your backpack or anything else that could get in our way," her next text advised.

"Got it," Jake responded, still in disbelief that she was actually doing something so naughty and risky with him.

"Oh, and what's your locker combination? I guess I'll need that, haha😋."

Jake could hardly text the numbers to her, his hands were shaking so much with excitement.

Next, his hot mom sent him a picture of her entire naked, silky leg extended out, nearly to her crotch, with her toes pointed across his parent's bedroom. He noticed that her toenails were freshly painted a deep maroon, which was his school color. Under the picture, the text read: "Since I'm gonna be hanging on campus today, I figured I better show some school spirit."

Jake stared at the photo, admiring the way his mom's tan leg gave off a silky sheen. "Looks like your legs are freshly shaved too," he texted.

"Yes, my legs AND something else, 😉" she texted back.

The boy tried not to think too much about that 'something else,' for fear of getting a hard-on in class. The rest of the school day seemed to drag, but probably because he was checking the clock every five minutes.

Finally, the bell sounded and students scrambled to get off school property as quickly as they could. Jake wandered down to the corridor where the lockers were, lingering for a few minutes as he waited for his fellow Seniors to dissipate.

He looked over at his own locker, trying to wrap his head around the fact that his mom could actually be in there waiting for him. As a senior, he had one of the big lockers. The smaller ones around his were for Juniors and Sophomores. Finally, when no one else was around, he stepped over, quickly spun the dial around to the numbers of his combination, then popped the door open.

Lisa was leaning against the back wall of the locker, dressed in a snug tank-top, shorts and cute little wedged-heeled sandals. "Hi," she whispered cutely, greeting him with an eager smile. The way her arms were squashed against the metal walls made her mammoth jugs balloon outward. Jake could even see the nubs of her fat nipples through the fabric.

"Hi," he replied, his heart pounding faster than it ever had. His mom's hair and makeup was done up to the nines. She had even applied a light coat of pink lipstick, which he'd never seen her wear before.

"Is there anyone out there?" she asked in a hushed tone.

Jake gawked at the enormous bulging cleavage clearly on display and framed in by the neck of her tank top. This certainly wasn't something his mom had ever worn at home.

"Honey?" her sweet voice asked, breaking his tittie-trance.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, um..." he muttered, looking around. "There's just one person."

"As soon as they're gone, come in," Lisa told him.

Ironically, the 'one person' out there was a hot blonde that Jake was dying to sink his boner into. One of the ones who's parents were super-protective. She closed her locker door and flashed Jake a flirty smile before walking off, making her young, plump buttocks wag as she disappeared down the corridor.

"Is she a CILF, honey?" his mom giggled, noticing how distracted her boy was.

"CILF?" her son asked.

"Classmate I'd like to fuck?"

"Oh, yeah...definitely one of those," he laughed.

"Well get in here and I'll show you how to fuck the shit out of her right here in your locker."

Jake stepped into his locker, closing the door behind him. He was now chest to chest with his mom, standing room only, with her jutting tits pressed softly against him.

"See...fits two people, no problem," his mom pointed out.

"Yeah, but two people having sex? That's another story."

Even inside the closed locker, light from the outside still streaked in from little slits along the door, allowing Jake to see his mom's smiling lips and beautiful hazel eyes. "Get your shorts and briefs off, then prepare to be schooled," she whispered.

The boy quickly complied, and his fully-erect boner spunk upward and rubbed against his mom's belly. He gulped nervously. "Shit, I left the condoms in my backpack," he blurted.

"Good. Throw them out when we're finished here."

"Throw them out?"

"Yes, Throw them out, burn them, I don't care...just get rid of them," Lisa demanded. "If a girl wants to fuck you, she better be on birth control. It's not real sex unless you can feel her vagina wetting and clasping your penis bareback. No boy of mine will have his boner sheathed in latex."

"So YOU'RE on birth control?" Jake asked.

"No, but I'm old enough to be in tune with my cycle. I'm not ovulating right now, so you can't get me pregnant."

"Oh, I see," Jake acknowledged, staring down at the long, dark split of her tit-cleavage.

"If you can make locker sex work with me, you can make it work with any girl," Lisa remarked.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because my boobs are ten times bigger than those on any girl you go to school with," she answered. "If there's room enough to fuck me in here, with these big ol' tits, there's certainly room enough to fuck any of them."

"I'm still not completely convinced it's even possible. I can hardly even move in here," Jake pointed out.

"The first thing we wanna do is create some lubrication," Lisa instructed.

"I didn't bring any."

"I said 'create,' honey. Men and women create that naturally through sexual arousal."

Jake gasped sharply as he felt his mom's hand grasp his erection near the base. She pumped her thumb against the underside of his meaty stalk. "Your lubricant will flow up through your urethra and out your piss-slit," the mother explained, then took his hand and guided it up under the leg of her stretchy shorts.

The boy's body shuddered with arousal as his hand landed on her shaved pussy. "You're not wearing panties?" he asked.

"Nope, and I'm wearing loose-fitting shorts for easy access. A woman self-lubricates from glands just inside her vagina. Run your middle finger up through my cunt-slit to see how wet I am," she breathed.

Jake did so, feeling hot slippery cuntal-nectar soak his finger. "Wow, you're...super wet!" he observed, catching a whiff of both her sweet perfume and the pungent aroma of her aroused pussy.

Lisa squeezed her hand all the way up her boy's steely-hard prick, feeling the pre-ejaculatory slime ooze from his meatus. She thickly coated his knob, then brought her hands up on his shoulders and slipped her dainty bare feet from her sandals. "OK, honey...we're lubed up and ready. Like I told you before, we're limited in the number of positions we can do in here, but I'll show you a few of the easiest ones."

"Alight," the teen breathed excitedly. He'd had some pretty exciting fuck-dates before, but this one took the cake.

"I'm gonna hook my leg up around you, and pretty much sit against your crotch. You hold my ass and you'll be able to guide your thrusts, ok?"

"Got it!" the boy whispered, his heart beating so fast he found it hard to breathe.

Lisa steadied herself by placing a hand against the locker wall, while lifting her smooth, lovely leg and curling it around her boy's midsection. This brought their overheated crotches together and made her monstrous mommy-melons flatten even more against her son's chest, like soft, warm bread-dough.

"Ahhh!" the teen moaned, feeling her silky-shaved pundendal folds drag against his knob as his mom lined herself up on the weeping crown of his cock. Lisa lowered onto him, splitting her twat with the shiny, engorged bulb of his erection.

They both gasped in unison, feeling Jake's steely boner slide through the remnants of Lisa's hymen and sink up into the wet smothering heat of her fuck-tube.

"Oh, big!" the mother squealed as her cuntal lining stretched around his thick, invading slab of cock-meat. She never complained about her husband's penis size, but she knew there was nothing like a huge, muscular teenage cock.

Jake's peter-tip mashed against the pursed ring of her external o's, just as her hairless outer labia met his cock-base. The mother could feel the excited pulse of his heart through his engorged knob as she squeezed it tenderly with her warm, secreting walls.

"There it is, honey," she whispered with thrill in her voice. "You're all the way inside show mom what you got."

The boy began to work his hips beneath her, plunging his boner through the snug sleeve of her thickly-pleated vaginal tube.

"Hot damn, mom...your pussy feels incredible!" he softly gasped, pumping his big prick through her mature coital grip. He could certainly tell she was more skilled and experienced than the girls he'd been with by the way her vagina humping and pulsated around his jabbing pussy-prod.

"Oh, God...I love this!" the mother squealed, throwing her head forward and locking lips with him. Their tongues thrashed together wildly and Jake's mom whimpered into his mouth from the feel of his big fuck-muscle pounding against her cervix.

After several minutes of feverish French kissing, the mother peeled her lips away. "And you didn't think fucking in here was possible," she teased, working her wide hips to meet his steady fuck-humps.

Jake peered down and watched her jiggling tit-cleavage in wide-eyed fascination. The fatty flesh of her knockers rippled against him deliciously to their tireless fuck-rhythm. "I had my doubts, but you proved me wrong," the boy said. He loved the way his mom was letting out cute little "huffs" of pleasure from his rhythmic fucking. The fact that he was hitting the back of her vagina was also a huge ego-boost.

When her boy's eyes returned to her to her rippling bosom, Lisa realized she could do something to make this even more special for him. "Would you like me to take of my top and my tits can bounce around on you?" she inquired.

"Would I ever!"

Lisa quickly shed her tank top, peeling it from between their compressed bodies and dropping it to the floor.

"Oh, wow!" the boy wondrously exclaimed as he was greeted by more tit-flesh, which seemed to jostle around inside the overflowing cups of her sexy bra. The cock-humping mother reached around and unhooked the four clasps holding back her mammoth rack.

When her bra sprung free of her frame, Jake's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. "Holy hell!" gasped the boy as Lisa's huge mommy-melons began leaping and rippling against his upper body.

"There, is that better, honey?" his mom giggled.


She tugged his head towards her bouncing udders. "Stuff your face down between them, while you fuck me," she breathlessly suggested.

The teen's wicked dreams were all coming true. He pushed his face in the squishy, jiggling canyon between his mom's breasts. "Holy fuck!" he gasped, his voice muffled by fatty tit-flesh.

Lisa giggled, knowing just how much her baby always wanted to be smothered between her wonderfully-large melons. She felt his hard, sinewy cock flex powerfully, stimulating some of the most pleasurable areas of her vaginal tract, especially the ones along the upper wall, back by her cervical cap. It was an area her husband simply didn't have the length to touch, even at his hardest.

Jake pummeled his throbbing dick-meat up into the cunt of his dreams. He always knew when a girl was about to cum on him, by the way her pussy began to tighten around his cock. Those pussies felt incredible, but the sensations his mom's cunt-tube was providing was on a whole other level.

"Goddamn, mom!" the boy gasped, peeking up from between her smothering tits. He felt the muscles in her pelvic floor contract, compressing the slippery pink pleats lining her cunt-tube around his entire boner as it dug through her.

"I'm gonna cum on you, baby!" she mewled as her curvy flesh began to tremble in pleasure against her boy.

Jake mashed his lips against her breastbone, feeling all the doughy-soft flesh jump and slosh around his face. "I'm gonna cum too!" he announced, with pleasure-stricken urgency in his voice.

The frantically humping mother felt her boy's knob mushroom even bigger inside her. They both clenched their teeth together, their faces twisting in ecstasy as their juicy climaxes collided. Jake's first grunt coincided with a hot splash of gooey ejaculate that struck his mom's back wall.

Lisa's pussy-tube suddenly contracted wildly around the unyielding hardness of Jake's prick, chewing at its pink flesh.

The teen groaned and whimpered as he pumped savagely, their spewing crotches slapping together wetly. His dick tingling with more pleasure than he'd ever felt as his ropes spat wildly from his piss-slit, splattering along Lisa's pulsating walls.