Lois: A Tale Of Seduction


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"You fucking bastard!" I blurted out

"W,wh, what do you m,m,mean by that!" a very startled Fred stammered as he jerked his head up to finally look at me while he talked.

"Just that, you fucking bastard, you slime ball, you sack of shit, and this!"

I slammed the news clipping on the desk in front of him, my cheeks glowing red with my anger. I still had not told him about my pregnancy and now I did not ever intend to tell him.

Fred realized what the article said after reading only a few words. He looked up at me with a stricken face, and started to say, "Lois, I..." before I interrupted him.

"And while I'm at it," I said, "here is my resignation, effective immediately. Since this is the last day of the pay period, I will expect to pick up my pay check here at the office at the usual time." I turned on my heel and walked out of his office and out of the building.

Now I am up a shit creek without a paddle. No paddle, no job, no paycheck after this one, and pregnant! Nice going, Lois. I took a cab back to my apartment and bawled and sniffled for the rest of the morning and into the early afternoon. Hunger pangs finally forced me to get hold of myself and I cleaned up and went out for an early evening meal.

I was so unhappy and lonely that I allowed a young stud to pick me up. I did not want him to know where I lived, so I made him take me to a motel. The sex was physically satisfying, barely, but it did nothing at all for my emotions. He had a big cock and he knew how to use it and I was as sexually insatiable as ever. Like an alcoholic, maybe, addicted to and lost in sex,

I tuned out the rest of the world and forgot my troubles for-- a while. I wore his cock down to a vestige of its former self before he gave up and I took a cab back to my apartment.

Well, it was going to break my parents' hearts, but I was going to have to break the news to them and move back in with them. That would be very difficult.

I still needed sex and this was (then) late 1961. The sexual and other revolutions of the still later 1960's had not yet occurred and public attitudes about taboos had not changed much as yet. Premarital sex, especially that which resulted in a pregnancy was still very much taboo. That was very much so in my small, conservative home town. My parents would be mortified in public.

One of the girls I knew at the office wanted to move out of a bad neighborhood. She had been to my apartment many times and she really liked it. I called her and we were able to work out the details that would enable her to take over my lease. Then I called home.

After a lengthy conversation of catching up on the latest news, Mother asked, "What's wrong, Lois, you don't sound like yourself."

"I just need to come home, Mother, I'll tell you and Daddy all about it when I get there.

I took the train home the next day. The tragedy played itself out in our living room that evening. Daddy didn't say a word the whole time I told my story. He just sat there. I had expected him to beat me within an inch of my life.

I ended by saying, "Mother, Daddy, I have given this a lot of thought and I don't see how I can keep the baby. I have to give it up for adoption. There will be no father, I don't have a job, and I can't afford a baby."

After a lengthy discussion of that topic, Mother agreed to take me to Peoria on the morrow to talk to a parochial welfare organization affiliated with our national church. At that meeting, which lasted three agonizing hours, I accepted the advice and offering to go to a foster home during my pregnancy and signed an agreement, placing my baby out for adoption after it was born.

Two weeks later, my decision to go this route was proven correct when my new gynecologist performed an examination of me and said he could detect two separate fetal hearteats! I was carrying twins. That resulted in some documentation changes at the agency, but the result was still the same. I was placing my babies out for adoption.

I was going to spend the remainder of my pregnancy at the home of a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Hannah Glockenspiel. They lived on a small livestock farm in a rural area and had an eighteen year old boy, Randy, in his senior year in high school and a ten year old girl, Ingrid, a fourth grader. They had cared for three girls before me and I felt comfortable with what I heard about them from the agency.

Mother delivered me to the Glockenspiel farm just before noon on a bright, cheery afternoon, and of course, Mrs. Glockenspiel invited mother to stay for lunch. Mr. Glockenspiel came in from his chores to join us at the lunch table and the four of us got along fabulously.

Mother was delighted and I felt quite comfortable with my foster parents. I had yet to meet the two children which had to wait until Randy got home later in the evening from his summer job and Ingrid when she returned from summer camp at the end of the week. But they turned out to be charming as well, especially Randy.

Although he hid it well from his parents, it did not take long for me to figure out that Randy was infatuated with me, very deeply infatuated with me. He could not stop looking at me when he was in my presence. He kept giving me little trinkets and, he kept bumping into me.

Well, I said before, I needed sex and this pregnancy, at least so far, was an easy one. I was the next thing to being nymphomatic about my need for sex. My experience with Fred had not soured me on men in general, but but it did make me more cynical. Thus, although it was probably not a good idea, I began to encourage Randy and his attentions, albeit, surreptitiously because of his parents and sister. Although I was only a little over two years older than Randy, I guess I looked upon myself as the "older woman" who would teach the young puppy all about how to make love while I satisfied my own needs at the same time.

And that is just what Randy looked like, a lost little puppy dog with big, soft, blue eyes that just seemed to beg for love. He was just too cute. And, he was a STUD and a half. Big for his age, tall and broad shouldered.

As he worked about the farm yard, without a shirt, I saw his broad shoulders, muscular chest, and six pack abs and I just drooled lusted endlessly for his body. It wasn't just my mind that drooled. I would often have to abruptly turn and leave to hide the wetness the flowed from my pussy and soaked through to my jeans.

On occasion, a bulge would appear in his pants as he looked at me, especially when I would trot around in skimpy outfits in the summer heat. I also began to devise ways to allow Randy to see me nearly nude in the hallway between my room and the bathroom by leaving doors partially open, as well as other little tricks.

This was relatively easy as Mr. and Mrs. had their bedroom on the first floor and the rest of us each had our own room on the second floor. I just had to be careful that Ingrid did not catch on to what was going on. That was a little difficult because Ingrid was such a precocious little girl. She caught on to things very quickly.

My first real opportunity to capitalize on conditions occurred one Friday evening. Ingrid was spending Friday and Saturday nights at a girlfriend's house with her chums and Mr. and Mrs. Glockenspiel were in town for the evening at a church function. They would be gone for several hours. Randy and I were in the living room, watching TV. I got up to go pee. When I returned, Randy was stretching high and yawning.

"Tired, Randy?" I inquired.

"Very!" he replied. "It has been a long day at work and then some heavy chores here at home before supper. I'm bushed."

"Let me rub your neck and shoulders a bit. It will help relax you."

I did not wait for an answer. Instead, I stepped up behind the overstuffed chair in which he was sitting and began to knead his neck and shoulders, slowly and sensuously.

"Oh God but that feels great," Randy sighed.

After about fifteen minutes of that, I asked, "Randy, would you return the favor, please? Being pregnant sure puts a strain on my neck and shoulders, not to mention my back."

"Oh Yes!" exclaimed Randy, "It would be my great pleasure!"

I changed places with Randy. I was barefoot and wearing only a loose halter top, sans bra, and loose, big shorts to accommodate by expanding belly. Randy started to knead my neck and shoulders. Randy had not been working very long before he managed, accidentally or not, to nudge first one halter strap and then the other off my shoulders, allowing them to drop down my arms. His breathing deepened and quickened noticeably when the second strap dropped, allow the top to fall enough to reveal the tops of my boobs from just above the nipples.

Randy dropped his hands lower down my chest than needed and my halter top, absent its support straps, was dropping lower with each of movement of his hands, exposing more and more of my boobs to his view. His breath grew just a big more ragged as if he was contemplating how much of a chance he should take and how much further he could go. I solved his problems for him.

I said, "Randy, slide your hands down over my boobs where you want them." When he hesitated, I urged him on again saying, "Go on, do it."

Randy's hands slowly slid under the halter and one went around the outside of each tit. The halter dropped down onto my lap. "Oh, oooohhh," I moaned as Randy caressed and kneaded on my tits. "Pinch the nipples between your thumb and finger, Randy. Ahhhh, yes, just like that."

"Oh damn, shit!" cried Randy as he quickly withdrew his hands.

"What in the world?" I asked, startled and turned my head to look back. Randy's face was beet red.

"What's wrong, Randy?" I asked. At the same time, I saw the wet stain barely showing on the front of his pants. "Oh, did you cum in your pants?"

Randy nodded once with a shame faced grin as the crimson color spread even further.

"It's ok, Randy, it's ok. Now you will stay hard for some time before you can cum again. I like a very hard man, one who lasts."

A sick looking grin appeared on Randy's face as I stood, topless, and walked over to him. I took his shirt off and moved to his belt buckle. I pulled his zipper down and dropped his pants and boxers. A monster eighteen year old cock bobbed free and pointed up at me at a forty-five degree angle.

"See," I said, "You're hard again already just because I undressed you."

I knelt down in front of him and took his cock in my mouth. His was another uncircumcised one. I love them uncut. I played with his cock with my hand, lips, and tongue until I had him quivering so hard I thought he would fall. If possible, his cock grew even harder and a fraction longer. I know it thickened some.

I released his cock and said to Randy, "Pull my shorts down now and lick me."

I had to coach him for a while, but Randy eventually did a decent job with his mouth and tongue on my pussy and my clit. Randy kept going like he could not now get enough of me. Well, I hadn't any of him yet, but that was about to change. Both of us were now completely naked.

"Randy," I said, "pull that blanket off the couch and spread in on the floor in front of the (dead fire) fireplace."

I don't know what there is about an eighteen year old cock that makes it look so huge, other than the fact that, I guess, Randy's cock was huge. The front and back views of his cock and his hanging balls were resplendent macho youth and vigor as he retrieved the blanket and spread it on the floor.

"All right now, young man, on the floor on your back. I'm going to mount you and ride you into the floor!"

Randy lay down on his back, his cock pointing back toward his face. That cock was so heavy it kept dropping down onto his stomach. He picked it up and slowly stroked it as he watched me stroll over to him and get down on my knees astride of him. I positioned myself over top of his missile and pulled my nether lips apart with my hand as I dropped down onto the tip of that monster pole. Randy just kept stroking, eyes glued to my pussy the whole time.

The head of his cock had just barely penetrated my open gate as I stopped and held my position. Randy spontaneously lunged with an upward thrust of his hips and drove his spear into my sheath as as I dropped fully down, engulfing him balls deep.

"Ohh myyy God, Ohhhh my God, OOOhh Goddd!" Randy moaned. "I have never in my life felt anything so great," he sobbed. I began to ride him fast and furiously and Randy just expelled a loud "OHHH!" each time I bounced and bottomed out on him.

I came in one rolling orgasm after another the whole time. When I finally tired, Randy still had not cum again. I slowly lifted off and plopped his cock out of me and said, "Ok, big guy, your turn to do the work."

I grabbed a pillow from the couch and said, "I'm going to get on all fours and you are going to play stallion to my mare. Fuck me into tomorrow, you big horse stud!"

Randy needed no further coaching. He mounted me from behind and eased back into my pussy. He hesitated for a bit and then began to thrust, slowly, then faster and faster until his cock was like a steam engine piston rod, just a blur of motion.

After a full ten minutes, Randy gave a last, lusty shove and with a sharply arched back, unloaded his wad deep in my pussy. Amazingly, it was just that, another really large load of cum.

"FUCK!" we both cried together as we collapsed onto the blanket, still coupled and Randy crushing me down underneath his body.

"My God, that was some fuck," I said.

"I'll second that!" replied Randy. "Now I know what fucking is all about and what fucking somebody's brains out means!"

"And I will second that one!" I replied. "Not to complain too much, Randy, but you are getting a bit heavy on my growing stomach!"

"Yikes!" squealed Randy as he jumped up with a slurping, sucking sound as his still hard cock pulled free of my pussy.

"Anyway," I said, "It's close to time for your folks to come home, so we'd better straighten up and clean up and then put some clothes or PJs on before they get here."

I went on to live with the Glockenspiels for the remainder of my pregnancy. Later sonograms confirmed the babies I carried were girls. Randy and I enjoyed a good many exhilarating fucks during the rest of my stay. That young man really did grow in maturity and self-confidence and I really think I had something to do with that.

When my time arrived, Mrs. Glockenspiel stayed in the labor room with me. Twelve hours later, I delivered identical twin girls who were pretty as a picture. I enjoyed them for twenty-four hours and then, in tears, I signed the final papers, placing them available for adoption with the parochial agency.

There was simply no way I could raise twins in my circumstances. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I did learn, later from the agency, about their placement with a lovely couple who desperately wanted children but couldn't have any of their own. I was only given generalities, but I was satisfied and confident my girls would have a good, Christian home in which to grow up and that would have a mother and a father.

Randy went on to college and me? Well, I [alternative ending begins here] went back to work as an executive secretary in a large city, but not Chicago, and continued my quest for Mr. Right.

My girls would have celebrated their fifth birthday yesterday. How time does fly. I had rented one half of a duplex, a short twenty minute commute from work. Although I dated occasionally, there still was no 'Mr. one and only' in my life. So, when the doorbell rang that Saturday morning (what is it about Saturday mornings with me, anyway?) I wasn't expecting anyone. Likely a salesman was my thought.

I answered the door in my usual, just out of bed attire of a battered old robe over my naked body, my hair still a mess, and no make-up, not that I wore much anyway. When I opened the door, there stood Randy Glockenspiel with a big, shit-ass grin on his face, a dozen red roses, and a real glint in his eyes!

Finis OR Alternate Ending


Randy went on to college. And me? Well, I had most of the month left on the apartment in which Fred had installed me and it was too plush to waste. Besides, I had nowhere else to go. I thought about trying to get another secretarial job, but somehow, that nine to five bit no longer appealed to me. Nor would it support the lifestyl I had become used to thanks to Fred.

At the one week anniversary of signing away my babies, I was sitting in a popular, upscale lounge trying to drown my sorrows. I had dressed in a sexy outfit though it fell short of vampy or slutty. Something about me attracted a gorgeous woman on the arm of what looked like a business tycoon.

She handed me a card as she whispered, "You might want to give this number a ring, dear."

Huh? What was that all about?

I mulled it over for two days before I finally gave in and called the number on the card. The phone was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, Real Doll Escort Service, how may we help you?"



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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You have a couple of problems with anachronisms here. There were no home pregnancy tests in 1958 and no sonograms.

jmjdriverjmjdriverover 16 years ago

I, too, caught the "remove thong then remove panties" little discrepancy, but otherwise a fairly erotic story. Not one of your best, but still pretty good. I prefer the second ending.

Gus AsparGus Asparover 16 years ago

Delicious, cock-hardening story. I like the first ending, and could we have another chapter, please, perhaps of how you and Randy get married but get into partner swapping? (Incidentally, one technical criticism: Fred rips off your thong, but in the next paragraph he pulls down your panties. Needs tidying up?)

melsdadmelsdadover 16 years ago
Loved the honesty and reality of your story.

I judge stories by the way they take me into them, so that I can't stop reading them, whilst the words of the author create a movie of the proceedings in my mind.

This is an erotic story site, your story was very erotic; my cock seconds that opinion.

Thank you, and please keep using your talent to arouse and entertain all of us readers and writers on this site.

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